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Re: In today's news...

…Also Hope, for fuck sake, stop using the asshole-smiley. That little yellow shithead is basically only appropriate for someone trying to troll, its little douchey expression looks like it wants to make the reader rage at its smug superiority every time it shows up.

I find this interesting. I was unaware of the predominance of that particular emoticon in my posts, and yet upon review I find that I've employed it prolifically.

It's somewhat telling that you perceive all my smileys as asshole-smileys. I'm not sure if, by that, you see me as an asshole or simply all smileys as asshole-smileys, but honestly that's where my interest is hopelessly lost in a raging sea of apathy towards your feelings and opinions.

When emoticons were introduced (wayyyy back in the day) I initially scoffed at the idea of including a facial expression with my correspondence. Of course, I was young and as yet unaware of the various ways in which a simple text could be misinterpreted. I learned that lesson the hard way, and since those days I've learned to use emoticons to ensure that my meaning comes across correctly.

This is particularly important when making a statement that is meant in jest, but which could be interpreted in a very different light, i.e. telling Toxic that he "doesn't count."

On a different note... the phrase is "for fuck's sake," an emphatic play on "for Pete's sake," which is substituted for the blasphemous "for God's sake." I can forgive inadequate grammar, but if you're going to curse at me, at least do it with proper English.

Have a nice day. (Asshole-smiley intentionally omitted.)
Re: In today's news...

The moment you start carrying bags of molotov cocktails to your protests, and start throwing shit at police after being told 50 times your protest is illegal... you no longer have the right to whine about getting pepper sprayed.

Also... who the fuck sits and watches a riot from a patio?

Michael Moore, you are a fucking asshole for supporting these people, you have lost the last ounce of respect you had from me. And Students of Montreal, you can fuck right off.
Re: In today's news...

I'm not even going to comment on what happened as I'm more a fan of cutting a problem off at the source than whining about it in the street. However it seems inadvisable to watch a riot from street level (I'm not even sure what you're reffering to as the vid won't load for me and wikipedia pretty much says patio can mean ANY FUCKING STRUCTURE OUTSIDE OF A BUILDING [rage at you wikipedia rage!]) as you're likely to be mistaken as one of the rioters by the police.
Re: In today's news...

well yes, its good to support protesters (obviously depending on their cause), bad to support rioters.
Re: In today's news...

It was basically wooden boards laid down outside a bar and surrounded by a fence to cut it off from the street. And the people were just chillin there... and threw a chair at the cops.
Re: In today's news...

Sin, Michael Moore lost his last ounce of respect from me a long time ago, with the distortions from his 9/11 movie. I wasn't the biggest fan of the Bush administration, but Moore attempted to twist the truth in order to influence a presidential election.

He doesn't create documentaries -- his work should be found in the science fiction section of video stores.

As for people whining about being pepper sprayed... for members of U.S. law enforcement and military to be certified to carry pepper spray, we have to go through an obstacle course after being sprayed directly in the face. I imagine it's a similar story in Canada. We undergo that ordeal partly so that we know exactly the pain we're inflicting when we spray someone.

It hurts like a motherfucker, but I wouldn't hesitate to use it in self-defense.
Re: In today's news...

Chair thrown at police...molotov cocktails...assaulting police...various damages....
I got pepper sprayed! They went too far!

Yep, just another stupid complaint against officers.
Re: In today's news...


I'm not saying this is definitely what happened, but it was a bar, and Moltovs are just liquor bottles with rags in them.

I find it interesting that they're trying to control protest by requiring an itinerary. I'm not sure how to feel about it.
Re: In today's news...

The molotovs were not from the patrons at the bar, and if the patrons at the bar were indeed getting entire liquor bottles from behind the counter after months of protesting, and days of more violent protesting... then yeah that's more fishy in my mind. You just don't but whole bottles at a bar without dropping a cool hundred dollars at least for the bottle service. So, are you suggesting the cops went into the bar, and stole a bunch of bottles to make a bad of molotovs to make the protestors look bad?

Also, as I said, these protests have been going on for months. The new law passed in Quebec making it mandatory for itineraries was an attempt to help put some order back in the city. We're talking about one of the biggest commercial/tourist cities in Canada being backed up by marching protesters in the streets at the start of summer. And with the protests getting progressively more vicious as time wears on, it makes complete sense to have them say what they are going to do. This new law also does not say anything about them not protesting, simply that they say where and when. This can allow for this major city to operate somewhat smoothly.
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Re: In today's news...

Doesn't that defeat the point of a protest though? To force people to see that you have a problem with something? If you list where you're going to be doing it the 'man' will just block off the area and send people who would be traveling through it on a detour, right?

As I said before, I find protests foolish at best. However if you're going to defeat youselves from the start, why even bother? Truly though, being peppersprayed is alot better than being shot in the face so somebody needs to quit being a pussy.
Re: In today's news...

will you still be of that opinion if that protest stops you from getting to work, making you not be able to keep up with your rent and you are evicted? Unlawfull protests are capable of as much destruction so many other things, only the colateral damage is all ecenomic.

and if protests go as they are planned (and envisiaged by the rebels who set down their use when forging new countries) there should be no need for pepper spray or guns (or molotoves for that matter).
Re: In today's news...

The molotovs were not from the patrons at the bar, and if the patrons at the bar were indeed getting entire liquor bottles from behind the counter after months of protesting, and days of more violent protesting... then yeah that's more fishy in my mind. You just don't but whole bottles at a bar without dropping a cool hundred dollars at least for the bottle service. So, are you suggesting the cops went into the bar, and stole a bunch of bottles to make a bad of molotovs to make the protestors look bad?

Also, as I said, these protests have been going on for months. The new law passed in Quebec making it mandatory for itineraries was an attempt to help put some order back in the city. We're talking about one of the biggest commercial/tourist cities in Canada being backed up by marching protesters in the streets at the start of summer. And with the protests getting progressively more vicious as time wears on, it makes complete sense to have them say what they are going to do. This new law also does not say anything about them not protesting, simply that they say where and when. This can allow for this major city to operate somewhat smoothly.

I'm just saying it's feasible. All you need is a bag full of liquor, and all you need in if you're in a bar is a bag. I don't live in Canada, but there have been some protests/riots (depending on your news source of choice) in the states lately too, and there is massive, massive potential for the cops to make it seem worse than it is.

Protests do have to be seen, but you don't have to be disruptive to be effective. A law that requires you to have an itinerary for your protest is either:
A) An attempt by the government to maintain order without infringing on your right to speech, and balancing that against the rights of the other citizens to go about their business.
B) The Man trying to undermine the protests any way they can so they can continue their reign of oppression.

The metric by which you determine this is how much control this gives the government over the protest. Can they deny your protest? Will they put up walls so no one can see it? Will they provide an overwhelming police presence?

Because if you turn in your itinerary and it's business as usual, it's probably the first one.
Re: In today's news...

That goes both ways Newbie, for sometimes I see the actions of cops taking action being called "going too far" and "brutality", even if they are perfectly within their rights, and even the need, to be doing so.

Just the other day I watched a man kick out a window, and start punching other people in the street and making death threats openly and publicly. When the police showed up he ran, so they chased him and tackled him. Immediately this is when the cell phones came out to start taking videos and people called out "brutality" against the police, despite the fact that they were acting fully in the best interest of the public in this instance.

Also note that the police in the instance I linked to and have been talking about, I repeat the law was meant to restore order after months of protests that have been hampering the city, and the protestors refused to provide any information on what they were doing. The police gave them 50 warnings. I'm thinking that number better be exaggerated to make the cops look better or something, because after being told you were doing something illegal 50 times by a cop something has to be done.

Let's also not forget that these people have been setting fires in public areas as well. Sometimes Newbie Protestors are indeed as bad of people that the cops claim, and sometimes propaganda, especially in Canada, swings against the police not for.
Re: In today's news...

will you still be of that opinion if that protest stops you from getting to work, making you not be able to keep up with your rent and you are evicted? Unlawfull protests are capable of as much destruction so many other things, only the colateral damage is all ecenomic.

and if protests go as they are planned (and envisiaged by the rebels who set down their use when forging new countries) there should be no need for pepper spray or guns (or molotoves for that matter).

Just playing devil's advocate is all.

And I'll never have to deal with a protest, I live in the middle of nowhere specifically so I don't have to deal with other people's shit.
Re: In today's news...

Our Bill of Rights over here in the US is quite clear on the matter: "Congress shall make no law ... abridging ... the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I believe that Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms uses very similar verbiage in its guarantee of the "freedom of peaceable assembly."

I don't believe one could stretch the word "peaceable" to include verbal threats, let alone an angry mob disrupting a community and throwing things and the police. When I think "peaceable," I envision the protests of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. -- I think about Sufferage protests and Gay Pride parades.

The difference, I believe, is that peaceable assemblies are kinder to their own people, and at the same time are much more effective at making a difference.
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Re: In today's news...

part of the problem is also the group that is protesting. University students (i'm assuming mostly undergrads here) don't know shit, but they've just entered a prestigious academic world through being smarter than your average bear, so they think they know everything. They are all also of an age where they tend to be fresh out of the home and the yolk of school, drunk on their own lack of supervision they feel empowered to run around fighting and fucking whenever they want.

This obviously doesn't apply to many, many uni students, it does however tend to apply to the kind of people who protest. The kind of people 6 months into their social polotics degrees believing they know how to right all the wrongs of the world if only the world would listen.
Re: In today's news...

This is true as well Nunu.
Re: In today's news...

If only one could find an older, steadier hand with the same enthusiasm. Unfortunately as people gain the knowledge and experience (and stop doing stupid things quite so often), more often than not the system slowly drains them of their idealism... it's the Circle of Stagnancy.
Re: In today's news...


Or reavers.

Re: In today's news...


Or reavers.


So did I read that right? The guy kept on chewing on that guy's face AFTER the police officer shot him? Yeah, that was either a zombie or the most methed out guy EVER.