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Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 44, Status = Fine

(Sorry I skipped you, and kept forgetting to give you a thread.)

Naltaibur Slybelqua had been hard at work, as usual, at her experiments (what her current one is I'm leaving up to you,) when it happened. The city, as usual, was busy on that warm spring morning, people bustling about, seeing to their daily business. The church to the god of thunder which lay close to her lab was being expanded, so for the last week the sounds of construction had filtered down to her workplace, though it was only occasionally a hindrance to her concentration. She had been making progress lately in finding ways to control the mutations brought on by exposure to magic. Just yesterday, she'd caused a rat to grow small wings, which while not allowing it to fly, had been under the creatures control, as it seemed to beat them whenever she set food too high for it to reach. Today, she'd been intent on exposing it further, and seeing if she might get them to grow larger, so that they actually allowed the tiny rodent to fly.

She'd only gotten to her lab ten minutes ago, when she heard a loud crash just above her, the boom of impact causing her entire lab to quake. A couple of glass containers fell from shelves, shattering on the stone floor, while the creatures she kept here began bleating and roaring and crying in protest to the sudden disturbance. Naltaibur was about to do something about that, before cleaning up the spilled items, when she heard a chorus of screams from up above. Her lab being in the basement, it was somewhat muffled, but the screams of terror emanating from above were clear even here. Whats more, they were followed by an even louder, high pitched screech, that immediately quieted all of her specimens. What in the hell was going on up there?
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

(It's cool.)

Nal held up a vial level with her eye, peering into the clear, orange-tinted liquid of the latest batch of the potion she'd been feeding her winged rat. It was based on the potion she gave severely maimed patients, which stimulated their natural healing process. With heavy modification to the recipe, she'd made a concoction that made the body more receptive to anatomical changes, the body adapting and shifting it's nerves and veins slightly to accommodate the changes, and an addition of quicksilver made the imbiber more susceptible to actual alterations.

As she examined the liquid for any unstrained particles, she idly stroked her winged rat's fur with her gloved index finger. Oddly, the rat was quite docile - usually her test rats tried to avoid her in the little cage, but this one didn't mind her at all. Add to that that it was the first creature she'd gotten to mutate with only magic, and the only creature that displayed control of the resulting mutation, and it was quite the important milestone in her research. Naltaibur was quite fond of it - she'd named her Dolly, and hoped dearly it wouldn't die or go insane like her subjects usually did.

She was a bout to tip a dose into Dolly's water, when a boom came from above, startling her and making her hand jump. "Damn it!", she swore, as the liquid in the vial splashed out, a great deal more than she intended going into Dolly's water, and the rest landing in and around the cage.

Several beakers, jars and vials fell off the shelves, shattering on the floor. Most of them were empty, but one was filled with a mild acid she used to clean, and a few others contained various potions or ingredients. She quickly looked over the damage, hoping none of the mixes that fell would fume or explode, and dearly hoped none of the mutagens had fallen. When the screams from above came, she hesitated for a moment - she still wasn't quite sure what had fallen, or if they'd compromise her experiment with Dolly - something already damaged by the unmeasured addition of the potion to her water.

Then the roar came. She pounded the table in frustration and snatched up her mask, hurriedly slipping it on. Her weapons, nearby incase one of her creatures got loose, were quickly put into place. Briefly considering moving Dolly before rejecting the idea, she rushed up the stairs.

She emerged from behind a cabinet, locking the hidden door that concealed her lab, and roughly slamming herself against the cabinet to push it back into place. She raced up the stairs and to the healer's workshop above, where she looked outside though the windows for the source of the screams and roars.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 44, Status = Fine

As she ascended out of her lab, the cries form outside only got louder and more intense, and when Naltaibur finally pushed the heavy piece of furniture back into place to conceal her lab and headed outside, she found herself looking upon a scene of absolute chaos. People were running about randomly, trying to escape a plethora of slimy gray creatures, who were grabbing anyone they could get their appendages on. Some of those who were grabbed, all of them women, had their clothes torn off and tentacles shoved into their holes, while the rest were simply being carried away. Most of the strange creatures were about three feet tall, and had no extremities save for a quartet of spindly legs and about a dozen tentacles, while some of them were huge hulking masses of featureless gray flesh sculpted into a vaguely humanoid shape.

Looking up, a massive gray shape was floating above the city, with tentacles waving form it in all directions. It easily dwarfed any building in the city, covering much of the city and partially obscuring the morning sun. Small pieces of it seemed to be raining down, and Naltaibur guessed that that might be the source of the creatures that were now falling from the sky. A squad of guards were about twenty feet from where she stood in front of her shop, six men until the titanic creature that they were fighting grabbed one and tore him in half, hurling his two halves at the mans comrades. People all around her were dying, being raped, or being carried off for who knew what. what was she going to do?
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Throwing open the door, Nal stopped mid-step, dumbfounded by the chaos outside. The scene playing out stunned her, and she stared out blankly at nothing for a brief moment, her mind refusing to understand what was going on.

Over the din of the chaos, a sudden and ear-splittingly-shrill scream penetrated her mental fog. Quickly, she scanned the scanned the street, trying to assess the situation.

What are these things? How many? Who's been taken? What should I do? Will I be able to get one for research? Where did they come fr-

Naltaibur suddenly became aware that she'd thrown an arm up over her eyes to shield them from the sun - and immediately afterwards, she realized she didn't need to. She looked up, and saw the source of the shade - an unimaginably immense... thing, floated in the sky above, blocking the sun. Tendrils sprouted out from it, wriggling, as if mocking the sun.

A movement caught her attention, and she turned just in time to see a massive gray monster tear a man in half and toss him at a few men circling it. More so than anything else here, this thing was dangerous - none of the guards could help anyone with it here. It's ilk were pillaging and killing her fellow citizens, and it had just brutally murdered someone right in front of her eyes. She wasn't a warmage, but she was nonetheless a Crolian Mage trained at Crolia's Academy, and while her laboratory attested to the fact that she was not a saint, she was nonetheless a doctor, and she would excise this lesion from the city!

She began constructing an amplifying shell around the core of magic in her, forcing structures and leylines of pentagrams, circles, and intricate patterns into place with her mind. She then wrote in glyphs and runes spelling words of power in a dead language. The whisper she spoke them in reverberated unnaturally loud in her ears, and had they not been in terrible danger, the people around her might have found the wiggling of her finger as she wrote the runes in the air funny - no glowing words appeared in the air, nor did any other overt effects occur; instead, the entirety of the spell occurred in the metaphysical space of her magical center.

The formula for a spell to empower her magic formed itself in her mind, and she began to recite its words as she simultaneously wrote unseen glyphs in the air with her fingers, and forced amplifying structures - circles, runes, pentagrams - into place in the core of magic that allowed her her use of spells. As her mind focused, the worries that the guards would not be able to help her, or that she would not win this fight, vanished.

Casting L4 Buff.
Base casting: 14. Body Focus +12, Total BC: 26.

That will increase my Base Casting and magic damage and stuff, right?
Also, is that the only biggun around, or were there more?
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 38/44, Status = Fine, Buff(+15 Mind)

(It will if you use it to increase your Mind stat, which is what I presume you are doing. there are plenty of other monsters around, including more big ones, but that's the only one that's close enough for Naltaibur to pay attention to.)

Casting: Success.
Mind increased by 3 x 5 = 15.
Fuck you and your odd numbers, making my math difficult. :mad:
*Isn't serious at all.*

Undistributed as she was within the maelstrom of chaos in front of her shop, Naltaiburs spell completed without a hitch, and she felt her concentration strengthen, the noise and motion around her being easily pushed aside. the lack of any display meant that nothing bothered her, though her moment to strengthen herself cost another guardsman his life. The creature they were fighting against slammed its hand onto the poor man, flattening him into the pavement with a sickening crunch. The other four men turned and ran, in different directions no less, abandoning their duty to protect. Naltaibur saw one get grabbed by another monster, a humanoid with lizard-like features that seemed to appear out of nowhere and grab him, quickly tearing out his throat and dragging him away, but the other three disappeared from her sight.

Regardless of their fates, she had much bigger problems now, as the gigantic faceless creature, without opponents, turned toward her. Issuing its loud, screaming below, it charged toward her, its footsteps causing the ground to quake slightly. It was ten feet from her and getting closer by the second, and if she didn't do something quickly, it would likely squash her flat just like it had that guardsman a few seconds ago.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Her spell concentrated her attention as well as her magical power, keeping the thought of how quickly the tide had turned in her disfavor from surfacing. When the giant began it's approach, she merely noted the threat, and backed back through the doorway of her home, down the entrance hallway.

In the meantime, she began energy poured out of her power. She imagined it as a bright shining light, the magical amplifier she'd built around it refracting it and making it flash even brighter. The energy collected around her left hand, and as she walked backward, she recited an age-old mantra - the spell known informally as "Granulate", the most destructive of the spells over the body, carefully refined by the work and knowledge of a legion of Body Magicians that came before her.

The mantra helped her to remember the commands that she needed to impress upon the raw power to make it into a spell that shattered the body from the inside. She willed the glyphs that carried the command into existence within the power, and as they wrote themselves into the writhing glow that was her magic, she willed that they retain their integrity, keeping themselves from dissolving in the churning of her power.

When she judged that the spell was ready, all she had to do was extend her hand, and point out what she wanted it to expend itself on...

You could always round the buff up. ;)
Cast L5 Granulate (Body sphere); 50ft single target; 2d4 + [8 (Mind/5)]x5
BC = 21 + 12 + [d20]; vs 40

Buff upkeep is what, 4 EP?
Mind = 43 (28 + 15)

Also. Could I spend my denars on making my plague doc suit reduce the effectiveness of that plant aphrodisiac and the tentacle dropcritter's aphrodisiac? It's supposed to be a medieval biohazard suit, after all.
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 26/44, Status = Grappled, Buff(+15 Mind)

Yes, buff takes 4 upkeep.
Casting: Success. You got EXACTLY the roll needed to succeed.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 3 + 8 = 14 x 5 = 70 - 12 = 58 damage.
Attack: Hit.
Naltaibur has been grappled.

Her spell formed into a large glowing glyph in front of her, coalescing perfectly, before she pushed it toward the charging creature. It hit the thing directly in the chest, and it doubled over, halted in its tracks. It took a staggering step back, but then it righted itself, the faceless creature issuing another bellowing scream and rushing toward her, seemingly no worse off despite the fact that her spell should have reduced its entire skeleton to dust. Before she could prepare another spell, it rushed toward her again, and a single massive hand clasped around her body. Naltaibur was lifted off the ground, the squeezing of her midsection uncomfortable, but not yet painful despite the fact that she'd seen this thing tear a man in half. Her eyes were suddenly drawn downward, however, as she spotted movement. A length of gray flesh was beginning to jut out from the massive creatures groin, growing steadily by the second until it was over two feet long, and easily six inches across. A mushroom-like head and a hole formed on it as it reached its full length, leaving Naltaibur little doubt as to what the new appendage was intended to do.

(You could. Maybe. You'd need to get to the merchant first though.)
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Nal hadn't expected the spell to atomize the creature's entire skeleton - the classes she'd spent at the Academy detailing it had noted several uses on large creatures not being wholly successful, after all - but she certainly didn't expect the creature to recover so quickly, nor did she expect it to be so unphased that it would be able to reach through her doorway and grab her so easily. Or had it just smashed through the wall? So single-minded she was in her efforts to kill this thing, everything besides it had become a blur.

Wriggling hard to try and slip from the monster's hand to no avail, she breathed in, anticipating a fate similar to the poor guardsman she'd seen just seconds ago. Maybe she could squeeze out a last spell without her legs? They weren't essential for the casting, technica-

Noticing she hadn't been ripped in half yet, she unscrewed her eyes and looked at what was happening, only now noticing the grip she was held in did not feel like one that divided people. Outwardly, her eyes widened almost imperceptibly, but inside her mind was racing, and her focus was notably shaken. Every thought was tainted with notions of how that thing would kill her, how it'd be humiliating and just as grisly, and that it looked the same size around as the house's support beam.

Realizing her best chance was to distract it, she quickly recalled the spell she used to milk semen out of her subjects. Magic flooded out her core, but unlike the carefully crafted formulas that made up known Body magic, this one was an adlibbed, work-in-progress of a spell. Rather than inscribe it with orders, she focused her mind on what she wanted it to do. The magic flooded down her arms and into the giant's hand, where it raced like a shock down his - definitely a he - spine to the gargantuan member, to stimulate the nerves, and up to the brain, where it sought out the parts of the brain that activated during orgasm.

Pain Resistance 3? That wasn't in the profile I was looking at... *looks more*

Oh. Well um... fuck.

Casting L4 Stimulate [Ex. Body]; touch single-target; Bolt [2d4 + [8]]x4 to PP. Side effects?
BC = 14 + 12 [Focus in Ex. Body] + 7 [Buff] - 12 [Grapple] = 21 + [d20] vs
-4 EP for L4 buff.

Bless me, O Mighty Random Number Goddess!
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 17/44, Status = Grappled, Buff(+15 Mind)

Casting: Failure.
You rolled a 1. 22 is not 30.
Grapple: Enemy wins. Naltaiburs armor has been destroyed.
The dice do not like you.

The creatures hand grabbed part of her suit as she prepared to cast her spell, and then tore the entire thing off of her body in a single ripping motion, leaving her nude save for her mask. The sudden rush of air against her body is enough to spoil her concentration, and her spell is absorbed into the ground without any effect on her attacker. The gray titan began positioning her over its member, lining her up for penetration. If she didn't do something immediately, Naltaibur knew that she was going to get impaled on it.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

The sudden feeling of air on her skin broke her unnatural calm and clarity.

No!!, she screamed inwardly, my skin!! What if somebody sees?! Just as the the thoughts raced through her mind, she felt a very large something bump against her in between her legs. A much more urgent thought crowded the last out of her mind, and the possibility that this could easily be her last few seconds alive dawned on her. Gory images of the two guards slain... not even a minute ago flashed though her mind.

She wished terribly she'd stayed inside.

She tore power from her rapidly emptying center and emptied it into his arm, again seeking out his pleasure centers, hoping to shock him into dropping her with an intense burst of pleasure, or hopefully even cumming without piercing her. This creature was so enormous, though, she'd have to use a massive amount of magical energy to hope for such, and even calm it was a significant task to control so much at once.

The power flooded out of her arms, and she immediately mustered another burst, directing it inwards instead, suffusing her body with energy and a desperate need to yield and stretch... rather than break.

Not as planned. Uh, uh, it was a bad idea last time, and it's a bad idea now!
Casting L4 Stimulate [Ex. Body]; touch single-target; Bolt [2d4 + [8]]x4 to PP.
BC = 14 + 12 [Focus in Ex. Body] + 7 [Buff] - 12 [Grapple] = 21 + [d20] vs 30
-4 EP for L4 buff.

Resisting boning. The stretch not break bit is fluff and possibly an excuse for crazy stretchfucking. Is that acceptable?
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 37/41, PP = 29/47, EP = 7/44, Status = Grappled, Penetrated, Low Energy, Buff(+15 Mind)

(Yeah, that's acceptable.)

Casting: Failure.
Holy shit, another 1. The game wants you to fail. I'm not even fudging these either.
Grapple: Enemy wins. Naltaibur has been penetrated.
Pleasure (Nalt): 5 + 10 + 25 - 22 = 18 PP.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 2 + 7 + 8 - 22 = 0 PP.
Damage: 4 damage.

Naltaiburs spell once more failed to take hold on her massive assailant, once more harmlessly discharging into the ground while her strengthened concentration failed to hold once more, while simultaneously draining more of her energy, which was swiftly running out on her. What that meant, however, was that she could do almost nothing to stop it from sliding her down onto its massive cock. Her body bucked and rocked, trying to keep from being penetrated by the faceless gray abomination that was holding her. There was no way it would fit inside her!

But, her nether lips slowly parted, and Naltaiburs cock hardened slightly as the monsters member slowly made its way up her passage. The pain was intense, but somehow, perhaps due to her second spell which had released into herself, she also began to feel pleasure as it was slowly pushed up into her. The creature only pushed its member up a few inches before it pulled back and pushed upwards again, gaining another inch. Her body stretched around the massive object being pushed into her, the mix of pain and pleasure mixing to nearly paralyze her, ruining her concentration even further.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

When she felt her control on the

Naltaibur couldn't banish the thought of the tremendous organ hovering just under her, and once again she lost her grip on the burst of magic she had sent into the thing - and to add insult to injury, she retained awareness of it long enough to feel it flail through the monster's body, pour around every single thing it touched, and jump into the dirt below her. She traced its haphazard and yet completely useless journey through the titan, feeling it slither over every muscle, organ and tissue without doing anything at all. When she finally lost it in the ground several feet under her, she prayed with a fervor unlike any she'd had before that it had hit an earthworm, or a mole, or, or anything, and it would burst out of the ground and save her.

When nothing happened, and she felt the monster push at her crotch, she knew nothing would save her. She almost passed out from the sheer agony of its size; as it impaled her, her legs flailed and then stiffened, and her hands gripped into the monstrous hand that suspended her in the air. She bit into her lip hard enough to draw blood, to stop from herself from screaming, and every muscle in her body clenched. None of the specimens in her menagerie came even close to half this thing's girth!

And then it pulled out, and gave a second thrust.

The world blurred for an instant, as not only her cunt, but her entire body stretched out further than it ever should have. Where the thing's dick was in her, she felt her belly press deeper into the monster's palm, as if she were a meat cocksleeve for the titan. The pain caused a stream of of tears to pour from her eyes, to match the blood one leaking from her mouth, and as it continued to ram itself into her, she had to pour more and more of her emptying magical reserves to make her body pliable enough to endure it.

Through all of the pain, though, the fact that she had not been ripped apart - yet - shone through to her. For the moment, she was still alive.

The feeling of a breeze on her shaft brought her attention to the fact that it had begun to fill with blood. Somewhere along the line, her body had begun to turn against her; in between explosions of pain from the monster's thrusts, she recalled how the same had happened when she had been overpowered by one of the creatures in her menagerie...

The thoughts brought her back from the pain she was in. She still might make it out of this... it was a dim chance, but she still had to try, else she end up torn apart as well.

The magical circles and runes built around her spellpower flickered and winked terribly, nearly without magic to sustain themselves with. She figured she might maintain them for just a bit longer before it would exhaust her. This time knowing her limits, she recast the same spell as before, but using significantly less power - a bare minimum, that could easily be handled even with the intense pain she was in. Her legs wrapped around the huge member, her feet and thighs stroking it as the monster pumped her up and down, while she tried to figure the best way to kick it out of her to hopefully escape when the monster came.

Fucking diiiiice

Casting L1 Stimulate [Ex. Body]; touch single-target; Bolt [2d4 + [8]] to PP.
BC = 14 + 12 [Focus in Ex. Body] + 7 [Buff] - 12 [Grapple] - 8 [dmg'd in the last two rounds] - 12 [penetrated] = 1 + [d20]
-4 EP for buff

...I'm not in a submission hold, right? So I can use Pull Out. Right?

Use Resistance stat thing.

I guess I have the honor of first fucked by these gray giant dudes. That counts for something, right? tl;dr also.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 28/41, PP = 17/47, EP = 3/44, Status = Grappled, Penetrated, Extremely Low Energy, Buff(+15 Mind)

(Yes, you're not in a submission hold so Pull Out is still an option. But, you can't use it if you pass out due to EP loss, which will happen if you don't deactivate your buff this turn.)

Casting: Success.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 3 + 3 + 8 = 14 PP.
Grapple: Enemy wins.
Pleasure (Nalt): 6 + 3 + 25 - 22 = 12 PP.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 5 + 3 + 8 - 22 = 0 PP.
Damage: 9 damage.

Naltaiburs energy continued to dwindle as her glyphs continued to draw upon them, nearly draining her dry of power. Her spell finally went off correctly, though this greatly reduced version only gave the beast minor pleasure. As it was, that seemed to enliven the creature, as he pushed his member into her all the harder, though her legs manage to keep him from impaling her fully, which would probably tear her in half. As it was, the stretching of her womanhood was painful, but it still remained pleasurable to her, or at least to some part of her. Her entire abdomen seemed to form around the creatures member as it pushed deeper and deeper into her, until one thrust finally caused the tip of it to press against her cervix. Still, she felt confidant that when she felt it begin to throb its release, she could force it out of her before its seed spilled into her depths. What did bother her was that it didn't seem to be receiving much pleasure from her tight passage, even though the friction was starting to drive her toward her peek, if its increasingly irritable grunts were any indication. She was starting to tire out, and if she passed out before it finished with her, there was no way for her to get it out of her before it came. and, if it became too annoyed with her, there was always the chance that it might tear her in half, though that might seem like a pleasant outcome compared to the alternative of bearing its spawn.

(I once more find myself in the awkward position of following a long and detailed post with an extremely short one.)
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

I can't keep this up.

Even in her thoughts, the night elf gasped like a man that had run here all the way from the Great Desert. Her magic pool emptied like the dregs in a drained cup, she finally released her tenuous hold on the elaborate pattern of runes and diagrams she'd built around her core, dissipating them completely.

With what little power she had left, she tried to speed along the monster's orgasm, before the pain of the massive rod plowing through her insides made her black out... or it grew bored of her... or any of a number of things happened that would worsen the already dire situation she was in. She hoped her traitorous body didn't give in to the pleasure just before the creature did - she would have to remain alert to escape.

She extended another minute tendril from the little magical energy she had left. She searched for a prostate she wasn't sure the creature had, to milk it like she did when she needed sperm from one of the creatures in her menagerie...

Horribly, this reminded her of her early experiences in there. It had been before she tainted her body with the biological strains from that orc that had given her sickly old self a measure of strength, and she hadn't known what she did now about wrangling monsters. She remembered dosing the food with enough sedatives to put an ox out, but when she entered the cage, before she even knew what happened it had her pinned, her face pressed into the straw-covered stone of the cell. She was one of the best and brightest, an affirmed, tested, and trained mage of Crolia's grand Academy. She thought she knew what she was doing.

It showed her she did not. She scrabbled trying to get out from under it, but it held her in place, and roughly stabbed at her crotch until it and it had... and it so big, bigger than any of the men she'd met at the Academy... and it hurt, SO bad, and for hours it just kept... and she cried and cri-

A hard slam deep into her being brought her back to the present in an explosion of pain. She was back in a building-sized monster's boulder-sized hand. It was an unpleasant parallel - so sure of herself, she had stumbled inti the exact same position as she had years ago, and while she might be more calloused to being forced upon, she no less helpless.

Though she knew she had things much more dire to worry about, the flashback had also reminded her she was no longer wholly a night elf, and she couldn't help worry how her body - all of it - was completely exposed for anyone to see, the secret she'd hidden away for years exposed in but a moment.

The thing continued thrusting, and an incredible fullness accompanied a feeling of being pulled apart, a cool breeze stole heat from skin that hadn't felt it in ages, and... gods dammit, she felt her prick tingling and twitching, sandwiched as it was between her stretched-tight stomach and the monster's hand. Now was not the time for such thoughts!

She refocused, and dug her tendril of power through the creature, looking for anything to speed it's climax along.

(I don't mean to write so much, I swear.)

End the buff.
Casting L1 Stimulate [Ex. Body]; touch single-target; Bolt [2d4 + [5]] to PP.
BC = 14 + 12 [Focus in Ex. Body] - 12 [Grapple] - 8 [dmg'd in the last two rounds] - 12 [penetrated] = -6 + [d20]

Wait, shit, did it chew through my resistance already?
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 22/41, PP = 47, EP = 3/44, Status = Grappled, Penetrated, Extremely Low Energy

Casting: Success.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 2 + 3 + 5 = 10 PP.
Grapple: Enemy wins.
Pleasure (Nalt): 10 + 12 + 25 - 14 = 33 = Orgasm PP.
And it gets nearly max on you.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 7 + 2 + 8 - 14 = 3 PP.
Damage: 3 x 2 = 6 damage.

It doesn't deal Resistance damage. It just does enough naturally that yours matters very little. If you want to get it off before you pass out, you're probably going to have to drop your resistance.

Naltaibur felt the creature surging up into her badly stretched body as her minor magic worked into the massive beast, the spell tingling its nerves even as its member forced its way up into her. The pain of it was rapidly being overridden by the pleasure of being so monstrously filled, however, and for some reason the memory of her previous violation aroused her further, such that its thrusts, combined with the rubbing of her member, almost felt.... Good. She looked about, desperate to avoid acknowledging her bodies reaction to the massive creatures touch, and so got a look at the battle going on around her.

Battle wasn't exactly the word for it anymore, however. Orgy might be more appropriate, as all around her the women of Therion were being violated by their attackers, the men captured or killed or fled. Most of them were held in the grasp of the tentacled creatures, of which their were now dozens in the street, each of them with a women, ranging from barely old enough to marry to getting far enough along in years that they might be considered elderly in a few years. She did manage to spot another woman in the grasp of a creature like the one currently violating her, but she barely looked conscious, an expression of agony twisted onto her pale face. The only good thing to be said for this might be that there was no one looking at her, and seeing her mutated body for what it was.

Unfortunately, the distraction proved fruitless, as Naltaibur felt her bodies response to the beast growing stronger over the next few moments. She writhed and twisted, trying to get it to stop, but it all proved fruitless, and after another minute of it slowly forcing its member deeper into her body, using her as a cock sleeve, her body convulsed as she was forced into the throes of an orgasm. It continued thrusting into her while her body squeezed around it, but it didn't seem to notice the increase in tightness. When she came back to herself it was still at it, but at least the pleasure had momentarily washed away the pain, even if it brought on its own sense of exhaustion.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Surveying the scene of complete domination by the horrible gray monsters from her bobbing position at the behemoth's crotch, Naltaibur felt a harsh sense of defeat slowly swelling in her chest. She'd been a part of this city as long as she could remember, and here it was, brought down in an instant, it's people being stolen, killed, and raped, without safety to be found or mercy to be offered.

Through the panes of her milk-colored mask, Nal spotted an older woman she knew. Amelia Leontine, her mind recited, identifying her easily. She'd had her daughter delivered here, back when she was still a little girl aiding her Father in the clinic. She had then brought her daughter back here not even last year, to deliver her son... they'd made a great deal of having both births by the same family, in the same small healer's clinic. Now, she was pressed hard against a signpost in the street, some horrid monster violating her from behind. A slight shift brought her one less well known; a heavyset, older guard, who'd come in for help with a broken nose. Now he lie face-down, in a growing pool of blood. Looking down the other way, she saw ol' Alman, a street vendor, smeared across the road like the tomatoes from his overturned cart...

The great pillar in her stomach thrust again, and her vision blurred like it had on the monster's first thrust - only this time, a familiar mixture of pain and perverse pleasure she hadn't felt in ages left her shuddering in the giant's grasp, her toes curled and her legs twitching. Shame overtook her; these things had sacked her beloved city and raped and murdered everyone she knew, and yet she w- a second thrust, and her eyes rolled back into her head. She was humiliated; how could she let them command even her very thoughts like thi- again the immense meat filled her, and her immense tongue shot out of her gaping mouth, tensing with the rest of her body. Further thoughts were driven from her mind as the creature continued, and shortly - her tongue squirming in the limited space of her mask, wriggling though the beak and curling to meet her eye, obscuring one of the lenses with spit in the process - Naltaibur came.

Her guts clenched down hard, but the creature, evidently not noticing, continued towards it's release, pumping Naltaibur up and down it's massive shaft as she convulsed in his palm, the continuing stimulation driving her wild with the intense sensitivity brought on by her orgasm.

When she regained her senses after coming down, Naltaibur found herself hanging limply in the creatures hand, gasping raggedly in the mask that was the sole remnant of her attire. She felt remarkably drained. On top of the... incredible... orgasm, the massive dick in her was taking a marked toll on her body, which was sustained only by magical power that was essentially not there. Unseen winces and near-unnoticeable clenching in her hands, resting on the top of the fist she was held in, were the only signs of movement from her for several minutes.

Finally gaining a second wind, she forced her body to move - her cock, regaining full mast during Nal's incapacitation, was now greased in slippery, still-warm cum, and tingled deliciously, sandwiched in between her and the monster's hand. Trails of her seed trickled down from the shaft, making her groin sticky. Another trail drizzled past down her thigh, and mixed with whatever wetnesses that had since slicked there - arousal or blood, she couldn't tell. Another tentacle of magic slipped through her arm and reached through her - unable to form commands for it, she simply imagined it wrapping around the base of the titan's cock and pumping. She looked up at the thing's face, trying to see through the fogged glass from her breathing and the saliva as she pumped the massive dick wrapped in her lubed thighs and legs, playing footsie with the oversized balls and telling herself this was not just to experience another high like she had once more before being torn in two.

Oh, so resistance works mutually, then? Alright, drop that.

Casting L1 Stimulate [Ex. Body]; touch single-target; Bolt [2d4 + [5]] to PP.
BC = 14 + 12 [Focus in Ex. Body] - 12 [Grapple] - 8 [dmg'd in the last two rounds] - 12 [penetrated] -8 [1x O] = -14 (fuck) + [d20]
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 21/41, PP = 13/47, EP = 3/44, Status = Grappled, Extremely Low Energy

I forgot to include your orgasm stun, so I'll just move through that round and into the next one.

Pleasure (Nalt): 7 + 2 + 25 = 34 PP.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 10 + 9 + 8 = 27 PP.
Damage: 1 damage.

Casting: Success.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 1 + 1 + 5 = 7 PP = Orgasm.
Pulled out.

Naltaibur couldn't move for several moments, and the massive abomination growled as it pumped up into her now unresisting passage, the tip of its member slamming against the roof of her womb with every thrust. The feeling of its cock plowing into her, along with her own member rubbing against the inside of its massive hand, was well on its way to bringing her to another orgasm by the time it she managed to get her spell off. That seemed to push the beast over the edge, as her magic caused its rod to throb uncontrollably, and she barely managed to push it out before a torrent of thick white fluid shot out of its cock, spraying the front of her body in dense wads of semen. Rope after rope of cum, all of them at least an inch wide and three feet long, covered her breasts, face, and belly, until her front was practically all white, the seed covering her skin enough that it was mostly hidden. The beasts cock was still mostly hard, but its grip on her was extremely loose, and it had given her an opportunity to escape if she so chose. She was tired, and still extremely low on energy, but she didn't doubt that the juggernaut would be moving again within a few seconds.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur felt the monster's rod jump in her belly, and was only just able to kick it out of her as the gargantuan creature succumbed to the throes of an orgasm. Pushing down with one foot and guiding with the other, one last wave of pain washed through her as the pole, already stretching her to breaking, pushed down on her insides, against her spine and innards... and then popped out. Rock hard, the monstrous tool spasmed just as the head cleared Slybelqua's hole and exposed itself to air, and from it a tremendous stream of spunk spewed. The heavy member twitched back up, and brushed roughly against Nal's slit, while the stream of goo blasted a line up from her groin to her covered face. The titan's thick cum painted itself across the lenses of Nal's mask, preventing her from seeing what happened next, but she felt heavy ropes of slime raining down on her, coating more and more of her in pearly goo, plastering her hair to her head and covering her whole body under a sticky frosting, like some weird, hot, slime blanket. While the massive hand holding her twitched with pleasure. She lost count after the eleventh-or-so shot, as her abused body settled its organs and flesh back into their normal positions, and more pressing matters rose to her attention.

The giant hand loosened, and Nal saw her chance. She raised her arms - like small children did to try to escape when their mothers lifted them up to her examination table - and twisted. The slippery goo helped her wiggle free, and she slid out of the thing's grasp, landing on her ass on the rough cobblestone road. Ignoring the pain - truly, it was insignificant to the monster's dick inside her - she wiped a hand over her mask's lenses, clearing some of the cum off and restoring her vision somewhat. She quickly located the leather belt that held her unused weapons, ripped off with her clothes, and bolted for her home (noting, vaguely, the rigid, heavy length wobbling back and forth at her crotch). She slipped on the jizz-slick stone near the step in front of her door, but caught herself, and quickly scrabbled back into a run, up the step and through the door and hall, rushing for the basement and the laboratory sanctuary it hid.

That's alright, right? If I was supposed to stop when I hit the ground or something, then it stops there I guess. Otherwise,

Inside the basement, Naltaibur stopped to catch her breath - and nearly collapsed, leaning hard against a barrel. In a scant few minutes she'd been exhausted magically, physically, and emotionally - her well of power was essentially dry, she had survived a rape that should have outright ripped her open (with the threat of being ripped in half another way looming over her through the whole thing), and witnessed the devastation of her beloved Therion and it's people. Moreover, she'd been shown how utterly helpless she was to stop it, and... she'd even, in some manner, betrayed Therion, enjoying herself with a monster that had brutally killed her countrymen only moments before. It had been the time she was overpowered by one of her caged creatures all over again - she'd overestimated herself in her arrogance again, and paid for it with her womanhood, used, as if it were all she were good for.

Dammit, she thought to herself. Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, DAMMIT! Had she learned nothing in the years since then?!

Through the lenses of her mask, cloudy from hot, gasping breaths and cum-streaked glass, she looked at herself, covered utterly in sticky white goo, she laughed. I must look like one of them, she mused darkly, some kinda weird, white, beaked monster, covered in slime, like a slug.

Stumbling over to the hidden door, she tried not to leave a trace that it was there, but it was quite useless - even if she wiped off whatever cum she left on the cabinet or door, it still left heavy streaks, drenched as she was. Hands slipping on the wheel to the lab door, she used her weapon belt for grip, and, arms trembling with exhaustion and adrenaline, turned. She tried to hide the entrance despite the obvious traces it was there, hoping whatever came by wouldn't notice, and carefully descended the stairs down.

Pulling the mask free, she pulled a few vials and scraped them across her skin, gathering cum from the monster in them. It's too dangerous out there... maybe if I check these, I'll find something that could help.

Eyeing a closet she kept spare outfits in incase her work down here got her dirty, she shook her head and collapsed in a stool, gasping, spent, staring blankly across at Dolly's cage.


Also, dirt n' gallons of cum. Cum-mud.
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 21/41, PP = 13/47, EP = 3/44, Status = Extremely Low Energy

Grapple: Naltaibur wins.
If you escape the grapple, which you did, and outran the thing to your house, which you did, you can basically revert back to RP mode.

The lubrication of the warm, gooey seed coating her and the weakening of the giants hand allowed Naltaibur to slip through its fingers, the beast only giving a half-hearted swipe to try and catch her as she landed on her ass. After a rather comedic moment of stumbling in the pool of cum its climax had formed underneath her, Naltaibur manages to rush away toward the door to her lab. The juggernaut seems to take offense at this, however, and so rushes toward her just as she makes it to her door. She slams it shut, and as she is heading toward her lab the corrupted night elf feels the entire building shake and hears a loud crash, causing her to stumble slightly as the doorway behind her is literally torn off its hinges, the lower body of the massive creature evident through the new hole in the wall. Springing back into motion, she hurls herself down the steps to her lab.

She was hardly well hidden here, at least not from any intelligent creature, but she hadn't really seen any signs of thought from the gray beasts, so she couldn't be sure of anything. It at least hadn't seen her enter, and maybe with the dresser back in place the creature wouldn't think to try here. She heard it crash through into her house upstairs, and a few thumps as it walked around, probably searching for her. Meanwhile, all of her specimens were highly agitated, Dolly flapping her little wings and running around her cage frantically. Some of her larger creatures were making a great deal of noise, baying or shrieking in a cacophony of sounds.
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Nal didn't move from her position, slumped against the work counter behind her in her stool, elbows propping her up. Mouth hanging open to suck in air, she tried to slow her breathing as the thumping from above continued. This room was underground, hidden, and soundproofed so that even if they were making a racket as they were now, they wouldn't be heard by any visitors or passersby on the street above. Obviously the creatures could sense victims despite their lack of eyes, but she questioned whether or not they could see a few out-of-place smears of their kind's cum, or care, given the excitement going on.

Even if they could and did, she didn't think the giant could get into the basement without bringing the house down on itself. The smaller ones were strong enough to lift people into the air, so they could probably open the door if they found it, but would they bother searching it?

Since the lab was soundproofed, she decided not to try to calm the menagerie - and even if they could be heard, a sudden stop of sound would draw more notice, given that a similar racket was going on outside. Instead, she slowly, quietly walked to the washbasin, and toweled her arms free of their cum coating. Tip-toeing carefully, avoiding the puddle of acid and the shattered glass from earlier, she silently drew her blade from it's sheath, and laid it on the table next to her. She then pulled a few sample dishes out and began separating cum she'd dredged off of her front into different test batches. Her hands shook, but it mattered little.

She labelled one "Control", and covered it, her usually precise handwriting jittery. The remaining dishes were labeled and covered as well, one through seven.

Staring at the spread before her, though, she realized she had no idea where to begin with any of it. She'd no idea what these things were - they resembled nothing she'd ever heard about, and the only indication she'd had of their abilities were but moments of witnessing them kill and rape. She doubted analyzing the cum would yield any significant information, like muscle tissue or a skeleton would, and she was too drained to try anyway. As she sat there trying to figure out what to do next, the noise of the menagerie wormed it's way back into her head, breaking her concentration despite the fact that she had grown used to thinking in loud environments long ago.