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Awesome Links

Re: Awesome Links

This ruined my life.

Not really but it's fucking horrifying.
Re: Awesome Links

That was horrible and it only got worse the more I clicked. Not that I expected anything good on seeing the name mind you. Actually horrible may be an understatement, I'm pretty sure that goes beyond loathsome and detestable. We may need to invent a new word to describe how bad it was.
Re: Awesome Links

Read them in Morgan Freeman's voice.
Re: Awesome Links

I think I may have to murder you for that.
Re: Awesome Links

Murder Blarg for the link and Hafnium for Morgan Freeman. Neither were originally my doing.
Re: Awesome Links

Read them in Morgan Freeman's voice.

Re: Awesome Links

Well in that case I suggest you don't answer your door bell in the next few minutes, while I redirect the ninja penguins to the appropriate houses.
Re: Awesome Links

Too late. Good thing I was hungry. Damn penguins should have read about the law of conservation of ninjutsu.
Re: Awesome Links


Curses, foiled again!
Re: Awesome Links


(it was horrifying as fuck)

Let's add more disturbing stuff to the repertory then...

Re: Awesome Links

This lady made an out of a nerf gun. She is my new hero.
Re: Awesome Links

Demonstration of stupid people with power at it's finest.

Re: Awesome Links

Re: Awesome Links

A rather interesting article about the responsibilities of parenting, and how the typical "you're not good enough for my daughter. I'll kill you" mentality is very old and archaic if you actually do not think of your child as a piece of property to sell and manage to your entire whims without caring about your own.

Actually led to a conversation with a friend about marriage, and how she told her bishop off saying that no one except herself was giving consent or "giving her away" for the wedding she had just last week.
Re: Awesome Links

On a note regarding weddings, was linked this on FB and found them amusing. I know we've got enough all around geeks around here to hopefully like these.

Just have to add my 2-cents:
#3 is f'ing creepy.
#7 - She's fucking EVERYWHERE!
#11 - Siphon!!!!
#15 - I kinda want this. And it's not just for D&D players (since it's a d10.)
#20 - Kinda want that one, too, hehehe.
Re: Awesome Links

I like 8, just cause I do find LotR stuff so pretty. Especially based on Elven writing. And then 14 was just cool.
Re: Awesome Links

I like the r2-d2 one! Even if it looks kinda uncomfortable. Beep beep bip wooo woooooo.

I've always loved sapphires and kinda hope if I ever get engaged, my partner will get me something with a sapphire. I just love that beautiful deep blue color. That and I don't like diamonds.