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Merry Christmas!

Re: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to my favourite coven of perverts! Hope you have a good one. Mine was kind of lackluster, but at least the tree didn't fall over.
Re: Merry Christmas!

merry christmas you bastards.
thats how we say it in australia.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Merry fuckin' christmas to all and to all try not to get shot.

That's how we say it in Detroit.
Re: Merry Christmas!

A happy holidays, and an enjoyable time for all. Except Pale.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Fuck off. That's how we say it in new york...

But for you guys, I'll say Merry Christmas to all.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Am I first this year? Holy shit, I'm first!

Merry Christmas, everybody! Hope you have a good one!
Re: Merry Christmas!

Murray Chrismuh! Even though dad is gone, I've still got all of you to help me through the coming year(s) and ya'll have been a huge help over the last month and a half. I'm n ot sure I could have made it here without ya'll.

Re: Merry Christmas!

Merry Crhistmast to all!!

Indeed, all of you warm our day. Also is great to dont be the one looking for this thread in the many pages of this subforum this year
Re: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Chibs! Im glad we were able to help you through bad times! *huggles*
Re: Merry Christmas!

Happy humbug, one and all. Have lots of love and all that. Especially Oni. Oni gets extra love.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Happy humbug, one and all. Have lots of love and all that. Especially Oni. Oni gets extra love.

Go jump in front of a bus.

Also, happy fat man bringing you shit day.