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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread


The only reason why this forum is getting boring is because:

1) All the things that used to make this forum interesting is gone. That means everything that stirred up trouble is gone. Supermeme, Linemarvel, some of the old memebers, they've all left. It's not as fun when things don't happen, for better or for worse.

2) Linemarvel. Like I said before, he's gone. We lost of initial reason for the forums even existing. Linemarvel's gone and now there's no goal for us to strive for. Sure, if we were just a regular hentai forum, then our goal would be to just be hentai freaks. But we aren't. We have lives outside of hentai, and we share it with others. That's why it's no longer interesting. We don't have a single interest to put our main focus on.

3) We know too much about each other. I'll admit that most of us are a closely-knit community. You got your group of friends, we got ours. Familiarity breeds, not contempt in this case, but boredom. We know each other. We already understand what the forum has to offer. There's nothing to talk about because we already know what we're going to talk about. I nailed the job interview. Nice. We heard you talking about that a couple days ago in the chatroom.

The forums are getting boring, yes. I totally agree. It's just not as fun as it used to be. But that's because, like every other forum I've ever been in, it's just not as fresh as it used to be. We know everybody and there's just isn't as much to talk about nowadays.

But what I really wanna say is that are you seriously going to leave the forums because it just isn't as exciting anymore? Granted you did say that there were events that foretold this. But even if these events were legitimate reasons, you're saying that we're basically boring you and that you wanna leave.

If it's that boring to you, and I know I'm going to get backlash for this, then why aren't you doing anything about it? You listed a couple things that made the previous forums fun. Active RPs? That's because there weren't as many as before. We didn't have to choose between seventeen hundred different RPs. Decent members that were helpful? Well if it's hentai you're talking about, it's kinda hard to be helpful when we have barely any info to work on. If you're talking about general information or such, I haven't exactly seen a lot of cries of help for that.

And now for a more rant-y part of my post.

Are you seriously just leaving because it got boring around here? And no don't try to defend him by twisting him words like, "Well he didn't mean to call it boring! He just meant that it wasn't as interesting as it was before!". No. He called it boring, plain and simple. If it weren't boring, he wouldn't be leaving.

Anyway, you're saying that you're leaving because it's boring. Then to be completely honest, then I say leave. You call the forums boring, then obviously don't see that this place is still a pretty awesome place to be in. You know what that's also saying? You're not contributing much at all. Granted, a lot of us don't contribute much, me especially. But to say that it's boring around here means you don't want to be associated with this place anymore. You're not gonna try to help make it fun again. You just wanna find some place else to have fun.

There's a lot of elitism growing in these forums, honestly. We all tend to stay in each other's circles because we don't like certain people in the forums. Psst. Here's an idea. If you find it boring, find the people you don't like and maybe open up your mind to them? "Yeah sure, but they're trolls! They're assholes!" Because you're being pretty easy targets. You're being easy and open targets. They don't troll certain people because they know they don't give a rat's ass about it. If you find the forums boring, then find new people to talk to rather than stay in the same damn circle.

"Why don't you do the same then, Darkfire!?" Because I don't find the forums boring and I have other friends besides people in the forum. Hey look! I can go on the forums AND find other things to do! I didn't know that was possible! Now I don't have to be an ass and make an entire post about me leaving the forums forever and instead just do other things while still keeping in touch with this place!

Haaaa... Hit me with your best shot, defenders of Siphon's reasons. I'm probably going to ignore it anway.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Dark. You raised many good points.

Also, Siphon, Seriously? You're that quick to leave after someone criticizes your RP skills? You are NOT a man. You are a fool and a disappointment. Makes me sad that I chose to listen to you and watch Stargate. Worst waste of my time EVER.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Actually Dark, there's more than JUST that as to why I'm leaving, though perhaps I should say it's more of "HEAVILY leaning towards leaving."

A lot of other issues have been going on outside of this, and well ... frankly, I'm just not so sure anymore that A: I'm really wanted around (though I'm surprised by the sudden wave of people posting in this so maybe I was wrong there.) B: That I'm really wanting to continue with the whole online forum bit anymore. C: That I'm even someone you folks would WANT to be around after the events of the last several months.

Yes, I feel that tings have gotten dull Dark, and would I have liked to help with that, YES I would. Unfortunately, not only am I uncertain of how exactly I can since I'm not a finder like some of you, I'm also not sure my 'help' is WANTED.

You were one of the first people I met on here Dark, and one of the first who actually made an effort to welcome in a newbie. For that, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you.

It's also a bit difficult to do much of anything when people seemingly are purposely sabatoging the very fabric of the RP's that generate a load of interest here. Maybe they aren't but to me right now it seems that way. Perhaps I'm paranoid, I know I have alot of other mental health problems, so what's one more aye?

In closing Dark, there is more to it than just forum based issues as to why I'm probably leaving. It isn't just one sole reason for everything like your thinking it is. Frankly, I'm not mentioning my other reasons here because there are some people I don't trust with knowing it if I ever DO return, which is not a given. If you want you can PM me, and I'll try to explain the rest, but like you said, you may not care enough to want to know, and that is up to you.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Granted you did say that there were events that foretold this. But even if these events were legitimate reasons, you're saying that we're basically boring you and that you wanna leave.

Yeah. There are other reasons for you leaving. From what I'm gathering from Burr's and your post, it's... RP-related..?

... I think I'm just gonna do what everybody else is doing and just...

Siphon, it's been nice knowing you! Hopefully we'll see you again some day!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

No not all of it Dark.

Part of why I'm so ticked is other stuff that has gone on outside of the forum. After speaking with several people, and the sudden influx of people who apparently DON'T want me leaving ... I'm just going to say this.

I'm taking some time away from the forum for now, closing out any RP I was in for now to focus on a few more important things. One being my daughter.

Second being tracking the son of a bitch who left me a message threatening to kill her on my MSN this morning.

Third ... I may be taking a trip out of NY for some time to go see someone. If all goes well, I may be returning back here WITH her. Also, I have football now, so I'm finding with some things, I simply don't have enough time to do them anymore.

Will I be back at some point? Possibly, not promising. Am I going to regret not taking a break sooner and stopping things from getting ugly when I could have? Hells yes.

Was there some mis-interpretations and mis-fed information? Absolutely. Am I psychopathic and prone to going off the deep end when too much shit piles on my plate? Well, according to my shrink I'm autistic, so that's a big YES.

For the best interests of things, it's best for me to take a step back now and take some time. Who knows, maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and feel differently on things. Maybe I won't, it's hard to say for sure.

I'll try at the least if I'm able to stick a footnote up at some point every week to let you know how the season goes for my team, that way you know I haven;t gone and shot someone ... yet.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Imma going on vacation see ya all in about two weeks, please try not to burn all of the place down without me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Fine, fine, but no promises. Have fun!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Who cares? Let him leave if he wants to. I personally don't give a damn about his reasoning and neither should you.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It was only a matter of time.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I heard about that awhile ago. It's supposed to be made in two movies, and Guilemero Del Toro ((I probably butchered his name)) is supposed to be directing. For those of you who don't know him, he did movies like "Mimic" and "Pan's Labyrinth"
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Mimic I've seen and was pretty good.

OK, well ... I have some good news, and I have some bad news.

The good news is, I'm probably going to be staying around, though more in a reduced way than I was before and not QUITE as active. Now this means that I might drop certain RP's completely for good, I have not decided which ones yet. Secondly, it took me a good day, but I found where the son of a bitch who left that message lives, and I've already personally 'dealt' with it. They won't be pulling shit like that again.

The bad news is, it appears that one of the reasons I had for possibly leaving isn't to be, which I SUPPOSE is good news for some of you, but for me it's not so good. For those questioning exactly what was so big on that it would cause me to leave, well suffice it to say that hooking up with someone and possibly moving out of the state generally tends to make it hard to return back here when that person isn't into this type of stuff. THAT was probably my main reason I was going to leave, hence why I said it had been a while in coming, was because this was something kind of being worked on. Unfortunately, it does not appear that this will happen.

So yeah Obe, you won't completely lose me for your countdown thread, which I'm sure probably will make you breathe a sigh of relief. Personally, I'd love to see that get finished, but I think it will be a very long time before it does.

Burr, you and I have spoken, you know most of whats going on now I believe.

Everyone else ... Carry on.

On a side note, I'm supposed to post here that there is a very good chance we have seen the last of Wolf here. He's been job hunting, and if he gets one, he may simply no longer have the time to come here. I fear one day this may be the case for me as well, but not bloody yet.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

its good that you're not completely gone, it wounds me terribly whenever we loose a member.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

The bad news is, it appears that one of the reasons I had for possibly leaving isn't to be, which I SUPPOSE is good news for some of you, but for me it's not so good. For those questioning exactly what was so big on that it would cause me to leave, well suffice it to say that hooking up with someone and possibly moving out of the state generally tends to make it hard to return back here when that person isn't into this type of stuff. THAT was probably my main reason I was going to leave, hence why I said it had been a while in coming, was because this was something kind of being worked on. Unfortunately, it does not appear that this will happen.


All silliness aside, if you were that into her, I'm sorry it didn't work out for ya.

On a side note, I'm supposed to post here that there is a very good chance we have seen the last of Wolf here. He's been job hunting, and if he gets one, he may simply no longer have the time to come here. I fear one day this may be the case for me as well, but not bloody yet.

Unless it's SERIOUS BUSINESS, I doubt he won't have time to come here at all; maybe no time to RP, but probably enough time to post one or two things so we know he's alive.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

(Don't you just hate it when you write out a nice thought out post and then realise that you've completely missed the posts on the next page? And that these posts then void the reason for the already written post, making it out dated before you've even posted it? -_-

Well fuck that, I'm posting it anyway.)

A goodbye post? Aw jeez Siphon. I haven't got a clue what this RP strife is about, I only get time for one or two, and I don't know anything about who would not want you here. But it'll be a shame to see you go. My RP characters will miss you too that's for sure. I'm not going to try to analyse or convince you on anything, but don't be afraid to visit from time to time. Even if this place doesn't do enough to keep you regular doesn't mean you really have to disappear altogether and make a big declaration about it.

I perhaps can't say as much about the forums state since I get so little time to check it properly. Simply don't get time to look at let alone actually reply to all the threads across the various boards. I have no typical log on times and am limited to one or two hours each session. An irregular regular. I really wish I could be more active here. I never join in on the chat, and I'm always missing things. I suppose I just never notice the ass holes or trolls either. Is that a good thing? That said even I have noticed the general drop in posting. I think Dark did a pretty good job of explaining why. It hasn't bothered me as much so far, since I don't get to look at it all either way.


And you know what? I want to say more but I'm out of time again. lolshitdamnbuggerit. ¬_¬
Re: Member Announcements Thread


Best Tell Oni we need someone else to help the FMA RP now. I'd like for it to not crash and burn like everything else I've been interested in.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Jesus I JUST noticed Siphon's leaving thread and NEVEr noticed Pale's WTF is wrong with me?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Too distracted by Chibi's boobies, I see.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

That's more distracting Chibi... >_>