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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ah yes, as awesome as Australia is, I keep forgetting the bans on nearly everything down there. Considering the scope of how many people take paintball way too seriously, you'll often not find one too "high end."
Re: Member Announcements Thread

i went looking around a few sights and there are some very high end paintball guns, although i prefer the aesthetics of some of the cheaper ones and at the end of the day i dont know one from the other. also i dont actualy want to spend money on them.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hey I m new on this forum.this is for all the paintball enthusiasts here...i just wanted to know how I could get some paintball guns in India..its prohibitively expensive to import them from the usual sites..
thanx in advance
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I... have a problem, and I need advice.
Few days ago I was invited to my friends place for a nice Christmas dinner, beer and good company. Upon my arrival, however, my friend tells me that while I was in the military, he became good friends with my little sister. As is common knowledge, men and women cannot possibly be just friends, so during a sleepover they had sex.

How. the. fuck. do. you. respond. to. that?

He has already apologized and even gave me a six-pack of premium beer, but I was too flabbergasted to be angry or yell or anything... How...? wha... What do I do?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I... have a problem, and I need advice.
Few days ago I was invited to my friends place for a nice Christmas dinner, beer and good company. Upon my arrival, however, my friend tells me that while I was in the military, he became good friends with my little sister. As is common knowledge, men and women cannot possibly be just friends, so during a sleepover they had sex.

How. the. fuck. do. you. respond. to. that?

He has already apologized and even gave me a six-pack of premium beer, but I was too flabbergasted to be angry or yell or anything... How...? wha... What do I do?

If your sister is 10 or so, call the cops. Otherwise, let them be happy. I think those are pretty much your only options.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

If it was consensual, if it was a choice they both made and no one was tricked or fooled or otherwise made to participate under false circumstances, leave it alone. If your sister's underage, kick his ass. If it was under shady circumstances, investigate. But violence off the cuff is not the appropriate response.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

He is my best of friends. So no, I won't hit him. I don't really like hitting people in the first place, and it's not like he raped her. It's just that the whole thing is really weird... and I don't know how to react to it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I agree with everyone on the consent thing. You're a big boy, you understand it. First thing to do is just talk to your sister about him, cuz if she's the one you're trying to protect, she's the one you have to hear it from.

However, I have to ask for some specifics on what's going on. He had sex with her during a sleepover while you were gone? Or you mean like your family was invited to his house and they slept together in the house while you were there? I'm not sure what's going on, but my point is, did this sex happen before or after he told you they became "good friends." I imagine he said good friends, and then you got him to tell you they had sex before, in that same conversation. However, if the case is more, he told you, and then afterwards had sex with her, I must say, your friend is a dick for how he tried to introduce that.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I agree with everyone on the consent thing. You're a big boy, you understand it. First thing to do is just talk to your sister about him, cuz if she's the one you're trying to protect, she's the one you have to hear it from.

However, I have to ask for some specifics on what's going on. He had sex with her during a sleepover while you were gone? Or you mean like your family was invited to his house and they slept together in the house while you were there? I'm not sure what's going on, but my point is, did this sex happen before or after he told you they became "good friends." I imagine he said good friends, and then you got him to tell you they had sex before, in that same conversation. However, if the case is more, he told you, and then afterwards had sex with her, I must say, your friend is a dick for how he tried to introduce that.

As far as I can tell, they had sex while the military had him somewhere else.

Look, I know it's your sister and all, but like everyone else has said, if she's of-age or better, and it was consensual, then there's not much you can do about it. If your sister wants to talk about it, then go ahead and have a conversation with her. If she doesn't want to talk about it, then leave it alone. People have sex, it's not something worth getting overly-flustered about ;)

And, hell, sounds like the dude is scared of you/respects you enough as it is. Highly doubtful he'd do something stupid enough to fuck up his friendship with you.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah, basically my sister was sleeping over at his place and they had sex.
And I have been thinking about it, you guys are right and that is basically how I responded when he told me. I think I know how to deal with it now. I already talked with my sister about it, and she was pretty /care about the whole thing.

Anyways, to make it clearer, after I had gone to the army, my sister started talking with my friends on facebook and stuff like that. Some time passed and it came to my attention that him and her were starting to enjoy each others company, as friends. I wasn't really there so I don't know the specifics either, but at some point my sister slept over at his place, and they had some wine and stuff. Anyways, they had come up with a plan to really freak me out by making her well versed in the ways of hentai, and at some point my friend was gonna tell some inside joke about some obscure hentai game, and all three would laugh. A mind fuck, of sorts. Instead they skipped the mind part and went straight for fuck. After a couple of bottles of wine apparently. Which he may be held legally responsible for since she isn't allowed to drink yet, because she is only sixteen. (that's not too young to have sex though, just the alcohol)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Mother is in London for brain surgery. Apprehensive.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Anyways, they had come up with a plan to really freak me out by making her well versed in the ways of hentai, and at some point my friend was gonna tell some inside joke about some obscure hentai game, and all three would laugh.

so when will we be seeing her here then?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I've already been seeing her, for the past 4 months actually.

... i'm sorry
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Good luck Squid! Hope it goes through with no complications!

@Nunu, She's already been here, but she could't figure out the colour of the tentacle in the control question (the link was down) so she didn't make an account:p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Best of luck.
@Everyone else. So... I'm over thinking things? Anyways, we're still friends so no real problem has presented itself. Just my queasiness about the whole thing, but I have found a cure for that as well. He will see in the nearest future >:D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

are you going to sleep with his sister to get even?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nunes, the picture for making new accounts is still down... You fix?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

ah i think i know what yer mean.

I checked it and its still up.