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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Pushups and curlups are a great starting point. I highly suggest no one do situps they are one of the worst exercises for your body which is why the military changed to curlups.

I've never been able to tell the difference between situps and curlups, to the point of me believing that curlups were an American term for the same thing as situps (since I never hear it locally). What is difference?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Curl-ups are what I've often heard called "crunches" (I had to look it up, I've never heard the term curl-up either). They are very similar, except that with a cur-up/crunch you don't raise your torso all the way to the vertical position. Instead, raising just enough that your upper back lifts from the ground, using only your abdominal muscles.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I am so out of shape that I can't do a proper sit up. I can do crunches though... And I have a stationary bike, so I read/listen to a book while I burn calories.

Anyway, even better news. I HAZ JOB. Working under the table as a secretary for a lady that owns her own home rental business.

THINGS ARE FINALLY GOING MY WAY. I say as the house breaks and the car putters out and the lady tells me she doesn't want me to work there anymore and and and... ahahaha. Things are looking up, but i can't help but think something is gonna trip me up. Tis mah life.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

'proper' situps are bad for your back anyway
Re: Member Announcements Thread

As Sinful said curl-ups are the same as crunches, much better for your back than sit-ups. I'm not really sure where the term curl-up comes from though I lean towards it being the US military term for a crunch. At least that would explain how I use it and no one else seems to.

Also was I the only one to get pervy thoughts when Chibi said she was working under the table as a secretary.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

As Sinful said curl-ups are the same as crunches, much better for your back than sit-ups. I'm not really sure where the term curl-up comes from though I lean towards it being the US military term for a crunch. At least that would explain how I use it and no one else seems to.

Also was I the only one to get pervy thoughts when Chibi said she was working under the table as a secretary.

I hate you :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm sorry I simply couldn't help myself. *Gives Chibi some yummy carrot sticks to make up for being a pervert*

Of course knowing my luck you probably hate carrots or are allergic.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Also was I the only one to get pervy thoughts when Chibi said she was working under the table as a secretary.

Now, now. Chibs is a classy lady, I'm sure she wouldn't start off with that as employment except with the snuggle buddy :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Now, now. Chibs is a classy lady, I'm sure she wouldn't start off with that as employment except with the snuggle buddy :p
You people seem to forget I have a Ben.

As for you, Ronny... I happen to love carrots. -devours them all-
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh, they probably didn't forget, Chibs. You just have to remember that you're surrounded by a bunch of perverts.

And no, Ronny, the though never crossed my mind. It's all you, ya degenerate. *grins*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

How do you know I wasn't thinking Ben was the new boss. And the carrots were especially good, I grew them myself.

Well technically you guys were the ones to corrupt me so it's really all your fault. I'm really just an innocent onlicker er onlooker.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh, they probably didn't forget, Chibs. You just have to remember that you're surrounded by a bunch of perverts.

And no, Ronny, the though never crossed my mind. It's all you, ya degenerate. *grins*

Knowing you Copp, the thought probly ran screaming naked in and around your mind rather than simply crossing. :p

Let's not forget the moaning bunnies...
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

No, no, I'm actually being quite honest in the whole "never crossed my mind" bit, at least not until Ronny brought it up, so I fully blame him for this.

Now, I'm not saying my mind didn't grab the thought and do cartwheels with it, but initially, no, it never crossed my mind.

(And to prevent scarring Chibs further, it leaned more toward screenshots from The Secretary and had absolutely nothing to do with you.)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

What does "working under the table" actually refer to anyway then? Since no Ronny, you weren't the only one. Not having heard the phrase before, the alternative reading of it is still the only one I can see. ^_^;

Is it just "working under a boss" or something?

(refuses to google)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

it means working without following the proper paperwork for such. because of this, the government is not aware, so you are usually paid in cash, and do not get taxed for said work.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

What does "working under the table" actually refer to anyway then? Since no Ronny, you weren't the only one. Not having heard the phrase before, the alternative reading of it is still the only one I can see. ^_^;

Is it just "working under a boss" or something?

(refuses to google)

How come I know that and you don't even though you're a native speaker? It means working illegitimately and not paying taxes.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh right, of course. Derp. I'm sure I have heard it then, but somehow simply didn't come to mind. In my experience it's been referred to as cash-in-hand work.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

i think i've heard that term used before as well, yeah. Under the table is the more common term over here though, definitely.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yep as they said. Though in Squid's defense British slang and American slang are vastly different. I'm sure he would look at me rather strangely for a few seconds if we were eating together and I asked him to pass me a napkin to wipe my face.