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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse shook her head, still looking to the ground.

"No... I could tell by the look in her eyes... She only wanted to make it up to me, not love me..." Jesse sighed, "She didn't come back to fulfill her promise to me, making me worry for her, fear for her life, only for her to come back and break her promise to me..." Jesse clenched her fists, her sadness gone, now replaced with anger, "I'll never forgive her for that, forgive her for lying to me."

River heard loud steps from the only man she knew could make them, as Caliber walked in through the door, and gave a start when he saw River hovering over Jesse, who was on her knees.

"Woah, Jesse!" he exclaimed, running over to the opposite side of River to put a hand on Jesse's shoulder, "What happened?"

Jesse shook her head, "I'm fine Cali," she told him, looking up at the burly man, "I've still a few lessons to learn in love, that's all."

Seeming aggravated by her answer, he looked at River, as if expecting a better one.
Re: Shops, and missions

River just shrugged at him.

"Not my place to tell you Cal." She says simply, before dropping her head back to Jesse. "You going to be alright for now?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse snorted, standing up on her feet.

"Y-yes," she told River as she stood up, "I'll be fine. I feel better now, thank you," she nodded at River and then Caliber, "both of you."

Caliber shrugged,

"You keep thankin' me, and yet you never let me do anything..." he complained, which Jesse only giggled at him, returning to her counter, and taking a seat, her warm smile returning as she looked at Cal and River.
Re: Shops, and missions

River pointed a finger at Cal, narrowing her eyes at him.

"And you'll keep it that way, if you know what's good for you." She warns, before turning and smiling at Jesse, picking her gun off the floor and replacing it on the counter while she went around and started picking up the rest of the stuff scattered on the floor.

"You mind taking a look at that for me? It seems different somehow since I let it out of my sight at the prison, I just want to make sure it isn't going to blow up in my face."
Re: Shops, and missions

Cal had a look of surprise and guilt appear on his face, taken back by River's warning.

"Wh-wha," he stuttered, "I-"

He was cut off by Jesse, who giggled and began waving her hand at Cal in dismissal.

"Don't worry! Cali said you two were thinking about getting back together!" she giggled, "And you make a good couple to! I think Cali needs a good counter balance to how daft he can be!" she giggled hysterically.

Caliber folded his hands on his chest, turning his head away, "Oh, what-ever." he says in dismissal to Jesse's remark.
Re: Shops, and missions

River glared at Cal again.

"Oh he did now did he? And exactly how long has he been plotting this?" She says darkly. Normally, she wouldn't care for playing with Cal like this, but it seemed to cheer Jesse up, and she needed that more than Cal needed his dignity right now.
Re: Shops, and missions

Caliber looked at River as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing, a dumbfounded look stretched across his face.

Jesse blinked, then cocked her head in thought.

"Well, just a little while ago he mentioned that to me," Jesse let out a slight huff of a laugh, "You're all he talks about to, constantly yammering on about, the good ol' days" she imitates Caliber's voice, "and how close you were."

She turned to look at Caliber, who wasn't looking at River or Jesse anymore, seeming very embarrassed over something, "This is the happiest I've ever seen him."
Re: Shops, and missions

River laughed, sidling up against Cal's back and planting a wet kiss on the base of his neck.

"Yeah I'd bet. And just what, exactly, was he talking about? Trying to wow you with doubtful tales of his prowess, I imagine?" She says emphatically, putting her arms through his and locking their elbows together, keeping them back-to-back, herself facing Jesse.
Re: Shops, and missions

Caliber let out a sigh as River attached herself to him, his head tilting to the side as he felt helpless against what was being said.

Jesse giggled, and cast a reassuring smile at River.

"No, actually. He mostly talked about you, and all of the romantic things you two did together," she told River, looking dreamy eyed at her.

Jesse casted River a mischievous wink, "I was so jealous, I was about to steal him until he said you two were getting back together."
Re: Shops, and missions

River managed to blush a little. She remembered most, if not all, of the times Cal would likely have talked about, and was quite surprised that he'd share them.

"Oh were you now?" She says with a smile. "You know, I can't really keep up with him..." She says slowly, giving her a little wink.
Re: Shops, and missions

Caliber slowly turned his head around, looking at the back of River's head out of the corner of his eye, as if analyzing her.

Jesse blushed, and blinked a few times. Clearing her throat as she smiled, she responded to River, trying not to giggle.

"He only mentioned how fun you were..." she answered River's wink with a perverted smile, "He didn't mention how good he was..."
Re: Shops, and missions

River looks shocked by this.

"Really? Huh, that's kinda amazing. Normally, all he seems to talk about is how great he is." She said with a laugh, before lifting herself and leaning close to Cal's head, whispering in his ear so Jesse couldn't hear.
"We both have to make compromises, right? I really can't keep up with you, just... Please, don't mention any of it, alright?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Caliber chuckled, and whispered back to her.

"Maybe you just need to have a little more fun," he smiled, "and you'll learn a thing or two." he promised her.

Jesse simply smiled at the two love birds, leaning back in her chair, she was happy she could see that at least they could have someone to love.
Re: Shops, and missions

River just shook her head, a smile on her face.

"You know me, the funnest thing in the world is the wind whipping through my hair. Shame that I haven't been able to really Run since all this happened, I'm starting to feel a little stir-crazy."
Re: Shops, and missions

Caliber chuckled, and started to sway back and forth, forcing River to do it with him with his arms.

"Well, you could always get more, exercise in the bedroom," he suggested perversely.
Re: Shops, and missions

River just laughed, speaking at a normal volume again.

"I swear Cal, if I exercised as much as you wanted me to, I wouldn't have the energy to go to the bathroom, much less get stuff done!" She exclaims, slipping free and walking over to Jesse at her counter. "But enough with that, how's my gun?" She asked, finally getting back to her original reason for stopping by.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse gives a start at the question, then, remembering herself, reaches over and grabs the gun. She takes the clip out of the gun, setting it on the side, and, and cocks the gun back, letting the bullet inside slip out, as she sets that right next to the clip, and begins to disassemble the gun. She looks at each part of it carefully, and even raises her eyebrows at a few things while looking over the parts.

"Wow," she whispers, "they must have some amazing tools over there. This gun looks brand new!" she exclaims, putting the gun back together, as well as putting the clip and bullet back inside it, "Some really masterful hands worked on this gun, it won't blow up in your face anytime soon, sweetie! But, it'll blow the nasty's heads up real nice!" Jesse giggled, as well as Caliber behind River.
Re: Shops, and missions

River watches in amazement as Jesse takes the gun apart, watching the pieces practically fly off. She had sat there in her room and tried to do the same thing with the other pistols she salvaged for at least an hour, and all she did was make a mess of the remains. Jesse hands her the gun back, and she puts it back in it's usual place.

"Wow you're good at that. Thanks, that's good to hear." She says slowly, still a bit awed by the display. "So you'll be alright then?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse giggled, patting River on the side of her arm in reassurance.

"You're a dear. Yes, I'll be fine, sweetie. Thank you for caring, I appreciate that." she nods at River with a smile.
Re: Shops, and missions

River nods, giving Jesse's hand a firm squeeze.

"Alright then, take care. And lighten up on poor Iris, I don't know what's going on with her, but she's changed since I met her, I might have to go talk to her as well." She says before she turned and strode out slowly, deep in thought.