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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Flying to the East Coast (US) to visit friends and attend a wedding. Not sure about the internet situation at our hotel. Either way, I won't be on much until Monday.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It usually takes me being banned for dumb reasons a few times for me to completely leave a place. It happened to Super Mario World Central, and a few other places in an even further-reaching past.

This recent event, as detailed by my admittedly unnecessary thread below, will be the one that may or may not teach me to stay out. This is not isolated to the reason of irresponsible moderation though.

I had a talk with Oni. As people would know, Onis and Lilabots were like dogs and cats, but this time, he was behaving himself. He was calmer. And furthermore, he responded to me when I inquired to why he was gone from the Shout for such a while.

Apparently, there is a bad trend in the community, that no one would really care, change, nor even question the disappearance or recursion of any member ever. I have been a little naive to that fact until then. Oni brought up a good point. No one cares. They do their own thing and if they do not like you, prepare for harassment, ill-wanted negreps, and general toxicity.

For that reason, I must try again to find other places that are kinder to robots. This may sound like a "leaving thread #2321324243" but it isn't. I fully understand I might give into my better nature and come right back.

But as of making this post, I think it is time for a break, even if the termination gets lifted.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So God laid off last Wednesday not sure if it will make me more active or not. Not even sure if their is much I can bring to the table anymore.

Still I do occasionally find a reason to post every now and again and its kinda nice to know I have a RPG thread I can dump my random thoughts into that people might read now and again.

Other non job related events but are quite minor. I have started DMing a Pathfinder game Sundays and a Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Game on Saturdays Its fun I enjoy it alot and I got invited to a fifth addition game Saturday mornings.

Not sure if anyone cares about any of that but I think I have a better handle of my depression I understand it and I don't think I will loose control and be unstable as most who know me might remember.

Sadly my Grammar is still destroyed but I have long sense given up on it improving.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, for those of you who read here regularly (and care), I posted a while back about my car issues and how I was searching for a new one. That quest is over, as Saturday, I will be taking possession of a 2013 Chevy Cruze. My Xiahao Dun (so named because it has lost headlights. Twice.) is being retired. Time to be a grownup and jump back into the world of financing.

On a less expensive note, Saturday, I got my hair hacked off for Locks of Love. Pics possibly to follow. Maybe.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm admitting myself to the hospital. Don't know when I'll be back. so... goodbye for now.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hope you're alright dude, focus on getting better and stuff. We'll all still be here when you return. I don't want to pry, but I think I speak for all when I ask. What's wrong? You can tell us when you return though alright.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hang in there, Walf. We're all pulling for you.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Take care, CW. Hope you'll be checking yourself out soon enough.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm back, after a night, and several people to talk I've got my head back on straight and a game plan of sorts. So, not off my feet for as long as I thought, thank you for the well wishes though, I appreciate it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Good to hear dude, was worried about you through the night.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Relieved to hear you're feeling better. *gives great big slabs of bacon to Walf*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nice to heard than you are fine, please take care
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yesterday my mother called me saying that her aunt was in a coma with cerebral haemorrhage.

She passed away this morning.
I'll be in the corner with the paper towels.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Damn man, sorry to hear that. You and your family have my condolences Au. It's tough to lose family man, especially close family. I know it's tough, but try to hang in there. *Gives some hugs and tissues*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Having just gone through a close family loss as well, I can agree that such sucks :<
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So sorry about your great-aunt, Au. If you need to talk or anything, we're here for you--at least so far as the internet allows us to be.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Condolences, Au. You know we're here for you, even just through the screen *hugs*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So sorry about your great-aunt, Au. "more hugs"
Re: Member Announcements Thread

A report from the land of nunu:

1. marking assignments is stupid and annoying and apparently i'm not very good at it...
2. i got shanghaied for a trip to sydney... spent 20 hours driving and sydney was all like, melbourne is all about bad weather, i can have bad weather too! the town got 170mm of rain overnight and flooded. everyone from melbourne and brisbane at the conference agreed sydney was just being a panzy.
3. i don't even remember the last time i had time to myself cos stupid crunch time before PAX.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So it's already been a bunch of months now, and the pain that's been tormenting me took an unexpected turn. I wasn't happy, drank way more than I should and cried myself to sleep for various weeks in a row. Somehow, I feel the pain dissipating; I've realized I can walk away from it right now and move on with my life. Sounds great and all, but it feels odd, incomplete; it seems like I've got something left to do before I keep walking: to give my old self a second chance to live the life it wished for.
(I'm such a persistent fool that it's laughable)

Anyhow, I'm still playing life's game and won't die just yet, so yay I suppose. I'll see ya around guys.