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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

"You want to restrain our holy land with borders? It's like being put into Auschwitz!"
Just an article on more Israel-Palestine negotiations, with Israeli ministers making fools of themselves.

And for our favourite financial institutes

Bank Repossesses Wrong House, Sells Off Homeowner's Stuff

"An Ohio bank is refusing to reimburse a Vinton County woman whose house they unjustly repossessed while she was out of town."
"With all of her stuff either sold off by the bank or thrashed, the homeowner presented the bank's president with an $18,000 estimate for restitution."

The bank is refusing to pay anything, and the cops don't consider it a problem.
Re: In today's news...

Just an article on more Israel-Palestine negotiations, with Israeli ministers making fools of themselves.

Unfortunately, they aren't really making fools of themselves, since most of the time the WW2 card still works pretty well for them.
Re: In today's news...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a difference between Israeli and Jew?
Re: In today's news...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a difference between Israeli and Jew?

That may be the case. On the other hand criticism of Israeli politicians still has to be expressed in a very careful manner.
Coming from Germany, I read expressions like "historical responsibility" and the like - when it comes to German-Isreali relations - almost every day, I kid you not.

You may be familiar with the case of Günther Grass, a famous German novelist/poet still alive today. If I remember correctly it was about a year ago when he published a poem ("What has to be said") in which he criticized German military support for Israel. After which he was treated in an almost offensive way, due to him being in the Waffen-SS at the age of 17(!). Suffice to say the poem wasn't discussed in an appropriate manner.

Although it is of course a touchy subject altogether, the approximation Israeli=Jew for many journalists and politicians is still very much reality, from what I can tell.
Re: In today's news...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a difference between Israeli and Jew?

Indeed there is
A Jew is someone who follows the religion of Judaism (For a moment ignoring the definitions from their own holy texts)
An Israeli is just a citizen of Israel, regardless of religion

And then nobody actually seems to bother looking into the Jews either, often assuming they're just one people with one culture while there are multiple ethnicities who follow the religion and can all call themselves Jewish, each with different customs and even different languages (Hebrew was a language much like Latin until Israel's founding, where they decided they needed a common language for all the people who came there. Important, since in the same town there could be Polish, English, French, and Spanish immigrants, each speaking their own language)
Even Israel's treatment of Jews is not equal, with some groups of Jews being treated differently from others.

Many people are woefully under informed about this thing

And some more news
Thailand bans bitcoins

Mostly because they don't have any laws for virtual currencies. You may need google translate for the link if you can't read Dutch
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Re: In today's news...

Following McDonalds making themselves look stupid with their 2-job, no-food budget, someone calculated how much it would cost them to double the wages of their employees

The result: Their prices would have to rise by 17 cents for every dollar.

And that is if they double their CEO's wage as well. It would cost them pretty much nothing if they keep the CEO's multi-million wage the same.

And for the people wanting to vote with their wallet, an app that lets you see whether the product you're buying was made by anyone controversial

Corporations go with many names, so when they get a bad reputation they'll just try to sell the same stuff through a different name. You can figure out if they're doing that now.
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Re: In today's news...

Following McDonalds making themselves look stupid with their 2-job, no-food budget, someone calculated how much it would cost them to double the wages of their employees

The result: Their prices would have to rise by 17 cents for every dollar.

And that is if they double their CEO's wage as well. It would cost them pretty much nothing if they keep the CEO's multi-million wage the same.

One could argue that this is yet another example of McDonald's representing a general economic trend. You know, like the Big Mac index for example.
Re: In today's news...

I didn't post it at first as I thought normal media would report on it, seeing as it's a huge thing

But I've heard from a friend that most US media seems to have completely ignored the entire story

So here you go, Detroit filing for bankruptcy

In response, multiple groups of activists have made posters, pamphlets, and many other things to bring the US financial policies to the attention of people.
Massive amounts of aid being send to other countries, while in the US quality of life is steadily declining and finances become a problem.

You can find them, and their materials with a quick google for USfirst
Or alternatively, #USfirst

As for an example of what they mean and why they're being activists over it

Detroit receives less aid than Columbia
Re: In today's news...

The media hardly ignored it. It was front page for a few days, and is still frequently talked about, and is a rather hot topic for the facebook politicos :p I think your friend is less political savvy than at first he might appear and is trying to save face ;)
Re: In today's news...

Normal media did report on it extensively, as did source like the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. Probably as recently as last week.They can't hold on to it for too long though because TV News is ratings driven.
Re: In today's news...

It definitely made the headlines in international news as well.
Re: In today's news...

6 armed men arrive at someone's home after searching "pressure cooker" and "backpacks" article says.

Edit: After more investigation, the guy searched "Pressure cooker BOMBS" and backpacks, rather than just "pressure cooker" and "backpack"
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Re: In today's news...

This is so ridiculous. With everything I search for everyday, only because of what I study, I should be in cuffs already.
Re: In today's news...

U.S. embassies that would normally be open this Sunday - including those in Abu Dhabi, Baghdad and Cairo will be closed on Sunday

CBS News said U.S. embassies would also be closed in Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

Source says the only reason US embassies close en mass is in preparation for war. I would hope that's not the case, but those aren't the most stable regions either so I wouldn't be surprised

Swedish politician calls for a porn ban.
But only for white men.

(use google translate)

SWEDEN: Young Left wants to forbid porn - but only for white men.
August 2'd, 2013.

Johanna Granbom, leader of Young Left in Sweden recently created a debate when she proposed a ban on porn in Sweden. But not porn for everybody, just white men.
It was a post on the Swedish TV channel SVT Debate that the Young Left representative last week proposed the legislation ban against what she calls the "sick view of women."
When the leftist Swedish newspaper DN took contact with Johanna Granbom, she clarified it was just "one type of porn" that she wanted to criminalize: porn for white men.

-Porn that targets men of other skin colours than white, would be deemed "okey", and also porn targeted towards women or people of different sexual preferences.

Snowdon got asylum in Russia after all

As a side note, remember when Obama promised to protect whistleblowers? Yeah, that got quietly scrapped when it became inconvenient

Re: In today's news...

Swedish politician calls for a porn ban.
But only for white men.

(use google translate)

The logic behind this, if any was discovered in the process, is shaky to be blunt. What constitutes porn directed to white males? What constitutes the reasoning to ban it? What's to say that other variations of porn aren't as damaging?

I mean, if you got a beef with something, bring numbers here. Don't just backpedal on trying to fix something.

Specially on something that's more of an all-or-nothing, like such blanket bans tend to require to avoid such technicalities.
Re: In today's news...

Feminazis have no need for logic in their arguments
Re: In today's news...

I think you're trying to find logic and reasoning where there is none

I am sure there is something that counts as 'logic' for these people, but it is outside of what the rest of humanity considers sane.


Apparently, al-qaeda is pulling some more stunts. If you're a US resident abroad(In or near a muslim country), check in with your local embassy - They seem convinced something is going on
Re: In today's news...


The political views expressed in this post are not a representation of my own.

After all, I would never jump on the bandwagon of accusing people of being UnAustralian. But Abbott can suck a dick :D

It's good to know that the party that is probably going to be out next Government struggle with arcane functions such as spellchecker. But that's okay, because they're bringing us a Stone Age internet policy.
Re: In today's news...

Switzerland issues travel warning, advising citizens to avoid the US

Switzerland believes the US is in a similar state to Egypt and possibly Syria, with a potential military takeover. Everything seems legit, so I'd keep an eye on that.

Also, court to cops: Explain this shit

On cops arresting someone over facebook posts
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