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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score


If you put together ROA and Fairy War, what would you get? This game, of course. Is at beta level now, but the action is good

You play either as the fairy girl or one of the monsters. TFGH moves, while A S Q and W attack. The special attacks can be seen at the char select screen.

I've fought 3 worm things, a big turd-looking thing and something I'll describe as a pocket of flesh wanting to rape you. The pocket thing is hard to beat, but there is a final stage after it
(Edit: You can toggle special energy and health regeneration for the girl at the select screen by pressing down. After beating the pocket, you get to fight your evil clone for some lesbian action)

There are both rape moves and rape finishers for the enemies

Finally, a few images



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Re: Fairy Fighting

Oh yeah, I remember this from TP's forum. Supposedly very good and somewhat similar to M.U.G.E.N. but it needs Japanese regional settings so couldn't try it. I'm glad somebody posted it at least :p
Re: Fairy Fighting

Admittedly, I am an idiot for things like this. I try the eluku but after I push submit, I find it hard to find out what to do next. It would benefit other idiots like me, but I would like a mega-upload or something of the sort.

I am truly sorry for admitting my folly but still.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Thank you. I apologize for making you have to do that though. As for the game itself. I have played it and I enjoyed it immensely. The drinking worms looked like a new concept. I do enjoy the milking fetish. And in games like that I enjoy multiple threats that have a different animation the more enemies are on you. It has great potential, and I hope more will be made for it than just that and the boss like creatures.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I can confirm that you don't need Japanese Regional settings, since I myself have thoroughly enjoyed this game.
Re: Fairy Fighting

See, I was about to jump on here and go
Oh yeah, I remember this from TP's forum. Supposedly very good and somewhat similar to M.U.G.E.N. but it needs Japanese regional settings so couldn't try it. I'm glad somebody posted it at least :p

I can confirm that you don't need Japanese Regional settings, since I myself have thoroughly enjoyed this game.

but now I must push forward, my computers got a download a-comin
Re: Fairy Fighting

Son of a bitch, I can't play it. I am raging HARD. I am now crying.


Now I am playing the game. Now I am jerking off with my left hand.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Just a little note, the game does have a lot of "Through the anus and out the mouth" things.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Just a little note, the game does have a lot of "Through the anus and out the mouth" things.

Tentacles. Whatcha gonna do?

As for the fetishes, there is a lot to be desired and some of it actually borders on gross. Like I said, the multiple enemies concept needs to be worked on next.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Getting the specials right is a bit tricky, but great game.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Like it. I always find the in one end out the other stuff kinda weird, but it doesn't really bother me. In fact, the final monsters bizarre "use a portal to fuck them from the inside out" move is pretty awesome. The healing masturbation move Tiki has is amusing too. Can't quite see how it's meant to be helping her situation, but hey, why not.

Controls are a little clunky, and the sudden unavoidable grabs can be a little frustrating when your actually trying to fight, especially the third bosses instant long range move.

Short and sweet. Would be happy to see more.
Re: Fairy Fighting

If you want to re-map the controls and understand them better, here you go:

Player1 KEY 上=38
Player1 KEY 右=37
Player1 KEY 下=40
Player1 KEY 左=39

^Do this if you want to use the arrow keys.

ASD are keys A, B, and C.
QWE are keys D, E, and F. You don't really need to remap these.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I carry good news for those who hate the Japanese Regional Settings! You don't need it! By the time this is posted it will be common knowledge.
Re: Fairy Fighting

If you want to re-map the controls and understand them better, here you go:

Player1 KEY 上=38
Player1 KEY 右=37
Player1 KEY 下=40
Player1 KEY 左=39

^Do this if you want to use the arrow keys.

ASD are keys A, B, and C.
QWE are keys D, E, and F. You don't really need to remap these.

Or alternatively, once the game starts, you go to options, then keyboard, and change things there :x
Re: Fairy Fighting

Pishaw. Changing the controls means you gave up. Did you give up, Loli? That's what I thought...
Re: Fairy Fighting

PSHAW! I actually didn't look to see if it had a way to change the keys ingame.:D
Re: Fairy Fighting

HOW THE HELL DO YOU KILL THE WORMS? no matter how much i beat them down, they just don't go down, i was kicking them for like, half an hour, but they still wouldn't die
Re: Fairy Fighting

HOW THE HELL DO YOU KILL THE WORMS? no matter how much i beat them down, they just don't go down, i was kicking them for like, half an hour, but they still wouldn't die

If you walk without rhythm, you won't attract the worms.

... wait, nvm. Wrong game.

EDIT: Putting moves up here so that people who actually read the front page or two will see it.

Moveset. If someone wants to correct the names feel free. Most of the moves are shown when selecting Tiki. The only two that aren't are the Fairy Shot and what I dubbed Fairy Breath.

d = Down
f = Forward
b = Back
P = any punch
LP = Light Punch
HP = Hard Punch
K = Kick
LK = Light Kick
HK = Hard Kick

f, f / b, b - Dash
Tiki hops over the ground a good distance. She flashes blue with a few afterimages as she does to show, and during the hop she is invincible. There are vulnerable frames during the start and finish, but the enemy needs to grab you just as you start in order to knock you out of this.

d, d - Crouch
Tiki pretty much throws herself to the ground with her ass slightly in the air. This is purely defensive and can be used to avoid a number of attacks, mostly Meat Catchers projectile grab. It can go under other attacks, but realistically you won't get any warning to actually get her to crouch in time.

d + LP + LK - Masturbate
Tiki plays with herself and fills both her health and SP bars. Masturbate for long enough and Tiki will cum for a few seconds. She cannot be touched during that time, but afterwards she will sit on the ground resting and completely exposed.

d, df, f + P - Sliding Punch
Tiki take a moment to wind up before sliding forward with her fist to the ground. After moving forward depending on which Punch you used she will end with a standing uppercut. The LP version doesn't hit as hard and doesn't move as far, but it comes out faster than the HP version.

f, d, df + P - Wind Upper
Typical Dragon Punch move, Tiki leaps into the air and and smacks her enemy multiple times as she does. Unlike other similar moves this one doesn't suffer from a large window of recovery. LP makes her hop just a little for light damage, HP makes her launch into the air for a heavy attack.

d, db, b + P - Fairy Tackle
Can be used in the air
Tiki takes a moment to prepare before she charges forward flying through the air with her fists leading the way. The LP version moves forward slowly and only slows Tiki's descent if she uses it in the air, but it can hit repeatedly and do more damage than the HP version. It takes a little longer to charge, but Tiki becomes a streak that shoots through an enemy and really doesn't lose any altitude. This version is best used as a means to get behind an enemy whenever you get cornered.

K (tap) - Rapid Kick
Tiki sticks her leg out and starts kicking an enemy as quickly as she can. Using LK makes her kick to the ground while HK makes her kick to her side. LK is weaker, but it effectively keeps an enemy stunned. HK is very strong, but it pushes an enemy back. After a few kicks Tiki will stop and recover for an extended period. Supposedly you can use Sliding Punch during that time, but I've never seen it work properly.

d, db, b + K - Fairy Shot
Tiki winds up and executes a small jumping kick. She doesn't truly leave the ground, and the distance varies depending on the kick. LK will send her forward a good distance, HK will practically keep her in place. The Light doesn't do much damage but is good for closing the distance while attacking. The Hard hurts, but getting it to actually hit is another matter.

LP (tap) - Fairy Breath
Must be at full SP
Tiki brings her hands up as if she were blowing a kiss, and a gust of wind is released that can repeatedly strike the enemy. This move can hit hard, but it has a pretty good windup. Once it does hit keep tapping LP to keep up the attack. It can last for a pretty long time, but it drains SP pretty quickly.

d, df, f, d, df, f + HP - Wind Slash
Must be at full SP
Tiki flashes for a few moments, then she uppercuts with both arms and releases a strong projectile that travels on the ground and is as tall as her. The move is executed quickly, and after Tiki fires it she does a small backflip and is read to move once again. You can actually chase after the Wind Slash and join it as it pummels your enemy.

Might as well put the basic attacks in too.

Light Punch - a jab, low damage and range but comes out quickly.

Heavy Punch - strong double-hit attack, comes out deceptively quickly but you're vulnerable if you whiff it.

Light Kick - a side kick which comes out a little slower than light punch, but has a longer range.

Heavy Kick - awkward half-spun high heel kick (I think), fair bit of damage but long wind-up and recovery plus short range.

Crouching attacks - all of 'em are only really useful on drinkingworms, and they're not that great there. Probably just avoid the whole set.

Bullet Dive - jumping Heavy Punch attack. Powerful, and the hit comes quite late so quick recovery. Great aerial attack if they can't hit air targets well.

Flying Kick - jumping Light Kick attack. Weak and useless. Comes out quickly though. MAY have some use in hitting Expandbee when he ascends for his first grab attack.

Spinning Kick - jumping Heavy kick attack. Front-flip into a heel kick. About as strong as the bullet dive, hits a bit earlier so you may be vulnerable when you hit the ground, but you're less likely to be grabbed out of it.
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