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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Um...okay? Despite whatever the media says, earthquakes are not something that we're all used to in California. Heck, where I live we literally never feel any of the quakes they show on the news, despite my area often being shown as someplace the shockwaves hit on maps and diagrams on news channels.
Re: In today's news...

I think my response to this can be summed up as:

Lol, Americans.

rep+ In today's news... 4th April 2010 03:14 Fuck off dickhead

Yes. Yes, someone while trying to insult me, and probably trying to neg rep me, gave me rep.

And so I repeat: LOL AMERICANS. Srsly.
Re: In today's news...

Um...okay? Despite whatever the media says, earthquakes are not something that we're all used to in California. Heck, where I live we literally never feel any of the quakes they show on the news, despite my area often being shown as someplace the shockwaves hit on maps and diagrams on news channels.

Yeah I know what you mean, I remember when I was there and we supposedly had one. If anything it felt about like a big truck was going by. In fact apparently we had one here in Illinois a couple weeks ago that I didn't even know about. There actually quite common around here due to the New Madrid and Wabash Valley faults. They just don't make the news ever for some reason.
Re: In today's news...

Yes. Yes, someone while trying to insult me, and probably trying to neg rep me, gave me rep.

And so I repeat: LOL AMERICANS. Srsly.

its reverse psychology, if you let on you've figured it out they'll change there tactic.
Re: In today's news...

It's a sad day in Britain today for all loli fans.
Re: In today's news...

Much as with the Extreme Pornography legislation, you can see their point... but one also feels that they're missing one.
Re: In today's news...


Seriously, though, while I understand the reasoning behind loli laws, they're all created because some dipshit overreacts.
I mean, let's just ban all video games while we're at it, because as we all know, video games are what make kids violent, just like how looking at loli hentai makes someone a pedophile. Hell, let's ban any show that depicts criminals in a good light, because we all know that those shows lead to people leading lives of crime. In fact, while we're at it, let's ban all pornography, since porn is so much worse than these films where people kill and get killed.
Re: In today's news...



So, who's participating in ?
Re: In today's news...

And WonderBoy Said:

"Let the Earth tremble by the power of their bosoms, for they were made by God, and hence carry his power."
Re: In today's news...

So, who's participating in ?

Even if there are more earthquakes today it measures nothing: The cause of the earthquake is not the boobs, but the adulterous thoughts the boobs inspire. We'd need a way to measure adulterous thought to determine if it had any correlation with earthquake frequency or strength, and then establish a similar link between boobs and adulterous thought.
Re: In today's news...

If that's the case, I think I've done some really bad things to this world......
Lol boobs.
Re: In today's news...

Read it, it's from the same blog, but also funny in a very sad way.
Re: In today's news...

Uuugh, that disgusts me, not only the fact twisting of the museum and brainwashing so to speak, but the fact that the Atheists are making their own assumptions, and taking advantage of it to generalize some more.

Kids don't grow up to be Creationists and idiots because they saw dinosaurs,
do you really think they're paying attention to anything other than the dinosaurs?
Once they enter real schooling they'll form their own opinions, one museum trip won't effect that, I can't even remember anything from the museums I went to,
not a thing.
Re: In today's news...

America doesn't have real schools.

I prefer to think of it that some especially bright people escape their schooling.
Re: In today's news...

I just really like the part about creationists saying that natural selection isn't part of evolution.
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Not just ordinary Ninjas... Aussie Ninjas... yeah, no wonder they fucking ran XD

German guy was probably like, 'Holy shit, I just got saved by FUCKIN' NINJAS,' or however you'd say that in German.
Re: In today's news...

German guy was probably like, 'Holy scheisse, I just got saved by FUCKIN' NINJAS,' or however you'd say that in German.

I got your back homie
Re: In today's news...

German guy was probably like, 'Holy shit, I just got saved by FUCKIN' NINJAS,' or however you'd say that in German.

"Heilige Scheiße, ich wurde gerade von VERDAMMTEN NINJAS gerettet!"
Re: In today's news...


I love you Rule.

But seriously, Ninjas? wtf.