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Grim Reaper
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score

Here's the Character Creator Alpha as of January 2024:
Feel free to use this thread to share your pngs.

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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 28, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

is it sprite or cg based?


Grim Reaper
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

is it sprite or cg based?
CGs with some limited animation

I'm so hyped. I can't wait to read it in both languages.

Cool, what's it like?
I've got a bunch of pictures but I need 15 posts on the forum before I can show them.


Tentacle Monster
Jun 17, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

in japanese, is it illegal to supply a uncensor patch after purchase?


Jungle Girl
Jul 7, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

Suggent rpg game with animal as protagonis, looking a missing owner....


Nov 15, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

Anyone else thinks "oblivion with loverslab mods" or is it just me?


Nov 26, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

I'm thinking pig tail girl has a man face


Grim Reaper
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

Someone wrote me a PM with a number of important questions.
I'll answer them all over several posts.

What are you looking to get from ULMF? For example:

player feedback
beta testing
creative feedback
content creation (e.g. quests, levels, maps, character designs, voice acting)
technical support
potential customers (assuming that the final product will be sold) and/or crowdfunding
All of these things.

I'm open to any suggestions and criticism.
Feedback and testing are essential to have in any dev process.

Content creation by the community is more than welcome.
I've already paid one writer and purchased some art assets.
Hopefully a modding group will spring up around this game.
All contributors will be compensated for their content.

The final product will be for sale on DLSite.
At present there are no plans for crowdfunding.

On an unrelated note: The game features real-time nakadashi!
It isn't just an animation clip. A particle effect will fill her womb up dynamically.


Grim Reaper
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

What's the angle? There are sex mods for AAA RPGs (e.g. Skyrim) which can achieve visual results similar to the initial screenshots you've shown, while accomodating a huge amount of character customization and variety of environments. Why should I get excited for this game (and/or contribute to its development), rather than downloading a few hundred MB of stuff from nexusmods? Some possibilities:

tighter focus on sex (e.g. no risk of dragons swooping in to roast you mid-coitus)
the fantasy world's backstory makes the sex more interesting (e.g. Gor)
the game features some really interesting characters and I'll want to play it just for the opportunity to learn about them (and maybe have sex with them)
the game is designed to support elaborate scenes and/or weird fetishes which the Skyrim mods can't match
the game presents a compelling character story which makes the sex more meaningful (this option seems unlikely, since you've indicated that the game is a sandbox)
the sex itself is implemented as an interactive minigame and the outcome will depend on the player's skill (and/or character stats)
A lot of good points here.

Let me start by answering the looming issue over the whole project:
Renfield will be as good an RPG as Elder Scrolls when Violated Heroine is as good an RPG as Final Fantasy VI.

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Grim Reaper
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

We see a lot of hentai RPGs, because the RPG framework is a convenient way to tell a linear story while giving the player an illusion of control, thereby building up their engagement with the characters and setting. Sandbox games are more about letting the player tell their own story -- in extreme cases, the player may even be allowed to murder the author's neat characters and skip most of the cool story that he's written. The caveat with a sandbox is that you need to surround the player with content (e.g. items to loot, caves to explore, enemies to vanquish, skills to acquire, cities to discover, hotties to seduce, etc) or the gameplay will feel shallow.
The first game isn't going to have walls of text or a very intricate plot.
Over time, I plan to hire more and more writers to flesh out more complex stories.

My personal favorite approach to storytelling and world-lore is the way Dark Souls handles those things.
All the lore content/character background/world history is just off the beaten path.

For example: The Undead Merchant is a character that some players will just buy a Heater Shield from and never speak to him again.
Other players will just walk up and murder him for his Uchigatana.
But if you spend enough at his shop and talk to him a few times he will talk about how people used to throw stones at him for being Undead.
It gives this powerful glimpse of how the larger world treats Undead like pariahs and either locks them in the Asylum, or forces them to flee to a dangerous forbidden place like Lordran.

So if you just want to run around and kill things, you'll be able to.
The player won't be forced to click through walls of text just to advance.
But more story-driven content can be unearthed if you have the patience to look for it.


Grim Reaper
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

I assume that you're developing this game solo, and I'm worried that you'll be forced to divide your efforts. There's a risk that you'll either create a fun RPG with a poorly-integrated sex system (c.f. Skyrim sex mods) or a neat sex game surrounded by a flimsy RPG framework (e.g. glitchy inventory, no real quests or factions, shallow dialog trees, navigation hassles, etc). Or that you'll try to work on both sides at once (while also dealing with art assets, technical bugs, performance issues, etc) and burn out prematurely.
I am in fact working solo.
I've tried making games with other people in the past and have found most volunteers lack any real initiative. They typically create more work for me than they actually do.

Agree completely with the Skyrim sex mods comment.
Obviously some talented coders and animators worked hard on it, but it will always FEEL tacked on because it IS tacked on.

The gameflow and integration of H-elements has already been tested in a previous 2D version of Renfield.

Renfield "Classic" Downloads:

Making a game as deep and complex as a AAA RPG by myself is impossible.
The first version of Renfield will be a very simple experience.
Once the main engine is complete, however, it's just a matter of adding and adding and adding...

Burning out is a very real threat. Interaction on forums like this keeps me motivated.


Grim Reaper
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

Key question: why did you decide to develop this as an RPG, rather than a more simplified games structure (e.g. ADV)?
Because Elder Scrolls H-modding was pissing me off.
No disrespect is meant to the modders who worked to bring the new body models, script extensions, custom animations, new clothes, etc.
Some really talented people fought really hard to remake Oblivion and Skyrim into vibrant H-games.

  1. You practically need a night school degree to get a large number of mods working together.
  2. The amount of time to download, install, configure and debug all those mods is excessive.
  3. Crashes to Desktop become a constant occurrence.
  4. You need half-a-dozen 3rd party programs just to get basic functionality.
  5. Many great mods are simply not compatible with each other.
  6. Unrealistic, unfulfilling interactions. (Spend 60 seconds playing the Speech minigame and you can seduce any woman in the realm)
  7. Animations that don't align, leaving you to dry-hump the air until you manually correct them.
  8. We've all explored every inch of Cyrodil, Skyrim and the Shivering Isles.

Plus a whole host of other issues major and minor.
Don't get me wrong: I've eventually gotten most of these mods working and spent a good many hours knocking up all the women of the Imperial City.
But I want something NEW.

Close your eyes and imagine that EVERY mod you've ever liked was part of the default content of the game.
Imagine that it was all integrated and debugged to the point where it all runs together.
You don't need to follow 3 hours of tutorials just to have sex with a barmaid.
All of the new people, items, abilities, bug and UI fixes, body mods, face mods, hair mods, combat tweaks, buildings, environments, or whatever...
What if all those things were part of the game right out of the box?

It all might sound overly ambitious. But it's only a matter of time, effort, and harnessing the creative power of the existing modder community.
Renfield is like the slow-starting Tortoise. Bethesda and Illusion are like the fast, but lazy, Hares.

WE, together, can create a better game than them.


Demon Girl Master
Nov 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Renfield

So sandbox fantasy game where you play as a girl doing... what exactly? I assume there's going to be some sort of basic plot or goal involved along with all the smut. And is she pregnant in that last pic in the OP?