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Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Hi! We've currently been having an active discussion over some large organizational changes to the hentai section. Please head over to this thread if you want to discuss. Below is the current standing for the discussion.
I'd like to propose that we start the discussion over, but start it over with the things we've already come to agreement on. I'll try to be as objective as possible and show what we've covered so far.

The Hentai Section
To begin with, this is what we're currently looking at as far as the Hentai section in general might end up looking like:

However, we are also considering whether or not to split the Hentai Game section right off from the rest of the Hentai section. In the case of this, the forum would end up looking something like this:

Right now, these are the only updates to the Hentai section in general, and there aren't really any disagreements about it. The changes in this regard would be the following:

The Under Construction section is moved into the Hentai Games section
The Vanilla Hentai Movies is moved into the Hentai Movies section
The Reviews section is moved into the Unsorted section
The Hentai Games section is moved out of the Hentai section and made its own separate section.

The Hentai Games section
In regards to the Hentai Games section, these are currently the points that we have a very large majority agreement on and will likely be implementing.

In text, the following changes are going to be:

Creating a Translations sub-section
Creating an Online sub-section, which will contain the Nutaku, DMM, MMO and any other largely online based games
The Under Construction section will now be found here

The little annotations you see below some of the sub-sections in the diagram indicate that they are going to be using these as prefixes to better label what each thread will be about. Those tags on the top right of diagram are tags that may be implemented as genre tags for the remaining games that are not being moved to those sub-sections.

How the Hentai Games Section will be categorized
There are currently three potential systems on how to separate the remaining games, which is where most of the discussion was.
The first is making genre-based sections, which will create sub-sections in the Hentai Games section.
The second is separating all the games by whether they are completed or not. In other words, if the game is still in development, it is filtered to an Incomplete section. Else, it would be put in a Complete section.
The final system is separating the games based on whether it is an Eastern developer or Western developer.

Currently, most people seem to be against the East/West sectioning, and most of the debate is between genre-based and Complete/Incomplete. The other thing to keep in mind is that besides sections, these threads will also have prefixes like the other sections. Thus if we were to go with genre-based sectioning, there would still be the ability to label them as complete or incomplete by using the prefixes. Similarly, the Complete/Incomplete sections would be using the prefixes to have genre labels on them.

The current discussion
Before the concern about the Online section came about, we were talking about establishing clearer definitions of everything regarding the systems. The Complete/Incomplete system needs to further define what it means to be complete or incomplete, as well as how it will approach grey area topics such as games that are being iteratively updated, games that utilize DLC, or games whose developers' definition of complete differs from the forum's. The Genre-based system is charged with having a single, unified, and agreed-upon model of what genres are going to be used for the final system. Currently, it is understood that [Action], [RPG], [ACT-RPG], [VN], [Strategy], and [Miscellaneous] should be in there, but whether there needs to be more or less is up for debate.

Now please feel free to discuss any part of this overhaul. We're already aware of some of the flaws, as this is what our debates have been trying to uncover, but we'd like more opinions so that we can have a final system that will please as many people as possible.
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Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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So some of you may have noticed the two new sections up above. We're still in the process of deliberating what genres to separate the forum by, but we are now going to begin putting any online type games in the Online section, any as much translation discussion in the Translation section.

Currently, what I'd like to see is this: any discussion about translation efforts are to be moved to the new section. If you would like to see the older posts in a thread here moved, send me a PM of the thread and I'll create the thread for you. This includes any requests for translation links and updates to translations.
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