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ADV [SofthouseChara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

Rin Umiko

Active member
Jul 31, 2009
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巣作りドラゴン - I want to get married
Title: 巣作りドラゴン, Suzukuri dragon, Nest-making dragon
Developer: SofthouseChara
Language: Japanese
Genre: Dungeon building

Description (from Getchu, translated at vndb)
A dragon male (the protagonist) must, in order to marry, amass a lot of treasures and wealth in his dungeon. For that reason, the protagonist went alone and lived in an area where human lives, constructed a huge nest and started amassing treasures. However, soon after the nest got built, gallant heroes wanting to exterminate dragons, townspeople that see the dragon as a nuisance and adventurers and thief out to get the dragon's treasure came.

With this, he couldn't gather treasures at ease. Therefore, the protagonist hired monsters, added traps and threatened the neighboring area to not approach his nest. With his nest's defense strengthened, the protagonist started amassing wealth. He searched for a gold mine all over the place, started farming, deforested the forest to build drawers out of it. Of course, the foolish invaders that's successfully repulsed are stripped of all their possessions. Incidentally the women are used as sparring partner to gain experience for the honeymoon.

Will he succeed in amassing treasures and marry his fiancée? Or would he meet some other woman...?

You have a limited number of weeks to complete the game. Each week you can either build your nest, summon subordinates, attack cities, practice your H-skill, talk to the heroines, or rest (from top to bottom).

Nest building: cost gold. The main focus of the gameplay. Your nest has 12 positions, divided into 8 groups. You can choose what to place at each position. The goal is to maximize your gold income and magic while stopping intruders from taking your treasure. The more gold you have, the more options will be unlocked.

Subordinate: cost gold. You can hire monsters to defend your nest. Fee are one-time. The more your summon and the more gold you have, the more options will be unlocked. Battle are fully automatic. You can only set the general positions of the monsters and their strategy (ie. when they will retreat).

City raging: cost mana. You can choose to attack either village, city, large city, etc (the size decrease from top to bottom). Options will be unlocked as you attacking city (second choice from bottom). By attacking, I mean choosing from a number of cards so that the combined mana fits the number of houses in the target (the exact formula is unknown to me). If you choose too few, less houses will be destroyed and the spoil will be less too. However, choosing too many is a waste of mana. More importantly, destroying the last house will greatly increase your 'Fear' stat, which in turn make stronger adventurers come to attack your nest. It also reduce the spoil greatly too.

H: this means doing stuffs with generic girls to get CG and raising your H stat. As of now, the effect of H stat is unknown to me (I only got the game yesterday).

Heroines: the main focus of the game (why would you play a H-game if not for this?). Anyway, as you fulfill certain conditions, you can capture the heroines. After that, talk to them many times to get various bonuses (H included), and finally, their endings.

Heroines capture
Yume: automatically

Fay: attack the city at least once, after some time, she will come attacking your nest (she is quite strong at the start, so be careful). After that, when you go to the monster summoning, Kuu will inform you about a special monster that won't be affected by normal attacks (you don't have to hire it). From then on, whenever Fay comes attacking, eliminate all adventurers (her included) and she will be captured. On first play through, you don't have to eliminate her

Rukuru: attack the city 9 times to unlock the castle. Attack the castle and Kuu will propose to kidnap a noble. Attack the castle again and destroy all buildings (last one is not necessary, need about 500 magic). On first playthrough, Kuu won't propose the idea until week 31.

(856 MB compressed, 1.08 GB uncompressed)
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Feb 27, 2009
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Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

I'll share what I recall back when I played the game.

Monsters that get killed (not retreat, actually killed) will not be available again, so if you like some monsters (either because it's high level, or because you just like it) then be ready to reload whenever it dies (many adventurers have insta-kill skills .- . hate em)

There's also several special monsters that can be summoned if you have certain amount of gold in the last 3 digits (like 111, 123, etc) (I forgot the exact number, just that 1st week is the best time to do it)

You get to keep your monsters and a few other things between new games so long as you reach an ending (not sure if the 'bad' end count for new game)

Anyway, generally just focusing on a single heroine per run so you're guaranteed to get an ending, as you get further in you'll have more time to do stuffs THEN you can aim for other things.

So you'll probably do Yume or one of the servant ending first, Fay next, then the princess later.

Pretty sure you can get your fiance later on as well .- . but I forgot how.

Endings that I remember:
Yume - She attempts to fight against your fiance to stay with you (Yume found a dragon slayer sword during one of the event), the fiance just tell her that since dragons live longer than human, she's willing to let Yume have you until she die, THEN she'll take you back.

Fay - she gets to ride your back into battle, which is considered a really big thing since dragons are supposed to have high pride and letting someone ride them is a sign of close relation

Rukuru - (I could remember this wrong) she return to her kingdom, and either there was an invasion or she was to be married off in a political marriage, then you shows up and says FUCK OFF to the opponents

Kuu - I think this one was something like you and her become a sort of business-partner-with-benefit or something

The maids - turns out the maids are sort of succubus and having sex with them will get your energy sucked off, you got addicted to this and say fuck marriage you're gonna just stick to the maids.

Your friend - no it's not Yaoi end, basically both of you decide that marriage is not exactly your style and call the engagement off, your fiance respects your wish and you go off to fuck lotsa women

Your fiance - . -. like I said, I forgot what was her stuffs about, but it's basically some sort of childhood promise I think (in dragon society, females are stronger than males, and she's also THE strongest dragon around, which was the reason why you were so scared shitless when suddenly she decides to engage to you and you had to build a nest worthy of her or most likely get murdered)

Bad end - I think you get this one if you fail to get any ending in particular and your nest is shit

Also .- . a quick google search got me here: , go translate it yourself for many, many useful infos
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Grim Reaper
Jul 29, 2010
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Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

Oh this is kinda cool, but DAMN its text heavy and I don't know Japanese. Nothing a little money cheat can't fix! ...Right?

Actually, I'm pretty sure I got a bad end my first playthrough (I'm pretty sure getting a scolding face and no CG counts as a bad end in a H game, although I did get a SSS rating..)


Feb 27, 2009
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Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

Oh this is kinda cool, but DAMN its text heavy and I don't know Japanese. Nothing a little money cheat can't fix! ...Right?

Actually, I'm pretty sure I got a bad end my first playthrough (I'm pretty sure getting a scolding face and no CG counts as a bad end in a H game, although I did get a SSS rating..)
You probably forgot to pick your marriage partner, or pick the wrong one.

When 結婚 command is available (that's marriage) you have to pick the proper partner.

There's 2 badend listed on the site.

Bad End 1 - You ask Rumis (your fiance) to marry you when you have yet to meet the criteria.
(this is probably the one you picked)
For you to even get her, you must have 5000+ money, 40+ nest level, and have done H 25+ times

Bad End 2 - your money goes into negative (0 is fine, but -1 is instant fail)

Some of the ending is also only available in Blood Mode (200 weeks?)

Anyway, just use google translate on the site I gave, that one have pretty much everything you need to know.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 21, 2010
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Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

The game is already pretty old but still it deserves a translation ^^
cause i love this game.

Monster: Like said it is important to let them retreat soon enough otherwise they die at a higher chance (blue or green button retreat fast, red doesnt retreat) Sometimes there are special monster but i dont know which conditions you need to met.

Positioning: almost the same, red = last room, yellow from the beginning, grey = standby, = not sure but green, blue etc is for replacing or supporting

Nest/Map: a room right at the beginning with strong monster could help to kill stronger enemies before they get the chance to kill lots of weaker monster in the back. Never place a 2nd goldroom, Item Shop sells items to Adventurer and they will get far more stronger so beware! (even the one kill-hit)

Heroes: Most annoing is the S Rank Elite wich comes after the capture of the Princess (raid the bigest town and stop just before the end at the castle)
need about 750 Mana if i remember right
The second most annoing is the Crusader Girl cause she got the 1 Way ticket to hell (Crit Hit) [there is a monster which can get a skill against the crit hit but i never found out which it is]
To capture her you need to kill her and all other enemies in the dungeon, this can be pretty hard.

Endings: You get 48 Days/Weeks to end the game, your rank decides how many untits you can take over to the next play. If you manages to get not a game over ending and get a good rank you will be rewared with the 2nd game. It only means you get another 48 Days/Weeks if i remember right.

Save/Load: save every round and reload if you are not satisfied with the results. If an attack is too strong (too many S, A ranked enemies)
Just attack a small village it will replace the current attacker but!, they will appear a short time after anyway.

All things you do give several points, like how much monster you posess, how much H you have done, how good you nest is build.
At the end you can see wich points have the biggest multiplier.

Thats it as far as i remember ;)
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Feb 27, 2009
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Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

Ah hell ._ . between I'm bored and I might as well have a quick reference for my own when I decide to play the game again, here's a list of what each skills do:
(I'll list the Japanese name of the skill, but I'll guess-fu translate the effect, but again it's guess-fu so I can be wrong)

魔眼の矢 - Before start of combat, 15% chance to do 5 damage.
疾風迅雷 - ^, but 10 damage
銀の武器 - +1 attack power
魔法武器 - +2
悪魔武器 - +4
伝説武器 - +6
炎ブレス - Guarantee to do at least 1/10 of your enemy HP as damage? (rounded down)
氷ブレス - 1/8
毒ブレス - 1/6
光ブレス - 1/4
弓  矢 - Guarantee to do at least 1 damage
炎の魔法 - 3
水の魔法 - 4
氷の魔法 - 5
光の魔法 - 7
究極魔法 - 25, but also hurt yourself for 10
二回攻撃 - Attack twice
奇襲心得 - Attack first
強  打 - Ignore your enemy's defense
狂 戦 士 - Deals double damage
銀の防具 - Reduce damage taken by 1
魔法防具 - 2
悪魔防具 - 4
伝説防具 - 6
竜の加護 - 15
鉄 の 体 - Reduce by 1/2
魔法障壁 - Become resistant to some magic, taking only 1 damage
必殺投げ - 5% chance to instant kill
必殺突き - 10%
必殺斬り - 15%
必殺無効 - Immune to the instant kill from those 3 above
策  士 - 10% chance to prevent your enemy's attack
知  者 - 15%
賢  者 - 20%
隊  列 - Chance to land your attack increase by 25%
群 - 40%
飛  行 - Your enemy have 10% less chance to land their attack
猛  者 - 15%
熟 練 者 - 20%
回  復 - while you're still alive, regen 1 HP/turn
超 回 復 - 2
再生肉体 - 3
毒の空気 - while alive, deals 1 damage combat phase
高速魔法 - 2
鬼の気迫 - 5
乾坤一擲 - Not sure what this does, something about if a battle is lost, something is taken.
不 死 身 - Cannot die (this refers to always being able to retreat regardless of how badly you got your ass whooped, Fay and the MC have this at least)
竜の化身 - 不 死 身 + 再生肉体
罠 知 識 - +30% chance to dodge trap
強  運 - +50%
幸運の星 - +70%
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 18, 2010
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Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

ok there's got to be something i'm missing, i got the 9 zip files but when i try to open them i get only 4 files 2 are showing up as videos and the other two are CUE files.


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score
Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

ok there's got to be something i'm missing, i got the 9 zip files but when i try to open them i get only 4 files 2 are showing up as videos and the other two are CUE files.
They're CD files .- . you have to either A) Burn them onto a CD or (the much easier path) B) Use programs such as Daemon Tool to mount them (i.e. create a virtual CD/DVD drive)

And yes, that means you have to install the game.


Grim Reaper
Jul 29, 2010
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Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

Ok I finally got a proper ending, gameplay-wise its a cool game but given what you guys are telling me, its obvious I'm missing a lot. (Skills? *shrug* I just recruited hundreds of monsters and took down the heroes with massive numbers)

Very reminiscent of Dungeon Keeper, but with less gameplay and more H-scenes.


Feb 27, 2009
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Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

Ok I finally got a proper ending, gameplay-wise its a cool game but given what you guys are telling me, its obvious I'm missing a lot. (Skills? *shrug* I just recruited hundreds of monsters and took down the heroes with massive numbers)

Very reminiscent of Dungeon Keeper, but with less gameplay and more H-scenes.
The monsters aren't that big of a deal breaker in the few early playthroughs, just that the second set of rare monsters are basically moe-monsters, the first set just have beefed up stats iirc.

The skills are mainly for people who want a 'perfect monster', and if you're going to face the high-end adventurers, you'll certainly need some of those since the cannonfodder will simply drop dead en mass.

If you don't get yourself a few monsters that'll act as your 'miniboss', you'll run into trouble when capturing Fay (she'll kill most low lvl ones with ease) or dealing with high level enemies after you get Rukuru.

There's 11 good ends total, so the game can probably last you longer than current gen FPS's story (seriously, I finished Gears 3 in 6-8 hours)


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score
Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

Hah, talk about nostalgia, I went back to hongfire to find the old thread for it and find this.

started by me . -.


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
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Re: [shchara] 巣作りドラゴン/Suzukuri Dragon - I want to get married

Bringing back this thread from the dead to upload a backup of my game progress to date. Files consist of the following:

1. 100% CG and scenes
2. 15 elite units (5x 漆黒騎士, 5x ハラミボディ, 2x Fat Devil, 1x ネト, 1x ホーンちゃん, 1x 冥土さん)
3. Last-day save requiring choice of 休憩 to unlock the Onsen scene plus all possible heroine endings.

I might update the last-day save if I can somehow fit in the final room in the nest construction phase, I ran out of days in the end and couldn't unlock the option.

