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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

you guys remember magica? ... well it seems like eclipse works started a new project named "Ariadne".
will take a while, i guess. no screens yet and not much information.
but the fact that they're making another rpg like magica is close enough for news :p

Saw on the site that he's expecting a Spring 2013 release, hopefully he'll be able to stick to that without having to rush it. I'd prefer a delayed release over a crappy game...
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

So, not exactly sure if that's the right thread to ask, none exist for it yet and I definitely don't think I should create one.

Does anybody have a working download link for Leotard Quest or willing to upload it? All I've found are dead mediafire and megaupload links.

Thanks a lot!
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Hi all, I found a site today that I think will come in handy to a lot of people here.

Remember when someone makes a post asking for a filemap of the audio because their download came with some messed up files? Well, I downloaded a game that had a lot of those messed up files, but it was a very rare game, and I was luck to find it. So, getting it from another source wasn't possible.

Anyway, I found a site that you can use to try to find the proper encoding schemes for the weird text. It's here:

And it'll allow you to take something like ùºé+èGüEôXÄs.png and convert it to 立+絵・店市.png (which will allow the game to find the resource). The best way to find the match is to use the middle selection method and scan the list for a Japanese-looking one. And then copy it into your translator to see if it makes any sense.

I was able to fix up a pretty broken game by doing this, and there was only one file that I couldn't actually get a match with. But helpfully the game itself told me what it was looking for (in an error message), and I took that as the correct text. Now everything works.

So, I recommend bookmarking that site for when you need it.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

RJ100740 - got updated to 2.1

Any1 got it?
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Well now im stuck in the game RJ097409 vol.07/ or world 7 i have know idea how to open any of this doors. i saw someone ask the same thing as me said to go NE from middle portal to get box with key but if you see my [pic 1] there water NE. all i was able to do is press the red button first that removed the water so i can press green button adds water to where the boat is [pic 5] the boat leads to the door [pic 2] that's lock. the 2 last pic are from the post i am fallowing tried to fallow it cant find the blue button as you can see in [pic 7]
tells me to go where the arrow is pointing and you can also see there no water where there is in [pic 1] and the last pic you see the blue button where i have know idea how to get to. that all i can say i already tried everything hope you people can help me because i really have no clue was to do. :confused:

There's a reason this thread became for news only.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Does anybody have a working download link for Leotard Quest or willing to upload it?

i have version 8.61... i dont know if this is the final version. i'll upload it to MEGA. if that's a problem, i can't help you.
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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

available in hentai4daily(dot)com

I keep getting this error, is it just me or am I doing something wrong?

"RPGVXAce RTP is required to run this game."

I'm pretty sure I have it installed so can anyone give me some advice?
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I keep getting this error, is it just me or am I doing something wrong?

"RPGVXAce RTP is required to run this game."

I'm pretty sure I have it installed so can anyone give me some advice?

A lot of people get these errors, even tough they changed their locale and installed all of the rpgmakers engines.

What you need to do is:

1. Go right click on my computer -> properties
2. Then click Advanced system settings.
3. On advanced tab click settings for performance.
4. A new window opens. Go to "Data execution prevention" tab. Select the "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:"
5. You'll need to restart your machine.
6. Repeat steps one through four.
7. Select Add -> Browser to your RGSS# (# - being the version of your dll file).dll (probably located in Program Files" x86).
8. That should do it.

I had the same error (Could not find the RGSS2.dll) until i did all that.

Hope i helped someone.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I'm beginning to wonder which of 3 things will happen first...
  1. releases Witch Girl.
  2. releases its newest game after Magica.
  3. releases a new update on that fourth game that's been in progress for almost a year and a half now.

Any of these three will probably keep me occupied for some time, on top of the newer games like and , both of which should be out soon.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

eclipse works -> kooonsoft -> scale garden
my guess.

scale garden always take their time. and i heard something right after the release of the last game about needing round about 2 years for the next project.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I'm beginning to wonder which of 3 things will happen first...
  1. releases Witch Girl.
  2. releases its newest game after Magica.
  3. releases a new update on that fourth game that's been in progress for almost a year and a half now.

Any of these three will probably keep me occupied for some time, on top of the newer games like and , both of which should be out soon.

Given their previous record, I'd say Eclipse -> Koonsoft -> Scale Garden in term of releases.

Also, you don't need to use romaji for Lilim Union, the game actually use that word written in English too.

On the topic of game I wish would appear soon, there's:

And games I know won't appear anytime soon, but seriously wish the author'd post more details:

On the side of not-game, there's that I'm waiting for.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I feel like Scale Garden would release that game faster than Eclipse because it looks like Scale Garden finished a lot of conceptual things while Eclipse looks like their working on the concept.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I'm mostly just waiting for this one right now, release date is set for late this month.

EDIT: And according to the blog it should be done in 3-4 days.
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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

eclipse works -> kooonsoft -> scale garden
my guess.

scale garden always take their time. and i heard something right after the release of the last game about needing round about 2 years for the next project.

It's why I like scale garden. Look up each and every one of their/his/her games and tell me how many versions are put out. The creator takes care of any bugs they find before putting it out for sale.

That's something you can't even expect from big commercial titles now days.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

It's why I like scale garden. Look up each and every one of their/his/her games and tell me how many versions are put out. The creator takes care of any bugs they find before putting it out for sale.

That's something you can't even expect from big commercial titles now days.

That's true, I just wish he'd either post more updates or none at all, I get too antsy when I see one every couple of months...
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

That's true, I just wish he'd either post more updates or none at all, I get too antsy when I see one every couple of months...

No argument there. I honestly thought he was dead before his last update came out.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Some progress to this game:

Something about Monster Girl games always make them delayed lol.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I'm mostly just waiting for this one right now, release date is set for late this month.

EDIT: And according to the blog it should be done in 3-4 days.

I can run the game but I can't get past the title screen. Do I need a joypad in order to play this game?
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