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Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)


Nov 10, 2008
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If you want some help quickly, I suggest asking in this thread rather than private messaging me or other forum members. If, however, you think you might ask a question that's already been answered or a more technical question, it's fine if you PM me rather than bloat this thread. If I feel that it needs to be answered in public, I will place it in the sticky or make a new post.

1. Playing non-english games:
If you're opening a japanese game, use japanese non-unicode support settings. The same applies if you're playing a game with some other non-unicode support settings. Use the language that is right for the game.

No ifs, ands, or buts. Some japanese games will open with english locale, but most won't. NO JAPANESE GAME WILL UNZIP CORRECTLY IF YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR LOCALE SET TO JAPANESE. EVER. Because the unzipping program doesn't know it's using the unicode for moonspeak, it labels things wrong and generally fucks up (If you don't want to turn on japanese non-unicode, open your unzip program in applocale). The same follows suit for other eastern languages, like the occasional chinese game that's popped up here and there.


More detailed instructions:

Computers do not think in "letters". Computers think only in binary - that is, numbers made up of ones and zeros. Humans, however, would find trying to read a string of ones and zeros exceedingly difficult. So, we taught our computers how to translate numbers into letters. This is called a "character encoding scheme" - 'character', because you don't just encode letters, you also encode numerals, punctuation marks, and even control functions.

ASCII is an old character encoding scheme. You will frequently find references to ASCII, mainly because almost every computer under the sun understands ASCII. The problem with it is, it only encodes a small number of characters - all English ones.

Unicode is a much newer character encoding scheme. It encodes every single symbol from every single language in it. The problem is, many older programs don't understand how to use Unicode, and use older schemes.

When people say "you need to set japanese unicode", they're lying. You don't need to set "japanese unicode", because there's no such thing. What they're actually saying to do is "you need to set up Japanese non-Unicode support".

How you do this is dependent on what your computer is. Assuming you're using Windows XP:
  1. You'll need your Windows CD.
  2. Go into "Start" -> "Control Panel".
  3. Open "Regional and Language Options".
  4. Click on the "Languages" tab.
  5. Check "Install files for East Asian languages", if it is not already checked. If you had to, then Windows will ask for your Windows CD, install files from it, and need you to reboot the computer after clicking OK.
  6. Click on the "Advanced" tab.
  7. Under "Language for non-Unicode programs", there is a dragbox that probably says "English (United States)". Change that to say "Japanese".
  8. Click "Apply", then "OK".

On Windows 7:

Step 1: get to the Control Panel some way or another (Start -> Control Panel)
Step 2: Open the Region and Language window (Change keyboards or other input method)
Step 3: Go to Administrative tab (you may need to log in as an administrator)
Step 4: Click the Change system locale... button. Choose Japanese(Japan) in the drop down list.
Step 5: Click OK to close all the windows opened until now. Restart when prompted.

Hope that will help, somehow.

2. RPG-Maker games:
If you're opening an RPGMaker game, have the RPGMaker stuff installed from its thread on this forum. This one should be obvious. You can't play if you don't have the RPGMaker game engine the game needs to play.

Edit: The links to the RPG RTP downloads in that thread are dead. Try these links instead.


3. Some games(Usually Japanese) don't like long filepaths. It's not a lot, but don't have a file folder for your games that goes C:\stuff\things\fun\debug\gtfo\suckmydong\cheese\pix\yourmother\etc.


4. If you're having problems taking the files out of split .rar(File extension looks like .rar.001 or something similar), check this link first:

Most likely it's HJsplit files, but 7z or winrar might be able to do it, read this for details:

Note that you usually do not have to combine the files, because most zip programs can handle split files as long as they're in the same directory. You need only open the first part of the archive, and the program will usually do the rest.


5. .ISO files
You want to download this:

Get Daemon Tools Lite from this page and install it. You'll have to make sure not to install some of the bloatware that comes with it nowadays, but it's still one of the best image mounting programs.
Once you've got it installed and opened it(Takes a restart of your computer), you'll have a nifty taskbar icon, that lets you make virtual drives to mount the .iso files in. You can make between 0 and 4.
After you've got your virtual drive, mount an image on it(you'll have to navigate to where you've saved the .ISO)! This loads the ISO from memory as if you've put a CD in your drive. Go ahead and install/play your game!

Occasionally, the virtual drive will make some programs(Read: Shitty DRM'd video games) fail to read your real CD-ROM, and you'll have to disable the virtual drive to get the program to see the disc.
6.If none of this helps or if you have a problem with a specific game:
First things first: Tell us which game, or give us a link to the forum post where it is(Or just post in the game's thread). We can't help if we don't know which game it is.


Last of all, this is a hentai forum, not a technical forum. DO NOT EXPECT US TO BE ABLE TO FIX YOUR PROBLEM 100% OF THE TIME. Do not even expect us to look at your problem in a reasonable amount of time unless you make sure to tell us the relevant info(Operating system, System Locale, the game you're trying to open, etc.)! "omg i cant run this halp" provides nothing that we can do to help you with, unless you're willing to pay me a million dollars to come to your house to solve your troubles.

7. For those of you who're having trouble accessing Japanese websites because of country restrictions:
For those of you who are having problems with "403 Forbidden" and similar website blocks--go to the following website and scroll to the bottom:

If you are using Firefox, I would recommend "Ghostery" and "HTTPS Everywhere"(I also use "BetterPrivacy"). That will help with a lot of sites that block people due to location(country you are trying to access the site from).


8. If you're looking for a product that you've seen in DLsite...
Most of the time, when a person buys or finds a product from DLsite and uploads it elsewhere, one or two things occur...

1. He/She will share not only a download link, but also a DLsite link to the product for it's description and source

2. Won't bother to rename a file that has been bought

Google is known to archive web links in it's search engine if allowed to by the site's owner and in turn, allowing instant access to a product via Google and that's where the following method occurs for obtaining a DLsite product without having to wait or wasting money (if available that is)

Take this product for example

[Lilith / Pixy] nuye- Kagami Visual Works - [digital]

The product number for this work is "RJ073723" as can be seen in the link. All you have to do is type or copy/paste the product number in to the Google search engine and look it up.

Chances are, if someone has not bothered to censor out or remove the product number, uploaded the work and time has elapsed of at least 5 hours or more, (I'm not sure on the average) or if a public download engine the person used like megaupload or rapidshare allows Google to add a "used" link, you can find dozens to hundreds of links to the specific work you are looking for thus significantly shortening the time it would take for someone to answer your request here. The only downside is that most of the time it will give you links to sites claiming to be legit when they aren't and try to get you to download malware.

This method is also an easier alternative to finding a product instead of searching up it's actual name due to the name being something that can be found in a common sentence thus lengthening your search time.

You can also try the following...

1. Add "dlsite" as well as the products name to the search for easier finding

2. If available on a forum you frequent that may have allowed google to archive it's site, add the forum's name to the search
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Re: About asking for help with errors

we should sticky this.
Re: About asking for help with errors

tch fine... i was holding back but i guess it does have more useful information in it. but you kids have to promise me to fill this one up with all the information you can (hopefully on topic) for me to pull the ol switcheroo.
Re: About asking for help with errors

The Termite has arrived! And I come bearing bad news! I tried changing the language setting, but I'm still not able to get Hako up and running.

First up, proof that I'm running in Japanese setting.

I wasn't before, but I still get the same problem when I try to unzip. I tell 7zip to do all 28 parts, but it skips part1 entirely and goes to part2. After a bit it does this.

I tell it to cancel, and then it gives me this diagnostic message.

All I end up with at the end is a folder exactly like this.

Any insights into what I'm doing wrong now? By the by, just ignore the boring blue background. My sister used to mess around with my background a bunch, and I just leave it blank now out of habit.
Re: About asking for help with errors

OK...I don't know what you are doing wrong.
But this is what I did.
I got all the parts
same folder
jap setting
extract again
run eng patch
and it worked.
Re: About asking for help with errors

Hmmm... maybe it's because you're using 7zip on a RAR archive? Try using rather than 7zip.
Re: About asking for help with errors

How are you trying to unzip it with 7zip? Are you selecting them all(bad idea)? Just tell it to unzip the first(Do [extract here]), and it should join and unzip them all correctly, instead of one at a time(If you select them all, it does the first correctly, then starts with the second, then the third...).

If that doesn't work, try winrar.
Re: About asking for help with errors

OK, in the StuffMK3 post theres a game called Hizashi no Naka no Riaru.
I can't get it to work probably because I dunno what I am suppose to be doing with 001 and 002 files, it could bbe something simple and I am overthinking it but... help please.
Re: About asking for help with errors

Most likely it's HJsplit files, but 7z or winrar might be able to do it, read this for details:

Re: About asking for help with errors

Most likely it's HJsplit files, but 7z or winrar might be able to do it, read this for details:

Gawd, you're fast on the ball.

And that was exactly what I was going to link(Gonna edit it into my first post).
Re: About asking for help with errors

I had a sneaking suspicion one of my files was corrupted during the download, and a bunch of them were. I'm having to redo all the Hako files.


If 7zip still doesn't work I'll give the HJsplit a try. I may need to anyway just to get the Vore game to work.
Re: About asking for help with errors

Some other japanese games don't like long filepaths. It's not a lot, but don't have a file folder for your games that goes C:\stuff\things\fun\debug\gtfo\suckmydong\cheese\pix\yourmother\

Re: About asking for help with errors

i have a problem with fairy wars/ battle slave fantasia/ and a game named raped what program do i need for the DEMO files in those games plz and thnx in advance
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Re: About asking for help with errors

haven't been on for quite sometime and i need help with a file problem it say's something or other then the file type of demo what program do i need to be able to play the game...???
That... tells us ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the problem.

If there's already a thread for this game, then ask for help in the thread for that game. If not, then tell us the name of the game you're trying to run. Use good English - I'm fairly good at deciphering unpunctuated ramblings, but there's parts of your post I don't understand.
Re: About asking for help with errors

That... tells us ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the problem.

If there's already a thread for this game, then ask for help in the thread for that game. If not, then tell us the name of the game you're trying to run. Use good English - I'm fairly good at deciphering unpunctuated ramblings, but there's parts of your post I don't understand.

And as I told him (when he sent me a PM for heck's sake) try open thread in the 'tech support' or the game's section :p
Strip Fighter 4 (Need help opening game)

Not sure if this is the right thread to ask help on but here it goes...I downloaded the game Strip Fighter 4 from this site successfully and downloaded all 3 files and unzipped it using winrar. The problem I'm have is that the only files i have are only .bin and .cue (no .exe program!?) as mentioned in this site My question is do need to use a different unzipping program? Should I use Applocale and do I need to mount the .cue using Daemon Tools or some virtual drive program that the site says. Or is the site even useful considering it's a torrent site and I've download the game from the first site I have above. I know it's alot but I'll appreciate it if someone can tell me what is it I'm doing wrong so I can finally play this game...? :confused:
Re: Strip Fighter 4 (Need help opening game)

Not sure if this is the right thread to ask help on but here it goes...I downloaded the game Strip Fighter 4 from this site successfully and downloaded all 3 files and unzipped it using winrar. The problem I'm have is that the only files i have are only .bin and .cue (no .exe program!?) as mentioned in this site My question is do need to use a different unzipping program? Should I use Applocale and do I need to mount the .cue using Daemon Tools or some virtual drive program that the site says. Or is the site even useful considering it's a torrent site and I've download the game from the first site I have above. I know it's alot but I'll appreciate it if someone can tell me what is it I'm doing wrong so I can finally play this game...? :confused:

... The .BIN and .CUE files, together, are what's known as a "disk image" - that is, a direct copy of all the data on the game's disk. You will need either a virtual drive program (like Daemon Tools), or a disk burning utility (Alcohol 120% is a common choice).

If you use the virtual drive program, it will pretend to be a disk drive, let you "read" the disk image, and allow the program to run from there.

If you use the disk burning utility, you will need a blank CD-R, which you will burn the contents of the disk image onto, and then that CD-R will just act as an ordinary game disk.

Either way, once the game installs, you will likely need Applocale for it to run properly. Depending on the installer program, you may even need Applocale to install the game.
Re: Strip Fighter 4 (Need help opening game)

... The .BIN and .CUE files, together, are what's known as a "disk image" - that is, a direct copy of all the data on the game's disk. You will need either a virtual drive program (like Daemon Tools), or a disk burning utility (Alcohol 120% is a common choice).

If you use the virtual drive program, it will pretend to be a disk drive, let you "read" the disk image, and allow the program to run from there.

If you use the disk burning utility, you will need a blank CD-R, which you will burn the contents of the disk image onto, and then that CD-R will just act as an ordinary game disk.

Either way, once the game installs, you will likely need Applocale for it to run properly. Depending on the installer program, you may even need Applocale to install the game.
Nice thx for the tip DeMatt...:cool: I was able to mount the application using Daemon Tools. Although Applocale gave me problems running the program, I instead used NTLEA and it runs smoothly. :D
Re: Frequantly Asked Questions and Errors

Re-did the first post a little bit and added Dematt's instructions on changing the non-unicode settings.

Hope you don't mind.