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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Fine
HP: 83
PP: 39
EP: 40

Status: Fine
HP: 38
PP: 38
EP: 86

In the conflict torn lands of Badaria, there are many who try to make their way in the world. The tale about to unfold is about two more of the many going about their chaotic lives in the dangerous lands where rape and murder occur, filled with beasts and humans alike who would seek to do ill upon others. Trying to survive in this world, two more individuals seek to make their way through the chaos of demons, monsters, and otherworldly abominations. They would meet in a forest, filled with lush trees and infamous for the minor creatures in plentiful numbers that stalk and hunt prey, though unusual for their ways, stealing both men and women away, never to be seen again. For this reason, now even men are asking for protection more than ever. Denna Stromson escorts such a man, a librarian who documents the land. Intrigued by the curious behavior the monsters demonstrate, Denna was paid in full to assist him with his studies, and he paid many other armed guards as well. His name was Brom, and he was a middle aged man with a full yet short beard, and short hair smoothed back in straight lines. They hadn't found anything yet, but that was soon to change...

Erin, a woman fleeing from cultists, was chased after by the very same people who involved her in their practice. They cased after her to catch her, but not to imprison her. Rather, they were trying to warn her. She was going into dangerous land. A few beasts would be no problem to someone with spirit magic, but where there was first three, soon became dozens. Erin would have a whole army of beasts chasing her, though being quite a bloodthirsty woman, that wouldn't really make her flee. So, surrounded by beasts... She'd certainly take a fair number down with her.

That's when Denna would spot it, along with the rest of the guards. "My god, there's so many, and they're all surrounding that poor girl!" Brom announced. "They'll surely come after us next, so hurry! Go! Save her!" he declared. All the guards looked hesitant, but if Denna charged, they'd follow her lead... Into the hoard of creatures awaiting them. Needless to say, it quickly became a bloodbath, and not for the better. Denna would meet with the other girl as the soldiers met with the beasts, all falling quickly, and being dragged off by the corrupt maws of the monsters. The two girls stood together, both spotting odd beasts from the sudden large scale battle coming at them. In the chaos, it would be hard to pick targets.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin didn't know about the cultists' intentions - she just wanted to get away, as quickly as possible. They'd have to stop chasing her, surely they would when they saw... well, all the everything that was after her as well.

This wasn't quite part of the plan, she thought, grimly, as she panted for breath, unable to keep running faster than the animals giving chase, letting them surround her. An uncomfortable pause ensued, none of the creatures wanting to be the first to run at her. She had a brief moment before the fight started and, if the stupid creatures wanted a fight, then they'd get the fight of their lives. Quite literally, she thought with a grin, as she searched the depths of her soul for power.

For a moment, she didn't feel any, a spike of fear running through her body, but then the exercises back with the cultists paid off, as she felt the rush that meant she was tapping into it. A scream nearby - nothing that mattered right now, she thought as the worried frown turned into a twisted grin as she built up the power and then, with a growl, released it all at once.

A dark red cone of flames burst in front of her with a satisfying crackle, even as she felt something more than just the usual power flowing into the attack, a piece of her own lifeforce being consumed to stoke the devilish flames. A price that would've had other people reeling, she paid gladly to turn those stupid creatures in front of her to charred corpses - no price was too big for victory and, surrounded as she was, there was no point in saving the big guns for later.

SC: 19
Using Wielder Aptitude power gather to get two extra EP for the power by trading in my move action.
Using Hellfire blast, paying 10 EP for a total of 12, option 2. 90 degree 30 foot cone dealing (1d6+3)*12 to all creatures inside the cone.
Soul sense gives a +12 to attack with powers
Remaining EP: 76
HP remaining: 36, 2 lost due to hellfire cost.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

It had been a long time since she had worked in a group of guards once more. Denna grimaced as they moved through the woods, hands always near one of her many weapons. She didn't know specifically when the creatures of nature had turned as rapacious as any other creature on this world, and she didn't particularly care for being near them.

Brom was a good man though and if they were to ever figure out a way to undo this horrific mess, they needed to study it. Made sense enough, so here she was, looking for the ensuing rape machines. Shockingly they had none to find.

"...I don't like it. Either they're smarter than we give them credit for or they've gone some place.," she muttered under her breath as she watched the tree line for predators lying in wait. The prospect of the warped animals gaining enough sentience to be clever predators was an unpleasant concept.

Then the ground started to vibrate a little. Den immediately went for her claymore, expecting something big. What came to her vision made her eyes widen. A veritable stampede after a young woman of countless lust crazed monstrosities. "...Seriously.," she grimaced, "Couldn't be a couple, had to be the whole fucking forest."

When Brom asked for them to save her, she was already considering the methods. A frontal charge would end poorly, but any dilly dallying would end with that poor woman getting destroyed. Plus employers orders, not that she needed them. So she took off, praying she was faster than the horde.

Seemed like she was. But not by enough to matter. She heard the cries of her compatriots as the beasts fell upon them. Each cry making her wince. There was a high chance no one would come back from this, but here went something. It didn't help that there was a big roar of... She didn't know what it was, fire sort of? Either way the girl was packing blasts. No time to dwell on the caster origin though.

The beasts were breaking off for her and this girl. "Hey, kid, I don't know what got into you to drag this crap down on yourself but we have to cut our way back out.," she growled, just high enough for the girl to hear over the din.

It was a sea of fur, scales, feathers and worse, and parts were roiling off to give them the same treatment. She couldn't even see her comrades in it all but it was too much. It hurt but they had followed in to help this girl. She could at the very least make sure she got out and Brom away before she considered rescue. If there was anything left of them to save.

She scanned around for the thinnest side of the swarm about them. Assuming she spotted it she'd point it out. "Follow me, our best bet's to blow through the path of least resistance and be clear before the horde tries for more prey." She pointed it out quickly, "I'll cover you, you just open it up so we can get out of here!"

She braced her sword, flicking her blade at any beast that got too close while trying to keep the girl covered.

Den use Teamwork to reach Erin, moving at 3x speed. She takes a -10 dodge due to this. She is Taking the hits to protect Erin, taking the hits for her best she can. This grants Den +8 armor, and she may still attempt to dodge but at an additional -10 penalty.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Fine
HP: 52/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 32/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Fine
HP: 36/38
PP: 38
EP: 76/86
TP: 25 (DU: 2)

Erin spews fire forth!
To-hit: Enough
Damage: 75
Erin slays many lesser beasts, but a bear and a horse survive her blast.

Den defends Erin from all attacks! +8 Armor and dodge so low!

The bear slams into Erin!
Cannot Dodge
Non-lethal Damage: 37-20=17

The horse also slams into Erin!
Cannot Dodge
Non-lethal Damage: 34-20=14

Beasts still surround them, but are still occupied with the soldiers. The wounded horse and bear attack from one side, while four wolves rush at the two girls in a pack to try and run them down.

Denna reached the other girl as the spewed her fire forth. The flames roasted and incinerated the many beasts that would have run her down. All that survived was a horse and bear, with hides strong enough to withstand her flames. The looked ready to take Erin, before Denna stepped in and intercepted their attacks. Oddly enough, Denna would find even the bear was not showing his claws. The horse dashed past her, slamming into her and knocking her back, while the bear struck her with it's paw, causing her armor to absorb half the blow, but the rest to sting painfully. She'd find then that these beasts were not killing her. In fact, they weren't killing anyone. The soldiers that fought were standing their ground because the beasts were sparing their lives. No one was dying but the beasts themselves. They were just capturing them, and trying to do the same with Den and Erin.

She'd have but a second to ponder that, before a pack of wolves attacked from the other side, rushing for Erin. Four of them in total from the chaos of combat, and likely many more to follow as their own side of the battle slowly wore out.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna grunts as she staggers back from the hits. Just one blow from one of those creatures would probably knock the girl senseless. Surprisingly it sounded like her comrades were still mobile. The creatures weren't trying to devour them.

Live capture? For breeding purposes perhaps? That thought nearly made her wretch, but she had more issues in mind. The beasts weren't letting up for a second. A wolf harrier pack had just swapped out to harrass them. They were too fast for her to hope to block from the girl. She;d have to hope the girl could change targets.

"Hey, those wolves are too fast, fry them, I'll handle Hoof and Claw here!" She growled, and reasserted her position between them and Erin, this time returning fire, swinging out with her blade, hoping to capitalise on the many burns on the beasts to slow their reflexes enough to chop through them.

The bear hit harder, so it had to go first. She swung up at the beast with a snarl, putting some power into it.

Continuing her taking hits for Erin. Supreme Might for -5 attack for +5 damage. Claymore: 1d20+47(40-5+12) 2d12+36 (+1+20+10+5) If the Bears under 30hp or drops that low, Guillotine kicks in. Resistance check or die. (1d20+20)
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin almost yelped when she heard the woman next to her, paranoid enough about cultists to think she'd been found before realizing she didn't look the part a bit. That, plus the fact that she was being rescued, made her quickly discard the thought.

"Not running!" She grunted at the woman, grinning at the scent of charred meat coming from the now-dead pile of animals. "Not! Running!" She repeated, stubbornly. They could win this fight, she knew it, and she was going to stand her ground and make the woman win, even if she didn't want to, she thought as she began to call upon her power once more.

Her thoughts didn't change one bit when the woman took two massive blows from the only survivors, a large horse and a no-smaller bear. She was a warrior of some sort, she'd be able to take care of the animals... right? Well, at least she sounded confident that she could. Erin didn't have much time to think about it, as some wolves tried to charge them from behind forcing her to quickly redirect her attack from the bear to the canids even before the fighter's mouth oepened. Those things were fortunately grouped, and even though they had quick reflexes, she had something even faster. A black, lightless spark flew from her fingers, stretching into a lightning in a brief instant before fading away, a thunderous crack booming right after it, her grin turning upward as she waited for the whimpers of pain that marked a hit straight in the center of the pack, neutralizing all four threats.

SC: 19
Using Wielder Aptitude power gather to get two extra EP for the power by trading in my move action.
Using Devil's lightning, paying 10 EP for a total of 12. Deals (1d8+4)*12 damage
Attack: 1d20+58
Remaining EP: 66
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Grappled by horsie
HP: 52/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 32/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Hurt, Grappled by two wolves
HP: 14/38
PP: 38
EP: 66/86
TP: 13 (DU: 2)

Denna chops at the bear!
Slays the beast in one hit.

Erin fires lightning!
To-hit: Enough
Damage: 94
Three wolves are made toasty. The fourth managed to be far enough on the side to avoid the AoE.

The horse's corrupt tentacles lunge for Denna!
To-hit: Denna's dodge so low
Denna has been grappled

The surviving wolf jumps and delivers a nasty headbutt!
To-hit: Erin's dodge so low
Damage: 23-1=22

Two more wolves appear, and rush to Erin.

The first new wolf rushes to the dizzy Erin, and pounces on her, pinning her down on her back.

The second wolf rushes in, and joins the grapple, grabbing one of her arms in it's teeth and clenching hard enough to stop it from moving.

Now that Erin was close by to defend, Denna turned her attentions to the two large beasts. With a single cleave, she sliced through the bear's front and slayed the tough monster through it's burned flesh. But then, the horse capitalized on her recovering stance from swinging her oversized blade, as one of the tentacles whipping about from it's corrupted, fleshy underside lunged out, and grabbed her wrist. Then another one came to ensnare her other hand, leaving Den bound by it's tentacles, and pulled closer to allow it's other tentacles to reach forward, eager to snare her legs.

Meanwhile, Erin's hand stretched out, while lightning crackled between her fingertips, before she unleashed a bolt of deadly lightning in a straight line, slaying all but one of the wolves. Said wolf made it his objective to try and take out the deadly spirit user, as he leapt into the air, and smashed his head against her own, making Erin see stars as she fell onto her ass. While dizzy, the wolf applied it's maw to her clothes, and ripped her shirt, exposing her perky breasts to the world. Just then, two more foes joined the fray, perhaps lured by Erin's exposed breasts, and pounced her from behind. One hit her square in the back, and pinned her with her ass sticking up into the air, while a second wolf grabbed her arm with it's teeth, restricting it but only drawing blood if she pulled particularly hard. She could try to blast one of the wolves with her magic, but they weren't her only options. She could also cast her magic on another foe not involved with the two dogs holding her down.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna grimaces as her chop strikes home and sends the beast to the ground. That's when the other creature unleashed it;s hideous mutations and ensnared her with it;s tentacles. "Shit!" She heard Erin cry out in pain, able to spare a glance to see the girl being dominated and exposed by three wolves! Without her arms free she could do nothing to assist the girl, her sword was far too heavy as it was, and she couldn't draw her dagger easily with the beast grabbing her all over and moving to spread eagle her beneath it.

This was NOT how she wanted her first time to go! She expected to be raped sooner or later, but not even by a living creature, some mindless beast?! One she was afraid might even be compatible with it;s twisted mutations. She could take some small solace if ravaged and impregnated by a sentient she could try and give her child a healthy upbringing, but having colts would be...

She wretched a little and did the only choice she could take at this time and tried to break away from the beast.

Attempting to break the grapple. 1d20+40
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

This time Erin did yelp, as the wolf headbutted her. Her vision got blurry as she stumbled and fell on the floor, just a brief moment of respite before the confusion continued as another wolf jumped on her, pushing her down, and then a third one held her arms.

She made a quick recap of the situation. Good - she was still alive, wolves didn't seem to be trying to kill her. Bad - that horsething looked much less nice than the wolves did, and when it was done with the fighter it'd be coming after her; her head was spinning and she had a major headache. She grimaced, the grin not vanishing from her eyes completely. She could probably take whatever these pups had to dish out, and if she helped the warrior, chances were she'd get helped back in turn.

She took a deep breath, trying to focus on her own reserves of power while bracing herself for whatever the wolves had in mind. They wouldn't have let her live just to eat her now, would they? She pushed the thoughts aside, shaping the power. The dizziness returned as she drew more of her already scarce lifeforce and pumped it into the spell.

"Get. Off. Me!" She roared, struggling against the wolves lightly to distract them as she got her free hand in the right position, and then released a thin, pitch black jet of fire onto the horse, utilizing as much power as she could, releasing all her accumulated power in a single burst of scorching hot demonic flame.

SC: 19
Using Wielder Aptitude power gather to get two extra EP for the power by trading in my move action.
Using Hellfire Blast, paying 13 EP for a total of 15. Deals (1d6+4)*15 damage
Attack: 1d20+48
Remaining EP: 53
Lose 2 HP casting Hellfire Blast, total 12
Grapple: 1d20+10
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Fine
HP: 52/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 32/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Hurt, Grappled by three wolves
HP: 12/38
PP: 38
EP: 53/86
TP: 13 (DU: 2)

Den struggles with ye horsie!
Grapple: 59 vs. 65
Den is put in a submission hold

Erin tries to save the knight whose resistance only makes him harder!
Bonus to grapple due to not having much grabbing her free arm.
Grapple: 38 vs. 36
Erin blows the horse's head off, Den is free!

All three wolves gather around Erin and secure her, before suddenly starting to drag her off along with the other victims.

Denna's struggles against the equine beast were futile. It's tentacles were overwhelming despite her strength of body. One victory against a tentacle was met with several other failures as her limbs were secured. Her wrists and ankles were bound as she was lifted off of the ground and brought underneath the horse with her back against his belly, flipped around as she was lifted, her arms bound behind her back and her legs spread wide as she felt his massive equine cock press against her folds, dripping with excited precum as two more tentacles began worming their way along her body, just starting to work on her armor to take it off before a bolt of lightning struck the horse's head, blowing it to bits. Erin had apparently lent her aid to the knight despite being attacked by three wolves at once.

The sudden death of the horse caused Den to fall to the ground with a heavy thud, free of the tentacles. Standing back up, she'd find Erin being dragged off along with many other fallen defenders. Just as she may think of helping her, Denna would hear Brom cry out in terror. "Denna! Denna help me!" he shouted, a pair of harpies flapping their wings above and trying to make passes at him to steal him away. One had already grabbed his arm, and the other was moving in to grab the other so they both could carry him away. "They're going to take me, Denna!" he shouted in a panic.

She could only help one or the other. Whoever Denna chose to save, the other would be stolen.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna cringed as the beast spread eagled her against her best efforts, and begin preparations to impale her right through her clothes. As she began to brace herself and tear up, the girl crushed the horses head with another bolt of lightning, the beast dropping her to the ground, with only a crotch stained with mutant horse pre to show for her troubles.

She scrambled to her feet to move on the vile hounds who had redoubled their efforts to drag the girl off, when cries of distress came up from Brom. She glanced over in alarm, fearing that maybe a moose had got him, but no, it was those frail bird creatures. What were they called... Harpies, right. She thought they lived in that tangled green wasteland they called a jungle to the south.

No time to dwell on that though. She had never actually seen a harpy before or knew much anything about them, but judging by their grabby nature, they planned to carry off Brom.

This dilemma once more. She could only save one most likely, both were relatively helpless. The harpies looked frail, but there was two of them, and once in the air Brom wouldn't have an easy time of it. Moreover she had absolutely no way to track down a flying creature to it's nest. But at the same time, if the girl was dragged into that rapacious horde, she'd likely never see her again either. She could track the beasts, but they were numerous and unlike natural creatures, seemed to have a dim kinship despite the species barriers. Likely Invader work at hand. If she left the girl to go through that she'd be liable to lose her soul and identity entirely. Harpies were a... beastkin? Like those cat people from the desert. The man would likely be violated, but his soul and mind would probably stay mostly intact.

The money was not a factor in her mind. She considered it and on a slim chance Brom could maybe control the creatures in one manner she considered, given their seemingly frail nature...

"Brom, they're not that strong, grab a tree, anchor yourself, I'll be there soon as I can!," she called, praying that that extra bit of leverage, if he could get it, would give her just enough time to help him. The girl saved her life, but more importantly, her very existence as more than a sex zombie was on the line. She hated having to make this choice once more, to decide the fates of others. There was no feeling worse than that in the world.

But the die had been cast. She bolted for the lupine raiders, trying to land a crippling blow on one of the ones on the girls arms. If she could free her just enough to recover on her own, and slow the beasts flee, she may be able to pull this off. She prayed that she could this time.

Den Charges one of the wolves on Erin's arms for +4 attack and damage but -10 Dodge. She also applies Supreme Might once more for -7 +7 to hit and damage respectively. Claymore: 1d20+49 for 2d12+42
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

She watched the horse's head blow up with a wide grin, and a heartfelt whoop which was cut short quickly when the wolves started dragging her off to God knew where before she could see what the effects of her blow had been, beyond that simple beheading. "Off! Leave me be!" She grunted, refusing to turn into a swarm and run when she could just beat their faces in. She didn't even notice the predicament the other man was in, being dragged on her own, nor whether the warrior woman was coming to her aid. She didn't count on it, anyways, she'd have to get free on her own.

The moment the let her loose, the very moment they did, oh, she was going to blow them up so bad that there'd be nothing but a light, reddish drizzle left of them. She closed her eyes, focusing on her her rage, her furious impotence to get rid of these things despite her power, the pain, the tiredness, bundling it all up in one dark ball of power, to be released when she saw the slightest chance, pretending to be unconscious and letting herself be dragged... for now.

SC: 19
Using Wielder Aptitude power gather to charge up 19/2 = 9 EP for the next power
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Hurt
HP: 27/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 20/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Hurt
HP: 12/38
PP: 38
EP: 53/86
TP: 13/25 (DU: 2)

Denna abandons Brom for Erin, and charges at the wolves.
To-hit: All the hits
Damage: All the damage
Dead wolf

The two wolves turn and snap at Denna.
Attacks auto-hit
Damage1: 28-12=16
Damage2: 21-12=9

Erin holds her hands in the air and prepares the spirit bomb.

Denna abandons Brom for the girl they were sent after to rescue, while the man himself couldn't grab onto a branch to save himself. The harpies began to lift him into the air once both his arms were grabbed, and ascended into the air. "DENNAAA!!!" he cried out, before the harpies flew off with their catch.

Having made her choice, she chased after Erin. Her claymore sliced one wolf in half, before encouraging the wrath of the other wolves as they let Erin go immediately and snapped at Denna instead, jumping at her and colliding into her, biting at her clothing and armor, taking off strips of cloth, exposing some skin here and there before she'd manage to get them off. Having had the wind knocked out of her several times, Denna would be feeling the fatigue of battle start to set in. Same as Erin. Both girls were gradually losing their strength, and the fight still looked far from over, especially so, as they felt the ground tremble as something large approached, following a loud beastlike roar. Before they could deal with that though, they did still have two wolves to fight.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Ugh, should have run when we had the chance...," grimaces Denna irritably as her wounds slowed her down, wincing in pain as she was bit and slashed at. It didn't help the second coming of the rumble spoke of her original fear. Something big was coming, and they couldn't handle this.

Retreating and licking their wounds couldn't happen til they could disengage these wolves though. She'd probably need to drag the foolish girl with her in the process, she had that look in her eyes, one she had seen more often than she cared for.

"Kill them fast, then we're pulling out, I don't care if I have to throw you over my shoulder! We're useless to help them if we get captured too!," she barks, before bringing her blade down at one of the beasts, hoping that Erin could finish the last one before the exhaustion and trauma took her.

Fighting Defensively, for -7 +7. 1d20+45 for 2d12+31
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin's eyes snapped open as she heard one of the wolves whimper in pain, then a soft, almost liquid thud as its halves fell on the floor, in front of her. In normal circumstances, she would've screamed, but now she couldn't help but smile openly at the sight, lost in the bloodlust and her own welled up darkness, her eyes following the corpse to the armored woman that had saved her already twice this day. Behind her, she could see a man being dragged off, screaming something - her name, maybe? One of the other guards'?

The other wolves left her alone to face this new threat, and Erin's eyes snapped to them, following them with an unmistakeable hunger as she saw the chance to get her revenge, and with a snarled. "Get the left one!" She hit the one on her left - which would be Denna's right - with another lightning bolt, weaker but still strong enough to cause a loud clap behind it. She panted, feeling the drain on her physical, if this time not mental energies go on, struggling back to her feet, more out of pride than any sense that it'd help her fight.

And, as she tried to stand up, she noticed the ground trembling, and then the loud roar. Something glinted in her eyes. "You kidding?" She replied, loudly, breathing heavily. "That sounds like... their leader... We kill that... we won this!" She exclaims, excitedly, turning to face the oncoming sound.

SC: 19
Using Wielder Aptitude power gather to feed her power 9 free EP
Using Dark Lightning or whatever its name is with 9 EP, doing (1d6+4)*9 damage and 1d20+58 to hit
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Hurt
HP: 27/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 20/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Hurt
HP: 12/38
PP: 38
EP: 53/86
TP: 13/25 (DU: 2)

Boom and chop. Erin and Denna slay the remaining two wolves.

Then, the boss appears.

Denna's blade cuts through one wolf while Erin's magic blasts through the other. They've slain plenty of beasts, but their numbers were still overwhelming. The two fighters were strong, but even the best go down against overwhelming numbers. The Defending force was finally starting to lose out. Those who weren't being dragged off or carried by harpies were now fleeing and being run down by the beasts. Surrounding the two women, a perfect circle of corrupt creatures formed around Denna and Erin. Wolves snarled, bears growled, horses reared back and neighed loudly. Then, the entire horde converged, with Denna and Erin back to back...

Then, another loud roar, before a large figure was seen quickly approaching. It had dark gray fur covering it's body, and rapidly approached through the trees. Swinging in, a gigantic corrupt silverback slammed the ground as it landed, causing the ground to tremble in it's wake. In fear of this large creature, the other beasts backed off, leaving Denna and Erin surrounded in a mock arena with this new foe. The large monster stood up on it's feet, and pounded it's chest while letting out a loud roar while staring the two women down. Then, it would charge.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna grimaced as she sliced through, finding herself greatly exasperated by the girls near suicidal desperation for conflict. It seemed everytime they had a window to flee, the girl's stubborness or the beasts themselves interfered. Everyone else was being picked off.

She shuddered as they were surrounded by the lustful horde, weapon up defensively. She contemplated briefly not give them the satisfaction of violating her, but couldn't bring herself to abandon the insane girl she was risking this much for. She saw it this far though.

As the horde charged and she prayed desperately for a miracle, fate decided to kneecap her instead. An enormous twisted creature, an ape from the jungles she seemed to recall of them, howled into the arena in rage. The other beasts backed off in fear. Shame they did not scatter.

She had no desire to be torn up or ravaged by this brutal beast either. Or any of them. They were in such dire straights she almost caught herself picking from the crowd for one she;d rather claim her. Was she truly that far in despair? She shook her head. No she'd go down fighting then.

"If you have some sort of magical ape face melting spell, now is the time to do it.," she grimaced, then braced herself against the creature's charge, covering the girl best she could once more as much as she expected to be sent sailing to oblivion.

Since it's charging, she's fighting defensively again, and covering Erin once more. Total defense, -20 +20. Claymore: 1d20+32 for 2d12+31
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin panted, watching the circle of corrupted animals around them, the cacophony of their noises being almost unbearable, yet the woman still had the mind to flip them. Their stillness was unsettling, though, and she wasn't unaware of it, her grin vanishing in a frown as the action calmed down for a moment - they seemed to be waiting for something, the calm before the storm. She'd take the time...

There was no time, not anymore, as the creatures charged in all at once, far too coordinated for what animals should be - or were they? - and Erin was just about to enter her focused state once more, ready to give them a second serving of flames when another loud roar echoed through, and the largest thing she'd seen to date swung through the trees, approaching fast, way too fast for her liking.

A moment later, the large ape was pounding the ground in front of them, scattering the animal horde to the winds, and the grin returned. They could beat this, they could definitely take this down. The warrior called for something to take the creature down? She could do that, she thought as her smile widened.

"Keep'im busy!" She yelled, almost joyous in the thrill of the fight, a furious flame burning in her eyes as she tapped into her reserves once more, not caring how low they got, releasing from her fingertips another beam of flames and, even as it left her coughing blood in its wake, her smile never vanished.

SC: 19
Using Wielder Aptitude power gather to feed her power 2 free EP for the move that she's not taking
Using Hellfire Blast with 17 EP plus 2 EP, doing (1d6+4)*19 damage (singletarget option) and 1d20+58 to hit
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Hurt
HP: 27/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 20/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Hurt
HP: 10/38
PP: 38
EP: 36/86
TP: 13/25 (DU: 2)

Denna stands her ground before king kong!

Erin charges, and whips some nasty fire at the ape!
To-hit: He's an easy target
Damage: 131-22=109

The giant ape uses his barrel throwing arm on Denna!
To-hit: 42 vs. 53
Denna managed to throw herself to the ground to avoid his massive bitch-slap.

Standing between the ape and Erin, the knight does a good job of keeping it's attention, as it went for her first. Rushing in, it draw it's large hand back in preparation for a huge attack, before swinging wide. Seeing it coming just in time, Denna was able to throw herself to the ground to cause the hand to swipe directly over her, her hair rustling from the wind passing over her. Just as he missed, Erin's bolt of fire rushed out and struck the large monster in the chest, taking a fair chunk out of him, but still not killing him as it looked furiously at Erin, as he lifted his hands into the air, bringing them together as if preparing for a huge slam.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The girl coughing up blood was not a good sign. Internal bleeding, they had to end this quickly. Still, this beast was trouble, it lunging forth with it's huge fists. She was certain that blow truly would have sent her into the trees if she hadn't prepared herself to deal with the blow.

But now, the beasts attention was on her friend once more, as she recognised the great clubbing blow preparing to come down on the girl, and likely through her. She wasn't certain how to get her clear of the shockwave itself, so could only do the one thing, and treat to meet the blow halfway.

It was stupid, a better choice would be to not be there. But the girl could harm the beast far better than she could, and could not take another strike from any creature, the ape beast would kill her if it touched her. If the girl was right somehow and killing the beast would scatter the others, an unlikely notion to say the least, then perhaps her life wouldn't be wasted here.

She braced as ever as she tried to interfere with the beasts attack again on Erin, hoping she could do enough to keep her clear so her flames could do the job she could not.

Basically the same as last time. Intercepting, -20 +20, Claymore: 1d20+32 for 2d12+31