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RPG Patreon Active [Shanbahak] Lewd Maze

Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Ok, thanks. Great work btw.
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

For some reason after adding background on CG tranparency disappeared so had to fix it, turns out Image storage converted it for some reason.
Although fixed version looks pretty nice

Had to fix lots of minor shit like infinite cycle for one of weapons effects where it was actually debuffing enemy (poison effect), but next turn that effect was mirrored on your character and next turn again on enemy etc, spent like 4 days finding that and fixing, and so on.

Dont wanna spent half of Patreon updates purely on bugfixing so we're doing it before release -_-

Well at least we're progressing and working on some h-animations~
Still need expressions added etc

Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

I just wanted to say that every time you post pics I end up browsing imgur for like an hour afterwards... too bad there's not more smut involved in that hour but nice work nonetheless!
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Alive and kicking~
Software rework finished, now its hard as fk to work around all these xml files, but whole system is much more flexible.
Like i can compile animated scene with necessary frame delays, loops and stages using only bunch of separate frames, all needed functions already included.
Although now it needs more efforts and care cuz new stuff is much less forgiving for mistakes or lazy scripting.

Still working on h-animations.
Beast girl looks somewhat different from first animation, since closer view plus lineart drawn by different artists. We decided to leave it as is.
Can later decide which neko is better.
Some static previews~


For those who dont know, these 2 based on kameri-kun lineart

Will be 2 more lineart artists present, so have a plenty of variety to play around.

Also finally caught isometric artist who was on vacation. She will draw us more her Wakfu-style objects to interact and more decor for demo stage, making dungeon less empty and more lively.
Hope it will not go too far~
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Looking good. I am eager to see how the final product (or demo) looks like.

I'll take this... for science.
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Looking good. I am eager to see how the final product (or demo) looks like.

I'll take this... for science.


probably will cut drooling a bit for pixel.
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

It looks great mate! When are you going to set up a patreon? :)
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

After finishing h-animations for first stage. BF half-way done, i quess depends on question "do we wanna include brothel scenes and some quests in demo".
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Okay guys we still alive~
Some progress was made, some content was added.
Working on bf animations.
Demo will have around 10-12 of these?
preview~ kudos for kameri making good lineart, and for Arsministrator to making really good pixel from that lineart.

adding more CGs. Sadly i cant reach John again for some reason (maybe he is busy with some other projects?), but Tr3ratna doing really good work too~
One of gameovers

And adding more isometric stuff for 1st level. That iron maiden though~

also demo will contain one quest with some extra stuff, working on that too.
Overall it feels like too much stuff to make :D
But we're progressing which is nice.
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Well, this certainly looks like an interesting project! The art is really pretty; I'm kind of curious how it actually play though. Do you have a party (the elf and the catgirl) or do you pick one of them at the start of the game? Or switch between runs? Is it designed as a kind of roguelike game where you respawn in town when you die and try to get further next time, or is it a straight get-to-the-end? And so on so forth :)

There's a lot of neat art and animations posted, but we know very little from the game itself.
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Its a bit like mix between classic Might and Magic dungeon crawler and some kind of Darkest dungeon variation.

You're starting with 2 characters, catgirl and elf girl.
You're choosing their initial classes which also affect their positions in 2x2 field - mages and archers going back row, warriors and rogues going frontal.

Race affects possible class and equipment, for example elf warrior will be light agile fighter with longsword / rapier (duelist), while stronger catgirl will have 2-handed cleaver (berserker). Same applies for ranged classes, elven priest and cat shaman, and so on.
You will be able to make both ranged or both melee, but it will have same + - as classic M&M, no melee tanks = get rekt, no ranged to strike enemy back row = get rekt.
We will add more party members later, as temporal for quests or as optional/permanent.

You have town to derp around for possible quests, whore yourself in brothel as source of some additional income, buy stuff, rest/heal and so. Later will be able to buy mansion for most functions for free, as well as crafting and keeping some some monsters into prison, for various... interactions :D

Main income will be going into dungeon separated by areas and levels.
You can select area and specific level. Area will decide overall specific deviation, like demo area will be futanari-focused. Stage decides specifics for deviation and overall difficulty level, stage looks etc.
Demo stage will be classic dungeon with square rooms chests and so, overall cute looking mobs, h-scenes with mild mindcontrol (Charm debuff) and overall consensual mild futa-on-female characer.
Later after demo, 2nd stage for futa area will be deeper cave, with more hardcore-looking higher level monsters, and instead of mind control-charm, will be focused on Futa debuff, meaning non-consensual monsters on futa character. So it opens femdom on futa, futa-on-futa, and other more hardcore stuff.
3rd stage will be something more corrupted and darker with more hardcore stuff like tentacles on futa and so on, hello Xelvy-like monstegirls.
And so on. We're planning in total 3 areas each 3 stages, 1st with futa focus, 2nd with focus on various boobs deviations (milking, nipple fuck and so).
3rd type not decided completely, but most likely with focus on forest + various beast play, ya know, dogs and other fur (although probably not much furry except something specific like werewolves werecats and alike).

Inside is kinda classic dungeon crawling with somewhat randomly generated stage. Collect stuff - leave back to town. Finding treasures, fighting mobs, avoiding traps, doing quests~
Yeah, and getting fucked.
Save automatic before leaving game or going into dungeon, and after returning from it. So you died into dungeon - you get gameover CG and return to savepoint before going.
Most likely you wont be able to just freely between stages, will have some restrictions on that part.

Battles with monster will be jump from isometric to 2d field with pixel sprites, turn-based. Hit things, get BF, collect EXP and loot. Or get rekt for some CGs.
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Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

So most complexity and time-consuming for animators - comes from mixing spriting with that M&M system stuff. Variations in looks, different layers for armors and weapons etc.
Had to put like 8 month of work before actually finishing all basics just for 2d fighting -_-
Maybe i should have thought of something much less complex~
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Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Thank you for the detailed game explanation! The basic concept certainly sounds interesting. There's certainly some kinks in there that's really not for me, but that's all good: it's your game, not mine :)

Looking forward to see that demo!

So most complexity and time-consuming for animators - comes from mixing spriting with that M&M system stuff. Variations in looks, different layers for armors and weapons etc.
Had to put like 8 month of work before actually finishing all basics just for 2d fighting -_-
Maybe i should have thought of something much less complex~

... and yeah, over-ambition is the #2 cause for projects getting dropped (#1 being scope-creep: always adding stuff based on new "cool ideas" or taking too much fan feedback). At first, it's great fun: making great ideas, and the early going tends to be big motivating strides.

And then the drudgery starts to hit, the tedious, brainless parts that needs to be done...

My suggestion on the subject is that if some non-critical features is causing a ton of grief (like layers of armors showing visually), drop it. Changeable armor is very neat, but it's the kind of things that take a LOT of time and effort, and it's something that you need to carry throughout the entire development. Want to add new armors later in the game? Then you need to do a lot of additional graphics work all the time and so on so forth.

So yeah, my advice is to not hesitate about dropping stuff that adds a little bit of quality to the game but cost a very large amount of time to implement and keep updated. It's your project though, obviously :)
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Will there be status effect traps and what not?
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)


Status: Got dicked

You got fucked! Pretty violently too, movement speed is halved while your holes recover from their trials.
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Status effects will be bound to level specifics.
So if its like 1st level with mind control, you will be able to get this debuff from both monsters and traps.
If its 2nd level you will get futa debuff from both traps and monsters, and so on.
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Kind of feel like Futa really isn't a DE-buff... Maybe bimbo futa would be.
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

I think for straight -under normal conditions- female it can be considered as debuff :)
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Hi there guys~
Was being quiet, since summer and early autumn was waaay too hot for most of us, so progress was a bit slow.
But still alive.
Currently working on NPCs, backgrounds (kudos for Tr3ratna, he is doing great job. These cows, so cute~)

Adding more stuff to isometric, and polishing work for existing ones - now objects dont just disappear, they're properly opened, crushed and raided~

And ofc commissioned more lineart for h-animations to work on~ Like this one, kudos for orangepeel

still need some more though, demo should have about 12 animations.
Most will be used in battles, few for quests (like this one is for dwarf NPC quest).

Struggling a bit with interfaces, for some reason most artists kinda dont wanna work with basics. But i think that will be managed soon~
Re: Dungeon crawler (Isometric into pixel)

Looking good. Keep us posted.