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VN/TEXT RPG SIM Localization NTR Loli Shota Ryona [AliceSoftEnglish] Sengoku Rance


Jungle Girl
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score

Description of Gameplay

Sengoku Rance is a hentai Strategy-RPG that takes place in the fictional world of JAPAN. There are a large number of classes: such as Ashigaru (Japanese Infantry / Spearmen), Samurai, Musketeers, Sohei, Archers, Ninja, Tacticians, Onmyouji, Cavalry, and Miko. There are also a few "foreigner" classes from the Rance main series: Mages, Cannoneers, and Knights. The game starts in Oda Nobunaga's home territory of Owari. With only 5 commanders (and only a few hundred soldiers per commander), Rance (the main character of Alicesoft's long running series) sets off to conquest all of JAPAN (roughly 31 territories). As a fictional setting, this includes Texas, Morraco, and South Africa (some territories of JAPAN that don't match up to the real world Japan).


Battles take place in a 2x3 vs 2x3 region. 2-columns, 3-rows. Every unit has a set of skills, largely determined by their class. Although unique units, such as Rance, have unique attacks and skills. For example, Rance's magical slave Sill will heal Rance after every action. The goal of combat is to achieve more than 50% "Advantage". Losing troops will reduce your advantage, while killing enemy troops will raise your advantage. Battles on a field have a 10% advantage towards the defender, while battles in a castle start with a 90% advantage towards the defender.

Army battles follow roughly Lanchester's laws: ( ), which means an army with troop count 300 will do 2x damage (and take 1/2 damage) from an army with 150. However, instead of scaling all the way to 9999, there is a quirk in the calculation. The "Adjusted Troop Size" grows at 50% rate after 500 troops, and only grows 25% rate after 1000 troops. In effect, an army with size 1000 will deal only 150% the damage of an army of size 500. While an army of size 2000 will only deal 200% the damage of an army size 500.

Briefly, here's what each unit can do:

  • Ashigaru (Japanese Infantry / Spearmen): Cheapest units to recruit and replace. They can "Ally Guard", creating a INT% x2 chance of defending an ally within their column. Each hit removes 40% guard. For example, a 6-INT Ashigaru will Ally Guard at 120% (which will last for 3-hits. First at 120%, then at 80% chance of blocking, and finally 40% chance of blocking)
  • Samurai One of the premier attacking units in the game. They can only attack from the front column vs the enemy's front column however.
  • Archers Tied (with Sohei) as the 2nd cheapest unit in the game to recruit. They can attack from either back-or-front column, against the back-or-front column of the opponent.
  • Ninja: The fastest units in the game. Typically strikes first and has very low cooldown. However, Ninja are much more expensive than other units. Ninja shuriken also cancel "preparation" moves (primarily Onmyouji's AOE attack). May get "Assassinate" skills for a ~50% chance to instant-kill foes (dependent on the relative army sizes. The more troops the Ninja has, the better the chance of instant-kill).
  • Musketeers: Very few action points. Their first shot is extremely fast and extremely powerful, the most powerful JAPAN attack (although weaker than the foreigner Cannons / Tulips). However, most Musketeers can only fire once per battle, while there are (rare) heroes who can fire twice. Can initially only fire from the front-column vs the enemy's front column, they do get a piercing shot eventually with 50% damage to one row (both the front and back column).
  • Tacticians: Provides an (INT) number of (INT x 5)% boosts to random stats. For example, a tactician with 8 INT will provide 8-random stat bonuses (across all units) of +40% upon the start of combat. They fight with bows, similar to archers except much more expensive. Tactician skills are extremely varied: providing more boosts, cancelling enemy boosts, and even skills that can increase (or even flip!!) the "Advantage bar"
  • Sohei (Warrior Monks): Incredibly healthy units which fully recover after every fight for free. While slightly weaker than Samurai, Sohei have the ability to "Guard Cancel" Ashigaru, removing their x2 defense boost and removing the Ashigaru's ability to "guard" enemy hits on behalf of their column-mates (at least, until the Ashigaru's next turn). Tied with Archers as 2nd cheapest unit in the game to recruit.
  • Onmyouji (Ying-Yang Magic): Defense Shikigami will block one hit completely (not even removing a "Guard%" if it hit a guarding Ashigaru). Offense-Shikigami is a large-scale AOE attack which hits all 6 enemies, but requires preparation (ie: can be stopped by a Ninja attack). As a magic attack, Onmyouji ignore Ashigaru defense bonuses.
  • Cavalry: Only available from the Takdeda clan. Cavalry are warrior units who can perform melee strikes from the back-or-front column against the enemy's back-or-front column. Very rare units however.
  • Miko (Shrine Maidens): Healer units who fight with bows. Although healing does not provide any "Advantage" in battle, the healing will save lots of gold in the long run.

Foreigner classes:
  • Mage: Magic attacks which ignore Ashigaru defense bonuses, but Ashigaru will still "facetank" hits on behalf of their column-mates.
  • Knight: Exclusive to the character Leila, the Royal Guard of the Leazas army. Combines the best attributes of Ashigaru and Samurai: she can hit hard while providing Ally Guard. Tied with as Archers / Sohei as 2nd cheapest to recruit.
  • Cannoners: Rocket launchers. Exclusive to Maria and her subordinate Kasumi. Hits even harder than Musketeers and they come with 3 action points. They're still very slow however and need lots of +Speed boosts to get all their shots in by the endgame. Tied with Musketeers as most expensive unit to recruit.

The above only discusses Army battles. All characters have a 2nd set of commands when you enter "Commander" battles. Commander battles use a standard HP formulas you're probably used to from typical JRPGs. (A commander at 1HP will still do full damage). Commander battles are for clearing dungeons: sources of important loot. (+stat books, +affection items, and treasures such as +20% damage).



The country-wide strategy element of the game is very free-form. At the heart is a hentai-game you'd expect: the more H-scenes you give Rance, the stronger Rance (and probably the girl he's Hing with) become. In general, captured enemies start at "Scorn", after 7-affection points, they become "Normal". 7 affection points after that becomes "Trust", and finally some characters (most females but not all) can reach "Love" after another 7-affection points + character specific events. For example, Ai (who is the Tactician serving under Kenshin) will only be able to grow to "Trust" if Kenshin is already in "Love" state. The many, many triggers are documented on AliceSoft Wiki:

Every 7-affection points provides a major bonus to that character (usually new attacks, new skills, or even +Stat boosts). So H-ing female commanders is the absolute best way of improving stats and your army. These character-specific story scenes are represented by the "Pink ????" that you can select in territories.


Outside of fucking girls, there's also the whole war mechanics. "National Power" limits how many commanders you can hire. As commanders get more powerful, they cost more-and-more "National Power". You can build up cities, or conquest other territories, to increase your national power. There is also a gold-and-income mechanic. Every territory will provide you with taxes, which you can spend on hiring more troops (increasing the strength of a commander in Army battles), or healing troops back to max. Gold is also required for some rare events.


Commanders may also be used for non-combat events. Blue Construction events require "Construction" skill, which either provides a +% boost in defense / attack for one fight, or can raise national power. "Search" can be used to scout enemy units (allowing you to see their army composition so you can better deploy "counter" units)... or search for treasure or dungeons. Finally, "Negotiation" can recruit units (either from your Prison, or from territory events), increasing the size of your army.

Finally, "Negotiation" can either start a war, or end a war. You are not allowed to attack enemy territories until you declare war, which can require hefty amounts of negotiation (some states need 20 negotiation to start a war!). Ending a war makes the opponent a vassal state: which means you get +National Power, but no extra income. Rance typically will want to rape the princess (typically only possible on actual conquest... although there are exceptions...). So I don't think negotiations would be very common.

Description of Story

After the events of Rance VI, Rance travels to the fictional country of JAPAN to fuck more ladies. But JAPAN is in the Sengoku "Warring States" period, filled with many different independent provinces. So Rance does what any hentai-protagonist wants to do and starts conquering, and raping, across Japan. Ultimately, the "True Route" plays into the continuity involving the Fiends, Arch-Fiend, world-destruction... and so forth. But its kinda spoilers to tell you more about that. The 3-alternative routes are for the 3-route heroines: Kenshin, Isoroku, and Ran. Which instead of following the canonical story, Rance will (primarily) romance that one girl associated with that route.

The gallery hits virtually every fetish, as per AliceSoft. Off the top of my head: Ryona, NTR, Loli, Shota, Rape (lots and lots of rape), missionary, doggie style, bondage, Futa... honestly, if there's a fetish you can think of its probably in the 100+ pictures available in the gallery. But as a Rance game, its mostly rape.



These are the two guides you'll need to 100% the game. The Gamefaqs guide is less complete, but is more logically written. There are other guides on Gamefaqs but they aren't worth reading... just stick to those two guides only. Unfortunately, these guides are based on fan-translations from years ago, so the new English translation doesn't seem to match up to these older guides.
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I'm going to move tips to another post... this post.


  • The main story will start once 5-gourds are destroyed. Do not worry about completing everything in your first game, its almost impossible. Instead, a 100% run is usually in the "Kill the Monkey" mode, which prevents the main-story from ever kicking off. "Kill the Monkey" mode is available in your 2nd play through (if you have 10-endgame points available)
  • Get to 50 Satisfaction points as soon as possible. Most H-scenes provide +1, +3, or +5 points. At 50 Satisfaction, you can get a 3rd action fan (3x actions per turn).
  • 2x Zeth reinforcements will give you Rizna (Mage) and Uruza (Tactician). There are only 3 good tacticians in the game, and while Uruza is probably 3rd best... she's exceptionally easy to get early on. I highly suggest 2x Zeth Reinforcements (Satisfaction bonus at 10, 20, 30, or 40). Furthermore, magic units are rare early on, so Rizna is useful.
  • Leazas reinforcements are okay (Kanami (Ninja), Maria (Cannoneer), Leila (Knight)). Leila is probably one of the best frontline units in the game, but Kanami is a subpar Ninja (albeit at an incredible 7 speed... but 4 STR / 4 DEF needs a lot of work). With lots of investment, Kanami can become a good endgame unit eventually, while Maria's Cannoneers are too expensive to use without the popularity staff. There's good strategy to use here if you want to use Kanami or Maria, but it takes a lot more effort than some easier to get units already in JAPAN.
  • Uesugi Kenshin causes all enemies to -1 Action at the start of battle. As a Commander, she comes in at level 60. As such, she's easily THE BEST Samurai in the game, bar none. Her tactician, Naoe Ai, comes in with 7/7/8/7 stats and Battle Tactics 2 / Status Cancel 2 + Money Management (+4% money per turn), and is the 2nd best tactician in the game.
  • Note that the enemy scales with your army size or # of provinces. All (non-Ashigaru) units with more than 300 troops will be averaged together to determine the strength of the story-related threat. The # of provinces will scale all remaining clans (more provinces conquered == more powerful enemies). If the endgame foe seems too strong, try rewinding a few turns and making a bunch of 300-troop commanders (to drop down your "average" army size).
  • Money Management maxes out at 2000 Gold. This means that one-unit with Money Management will provide +2000G per turn if you keep 50000G at the end of each turn. But have 2x units, and you only need 25000G. 3x units will only require 16667G.
  • If Rance or Kouhime loses all their troops, you might as well restart the game. They will always die, causing a game-over.
  • Enemy Ashigaru's "guard" may be hard to get around, especially in castle fights (90% advantage to defenders).
    • Sohei have "Guard Cancel", fully cancelling the guard entirely
    • Magic attacks ignore the +Defense boost. They are still "blocked" by Ashigaru but you'll deal more damage through Magic: Onmyouji or Mages
    • Raise a Samurai through 2x affections to go from Samurai Attack -> Samurai Attack 2 -> Guard break. Guard Break ignores the defense boost (but is only 80% damage). Always have one or two Samurai with Guard Break for those tough castle fights, maybe with Siege Castle Expert skill (+50% damage in castle fights).
  • Attack, Defense, Int books drop from taxing a population after conquest.
  • Speed and Action books only drop in dungeons, pretty rarely at that.
  • Yoshikage Asakura's final +Trust affection bonus will provide a mass-construction event of +1 National Power per conquered province. Needless to say, this is incredibly overpowered. Definitely recruit this man and trigger it if you feel low on national power.

Notable Builds:
  • Yuzumi Yuzuhara (Musketeer): Worker Badge (Item #40) will half her troop count when equipped, but increase moves by +2. Combined with the Arquebus-Smithy you can build in Tamba (+3 or +5 troop growth per turn), Yuzuhara... with enough investment, can become an incredible endgame character. Her Shoot + Snipe (high-damage with chance of instant-kill) is incredible, and penetrating shot (50% damage to a row) can be obtained after a few H-scenes. She still needs a ton of +Speed boosts to get all the hits in due to the innately slowness of the Musketeer attacks, but its one of the reliable sources of multiple instant-kill effects.
  • Maria (Cannoneer): Popularity Staff (Item# 54) will +20 troops per turn. Maria is nearly unusable because of how expensive her units are, but the popularity staff fixes that problem. Since Maria has the most expensive units in the game, she's the natural fit for the Popularity staff.
  • Rance's "Elite Troop" bonus will grant +1 to Attack, Defense, Intelligence, and Speed. I suggest doing this only after you've reached 6 Atk / Def / Int / Speed from books.
  • Kanami initially starts off with 4/4/4/7 stats, pretty bad except for speed. However, since Attack + Defense books are rather common, you can over time increase her stats to 6/6/4/7. Combined with the "Sonic Shuriken" skill, she'll become a great "first-strike" user (Ninjas are innately the fastest in the game, and the 7-speed on Kanami is the fastest ninja available). It takes a lot of work to make her usable, but I think she is endgame worthy if you pump her stats up enough. Its very hard to get high-speed units, because speed textbooks are much more rare than attack/defense books.
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Where is NTR in this game ?

Perhaps the shimazu brothers? not only do they make your female generals defect but when you recruit them, they will still try to seduce certain characters.
Perhaps the shimazu brothers? not only do they make your female generals defect but when you recruit them, they will still try to seduce certain characters.
Perhaps the shimazu brothers? not only do they make your female generals defect but when you recruit them, they will still try to seduce certain characters.
Nice, any more NTR in this game ?
Nice, any more NTR in this game ?

Rather than NTR itself... many female characters have a bad ending, Uesugi Kenshin and Naoe AI can be raped to death if you don't rescue them in time, Kouhime can be raped too and can die in some routes.

The game has quite a few brutal scenes that can happen in your walkthrough, still it is quite below what kichikuou rance had, that game if you haven't tried it, while old, has a lot of NTR and bad endings, even to the point that Rance having too much sex with a character the girl may suicide or become crazy.

Personally I like the darker tone that kichikuou rance had, I hope they do a remake for that game and expand it a bit more.
SR getting an official translation will go down in history.
Where is NTR in this game ?

Hmm, I don't know how to answer this without spoilers.

* In true route, Kouhime gets stolen away by Xavier and raped by shota. This is basically the start of the main-story, right as the 5th gourd is broken.
* Isoroku Yamamoto is courting some despicable guys because she's trying to get an heir. Rance obviously H's her in the end, but there's an element of soft-NTR in her True-story arc.
* If Leila is at "Love" and ever gets to 25% troop count (or less) vs the Demon Army, they will steal her away and Xavier will imprison and rape her. Basically textbook hardcore NTR right here + Gallery scene.
* Shimazu brothers counts I guess too, but I wasn't really thinking about them
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Where is NTR in this game ?

There plenty of rape of the rance girl, but i dont considered this under NTR category -- this is only rape
The shimazu brother did stole the female comander under you, but again not when they in love --- i dont consider this as NTR category again....

The only part i truly will say NTR (Netori)
Ran route, cuz its technicaly mention she was in love with that guy until rance Netori him hard and stole her away
Oh man this game, this game.

The gameplay its self is very soild and can 100% stand on its own if all the X rated stuff got taken out, but than we won't have rance pilaging his way across JAPAN.

There is a grand strat streamer that is playing this with a special beta patch on twitch for his first playthrough in celebration for the offcial translation launch, so I would not be spurised to see more people playing this great game
Wow, the classic game got a real eng release, the times are changing.
Rance gender-bend ending is best ending~
This thread was good. I never knew that INT Stat affected the potency of ashigaru and Tactician units. Played it so much back in the 2009-2011. Alicesoft forced me to walk the talk back where back then when I said I would bought sengoku rance if it ever came west and laughed it off because it will never come west anyway so I don't care. Fastforward to 2019, Sengoku Rance is now in english and i'm forced to eat my own words and buy my copy. But i'm not even mad at all. Senhime <3 <3<3 I always go out of my way to get senhime as early as possible. Much thanks to this thread being made, my bad ashigaru + Tactician units can now actually be good.

edit: Actually that explains why Katsuie got an int boost after doing his event. That one always confused the hell out of me, i was like why the frak do he get an int up ?What a complete waste. turns out it was never a waste lol
This thread was good. I never knew that INT Stat affected the potency of ashigaru and Tactician units. Played it so much back in the 2009-2011. Alicesoft forced me to walk the talk back where back then when I said I would bought sengoku rance if it ever came west and laughed it off because it will never come west anyway so I don't care. Fastforward to 2019, Sengoku Rance is now in english and i'm forced to eat my own words and buy my copy. But i'm not even mad at all. Senhime <3 <3<3 I always go out of my way to get senhime as early as possible. Much thanks to this thread being made, my bad ashigaru + Tactician units can now actually be good.

edit: Actually that explains why Katsuie got an int boost after doing his event. That one always confused the hell out of me, i was like why the frak do he get an int up ?What a complete waste. turns out it was never a waste lol

Senhime has high stats all around, but I definitely prefer "Neo Guard" on my Ashigaru units (INT x 30% guard) instead of Senhime's "All Guard" (INT x 10% guard). Senhime has high stats, especially speed, however, and her offense is pretty strong. The Auto-heal is okay, but I actually prefer "Enhanced Initial Guard", so I actually prefer Kouhime as my "back-line Ashigaru", despite Kouhime's weaker stats.

Kouhime just starts with 120% initial guard, and then uses All-Guard for +50% guard: 170% after one turn. Senhime starts at 50% and maybe gets +70%, so her guard rate is just slower than Kouhime.... even with Kouhime's much weaker stats. Furthermore, it only takes (very common) +Atk / +Def / +Int books to fix Kouhime's problem. +Int to get to 6 INT, +Def to get to 6 Def, and Kouhime becomes absolutely great.

With that being said, Senhime is absolutely worth recruiting. I build her with all the +Speed boosts... with 9 speed she'll go first in commander battles and army battles. So her All-guard will defend reliably vs even some Ninja opponents. Neither Katsuie nor Kouhime can get that fast (unless you spend super-rare Speed2 books to pump their stats above 6). Senhime's stats are already supurb, and her skills are fleshed out already. Might as well pump +Speed on affection boosts.
Is there a way to get scenes with Ranmaru? She was the first character I built up a good relationship with so I was pretty disappointed when i got the character clear star without getting any scenes with her. Even though I'm around 90 turns in I'm kind of tempted to start over since the chick leading the nation of female warriors died in a scene and I was looking forward to conquering them... lol. But if I do I want to know how to get it on with Ranmaru first. Maybe build up your relationship with the lolicon guy first?
Wow, the classic game got a real eng release, the times are changing.
Yeah, and what a "real eng release" it is, having most of the unit names translated by keeping the japanese names and write them out in english instead of properly translating the meaning like the former translation did. Who does not love to have words like onmyoji and the like in every other sentence that don't mean anything to most western players, really adds to the atmosphere since Rance is also foreign to japan in this game so he naturally wouldn't understand much himself, so why would the player get special treatment here.

In all honesty, this new translation is inferior to the old one, what I have seen from it not only fucked with the charm the old version had but made it considerably harder to understand because Arunaru seemingly forgot that not everyone in the west is a hardcore weep knowing a ton of japanese vocabulary by heart. It just kinda is adding insult to injury, I mean who even asked for another Sengoku Rance translation in the first place? For almost everyone familiar with the series, Sengoku Rance was the starting point, many people played through it like 10 years ago, but Mangagamer somehow thought many people would willingly pay full price for a game they already have, and a second translation they never needed in the first place. At the same time they sit on Marias finished Rance Quest translation for YEARS now, even Rance IX has supposedly been finished for quite a while but these games don't get released, boggles my mind.
Yeah, and what a "real eng release" it is, having most of the unit names translated by keeping the japanese names and write them out in english instead of properly translating the meaning like the former translation did. Who does not love to have words like onmyoji and the like in every other sentence that don't mean anything to most western players, really adds to the atmosphere since Rance is also foreign to japan in this game so he naturally wouldn't understand much himself, so why would the player get special treatment here.

In all honesty, this new translation is inferior to the old one, what I have seen from it not only fucked with the charm the old version had but made it considerably harder to understand because Arunaru seemingly forgot that not everyone in the west is a hardcore weep knowing a ton of japanese vocabulary by heart. It just kinda is adding insult to injury, I mean who even asked for another Sengoku Rance translation in the first place? For almost everyone familiar with the series, Sengoku Rance was the starting point, many people played through it like 10 years ago, but Mangagamer somehow thought many people would willingly pay full price for a game they already have, and a second translation they never needed in the first place. At the same time they sit on Marias finished Rance Quest translation for YEARS now, even Rance IX has supposedly been finished for quite a while but these games don't get released, boggles my mind.

Personally before the release I had a tiny hope that they would add a few things and what they added give it for free to the japanese that bought the game in the past, it would have been quite a great thing if that happened.

But well, we will only need another 10 years before they remaste rance VII, ah well, I want them to do a remake of kichikuou rance, the best game they did in my opinnion.
Yeah, and what a "real eng release" it is, having most of the unit names translated by keeping the japanese names and write them out in english instead of properly translating the meaning like the former translation did. Who does not love to have words like onmyoji and the like in every other sentence that don't mean anything to most western players, really adds to the atmosphere since Rance is also foreign to japan in this game so he naturally wouldn't understand much himself, so why would the player get special treatment here.

In all honesty, this new translation is inferior to the old one, what I have seen from it not only fucked with the charm the old version had but made it considerably harder to understand because Arunaru seemingly forgot that not everyone in the west is a hardcore weep knowing a ton of japanese vocabulary by heart. It just kinda is adding insult to injury, I mean who even asked for another Sengoku Rance translation in the first place? For almost everyone familiar with the series, Sengoku Rance was the starting point, many people played through it like 10 years ago, but Mangagamer somehow thought many people would willingly pay full price for a game they already have, and a second translation they never needed in the first place. At the same time they sit on Marias finished Rance Quest translation for YEARS now, even Rance IX has supposedly been finished for quite a while but these games don't get released, boggles my mind.

Total War Shogun 2 translated things as follows:

1. Ashigaru
2. Samurai
3. Warrior Monks (aka: Sohei)

I think Ashigaru should be translated as Ashigaru. Not only is it like this in Total War Shogun 2, but also in the Ikusa board game. Onmyoji is actually in Fire Emblem: Fates. . "Diviner" probably would still be a good translation, but I've come across the Onmyoji before.

Honestly, Sohei is the only one that I really had issues with. Sohei is probably best translated as Warrior Monk, as per many other games which have done this in the past.

But Ashigaru + Onmyoji are both translated as Ashigaru / Onmyoji in other games (board games, strategy games, RPGs) before, so I would argue that those two words should remain as such.


Ninja vs Shinobi vs comes up in the game (Kanami + Suzume have a brief discussion where the more precise terms would have been helpful). With the prevalence of Naruto, I think enough Americans are actually familiar enough with the words Ninja, Shinobi, and Kunoichi. But maybe that's just me being a Naruto fan.

I think we've all been accustomed to Touhou to know what a Miko is by now? I guess the translation "Shrine Priestess" would still work, but there's plenty of people who say Miko. Either way, I don't think "Shrine Priestess" would fit in that tiny space, Miko is probably the only thing that'd fit.

So yeah... Sohei is the only word I think I had issue with. Even then, Fire Emblem Birthright / Conquest really showed that the American-audience was willing to accept words like Basura, Onmyoji, and Kinshi.
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Is there a way to get scenes with Ranmaru? She was the first character I built up a good relationship with so I was pretty disappointed when i got the character clear star without getting any scenes with her. Even though I'm around 90 turns in I'm kind of tempted to start over since the chick leading the nation of female warriors died in a scene and I was looking forward to conquering them... lol. But if I do I want to know how to get it on with Ranmaru first. Maybe build up your relationship with the lolicon guy first?
How lucky of you, Ranmanu doesn't have a scene IN SR.