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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Because everyone needs something they can at least laugh a little about whilst being disgusted at the same time~! People from outside the U.S.? Feel free just to laugh.

Wish I could. It was more the entirely disgusted part...
Re: In today's news...

I want to say this is some sort of april fool's joke, but if it isn't... just wow.
Re: In today's news...

I want to say this is some sort of april fool's joke, but if it isn't... just wow.

I've seen that before April 1st, so it's apparently legit.
Re: In today's news...

Well, that's to be expected. It's just following the already observed law of physics, 'If It Tastes Bad, It Must Be Good For You'.
Re: In today's news...

At first it seemed... kinda legit, but then when it said the researchers got 293 women to have sex with them, it just crossed into fantasyland. As someone experienced with university research... no... just no. :p :rolleyes:
Re: In today's news...

Peer review that shit, son!
Re: In today's news...

Neither would I. Let's start a scientific revolution up in this site
Re: In today's news...

Here here! This avenue of research Must be Explored! Men! Women! UNITE UNDER THIS HOLIEST OF CAUSES!!

~~ After a long and exhaustive period of trials, slip ups, and minor messes, several researchers stood triumphant, holding in their hands... the cure.... For Everything... Lady cum........ It could even cure Stupidity... ~~ And then RP got a Nobel Prize, the end! \o/
Re: In today's news...

At first it seemed... kinda legit, but then when it said the researchers got 293 women to have sex with them, it just crossed into fantasyland. As someone experienced with university research... no... just no. :p :rolleyes:

Easy to miss, but that's actually crossed out.
Re: In today's news...

Uhh... The study is ten years old, number one... and well... here.

it was one study of an insanely small number of people and I'm sure as hell not "less depressed"
Re: In today's news...

I want to say this is some sort of april fool's joke, but if it isn't... just wow.

Gotta say... that post just screams "bullshit" even if someone actually tried to research it.
Re: In today's news...

I'd believe it if it said successfully performed oral sex. It wouldn't help if you failed, it could even make it worse.
Re: In today's news...

Literally is just happening right now. Ohgod.

Fucking Hell.

They're not sure what happened. I hope we get some answers soon.
Re: In today's news...

I can't even fathom why people would do this.
Re: In today's news...

They found more bombs. Ohmygod.

EDIT: More injured being reported. We're at over a hundred now.
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Re: In today's news...

I can't even fathom why people would do this.

Because people are fucked. There are monsters hiding in the skins of men and women who like nothing more than to shed blood to get their way. I wish I could say that this was something isolated, but it really isn't.
Re: In today's news...

I wanna know why, but I don't want to hear people asking why. I don't want to hear a single inclination to the purposes of the person behind this act. I wanna know how many people were safe, how many people were hurt, and then when it comes time that the perpetrator is found, all I want to know is who it is and how long they're going to jail for. As much as it kills me to not know why someone would do this, I hope the second he explains it to a camera, they cut away from him.
Re: In today's news...

I may be thinking too deeply too soon afterwards, but I feel like knowing the why is important. If we never understand why people do these things, we'll never be able to figure out ways to prevent them from happening in the future.
Re: In today's news...

While my prayers and hopes go to the families of the departed and wounded, and to the wounded themselves of the events in Boston earlier today, let us not forget that there are others as well who can use our hopes, and prayers (should you believe in a higher power, if not, your heart and hopes will do just as well).