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Awesome Links

Re: Awesome Links

I'm trying to think of some clever way of turning the two phrases into "well someday I hope to know more" but every variation I've come up with so far just comes off as creepy. And not even like shady-wallflower-staring-creepy, but like over-your-shoulder-stained-guinea-shirt-hairy-stomach-hanging-large-rimmed-glasses-compulsively-rubbing-belly-breathes-out-of-mouth-creepy.

..and that's not an image I go for.

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Re: Awesome Links

I've been a baaaaad booooy
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Re: Awesome Links

Naughty-naughty Toxic.
Re: Awesome Links

Not that I have a problem with bullet-proof bustiers, but I'm curious as to why someone would actually need one? I mean I understand why Sinful likes them and all that, and they are a cool idea. I mean is there actually a big market for armored underwear out there?
Re: Awesome Links

Judging but just how little women in video games wear... yes.
Re: Awesome Links

Wait... what? Not sure how my enjoyment of sex is an insult to a stranger. o_O

Just me messing around.

Kind of like an inside joke to myself =P

EDIT: Plus it's been like a year since I posted here!

EDIT2: I love you Toxic <3
Re: Awesome Links

Re: Awesome Links

Not that I have a problem with bullet-proof bustiers, but I'm curious as to why someone would actually need one? I mean I understand why Sinful likes them and all that, and they are a cool idea. I mean is there actually a big market for armored underwear out there?

Well they aren't really bullet-proof. It's just a tactical vest in corset form, not body armour. The fact that I could wear this under a big jacket and have knives and magazine pouches on it just clicks for me *shrugs*. Women's fashion is a weird weird world Ronny... and this is probly like the first time I've been quite excited by it.

In an actual warzone, I'd more than likely go with something like the warlord chest rig so as to fit over the frag vest.
Re: Awesome Links

Also, wouldn't a corset mess with trying to breathe heavily?
Re: Awesome Links

Ahh, I guess I should have clicked the link cause I was just picturing a kevlar camisole. A tactical vest makes a bit more sense, though a bit expensive for normal people. At least they probably don't have much business competition.
Re: Awesome Links

Also, wouldn't a corset mess with trying to breathe heavily?

A traditional corset would yes, but these ones replaced all that damn lacing with buckles so you can adjust fit on the fly. They had pictures of women doing parkour wearing them.

And yeah Ronny, I'd assume they have very little competition. These things were unveiled late 2009.
Re: Awesome Links


Re: Awesome Links

Hahahahhaahh! My friend *loves* that game and I've been pondering putting it up on here or in the "flash games" thread. In fact, check there for another of his favorite games.
Re: Awesome Links

The song is strangely addicting, and WHY ARE THERE DOLPHINS. WHAT THE FUCK. This game is too addicting to have been allowed in public. Seriously, someone got @72.5 million points. That's @24 million points per life. WHO THE FUCK HAS THAT KIND OF TIME. Not to mention the will to do so... then again, it's the internet... and this game IS FUCKING ADDICTING.
Re: Awesome Links

I have no fucking clue.

Maybe some girls would like that?
Re: Awesome Links

No Real Tree camo? That's fucking bullshit!
Re: Awesome Links

Obviously Sin disapproves.

I mean, they're well done, I'll give it that, but...not my thing. Suppose if there's a market for combat corsets...
Re: Awesome Links

Some of them look rather lovely. Big thing though... focused on one camo. They made a good choice, as hunter camo has a nicer look than military, but damnit, I like my Real Tree.