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AWMBI - Character Creation

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Jenn Limewell

Bio: Grew up on the edge of the less savory part of Baltimore. Fortunately for her, she ended up at one of the better schools in the city. There Jenn took up track and fencing where her quick feet and quicker hands helped her excel. After a time, however, she grew bored with such mundane pursuits. Instead, her quick hands led her to... other useful skills.

After high school, Jenn enrolled in a small college out of state, where she is a general studies student with no idea what her final major will be. She isn't even really sure if she is going to finish school - it's never really been her thing.

She does own a "real" sword - a rapier. Stealing the blade was her first and so far only "serious" crime, having happened shortly after she joined the school fencing team and before she realized that even at "high" levels
the school team wouldn't actually be aiming to draw blood.

Her few amateur criminal ventures have been carried out alone, including stealing the rapier, and she has thus far avoided any sort of official record. This lack is best attributed to the extreme infrequency of said criminal deeds rather then Jenn's skills as a petty criminal. She steals only at great need, not for fun or profit - except once. In non-criminal tasks she'll accept help if it's offered and occasionally offer help to people she likes, but she rarely actively seeks it.

She's held a few part-time jobs, but she hasn't liked any of them and is currently not employed.


Str 3 (5)
Dex 4 (9)
Con 1 (0)
Int 2 (2)
Per 2 (2)
Wil 2 (2)

Level: 20 Survivor

Stamina = ((1+3+2)*3)+5 = 23 + 3*5 (Iron woman) = 38
Orgasm = ((1+2)*4)+10 = 22
Speed = (2+4)*2 = 12 + 3 (running) = 13
Essence = 14

Charisma (5)
+5 to social checks
"A winning smile"​
Fast reaction time (2)
auto-wins initiative unless foe also has feat
"You can't dodge a bullet, but you can shoot first"​
Iron woman (5)
+15 stamina, +5 survival
"Nerves of steel: just add carbon"​
Situational Awareness (2)
+2 on perception roles, ignore stealth
"What was that?"​
Resistance: Stun (1)
+1 to rolls concerning stun
"Look at the pretty birdies..."​


Acrobatics : 1 (1)
+2 to dodging and such
"Learn how to fall"​
Cheating : 1 (1)
+2 to things down to chance
"When is palming a coin not useful?"​
Climbing : 1 (1)
Climb level one objects
"So embarrassing to get caught failing to climb over a chain link fence"​
Craft : 1 (1)
2+1=3 to think of things to craft
4+1=5 to actually make things
"If you don't have it... make it"​
Guns/handguns : 1 (1)
level 1 handgun wielder
"Safety off, point, and click. Boom."​
Melee/Rapier : 4 (10)
level 4 rapier wielder
"Drawing a weapon and not knowing how to use it is worse then not having a weapon"​
Lock Picking : 2 (3)
4+2=6 to pick locks
"If it didn't have interesting things in it, it wouldn't be locked"​
Notice : 1 (1)
2+1=3 to notice things
"Not everything that fails to glitter isn't gold"​
Pick Pocket : 1 (1)
4+1=5 to pick pockets
"Earn money in your spare time?"​
Running : 3 (6)
+3 to movement speed
"You don't have to outrun the bear (erm, monstrous bugs trying to rape you) just the girl next to you"​
Stealth : 2 (3)
4+2=6 to hide and/or sneak
"What you can't be seen by can't hurt you (much)"​
Smooth Talking : 2 (3)
2+2=4 to talk my way out of/into a situation
"Why officer, I was just on my way to the library to, um, return this antique sword?"​
Traps : 2 (3)
2+2=4 to arm a trap
2+2=4 to detect a trap
2+4=6 to disarm a trap
"Never get caught"​
- I decided to go with rapiers instead of guns or regular swords in the end. It's closer to fencing and I'll assume that once Jenn acquired the weapon in question she made sure she could use it.
- Note to self: remember to pick rapier back up after any and all "incidents".
- My constitution is one! I had to pick *something* to dump and while it doesn't help my desire to be fast I didn't want to dump the others more.
- I've included something Jenn might say if asked about each of her abilities. Or something like that.
- Obviously if there's anything technically wrong with the build I'll be told... but also if I've missed something fundamental that will lead to me being completely worthless (like if, say, when you said rapiers are rarer then swords you meant "you're not going to find any" plus "you're going to lose yours the first time you're attacked". I mean, it's not like regular swords are just lying about on the street IRL either...)
- I'm bad at proofreading my own work. I think I'm decent technical writer, but something like this that I've edited and changed half a dozen time is probably full of subject verb disagreements and whatnot that I'll never find. Apologies in advance for any mistakes.
- Finally: Holy crap there's a lot of posts in the Inn. I've read the first few hundred posts and the last couple pages, but since my character didn't see most/any of it anyway it shouldn't be too much of a problem?
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Luna "Siesta" Ashworth


Strength = 3
Dexterity = 3
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 1
Perception = 2
Willpower = 3

Level: 19

Stamina = 44

Orgasm = 30

Speed = 10

Essence = 14

Iron Woman (5 points).
Nerves of Steel (3 points).
Acute Sense: Hearing (2 points)
Fast reaction time: (2 points)
Photographic Memory (2 points)
Resistance: Orgasm (1 point)
Resistance: Pain (1 point)
Acute Sense: Sight (2 points)
Resistance: Fear (1 point)
Situational Awareness (2 points)

Zealot: "Worth of Existence": The elimination of all she sees as "unfit". (3 points)
Bad Charisma: (2 points)
Cruel: (1 point)

Escapism 1 (1 point)
Melee Weapons (Sword) 3 (6 points)
Survival 3 (6 points)
Guns (Handgun/Revolver) 3 (6 points)
Running 2 (3 points)
Stealth 3 (6 points)
Acrobatics 3 (6 points)
Notice 1 (1 point)

MetaPhysics: None

Luna "Siesta" Ashworth, your typical relatively intelligent high school student. Smart, athletic, beautiful perhaps... She was a girl that would become a fine model citizen...until the day she returned to her dorm to find a murderer standing over her best friend's dead body. No one knew what happened to her that night, but when morning came, the vivisected remains of a man's body was discovered strewn about the room and the girl in question was no where in sight.

"I will cleanse the world of all sinners."

That was the message that had been painted on the wall with the man's own blood. And that was the beginning of a string of murders that would shock the public and baffle authorities for a long time to come. From corrupt politicians to mob bosses to lawyers... none were safe from the apparently maniacal murderer. Victim aside, the murders all possessed the same similarities.

1. The victim was always vivisected into six pieces and then strewn about at the scene.
2. Each murder appeared to be the work of a katana, with the occasional revolver bullet to stop the victim from running.
3. A message was always painted on a nearby surface with the victim's blood alongside a crude drawing of the current phase of the moon at the time: "In pace requisstat..."

It did not take long for the media to come up with a name for the murderer, and that was: "Last Siesta of the Bloody Moon". And that name suited the person in question just fine as she continued her "vigilante works"...

(Or in other words, she looks like a normal person (as seen in picture) when she's not out killing someone... but when she is wears an over cliche black trenchcoat and carries a revolver alongside the katana that was used to kill her friend. Too lazy to include this IC into my post. Also, I added the bonuses from Iron Woman already onto her stamina so... yeah.

As for what "Worth of Existence" refers to... Let me just put it this way:

-Luna is a "self-righteous" vigilante who has seen fit to "judge" whether people are worthy of existing, and "cleanses" all she finds unfit. While this list may change based on character interactions and such, the list at the beginning is the following:

-Cowards, especially people who leave their comrades behind in the middle of a fight. Expect her to run you through from behind if she catches you fleeing while your allies are trapped.
-Cheaters/Liars, never cheat against her if you ever play cards against her or expect to find your hand cut off shortly after once she learns of your deceit. Unjustified Liars meet the same fate. (Don't try to "justify" lying too much to her, especially with more lies. Or otherwise it's your funeral.)
-Backstabbers, these people are killed on sight by her. If you betray her or someone that she cares about, expect to die soon after.
-"Murderers"/"Psycho Killers"/"Rapists"/Thieves. Despite her being a murderer herself, she is a very "law abiding citizen" otherwise. As stated before, if she catches you doing any of these, she will hunt you down personally. (Note: "Looting" isn't defined as stealing in her hypocritical book. So looting for supplies is fine in her opinion.))
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

(Pst, Skills start at 0, so to get lvl 3, you spend 6 pts)
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

(Fixed. Also added some more about what type of a "Zealot" she is.)
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Your attributes dont follow the same math as the skill system.

Attributes are
1 = 0 points
2 = 2 points
3 = 5 points
4 = 9 points
5 = 14 points
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

(So... which is it?)
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Attributes is willpower and what not

Skills is the thing that determines what your good at in guns and swords.

formula for skills is
1 = 1 point
2 = 3 points
3 = 6 points
4 = 10 points
5 = 15 points...

.... I think...
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

(Sigh... I'll go with that I guess. Now just waiting for raptor to look over my character sheet as I fix this... )

Edit: (Fixed.)
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

That's definitely a zealot drawback, no doubt about it, but keep in mind, other players can not be killed. ;)
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

:p Of course... although expect her to attempt to kill someone (but have them enter someone else's protection or have guards stop her with force).
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Or... Maybe sacrificing those unworthy to the monsters?

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Or... Maybe sacrificing those unworthy to the monsters?


She'd prefer to kill them herself... That and chances are if she has a choice between rapist/killer monsters and a "backstabbing"/"cowardly" human... she'd kill the monster first. So likely I could excuse it on the terms that the monsters are higher on her list than a human violating her set of moral principles.

("Ye art all evil evil evil! Accept judgment judgment judgment! Repent of thy sins with flesh and blood with flesh and blood with flesh and blood!...")
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Hah.. Selena had better watch herself then.

Also, if I were ever to make a second character, this is what it'd be.



Stamina = ((CON + STR + WILL) X 3) + 5 = 20

Orgasm = ((CON + WILL) X 4) + 10 = 18

Speed = (CON + DEX) X 2 = 10

Essence = 14

Acute senses: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Feel
Situational Awareness
Nerves of Steel

Bad charisma(2)

Acting: (2)
Guns: Handgun (3)
Notice: (4)
Research/Investigation: (3)
Smooth Talking: (1)

Metaphysics: 15


Essence Pool:50


Background: A recluse. She was always a strange child, always an outsider yet she had astounding abilities at times. Because of this, she had a brief moment of popularity in the schools that she had been to but even so, her strange, erratic, cold behaviour turned them all away. Even her parents found that she was strange especially when she claimed to see something that hadn't actually occured. They were puzzled and decided that she needed more friends and sent her to various camps but to no avail. She left home of her own will and began to rent an apartment where she isolated herself and developed her artistic ability. With the money her parents had given her and the little money she had from selling various paintings she managed to be able to live without many financial problems. If she had been more outgoing and had advertised her paintings freely, she would've no doubt had a very steady income.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Well... hopefully the two never meet... Otherwise for the sake of being in character...

"Ye art evil evil evil! Repent of thy sins with flesh and blood with flesh and blood with flesh and blood!"

*insert more insane ramblings as Luna attempts to go hack happy with her katana*
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Well, anyhow, I'm perfectly satisfied with one character. That was just a what-if.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Alright, I finally decided to sign up. Meet Melissa Meridian.
I gave in and used DMB6 for this... maybe as time goes on I'll fiddle some more images in.

Abilities (20 pts)
STR: 2
DEX: 3
CON: 2
INT: 2
PER: 3
WIL: 2

Level: 18

Stamina: ((2 + 2 + 2) * 3) + 5 + (2 * 3) = 29
Orgasm: ((2 + 2) * 4) + 10 = 26
Speed: (2 + 3) * 2 = 10
Essence: (2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2) + (10 * 5) = 64

Qualities (10 pts + drawbacks)
Acute Sense (sight) (2)
Situational Awareness (2)
Resistance (toxin) (1)
Iron Woman (2 times) (2)
Fast Reactions (2)
Photographic Memory (2)

Drawbacks (up to 10 pts)
Honorable (level 1) (1)

Skills (25 pts)
Computer Hacking - 1 (1)
Demolitions - 1 (1)
Driving (automobile) (1)
Driving (HMMWV) (1)
Electronics - 1 (1)
First Aid - 2 (3)
Guns (Rifle) - 2 (3)
Guns (Assault Rifle) - 3 (6)
Mechanic - 1 (1)
Melee (Rifle/Assault Rifle/Assault Rifle + Bayonet) - 1 (1)
Melee (Knife) - 1 (1)
Notice - 1 (1)
Stealth - 2 (3)
Survival - 1 (1)

MetaPhysics (15 pts + leftover Qualities)
Gift (5)
Increased Essence (10)

Divine Sight

Melissa, or "Mel" as she prefers being called, has spent entirely too much time surfing the paranormal corners of the Internet. After graduating high school, she joined the army as a reservist, getting training in all sorts of useful survival skills. However, not willing to sacrifice her forum-browsing, she didn't take the obvious next step of joining the regular army, and instead got a job at a local store, clerking the day away so she could pay for food, cable, rent, and the occasional box of rifle ammunition.

In fact, she was in the midst of surfing when the power to her apartment went out...

Mel rents a second-floor apartment, and her survival paranoia has led her to purchase all sorts of useful gear, including a flashlight, first-aid kit, .22 LR rifle, two .22 clips, spare boxes of .22 cartridges, a combat knife from her reservist position, and spare clothes and dry food a-plenty. The problem being, it's scattered around her apartment, and in the case of the rifle, locked inside a gun cabinet. So she doesn't start with it, but can get it with a few uninterrupted minutes.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Melanie Matthews

( Which pic should I use..hmm )
An atypical computer geek before the fall of the world - Melanie spent most
of her time locked up inside, playing video games, and spending her free
time learing thigs. Despite her best efforts to stay in shape, Melanie
managed to keep a soft, delicate, and quite model feminine shape - though
because she could never associate with the sports-lovers in college, her
looks didn't get her quite far enough. Melanie began to dip into the
more...exotic internet hobbies - watching various bits of pornography, and
becoming quite the closet pervert, room littered with various illegal
drugs and aphrodisiacs.

Though, despite her seedy history, Melanie is quite intelligent - she
managed to create a personal refuge by re-wiring her school's backup
generator to some rifles with a circuit breaker - that would fire off
rounds based on motion. Though, eventually, when ammunition ran out,
Melanie was forced to seek shelter like the rest...though, before the fall,
she was offered a free tattoo - a little pink heart-shape that was
imprinted right on her taut little bottom by a rather shady gentleman..
..This of course led to her finding out weird things about the world
around her - and giving her...sexual fluids an awkward cherry taste,
though a note was left on her PDA - a message recieved from an unknown

"There's more fun where that came from.."

Though, Melanie doesn't quite know the meaning of that message..or what's
going on with her tattoo that she so suddenly received from a cloaked

Age: 20
Height: 5'6
Weight: 133 lb
Hair: ??
Eyes: ??
Bust Size: ??
Favorite Food: Pizza
Most Afraid of: Bugs

Type: Inspired
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 3
Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 4
Perception: 2
Willpower: 2

( 20 points spent )

Lv 2. Lecherous - multiple partners, oral sex ( 2 points )
Bad charisma ( 1 point )
Cowardly: 1 point
Obsession: Perverted - May not assist someone being "assaulted" for

voyeurism - can put other peoples' lives in danger. ( 3 points )
Impaired Senses: Sight ( 2 points )

( 9 points )

Contact 2 - cloaked female figure that granted her tattoo. Contact via

Photographic Memory +2
Resistance: KO +1
Iron Woman +2
Situational Awareness +2

( 9 points spent )
Computer Hacking 2 ( 3 points )
Craft 2 ( 3 points )
Electronics 3 (6 points )
First Aid 2 ( 3 points )
Mechanic 3 ( 6 points )
Guns 2:Handgun ( 3 points )

1 extra point


Gift ( 5 points )
Increased Essence Pool : 16 ( 80 essence points )

Spell: The Binding

Could you look things over, and tell me if I did anything wrong? Also, with that "obsession" thinger, how many points should that be worth?
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Fleur "Petite" Loir


Strength = 4
Dexterity = 4
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 1
Perception = 1
Willpower = 1

Level: 14

Stamina = 26
Orgasm = 22

Speed = 12
Essence = 13


Charisma (5 points)
Iron Woman (5 points)
Fast Reflexes (2 points)
Situational Awareness (2 points)
Resistance: Knock Out (1 point)


Nightmares (1 point)
Honorable (1 point)
Showoff (2 point)


Brawling 5 (15 points)
Acrobatics 4 (10 points)
Escapism 3 (6 points)
Running 2 (4 points)

Fleur "Petite" Loir was the sheltered daughter of a highly influential politician, never being really exposed to the "evils of the world". Born with superb strength and unnatural agility, the girl quickly took a liking to the martial arts, influenced by various kung-fu movies she watched at a young age while her parents and servants were away. This as a result, being the spoiled child she was, soon caused her to nag her father for opponents to test the "skills" she developed from imitating the movies, leaving him no peace until he did as she asked. Her father however, considering it to be too dangerous for her to ever participate in a true fight on account of her abnormally short stature, convinced many professional fighters to "take falls" against her, to delude her into believing she was gifted in combat. And so she did believe herself to be extremely capable in fights, defeating every prearranged opponent her father gave her and basking in the praise she received from him and his associates. Never once did she realize her fights were staged, and that she might not have won against the people she fought in a real fight. After all, ignorance was bliss... until a certain fateful day when everything went to hell.

(To be continued at a later date. But short summary of what I would have finished adding in her description:

  • Luna kills her father, as well as the rest of her family for being corrupt.
  • Fleur, unaware that she had no true skill in a fight except for her natural strength and dexterity, tries to take down Luna but ends up beaten easily.
  • Luna, "judging" that Fleur had "some good" left in her in comparison to her father, decides to spare her and leave after winning, effectively humiliating Fleur. (The "some good" is the reason she has the "Honorable" drawback.)
  • Fleur, having lost her family, wealth, and her pride as a result of Luna's crusade, vows revenge after being forced out onto the streets and begins actual training.
  • Time passes, Fleur becomes a fairly competent fighter in that she can take down most people without too much trouble, and begins to search for Luna.
  • The beginning of the AWMBI happens, and she ends up in Apple Inn as a result, but fails to realize Luna's there until a certain day...

And that's about it!

Edit: Modified her into a survivor... now its a freaking miracle Luna managed to beat her in the first place.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Definitely can't be a helper, too unique, and powerful.

But she can still be an adversary for some fun combat, however, she can not lend a hand to Luna, lest people will get jealous over the fact that you would literally have a contact helping you out.