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Hive Number One

Re: Hive Number One

I'd rather it be me since I can heal and survive one than someone who wouldn't have seen it coming and would have died from it. Christ though, a goddamn cutting laser it fired. What the hell?
Re: Hive Number One

Well, bullets don't seem to be working, they had to try something else eventually. Come on, fix your legs, we need to get going, and I sure as hell aint carrying you. I can be a crutch if you need it, but you're probably twice my weight, there's no way I could drag your ass all the way to the chopper. Shrike says with a mental smile, reaching down to help him up when he's ready. She also turns to Pale and points at the shield she has thrown around them. "Hey, does this thing move?"
Re: Hive Number One

True enough I suppose, and I'm probably not QUITE twice your weight, but close. Remind me later to jack one of those weapons, ok?

He tests the nerve endings, and discovers they are close to repaired. He can move his hands into fist now, and jerky movements with the legs, but sitting up is impossible still, though it doesn't seem that will remain the case for long. What's disturbing though is the gaping hole in his chest. The hole was there, smoking still, but was not bleeding.
Re: Hive Number One

Pale, reaching out to.. almost curiously poke SIphon's wound, withdraws, with a smile.

"I had a suspicion you'd make it. Mainly because that other bastard survived something similar.. But hey, sure. HardShield's move.."

She grins.

"What are you thinking.. we just run straight through them? That's an interesting use of a shield.. but it could work."
Re: Hive Number One

A signal comes in over the comm "You on your way or what? I'm already at a nice LZ. I killed a lot of them, and they seem to be scared of me. Apparently, they've never seen a cyborg like me before." Burrito says, his right hand grasping his empty shotgun as he searches his person for more shotgun shells "Whenever your ready."
Re: Hive Number One

"Well then... what was the old phrase... Allons-y?"

With a smirk, Pale takes a step.. and the shield moves with her, as do the bots leaning on the outside.

"Well? You coming?"
Re: Hive Number One

With a groan, Siphon literally HEAVED himself to his feet, the damage repaired enough by now to move on his own power. With each moment he was getting stronger, and it showed in his movements. "Yes, let's get the hell out of here please."
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike just nodded and followed along, glad to have an easy time of it. She let her blade disappear, and offerred the last of her mental reserves to Siphon.

Here, this is all I got, take it if you need it, I got a feeling we're in the all clear, and I think you need it more than me, cauterized wounds are a bitch to heal
Re: Hive Number One

"Allocate power...." Tsuki stood, following the others as they finally started to leave. She'd healed as well, a couple bullets pushing out of her wounds before falling to the ground. She held up her shield to block rounds that were still being fired in their direction.

"Hey bots, come on!" The terminator bots that had been hacked quickly moved closer, they too followed behind while still firing back at the their former friends. Tsuki, in turn, moved closer to where the others were, before knocking on the shield. "Hey, can I come in?" As she said this, she was shot in the arm... again. "Aah...." The terminators turned and shredded the offending bot to bits. "...Please?" she added onto her last statement to Pale.

As long as the terminator bots were under her control, she was going to be way too slow to defend herself very well, and that tiny hand-help shield wasn't helping much.
Re: Hive Number One

Pale simply grins, and walks towards Tsuki.. the shield easily expanding to cover her, as well. Acting as if she was simply out for a stroll.. casually ignoring the bots around the edge.

"Where's our exit, then..?"
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike points over to a nearby hill. "I think that's it, who all are we missing? Copper's safe, Burrito's waiting for us, and I think everyone else is here, right?"
Re: Hive Number One

((Everyone that's been involved.))

Now what the hell did you do? Siphon hears through his link with Copper. Nothing like a chiding to make one feel better. I saw two fliers, one faller, one *explosion,* and the chopper coming in. And if you're hurt, it means your still alive, so don't make me kill you for doing something stupid. If he is well and truly hurt, she lays off, waiting to get a report from him, but ultimately, keeping out of sight until she can see the chopper taking off again.
Re: Hive Number One

"In that case, then.. "

Pale heads for the indicated landmark, practically whistling a happy tune. After a moment, though, she realises, and takes a step back to assist Siphon. He DID take that shot for her, after all..
Re: Hive Number One

Grave walked along with his comrades, breathing heavily. The battle was very exhausting and unlike his new friends, he didn't have any weapons of mass destruction. He had to kill things manually. Now he approached Tsuki, just to check if the girl's ok. He had seen her getting hit. "Hey... Everything's alright?"
Re: Hive Number One

It would be several long agonizing moments before Copper got any kind of reply that was coherent. I'll live, got struck with some kind of ionized cutting laser. That would have killed Pale if it had hit her, as it is it fried out my nerve endings for a bit, but I'm up now. Pissed and ready to shred something if I get the chance, but alive and moving alright. Oh and the explosion you saw was from Pale pretty well vaporizing half the land in back of us. Though these bots just keep coming, there's no end to them here even with the hive gone.

Shrike of course got a different reply. I appreciate the offer, but I'm not even certain I am able to take in energy through mental links. Even if I could, I would not, it would make me in a way no better than that other Wraith.

To Pale it would become apparent with each step that Siphon was obviously doing better and better. Movements became more steady, and his eyes were once again focused. Then the most peculiar thing began to happen. The skin that had been bored through by the laser began to slowly regenerate. Rather than simply heal up though all at once, it seemed the wound itself healed from the back side of the opening, through the body and finally to the front. After only another minute or so, the wound had healed completely, and the only sign it had been there was a still slight discoloration of the flesh that was fading even still towards normal.

He replied to Shrike verbally with, "well, there WAS one more, Bartnum, but we have no idea where he went to. He vanished completely soon after we arrived and entered the hive. I've been trying to locate him through the devices in the radio, but I've been getting nothing. If he was anywhere around that hive when it went up, he surely did not survive the explosion."

He of course was following them the entire time, and it was he of course who heard the chopper first of their group.

The chopper itself finally came into view, moving towards their location. Luckily for them the pilot had an eagle eye and spotted them easily amongst the scorched ground, and came in for a landing, touching down roughly a hundred yards from where the group currently was.

"Looks like our ride is here, shall we get the hell out of here?"
Re: Hive Number One

Burrito spies the chopper and begins running down the hill "Oi, you could have landed up on the hill" he says over the comm, sighing as he arrives near the group "Let's get the hell out of this place. I have a nice report for command when we get back."
Re: Hive Number One

Grave noticed that Tsuki slowed down dramatically. He picked the girl up and carried her. Altough the warrior was tired, he was still able to move at a satisfying pace. When He saw the chopper, Grave began to run towards it. "Finally, a way out of this hellhole!"
Re: Hive Number One

"Let's go, let's go!"

Though I hate flying in anything that isn't... me.

The Mage starts at a brisk run, now, with more and more fire impacting against the shield, the shield that is starting to wobble.. shiver.. then with an audible, almost painful crack, shatters. Pale staggers as the backlash rips through her, and throws up a thin, desperate wall of fire, leaning against the waiting chopper.

"We.. need.. to... leave! Everyone, in!"
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon, despite the fact he couldn't possibly be at full strength yet, moved slightly inwards towards the line of fire, several bullets simply passing through him, with no indication he felt it. It was unclear if that was good or not, but the anger in his eyes was evident.

"Get in the chopper, ENOUGH OF THIS."

There was a sudden charge to the air even as his eyes voided out once more. That was the only warning Pale would have before the sky literally rained blue beams of laser hot plasma. Any bot struck by the beams simply melted away into spare slag or was vaporized, nothing left of them. The bombardment kept up, though with each moment he controlled the beams he grew weaker. He had taken more of a pounding than he wanted to admit right now, and keeping up this level of barrage to give them time after such a pounding was heavily exhausting him. That was when he got an idea.

"Pale, I can keep them back so the rest can get in first, but I need you to do me a favor and TRUST me here. I want you to conjure up an electrical bolt, and blast me with it."
Re: Hive Number One

Pale stares at Siphon for a long moment, then nods.

"One problem. Lightning isn't like fire. You can't bring it out of just anywhere.. we need.."

She glances at the blue sky, cloudless and perfect.. and utterly useless for her purposes. Then at the milling bots, all neatly grounded.. then..


"We use the chopper! That'll generate the static, I'll channel it.. but.."

But that needs it to take off first, shit.

"But it needs to take off first.. that'll only work if they leave us behind."