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ACT [ fullflap ] [ フルフラップ] キノコの国のお姫さま Mushroom Kingdom Princess RJ084666


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score

A new game by the creators of TechnoBreaker

Version 2.0:

It's a Mario World sort of style game, but with some weapons you can snag up. It features GoR, and after you beat each world's boss; you get an animation with the princess and EroUsagi

From what I can tell, A big bad rabbit(EroUsagi) has decided to kidnap the princess(of the mushroom kingdom I can only assume), and you play as a maid that finds it to be a good idea to chase after the bastard and steal your princess back from him. It has a Mario World style overworld, with a couple shops. One where you can buy weapons(First), and another where you can buy general items(second)

The items that you have access to is the Red Potion(replenishes health). the Magic Tag(wards off a single attack when you select it in the menu), and the gold ring(Doubles your attack for the stage)

You have infinite lives, as far as I can tell. Dying on a level simply returns you to the world map.

So far, the Bomb has to be my favourite weapon.

The default controls are as follow

Arrow Keys - Move, Jump, Crouch

Z - Jump
X - Attack
C - Dash/Roll(You will need to use the fuck out of this when fighting the rabbit)
Space - Bring up the menu

Option 1 - Save
Option 2 - Quit to Title
Option 3 - Close Menu(X also works)
Z to Select Option

Use this to use your items. Z to Select.
If you use the Tag, it will show up under your health, and it will take one hit before disappearing.
You can also use this to see a larger portrait of the maid, which is nice when she starts taking damage. There are no nipples on the in-game sprite, but they're definitely there in the menu portrait.
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

A fun trial, looks promising. Though the rabbit prove a bit easier to deal with than I initially thought. Just stand to the left side of the screen and he seems unable to damage you.

This also sort of reminds me of Ghosts and Goblins, without the 1-hit lose clothing part. Each weapons more or less correspond to one of the weapons from Ghosts and Goblins. My personal favorite will have to be the Bomb but the Kunai is a decent fallback. The rock is the worst weapon yet, avoid at all costs.
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Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

A fun trial, looks promising. Though the rabbit prove a bit easier to deal with than I initially thought. Just stand to the left side of the screen and he seems unable to damage you.

This also sort of reminds me of Ghosts and Goblins, without the 1-hit lose clothing part. Each weapons more or less correspond to one of the weapons from Ghosts and Goblins. My personal favorite will have to be the Bomb but the Kunai is a decent fallback. The rock is the worst weapon yet, avoid at all costs.

Yeah, I think the Rock is supposed to be that. It's the "AW SHIT I GOT THE ROCK I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THAT" weapon, for people that aren't paying attention to what the chests drop.
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

I agree, a fun good game. I love the style and it's easy to play. The "endscene remind me a game on the NES where you have to save your girlfriend and between each levle you see her, attached and her clothes are torning apart.

I think it's called Menace Beach or something like that.
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

ill keep my eye out on this one.
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

The cute factor and the enemies reminds me more of a kirby game than a mario game. Definitely keeping my eye on this one.
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

This is my favorite kind of hentai game. Something that looks good and plays good. Rape is my favorite fetish, so adding that to the mix makes it all that more enjoyable for me.

Can't wait for the full release.
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

Just from the main picture got me interested in this game. I'm definitely looking forward to more of this guy's works.
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

is there any pregnancy system in this game?
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

No there is not. This is not that kind of game.

I have seen a GoR scene. If you lose to a mushroom, it'll show a cuscene of you getting penetrated a bit.
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

Yeah, that's the only GoR in the demo
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

will be moddable soon?
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

Don't ask stupid questions. No. It is someone elses wok for sale. If you're an expet at hacking peoples games go on ahead but no.
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

definition of hacking includes modding.... dont call people dumbasses just because you were unclear or just dont know what words mean....

hacking= tinkering with shit to make it work better or work differently, usually people are talking about programming, but tinkering with a supernes console to play super famicom games would also be hacking
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

Hacking is by common definition a bypass of security/encryption generally intended to do harm, where-as modding is just to change certain aspects of a game. They're both technically hacking; but modding is generally not referred to as such because it's not malicious
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

Oh God this game is trolling like that castlevania one

Decided to jump to a plataform. Guess what? Enemy monster right in the dang corner, get hit, do that annoying back dash RIGHT in the abyssm

God dammit! hahahahah

Good game, only that at 1st i didn't have idea how to buy stuff, pots, and the rock is useless
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

Oh God this game is trolling like that castlevania one

Decided to jump to a plataform. Guess what? Enemy monster right in the dang corner, get hit, do that annoying back dash RIGHT in the abyssm

God dammit! hahahahah

Good game, only that at 1st i didn't have idea how to buy stuff, pots, and the rock is useless

I just spam the shit out of my attacks even if the monster is off the screen their usually dead before I see them.
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

Game was released today; chillaxing about for a DL
Re: Mushroom Kingdom Princess

Man, I'm playing this motherfucker with the rock. You guys can suck it with the broken-ass bomb.