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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Israel's record on respecting international laws and basic human rights is worse than that of North Korea.

I don't know about this part... They're bad, but worse than North Korea seems like sensationalist claiming to try and get a point across, that's not entirely backed by fact.

Mostly because we haven't seen North Korea in a conflict since the 50's. You sure they're going to be better than Israel?
Re: In today's news...

I don't know about this part... They're bad, but worse than North Korea seems like sensationalist claiming to try and get a point across, that's not entirely backed by fact.

Mostly because we haven't seen North Korea in a conflict since the 50's. You sure they're going to be better than Israel?

That's kind of the point. North Korea is better at it because they still haven't had a chance to prove otherwise, while Israel has had plenty of chances and took almost all of them.
I'm sure if they get that chance they will be equal or worse, but they still haven't gotten that chance. And if they do, Japan and the USA will be likely to take them down rather quickly.
In contrast, Israel manages to somehow still get supported (By the USA, nobody else likes them) even as they are the middle east's version of North Korea.

As for some news

A big extended middle finger to the NSA by an internet security firm.
Basically, they're saying "Don't use these encryption keys, the NSA has them."

Russia bans Qu'ran under counter-extremism laws.

As with many old religious texts, it contains parts that call for violence against nonbelievers.
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Re: In today's news...

Terrorism in Kenya

Appears to be Al-Shabab or something killing only non-muslims
Re: In today's news...


Some small bits of alien DNA and other minor life bits found(None actually alive). Most likely source is a comet.
Re: In today's news...

So while Miley Cyrus was twerking, apparently some other shit has gone down in the music scene involving Korean pop singers.

Story goes, Hyon Song Wol of the Unhasu Orchestra was executed in North Korea by firing squad in front of her family, before the survivors were shipped off to prison camps.

and one that tries to go the opposite route but ends with "yeah, something probly happened in that country"

Re: In today's news...

My sources gave me this link, so I'm reporting it here because it's news.
You don't have to believe it, but it's there if you want to read it.

And then some gaming news, 'social media gaming' is dangerous to the gaming industry

Mostly, that it takes away the attention from actual games in favour of farmville style grinding
Re: In today's news...

My sources gave me this link, so I'm reporting it here because it's news.
You don't have to believe it, but it's there if you want to read it.

Your sources don't have sources. That is to say there doesn't seem to be anything substantive to back it. I took a look at the FAQs, and it seems that anybody can publish anything there and the only two mentioned criteria for moderation are duplicate posts and spam.
Re: In today's news...

I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but this is news to me, so.

Today I learned that these were things, and as this site ostensibly deals in things like this I thought I should also mention that these things are things to you.

Re: In today's news...

Unexpected discovery for the medical news

A common drug that dermatologists prescribe to treat nail fungus appears to come with a not-so-tiny side effect: eradicating HIV.

In a study performed at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, not only does the drug Ciclopirox completely eradicate infectious HIV from cell cultures, but unlike today's most cutting-edge antiviral treatments, the virus doesn't bounce back when the drug is withheld. This means it may not require a lifetime of use to keep HIV at bay.

The same group of researchers had previously shown that Ciclopirox -- approved by the FDA and Europe's EMA as safe for human use to treat foot fungus -- inhibits the expression of HIV genes in culture. Now they have found that it also blocks the essential function of the mitochondria, which results in the reactivation of the cell's suicide pathway, all while sparing the healthy cells.

Further research is still underway on how to actually use this for people who have HIV


UN arms treaty to prevent arms sales to terrorists and other people who plan to do bad stuff with them.

"The treaty recognizes and protects the freedom of both individuals and states to obtain, possess and use arms for legitimate purposes," said the official.
The problem here, of course, is the question, who defines what is 'legitimate'?
Selling weapons to say, Syria, would be considered not legitimate for the USA, but countries such as Iran would consider it to be legitimate and perfectly fine, being allies after all.

While the focus appears to be on international arms trade, there are plenty of people(Including the gun lobbies in the US) who claim this may be used to restrict access to firearms on an individual level.


The same group that attacked the mall in Kenya as a terrorist act attacked several border towns by Somalia
The leader of the Somali group affiliated with al-Qaida said the attacks will continue until Kenyan troops are withdrawn from Somalia.

Warning: The following link includes images of things that may not be suitable for children and may be considered shocking.
Comment and link spoilered just in case.

Krokodil, a homemade heroin substitute that rots the users flesh off their body spotted in the US, Arizona.
This is worse than meth - The flesh of people who use this rots away while they're still alive, it is described as being very unpleasant.
The only real reason this stuff is used is because it's similar to heroin, but a whole lot cheaper. Personally, I would suggest just legalising all drugs to discourage the use of such extremes. At least heroin is just addictive and a little bad for you, rather than addictive and extremely body wrecking like Krokodil


US renews its global terrorism alert

...So pretty much nothing new, Al-Qaeda still hates the US.
My source has already bet 10 bucks the US will 'stop a major terrorist attack' and credit the NSA and its extensive surveillance as a way to create good public opinion on it.

Edit for a bit old news:

Hundreds of Orthodox Jews gathered in front of the European Commission in Brussels to protest against the Israeli treatment of Orthodox Jewish people.

For those unaware, Israel is surprisingly hostile to many Jews.
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Re: In today's news...

Canadians are trying to poison my water!

Okay, disbarring the derpy opening, apparently a Canadian power company is planning on building a waste dump pretty much right next to one of the Great Lakes.

I tried to find a source besides the people trying to stop it from happening, but only looked for a minute or so and decided that that one was good enough to get a general idea despite the obvious spin.

I would appreciate not getting radiation poisoning, so signatures would be appreciated.
Re: In today's news...

Golden Dawn now officially a criminal organisation in Greece, leader charged with leading a criminal organisation

Golden Dawn is the third most popular party in Greece, they essentially represent a large part of the Greek population.
The currently ruling party says it was the right decision to arrest their opponents, and it does appear that Golden Dawn members were involved in a lot of violence(Some of which directed at political opponents). Whether or not that was organised by Golden Dawn or not is uncertain.

My friend that linked me this told me, it's like they're doing their best to ban everyone who disagrees with their failing austerity policies, and the failing multi-cultural policies. This will most likely not go over well with Golden Dawn's supporters.
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Re: In today's news...

Edit: Feb 2011, nevermind, not new at all

20 refugees suspected of gang rape at Stockholm public swimming pool

May need google translate, but since I was supplied a translation I'll put it in the spoiler for ease of reading. The translation is not the full story.

20 refugees suspected of gang rape at Stockholm public swimming pool

All Swedish media chose this week to cover up the gang rape that occurred in Husby swimming pool in northern Stockholm on Sunday. 20 unaccompanied refugee youths from Björkuddens transit accommodation are suspected of having molested three Swedish girls aged 11 and 12 years old.

The incident occurred when the tax-funded welfare company Attendos Care made a trip to Husby swimming pool with 20 of the unaccompanied refugee youths who live on the company's plant Björkudden in Solna.
Refugee youths, which reportedly are around 17-year-old of Arabic and African descent, attacked a group of Swedish girls who were around 11-years-old. The girls were harassed, insulted and when they tried to escape from the immigrants, the gang tore off the girls swimsuits.
A number of boys in the girls' companion tried to stop the rape, but were instead abused. The attacks stopped only when a lifeguard reached the spot.

After the incident, the staff from the swimming pool locked the refugee youths in a special room while waiting for the police. A police report was then established at the scene. Police spokesperson Diana Sundin told the Aftonbladet newspaper, that the boys were quickly separated from the girls when the incident took place.
As shocking as it sounds, the Swedish taxpayers have pay $150.000 per year to house each refugee. Angry Swedes have raised the question if it was worth to invest 3 million dollars per year for these 20 youths involved in the rape of the 11-year-old Swedish girl.

Rapes are usual
Before the visit, Attendos staff had a meeting with the asylum seekers, where they explained that they had to control themselves and not touch (in a sexual way) or rape any of the girls at the swimming pool.
Several houses with asylum seekers have earlier had problems with the "alone coming" (unaccompanied) children raping or committing sexual harassment, for example when Swedish girls have came to sing Lucia songs. In Gullspång female staff had to quit because of sexual abuse.

Recurring problems at Husby swimming pool
Rape and sexual abuse are commonplace in the publicly funded Husby bath, which is perhaps Sweden's most lavish public swimming pools. In March 2005 a woman was raped by an immigrant boy in the pool and in 2006 a 16-year-old girl was gang-raped by immigrant gangs.
Swedish blogger Henrik Johansson said Mariebad Officer Eric Santos now has procedures for similar events, where you quickly isolate the designated group. He also has a direct number to the police and a contact person at the station. In addition, police clothes are periodically present at the swimming pool, and has also been meeting with the staff.

Egg attack and investigation.
Shortly after the incident, the Swedish police instead of investigating the alleged rapists, have launched a preliminary investigation into a suspected case of agitation against ethnic groups after a group of right-wing activists screamed racial slurs and threw eggs at the refugee housing facility in Solna, north of Stockholm.
"Outside the refugee facility they screamed "blackheads" and "go home immigrants" and other things," police spokesperson Diana Sundin told the magazine Expo, which tracks right-wing extremism.
Police spokesperson Marie-Louise Nilsson from Stockholm's western district, while refusing to confirm who was behind the action, confirmed for the TT news agency that around 30 people, primarily men, arrived at the facility in their cars.
They were carrying signs and threw eggs at the building, in addition to screaming racial slurs, but left the scene once police arrived.
The "attack" on the refugee housing facility, comes following accusations that residents at the facility had sexually molested girls at a nearby public pool.

Edit2: Have some actual news. small as it may be

Boy suspended from school over gun-shaped key chain
Stupidity and incompetence, basically
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Re: In today's news...

Edit2: Have some actual news. small as it may be

Boy suspended from school over gun-shaped key chain
Stupidity and incompetence, basically

Sadly, in the US, you hear more and more stories of this type. Action Figure guns, key chains of weaponry blunter then a finger, scissors and letter openers brought for school supplies, and nail clippers all reasons for suspension and expulsion.

Re: In today's news...

SO yeah, U.S. is shutting down non-critical government functions today, lasting until the government is funded. Can someone point me to the nearest place WHERE I CAN STRANGLE THE INCOMPETENT FUCKWADS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SHIT. Especially that Cruz guy. He seems to be near, if not at, the center of all this.
And, no, Capitol Hill won't work. Would get shot before I got anywhere near a neck. I'm insane, not stupid.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, the shutdown's not fun.

Until it's over, AND all of the fallout from it dealt with, my family's basically on just my part-time income. For FOUR adults. Which means we may end up having to reduce our expenses to just essential stuff. Which likely means no internet.

So, if I suddenly disappear for a while, that'll be why.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, the shutdown's not fun.

Until it's over, AND all of the fallout from it dealt with, my family's basically on just my part-time income. For FOUR adults. Which means we may end up having to reduce our expenses to just essential stuff. Which likely means no internet.

So, if I suddenly disappear for a while, that'll be why.

Well I do know that certain things have been budgeted for. If it's money the government owes you, like veteran's benefits and pensions and such, that money's been allotted and should still get to you, though it may take longer. I don't know about social support programs, though. You might be fucked on that one.
Re: In today's news...

My dad's retired. Mom, however, works for the USDA. In other words, she's a Federal employee, which means she's not going to be working or getting paid for this.
Re: In today's news...

My dad's retired. Mom, however, works for the USDA. In other words, she's a Federal employee, which means she's not going to be working or getting paid for this.

I am under the impression that the last time something like this happened was 1996, and the federal employees who were cut during the shutdown were paid for their time off when they came back. I hope that's true this time, too.
Re: In today's news...

While the US government is acting like a bunch of children and refusing to do their job(From my understanding), scientists (theoretically) create what is essentially the stuff lightsabers are made out of

In short, it's (Slightly more than usual) solid light. They won't be building any lightsabers out of it, but it may hold the key to progress in computer tech and for the future, 3d crystal structures made out of light.

Re: In today's news...

While the US government is acting like a bunch of children and refusing to do their job

Accurate. The current state of affairs is as such:
The government needs an annual budget to do government stuff. This must be passed in the house and sent to the senate. The republicans have a majority in the house, the democrats in senate. The republicans have refused to pass a budget without changes to the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare), and the democrats have refused to pass any budget with changes to the same. As such, no budget has been passed, and all "non-essential" government employees and services have been put on indefinite furlough until such a time as they can be paid for.

And then a bunch of WW2 vets moved the barricades to gain access to a national monument that had been and will remain closed for the "slowdown".