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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Am I the only one who, when picturing Rule as a teacher, sees his avatar as exactly how he'll look in front of a chalkboard? Just a completely sketchy silhouette with only the reflection of his glasses showing any light?


How early are they asking you to come in, Rule?
If it's before noon, yeah, too damn early.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, it's actually a kind of... academy would probably be the best translation, and attendance is required, unlike at an university. I have to start at 8, and because the trains run like SHIT, I have to get up at 4:30 am (4! FUCKING! 30!) to be there almost an hour early. Alternatively, I could get up at 5:30 am and be 15 minutes late. I may have a chance to make it if I can place a bike in Munich (and manage to not have it stolen). I'll have to figure that out.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I must ask what you plan on doing in life if that's too early.

Bouncer, Bartender, or Stripper. Not decided on which yet.

In all seriousness, though, I'd wake my ass up before noon if a job called for it.
Doesn't mean I have to like the fact that I'm waking up before noon.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Even as a bouncer I wake up before noon. But yeah, I have slept in rather late... that's changed now that school is started.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

ooo sins going back to schoo, what she studying?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

*Pops out of the woodwork*

Hey all! I just wanted to say that I'm alive, apartment working out fine, got a safe part time job, and going to uni.

This thread has had a bit of gloom lately, so I figured I'd post some more positive stuff:)


*Runs away...*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Glad to hear you're still around, Wonder. Good luck with the new place and with school.

Good luck to you, too, Rule. It's grueling, but keep telling yourself it'll be worth it someday? Maybe? (I don't have the temprament to teach. I'd throttle the little bastards.)

Positive notes for me: Con on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Going to have paired costumes on Fri and Sat with my one friend, and get to run around as Tifa again on Sunday. Maybe. Pending on the weather XP

Wish me luck, too. Participating in the Masquerade with my Vincent for the first time, so we'll see how that goes. Also, friend and I are possibly doing a skit, so we'll need luck for that, too!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

To keep the vein of positive stuff rolling, I just got back from purchasing the EPIC edition of Gears of War 3. For $60. Canadian. Expect to see me a little less for the next little bit :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

ooo sins going back to schoo, what she studying?

Advertising. Was hoping to get into police foundations... but there's always next year.

To keep the vein of positive stuff rolling, I just got back from purchasing the EPIC edition of Gears of War 3. For $60. Canadian. Expect to see me a little less for the next little bit :D

Well done. I only got the standard edition of the game, but traded in enough games to get it for free as well as paying off enough of Batman and Battlefield that I only owe 17 bucks each.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I have made a promise to not bitch or talk about my two CYOAs in the shoutbox. However the downside shall be that each round of voting will require 10 votes at the least.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Because he's having a hissy fit because people are annoyed by how often he spams about wanting people to post in his cyoa's even when people have said they're not interested.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

@Sin: Alsoi nice. I did much the same thing to get my 3DS, and I now have $27 on Mass Effect 3, when that comes out.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Because he's having a hissy fit because people are annoyed by how often he spams about wanting people to post in his cyoa's even when people have said they're not interested.

Yeah, were totaly a Anarchic Meritocracy.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Okay, I'll be more realistic... 8 votes per round of voting.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Anarchic Meritocracy: a system of govornment where you take power according to your merits (technicaly we are a regency of a benign dictatorship but thats just splitting hairs). you will earn votes according to your merits, either you write better, pander to your audiance or make do with less votes.

regardless of anything else i'm sure this modest amount of drama has been good publicity so now is your chance to raise your game to the level you desire and earn those voters.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Anarchic Meritocracy: a system of govornment where you take power according to your merits (technicaly we are a regency of a benign dictatorship but thats just splitting hairs). you will earn votes according to your merits, either you write better, pander to your audiance or make do with less votes.

regardless of anything else i'm sure this modest amount of drama has been good publicity so now is your chance to raise your game to the level you desire and earn those voters.

True, but candyland easily gets at least 8 votes...

Legend of Lynn needs to be liked by other people.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

are you complaining about different people likeing different things? you need to weigh your integrity as an artist with pandering to your audiance, if you want more votes, give the audiance something they want to read.

I mean the only alternative to people going to what they like is some concpiracy where i secretely control all the CYOA votes in a bid to make only people who give me money succeed.

granted when i say it out loud it doesn't seem so unlikely but its just not true.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm not complaining... I'm just letting people know that the this is what needs to happen IF they want to see the CYOAs move forward. I'm tired of those lurkers that read my CYOA and neglect to vote in it, and then have the nerve to complain about people not voting in it...