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ACT [Kaijo] Nagai Yamiji - NOW ONLY $4.99


Demon Girl Master
Jun 6, 2013
Reputation score


Journey though a Lovecraftian nightmare world, filled with evil creatures and cultists worshiping dark ancient powers, and battle giant bosses using mystical runic powers. You play the role of a girl who, on her way home from high school, is trapped in this terrible land.

The game is a 2D-sprite platformer and has difficult platforming challenges and combat.

The demo allows you to play up to the first boss, and includes a handful of enemies and CGs. However, the full game has much more to offer! The full game includes over 10 original compositions, 7 sets of CGs totaling 24 pictures, 20 enemies with H-animations, 3 bosses, and 7 unique areas.
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

You, ah, spelled your own handle wrong in your link.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

You, ah, spelled your own handle wrong in your link.

Sumbitch! Sorry, fixed that... Nothing ever goes right the first time I post something XD
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I'd suggest you post some screenshots of the ingame jazz, that's what usually lures people in (If the art is good of course). People like to see screenshots and videos. There's not even any on your blog so people have no idea what they're downloading.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I'd suggest you post some screenshots of the ingame jazz, that's what usually lures people in (If the art is good of course). People like to see screenshots and videos. There's not even any on your blog so people have no idea what they're downloading.

I keep getting the notice that I can't post links unless I've posted 15 times :\ (Even though I posted the link to my blog with no problem... weird).

I could put a few screen shots up on my blog I suppose. I'll do that real quick.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

post in a few sites and if your game really is worth it,people will start sharing it with others,drop a vid or 2 of a demo on youtube and your advertising is kinda done
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

post in a few sites and if your game really is worth it,people will start sharing it with others,drop a vid or 2 of a demo on youtube and your advertising is kinda done

Hmm, a youtube video is a good idea!

Handful of screenshots are up on my blog now, btw :)
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I just tried your previous v0.1.3 release and was about to try v0.2, however i'm getting a Openal32.dll error. I didn't get this from the previous version of the demo, any ideas on fixing this?

From what I've tried it seems promising! The new demo version is probably a lot better than the one I just tried.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I just tried your previous v0.1.3 release and was about to try v0.2, however i'm getting a Openal32.dll error. I didn't get this from the previous version of the demo, any ideas on fixing this?

From what I've tried it seems promising! The new demo version is probably a lot better than the one I just tried.

You'll have to get that DLL installed if you don't already have it (so that the music works).

I'll include it in the .rar for future releases, since at least a couple people have had this problem
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Pretty good stuff for an early version. I like that some of the enemies like the slime are really active and not so easy to avoid where in most games the enemies tend to be very sluggish. I guess can't really judge the difficulty since it's just the beginning, but you can still jump over most things unharmed, you run pretty fast.

I'm not sure this is just because it's unfinished, but my game crashed when I encountered the dog and he turned into a zombie. I'm not sure if the game continues after that (I guess through the door with the magician).

Will you have any more humanoid enemies, maybe females ones, or primarily just non-human enemies?
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Pretty good stuff for an early version. I like that some of the enemies like the slime are really active and not so easy to avoid where in most games the enemies tend to be very sluggish. I guess can't really judge the difficulty since it's just the beginning, but you can still jump over most things unharmed, you run pretty fast.

I'm not sure this is just because it's unfinished, but my game crashed when I encountered the dog and he turned into a zombie. I'm not sure if the game continues after that (I guess through the door with the magician).

Will you have any more humanoid enemies, maybe females ones, or primarily just non-human enemies?

Yeah you can avoid quite a lot of the enemies early on, it becomes a little harder later, but the idea is that like most RPGs, you can run, but if you do you'll be under-leveled for later. If you don't kill any of the enemies, you'll likely struggle with the first boss.

Hmm the game certainly shouldn't have crashed... but the dog turning into a zombie is because I haven't added the H-animation for most things yet. Did you get an error message or did the game just freeze?

There are a few male-humanoid enemies, but most are non-human. And no females in this one, sorry :p

EDIT: Oh and I'm going ahead and releasing another version right now (uploading as I type). It includes the missing DLL if you need it, and it has a lot more sound to it. The config files won't be compatible, as I added in options for changing the display in this version.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I have the DLL problem lack of sound keeps me from wanting to really try it. but it looks nice at lest the zombie rape that I seen so I'll be waiting for the next build.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I have the DLL problem lack of sound keeps me from wanting to really try it. but it looks nice at lest the zombie rape that I seen so I'll be waiting for the next build.

Alrighty, the new version is up, and it includes that DLL.

Let me know if that fixes the problem... if not I have a few more DLLs that might be needed, but I want to try it with just the one to see if that's all that you need (Don't want to clutter things up with a bunch of useless DLLs).

Glad everyone seems to be liking what I've got done so far! :)

In case anyone was wondering, I plan on selling the game on DLSite and through my blog. On my blog it'll be $6 and on DLSite it'll be 1200 yen.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

playing it and loving it atm, great job and while music is not so good it gives that feeling of being in a rush some where, obtaind the roll skill but stuck atm,looking for the place i have to go,i was a bit disapointed dogy has no h atm tho :p
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

playing it and loving it atm, great job and while music is not so good it gives that feeling of being in a rush some where, obtaind the roll skill but stuck atm,looking for the place i have to go,i was a bit disapointed dogy has no h atm tho :p

The music was my first ever attempt at composing, so I'm sorry it's a little rough :p

After you get the dodge roll, you have to backtrack to the entrance of the manor and roll to reach the stairs.

Mr. Wolfie should be getting an H-animation by the next release :3
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

On my blog it'll be $6 and on DLSite it'll be 1200 yen.

The pricing seems good enough but how long will the game be? I like the number of enemies you will put in the final product but how long will it take to complete the game. Kurovadis had less enemies than Eroico but had a much more full world to explore and hours of gameplay.

Just wondering what your objective is ATM. Didn't try the demo yet but looks good.

Keep it up.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

The pricing seems good enough but how long will the game be?

I don't really know, haha. I'm not really sure how quickly people will be able to get through the game, but it'll definitely be several hours.

It has multiple difficulties, so playing through on "hard" or "nintendo hard" should take longer, obviously.

The demo includes about the first 1/3rd of the game, up to the first boss, so if anyone gets all the way to there then that would be a good benchmark, I suppose. Obviously the rest of the game is harder, so it should take a bit longer, but it should give you an idea.

I'm also planning on including a "new game plus" feature, so hopefully that'll increase replayability.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

This piques my interest!Sprite sex,platformer and a lovecraftian horror setting!Hohohoo,I can't wait for the full release!
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

This piques my interest!Sprite sex,platformer and a lovecraftian horror setting!Hohohoo,I can't wait for the full release!

Glad you're interested :3 I hope to put the full version out before the month's end
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Nice job and nice price strategy, as I supported Kyrieru, I'll make sure to support you as well.

Just a thing, in the demo I'm stuck in the subterranean level where you find the "sprint" ability. When I backtrack to the surface, I'm not able to jump out from the pit, since the "level swap" makes nearly impossible to sort out where to land after a jump, so I keep falling down.