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Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hey, I'm looking for something to resize the windows of rpg maker games, because the ones I have take about 1/6th of the monitor on my main monitor and that's incredibly frustrating. I've heard people talk about a "resizer" but the only thing I can find from google and from searching through the forums is some kind of script, but there is no instructions on how to use that script and I'm not sure if it would work. Can someone please help me find something to increase window resolution on RPG maker games? Maybe I'm just dumb and there's a simple line I can put into the game.config to increase it? IDK, but please help.
Need help with RJ077247

After trying out the demo and it working fine I recently purchased this off of dlsite RE077247 Pandemonium: Maze of the Master

however when trying to run the game when it starts up I just get a black screen with the BGM playing, I also have the same issue with the kangoku senkan complete collection I imported.

My locale and regional settings are both in japanese, MWP is version 12
Running windows 7 64 bit, directx is at the latest version, any help would be great thanks
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Kinda a weird question, but anyone know why DLsite pages aren't displaying properly for me? Hopefully this is on their end? Pic related, and is all I see if for example I were to use a link for a game from a thread. Doesn't matter what browser I use.


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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I downloaded and install walpugis on my computer but when I start it up I get an error message as shown in the attachment. The system locale is already set to Japaneses and I'm using Windows 8.1. Can anyone help me?


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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Anyone able to use their ipad to play games on DMM?

Seems they don't like safari.

Should I just download chrome/firefox from itunes?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I'm having trouble with Nagi's fucking dead game. I don't know what's wrong with it but every time I get past the nagi logo as the game starts up it crashes and it unfortunately doesn't say what is causing it.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I have a question! When playing certain games I get a start of screen but with no text just blank boxes. (I have ran it under "Japanese app locale" too.) The game it self would function properly its just that the text wouldnt show up. Sometimes it would be replaced with "?????". Can anyone help me with this?


go into game ini and play with version # and E J
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hey, I'm looking for something to resize the windows of rpg maker games, because the ones I have take about 1/6th of the monitor on my main monitor and that's incredibly frustrating. I've heard people talk about a "resizer" but the only thing I can find from google and from searching through the forums is some kind of script, but there is no instructions on how to use that script and I'm not sure if it would work. Can someone please help me find something to increase window resolution on RPG maker games? Maybe I'm just dumb and there's a simple line I can put into the game.config to increase it? IDK, but please help.

You need someone who knows Ruby. GL finding them. Try searching RPGMAKER forums but don't mention what type of games you play. Say wulfhammer if u must
Or just pres Alt-Enter.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

How i play every game: Japanese locale; Dl it then unzip wit sven zip and decrypt/extract with RGSSAD - - - decrypt or RGSS extractor to see if the images are worth playing for (arc_convert if Wolf); then i boot game and run TransAgg with mecab, atlast and dictionary for jparser; i hook the game from Transags "launch text hooker" agth parameters /w or signature. To cheat decrypt with RGSSAD--- not RGSS then open in relevant editor. Cant use cheat engine/sgedit well.

Other tools;
Chiitrans agg
ITH hook
KanjiTomo for reading japanese in images
Gemini for ruby editing
DreaMaker_XP for text extract from rpgmaker games
Oh! text hooker
OGAT hooker

I really need a way to extract common events so i can search through them and i don't know how to unpack rvdata files.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I'm having an issue with Translation Aggregator. It was working fine a few days ago and now it says "requesting data" for whatever text I have hooked for a split second and then it's just blank. I've tried downloading it again and whatnot, but I'm absolutely computer illiterate so I have no clue how to get it back in working order. Hoping someone has had the same problem as me at some point.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

hi, i am having a problem with the rgss3 player files,when i run them through applocate or the pc unincode language set in japanese an error pop out sayin that the file is corrupted and i need a virus check.
But when i try to run it without the locate and the unincode language setted at is original language it work
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

hi, i am having a problem with the rgss3 player files,when i run them through applocate or the pc unincode language set in japanese an error pop out sayin that the file is corrupted and i need a virus check.

'File is corrupted' ☑
'Virus check' ☑

Yep, these are the symptoms of a problem Grade E.
An easy problem to fix.

Sol: Remove Japanese/Chinese characters on file paths.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

'File is corrupted' ☑
'Virus check' ☑

Yep, these are the symptoms of a problem Grade E.
An easy problem to fix.

Sol: Remove Japanese/Chinese characters on file paths.

can you explain me please?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

can you explain me please?

Just remove Japanese characters on file paths.

c:/filepath/filepath/filepath/[Japanese characters]/game.exe


c:/filepath/filepath/filepath/[Renamed to English]/game.exe

or just move the entire game to another folder.

Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Just remove Japanese characters on file paths.

c:/filepath/filepath/filepath/[Japanese characters]/game.exe


c:/filepath/filepath/filepath/[Renamed to English]/game.exe

or just move the entire game to another folder.


the change of folder worked fine,thank you very much
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I think my problem goes here.

Whenever I use the "/x3" parameter (ChiiTrans or AGTH), RPG Maker or Wolf RPG stop working.

Do you guys have an idea why ? It work fine on a virtual machine but the games are laggy as hell :(


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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I'm having an issue with Translation Aggregator. It was working fine a few days ago and now it says "requesting data" for whatever text I have hooked for a split second and then it's just blank. I've tried downloading it again and whatnot, but I'm absolutely computer illiterate so I have no clue how to get it back in working order. Hoping someone has had the same problem as me at some point.

I have exactly this problem but only with the Google window. Atlas, Honyaku, Excite all work as normal. It's really hard to search for information on the topic and it seems like it isn't widespread, but damn is it a pain in the ass.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Can anybody that possesses a Lenovo laptop or desktop educate me on a problem with RPGmaker games? This is a problem that has plagued me for as long as I've played RPGmaker games, and is evenly distributed across all versions of RPGmaker.

This problem is what I call the freeze of death:
the symptoms are that the game window cannot be dragged, the upper right hand buttons are unresponsive, and the only way to get rid of application is by killing it in task manager

- Certain games, upon resizing at launch of the application, immediately freeze and jump to the the freeze of death

- Upon arriving at certain points in a game or triggering certain sequences in a battles, the game grants me the freeze of death

I've heard of no symptoms similar to mine on the internet; all other problems that people have with RPGmaker games involve the application being kind enough to actually give a pop-up that may or may not explain the problem to the user. I have nothing of the sort. I've reinstalled my RTPs about 7 times, and nothing different changes; the games all freeze in the same places and points of play or, if they never opened in the first place, suffer a horrible death like usual. The only thing I can conclude is that it's a problem with my laptop.

[It's a Lenovo E520 with Windows 7, i5 and various other specs available on request if it's really necessary for diagnosing what's going on.]
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

That's a weird problem.

Have you tried scanning for virus/malware?
Go here Control Panel\System and Security\System and then compare it with the System requirements of RPGMaker.
Go to start and run dxdiag, see if there's anything wrong or a problem.
What game is it?

Run Taskmanager - > Performance tab. Play a RPGM game, if it freezes check if there is a hug spike in the CPU and Memory Graphs?

My Desktop is really old, it crashes when I open game that require too much memory and process but it can run RPGM games just fine.