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RPG [nergalsnest] Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game) RPGMaker


Demon Girl Master
Mar 16, 2016
Reputation score
The spiritual successor to the Urban X Life game.

No pics because Incest x Shota. Game updated and added more scenes. Since it has a bit more meat now and I didn't see a thread I decided to make one.

Info: Welcome to A Zombie's Life! The story of a world plagued by a virus, that has killed all adult males, leaving only women, and young males alive. However they are not alone, for zombies stalk the streets seeking to turn them into zombies. You take the role of a young boy, who is a building a shelter so his mother and sister can survive the zombies that now plague the city.
On your travels you will meet other NPCs, who you can invite to your shelter and help protect. However the clock is constantly ticking, and you need to make sure you keep a good stock of food, medicine and other supplies. But be careful more zombies come out at night! You can send people at your shelter out to do quests, but the young male zombies are known to infect women in a very special way.
The game will be constantly expanded, adding new NPCs, encounters, scenes and story as time goes on. But the core mechanics of the game, very much like This War of Mine, allow the game a lot of re-playability and continuity. Ammunition will be scarce, so use it wisely (if you even find any!)

The game is still incomplete and being updated as well.
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Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Working 3 projects at a time can be taxing, so dont burn yourself out. It maybe best to focus one at a time?

As for the game, the gameplay sounds enjoyable, though I've always enjoyed survival and resource management games. It something to keep in mind for myself.
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Oh. I'm not the creator. Just a fan.
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

2 questions.

for the girls you send out to do supply runs and get infected in this "special way". are there scenes to go with it or do you find them randomly already infected?

is there a demo for non-patreons?
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

2 questions.

for the girls you send out to do supply runs and get infected in this "special way". are there scenes to go with it or do you find them randomly already infected?

is there a demo for non-patreons?

1. I'm honestly not even sure the zombie stuff has been implemented yet. Most of the scenes are of the kid and his sister and mom. Plus some new stuff with his aunt.

2. There is. But I'm not sure if I am at liberty to post where I got it.

Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

i hope he is having sex as a need to repopulate 1st and love 2nd.

nothing like choosing your family as the source of re-population because other women have become scarce lol.
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

for the girls you send out to do supply runs and get infected in this "special way". are there scenes to go with it or do you find them randomly already infected?

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure this whole aspect of the game has been axed since the creator originally wrote that summary (and the game's prologue), after having a Patreon-only vote to decide whether the game should include "NTR" content. Apparently they weren't fans of it, seeing as he has removed any mentions of those scenes from his to-do list.

As far as I can tell, the supply runs only function as a way to get them alone for a conversation when prompted for it and a secondary method for gathering resources now.
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

what, no zombies in a zombie games? that's some bullshit. never mind this game, dropping it.
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

I mean, just to be clear: the zombies are still there as part of the gameplay. But there won't be any H-scenes involving them, from what I've gathered. Totally bummed me out when I read that..
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

you're right. in that case, the title needs a slight change. it should read "life among zombies". the way it is now makes it sound like zombies are the focus.
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

The title and i could be wrong here implies due to what happens in the intro scene that its the protas life (the zombies life refers to the protagonist of the game)
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Anyone able to get h stuff going ? Blue talk once > got +rep > give mom alcohol > go sleep > she stumbles upon his boner > "new scene unlocked" next morning > now what :confused:

Should I keep giving her alcohol > sleep or is there something else to do ?
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Glad there's actually a thread started for this; stumbled upon it and really enjoy it. It's still in beta, from what I can gather, so I couldn't find any/many H-scenes. Gameplay's pretty fun although a bit redundant (gather stuff, avoid zombies, level-up with stats/relationships/equipment, repeat), and it's somewhat more realistic than other generic zombie HPRGs.

But yeah, zombies and in English. Good enough for me. Not crazy about incest or shota, but meh.

Also, creator's blog here:

Shows progress with future updates too, and it seems the public demo will be updated Oct 10 (while the updated Patreon demo should've been out yesterday).
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Anyone able to get h stuff going ? Blue talk once > got +rep > give mom alcohol > go sleep > she stumbles upon his boner > "new scene unlocked" next morning > now what :confused:

Should I keep giving her alcohol > sleep or is there something else to do ?

It's been a while since I last played this so I don't know if I'm remembering correctly. Did you already get the bathtub scene? I think that scene needs to happen first before the bed scenes unlock (but I'm not sure. Could be wrong.)
EDIT - Actually, I think it might depend just on your relationship level with mom. Raise that as high as possible and maybe you'll get the scene. (My info applies to version 0.24)

bathtub scene:
The bathtub scene opens up after a certain number of days pass in game. There will be an event where the water in the house shuts off. From then on, you can talk to the Mom in the bath in the evening and convince her to share the bath with you to conserve water. This can lead to a handjob scene

When a scene is about to start, you need to win a little minigame.
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Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

There is an actual relationship chart in the game folder, you know :)
Anyway, aoplogies for unnneded cruelty, here is the basic background and a basic guide for current process.

Current Situation;
Nergal has mentioned that he wants to make the process a bit more dverse and unique gfor each char. but at the moment he decided to go with the same progression for all of your housemates to keep things simple while he is busy with other aspects of the game.

Basic Guide;

The first talk (you) episode unlocks the first night scene where the female in question discovers where 3/4ths of your blood supply is hiding.

This triggers the second talk option, which gets you the "kiss" scene with the female you are pursuing.

The kiss scene unlocks the third "talk" stage which leads to the first fetch quest; either find her some alchol or partake in some flesh related relaxation in the form of reading erotica or watching porn.

This step unlocks your first scene for the girl in question (Mom BJ/TJ at night after drinking, Sister morning BJ in garden, Aunt 69 during scavenging. )

After getting the first scene, you unlock a fetch quest in order to proceed further, You need to find a ring for the blonde, a guitar for the punk, and flowers for the other blonde to see the last available (for now) stage of the relationships.

In addition, you can get one additional scene with the blondie and one with the punkette, if you can find their triggers :D

Hope it halps.
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Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

relation points are important for unlock the events, if you don't have enough of them... sorry bro, you are searching water in a desert

this are the ones I unlocked in the 2.4 but dunno if work the same way in the 3.1, I dunno because for respect of Nergal's work I wait for the public release instead go around and take what is leaked

- 3 events thanks to 638 relationship points with her and alchol, you sleep in your bed and she come for some "fun", dunno how much of them you need

- not really sure about the bathtub because in theory every event must be unlocked thanks to the relationship points and other things, but for that wait that there will be no more water

- don't sleep for 1 or 2 days and opening the menu there will be an icon on the MC, then eat with the family, during this there will be an event with the sis but dunno if in this case you need relationship points or not

- after the event I told before you can talk in the garden in the morning with her and is possible unlock an event but dunno how much relationship points you need

dunno if this still work in the new version but I think that the "base" must be the same
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Oh hey, there's finally a thread.

Guess I'll leave a save file then. All scenes are unlocked and you just need to talk to them at the right time or craft some alcohol and give it to the right person.

Save is for the 0.2.4 version.


  • Save14.zip
    31.6 KB · Views: 5
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

There is an actual relationship chart in the game folder, you know :)
Anyway, aoplogies for unnneded cruelty, here is the basic background and a basic guide for current process.

Current Situation;
Nergal has mentioned that he wants to make the process a bit more dverse and unique gfor each char. but at the moment he decided to go with the same progression for all of your housemates to keep things simple while he is busy with other aspects of the game.

Basic Guide;

The first talk (you) episode unlocks the first night scene where the female in question discovers where 3/4ths of your blood supply is hiding.

This triggers the second talk option, which gets you the "kiss" scene with the female you are pursuing.

The kiss scene unlocks the third "talk" stage which leads to the first fetch quest; either find her some alchol or partake in some flesh related relaxation in the form of reading erotica or watching porn.

This step unlocks your first scene for the girl in question (Mom BJ/TJ at night after drinking, Sister morning BJ in garden, Aunt 69 during scavenging. )

After getting the first scene, you unlock a fetch quest in order to proceed further, You need to find a ring for the blonde, a guitar for the punk, and flowers for the other blonde to see the last available (for now) stage of the relationships.

In addition, you can get one additional scene with the blondie and one with the punkette, if you can find their triggers :D

Hope it halps.

Is all that from in the unreleased/Patreon demo? I don't remember things being that linear in the public one. I just went straight to get some alcohol and gave it to the mom and got her scene.

In any case, didn't know there was supposed to be NTR, was that in a past version?

Afaik the title refers to the what happens to the protagonist at the start.
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

In any case, didn't know there was supposed to be NTR, was that in a past version?

I remember saw that too, maybe he simple decided to remove it