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Solution for a day


Dec 4, 2008
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Alright, this is where you express a solution to any problem that you know of. It can be about the universe, beliefs or even something as unimportant as keeping your bed sheets together when you wake up ( I can never seem to awaken in an orderly fashion)

Mine for today is abolishing all traditions. This includes culture, religion and politics. It ideally would remove stereotypes and keep a fresh look on things in effect. No longer would any child have to grow up with awkward feelings/experiences related to a yearly family tradition. Israel would stop the war along the Gaza strip and etc. Though people cling to much to this kind of stuff.
Any comments or opinions?
Feel free to discuss your own ideas about anything. This was justto start the thread off.
Re: Solution for a day

Mine for today is abolishing all traditions. This includes culture, religion and politics. It ideally would remove stereotypes and keep a fresh look on things in effect. No longer would any child have to grow up with awkward feelings/experiences related to a yearly family tradition. Israel would stop the war along the Gaza strip and etc. Though people cling to much to this kind of stuff.

This might seem like a good idea at a glance, but I'm certain there are just as many positive traditions as there are negative, and in hopefully more. Plus, tearing away people's culture is probably not a good way to open up dialogs. Here's what you do: Get every leader of a nation together in one room, find out their most embarrassing secrets, and share. They'd be much more inclined to work together, I think. Or, if you'd prefer something serious: Let's have america( and the world at large while we're at it) drop the party system. Who gives a fuck about democrats and republicans and communists and the labor party and whatever the fuck else? It's not about them, it's about people. The sooner this gets to the top, the sooner we get our problems sorted.
Re: Solution for a day

People take everything to extreme. You can keep taking stuff away until people are killing each other over beliefs of Coke's superiority to Pepsi (which it is, and anyone who disagrees will taste my wrath)

We all need differences, true peace is embracing and not ignoring or erasing. If it wasn't religious, Gaza would still exist, be it just for land purposes.

After a lot of study in the issue, I've found the world doesn't exist with good and evil. I could remember as a kid thinking Israel as "right" just cuz we are allies and it turns out they are the ones who invented modern terrorism. The first arab terroristic act didn't even result in causalities. They hijacked several planes and had media around just to get people to understand the cause and then let everyone go. Violence begets violence and the ends don't justify the means. All peace turns one against the other. And it seems like the only way to get to a result is if everyone is completely brainwashed or destroyed. I think if (and this is VERY extreme) if the city was bombed, they wouldn't argue over it being holy land and, though instant retaliation is obvious, they will have little to fight for in the long run.
Re: Solution for a day

my solution:

let Nunu rule the middle east... whats left of it will be a very happy place when i'm done. remember, you can spell slaughter without laughter.
Re: Solution for a day

People take everything to extreme. You can keep taking stuff away until people are killing each other over beliefs of Coke's superiority to Pepsi (which it is, and anyone who disagrees will taste my wrath)

When Coke stops giving me chest pains from drinking it, then maybe I'll be inclined to agree with you. Until then, I'll stick with my red and blue logo.

Want my solution to something? Go back to making cell PHONES. They're phones. They shouldn't be MP3 players, computers, gaming consoles, TVs, cameras, or all that other crap. Good lord, I mean, what did we do in the days *before* cell phones anyway? Maybe keep the cameras (I've had it proven they're handy) but other than that, get back to basics. And while you're at it, stay off the damn thing while you're driving!
Re: Solution for a day

Yeah, they build em depending on who buys what, and everyone loves these shitty new phones they can put their greasy fingers all over the screen and don't flip open to protect themselves. Thus they get to be happy in their ignorance of "Hey look, my phone doesn't last too long in battery cuz it's always fucking on and doesn't last too long before it becomes unresponsive to touch and breaks fucking easy, but lookit, I touch it and IT DOES SOMETHING HAR HAR!" While the cell phone companies love the fact you can break em easy and buy em again. And what's with phones getting bigger? I thought the point was convenience, I don't want to feel like I'm carrying a fucking hammer in my pocket, I want a goddamned phone. Technology means things get smaller, not larger in 2 dimensions but thinner. That's just another way to increase chance of everything else in your pocket scratching it to shit

I was recently in line for an automatic cell phone upgrade which I was happy about cuz the battery casing to my old one was breaking off all the time. And then I came in to see all the shiny new phones I was able to get. Long story short, my new cell phone looks exactly like my old one, except with duct tape across the back
Re: Solution for a day

Want my solution to something? Go back to making cell PHONES. They're phones. They shouldn't be MP3 players, computers, gaming consoles, TVs, cameras, or all that other crap. Good lord, I mean, what did we do in the days *before* cell phones anyway? Maybe keep the cameras (I've had it proven they're handy) but other than that, get back to basics. And while you're at it, stay off the damn thing while you're driving!

Hey, me and my blackberry which I use to make 90 percent of my posts here resemble that remark :p except for the driving part anyway, that's just stupid. Seriously though, I find it a lot easier than lugging around a normal cell phone, a camera, a palm pilot, and my ten year old brick of a panasonic laptop that doesn't have wireless capability anyway. I dunno, maybe its just me?
Re: Solution for a day

I don't really see anyone's need for a palm pilot and computers are almost everywhere, so what more is necessary after a camera phone?
Re: Solution for a day

I don't even have a cell phone I hate the dang things, and if I could I destroy them all I would. Of course I'm somewhat insane on the subject, when I have to take them away from people at work because they think that the phones more important than helping customers it's getting ridiculous. Don't even get me started on driving with cell phones.
Re: Solution for a day

Saving the planet: total human genocide. Or abandoning the idea of the economy as a major concern, that might work too. At this point, the technology to make energy, and therefore anything else, free, is easily in our reach. Solar panels on one square mile of death valley could power the entire U.S. indefinitely so long as they were maintained, but no one would agree to it because no one would make money off of it.

Getting rid of religious extremism: don't let them raise children anymore, and if they get within a mile of a school, arrest them. They'll be gone in a generation if they can't brainwash children. It would be within the law to do so anyway, they usually abuse their children, and the argument could be easily made that they threaten other peoples kids.
Re: Solution for a day

A comment about "total human genocide": We really are a disturbance in the natural order of things and not a single choice that we can make will possibly change that. That being said, as long as we view ourselves for we truly are, we can stop bullshitting ourselves. We are the kind of being that eventually wants to live on for a purpose while disregarding other things around that have nothing to do with it. This includes bullshitting ourselves about saving something or bettering something (becoming a doctor to save people, trying to make technological advances... etc), the everlasting search for love, self-justification for our actions and existences (ex: religion) , pleasure of all types (not sexual), and sometimes advancing our thoughts. Of course, there are many empty existences which may result in crime, or just downright depression. A cure for a lack of one of these may sometimes be criticizing others in order to feel better or lying to yourself. That all being said, we as human beings won't give a fuck about saving our world in nature and our future is grim. For such as miserable race, we have moments of bliss and we should be spared to live because we are to be pitied.

Whew.. My palms are sweaty from typing.
Re: Solution for a day

We really are a disturbance in the natural order of things and not a single choice that we can make will possibly change that.

Humanity is the only species that actively destroys it's environment to survive. Any other animal that I've ever heard of exists in nature, we exist on top of it.
Re: Solution for a day

We've created avoidance and destruction as a substitute for adaptation, but I think we've proved our salt in that category a few times over.
Re: Solution for a day

Solutions... *sigh*. I've heard plenty, seem plenty try to go into effect. some end horribly, some end well. Others have ended with bloodshed.

Taking away cultures? People will fight tooth and claw to keep them. Attempting to take them away will only cause more pain and suffering then letting them stay.

Total human genocide? Sorry, I love my friends, my fiancee and my family. If anyone ever tries that, I will tear their fucking head off if they try and come close to the ones I love, then I will burn the body smash the head into pieces, and bury those pieces in different places of the world. I know humans are a disturbance on this planet, but I've seen enough good to believe in my race.

The middle east? Seperate religion from state, kill the fanatics who are dragging their countries down. We're trying that now, but not with the right tactics.

My solution of the day, not for anything in particular really. Travel. See the world, its beauty, meet its people, good and bad. Its opened my eyes the places I've been, the things I've seen. Just seeing how I'm typing this, I have it fucking good. I mean, real fucking good. As compared to the kids I see just outside the wire here. Yeah, that's my solution, see the world.
Re: Solution for a day

Yeah there's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing some young Iraqi boy or Afghani depending on where you are, to realize how good we all have it.
Re: Solution for a day

There's nothing sadder than the asshat who tells everyone America is the greatest country, but never left it.
Re: Solution for a day

There's nothing sadder than the asshat who tells everyone America is the greatest country, but never left it.

Do you think that making a law that says that everyone that's a citizen in America must visit another country would work?

Hmm, thinking about it, probably not. Most who live in the southern parts of America would just visit Mexico, and the northern part of the country could just go to Canada.
Re: Solution for a day

That wasn't the part of the equation I was focusing on. I was just kinda thinking people can easily be proved wrong on that stuff. But maybe I'm just too idealistic in thinking people actually listen to arguments.
Re: Solution for a day

That wasn't the part of the equation I was focusing on. I was just kinda thinking people can easily be proved wrong on that stuff. But maybe I'm just too idealistic in thinking people actually listen to arguments.

I can tell you now, they don't.