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Re: Zone

This discussion is pertinent because the written rules here at ULMF make it pertinent. I'm sorry if that chaps your garters.

Or were you referring to the rule itself as "stupid bullshit"?

I never said it wasn't pertinent, I don't give a damn about whether it's pertinent or not. I had to deal with enough loli debating/arguing/whatever-you-want-to-call-it in the shoutbox; and just because Zone makes a joke about it in a joke video doesn't warrant derailing an entire thread into discussion about Loli.
Make a goddamn thread if you want to discuss it, don't shit up this thread with it. The thread is about Zone. Not Loli. People come here to talk about Zone.
Not Loli.

Re: Zone

I never said it wasn't pertinent, I don't give a damn about whether it's pertinent or not. I had to deal with enough loli debating/arguing/whatever-you-want-to-call-it in the shoutbox; and just because Zone makes a joke about it in a joke video doesn't warrant derailing an entire thread into discussion about Loli.
Make a goddamn thread if you want to discuss it, don't shit up this thread with it. The thread is about Zone. Not Loli. People come here to talk about Zone.
Not Loli.


You're the only one that made a huge deal out of it. We were talking about it as it pertains to Zone. Not whether or not it should be allowed here (Which is irrelevant to me. There's other sites for that stuff.). You're just being the token 'flip the fuck out and throw chairs when certain trigger words are mentioned' type of person that seems to be on every forum ever. Chill the hell out, it wasn't that serious. We were all just having a laugh at the artist over a Z-tv episode. That's kind of what the thread is here for. Talking about Zone stuff. Just because it came to a topic that makes you uncomfortable for whatever reason (Wont someone PLEASE think of the pixels?!) doesn't mean ya have to go apeshit on everyone.
Re: Zone

From teh Zone-Archive:

A new Animated Loop of Blackfire & Glgrdsklechhh from Teen Titans is available in the movies/games section.

This is an example of the new 'Animated Loop' category. Animated loops have no interactivity, but they are animated frame by frame, so the quality in general should be much more detailed. They will also not usually be announced on ZTV News as they do not take too long to produce.

I found a copy on swfchan:
Re: Zone

From teh Zone-Archive:

A new Animated Loop of Blackfire & Glgrdsklechhh from Teen Titans is available in the movies/games section.

This is an example of the new 'Animated Loop' category. Animated loops have no interactivity, but they are animated frame by frame, so the quality in general should be much more detailed. They will also not usually be announced on ZTV News as they do not take too long to produce.

I found a copy on swfchan:

Thank you for sharing this. It's not his best but for a short flash loop it's pretty good
Re: Zone

Does anyone have this saved anywhere else? I don't know if it's my connection or the site, but that's just not working out for me, keeps giving me an error.


http COLON // DOT swf?623Yq5740lqdunuf256h_Z62G7hfKc

Well after some googlefu, I found this, which I think is actually a mirror for the swfchan file, but whatever it worked for me.
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Re: Zone

=/ What an absolute waste on that blackfire glksdjflkhslka;sldfasdasaaal loop. So much potential for sexy outrageous fun blown on a mediocre, if not crappy loop. Sad day. I suppose that is pretty well "zone"-ish...fantastic animations at times and sad disappointments at other times.
Re: Zone

=/ What an absolute waste on that blackfire glksdjflkhslka;sldfasdasaaal loop. So much potential for sexy outrageous fun blown on a mediocre, if not crappy loop. Sad day. I suppose that is pretty well "zone"-ish...fantastic animations at times and sad disappointments at other times.

They can't all be gold. The same is true for any artist
Re: Zone

Theres the problem...theres not a single forum or blog thats complaining about how zone is getting a bit lazy and just doing loop flashes. Use to be ok if it took months for a full flash to come out but it was totally worth the wait.
Re: Zone

Theres the problem...theres not a single forum or blog thats complaining about how zone is getting a bit lazy and just doing loop flashes. Use to be ok if it took months for a full flash to come out but it was totally worth the wait.

1. You technically have no right to complain as I'm sure the vast majority of us never have and never will pay zone for anything.

2. Forums and blogs know this.

3. If it's free, then I really have no voice, since Zone doesn't owe us a thing.

Zone's shit is quality, especially those Parodies.
Re: Zone

Yeah overall i respect zone. All i see is people taking the work and reskinning them. Goes to show zones art is really top notch and very few can compete.
Re: Zone

Easter eggs:

Klick Zone-tan -> anon
click pussy -> wiping action
after final click pussy
replay 8 times to see different ending dialoge
Re: Zone

I can't get the "After final click pussy" easter egg.
Re: Zone

Kadario, thank you for the upload, it was perfect timing.
Below there is a link for what should be all the Zone flashes to date including the one graciously uploaded by Kadario, you can use it if you want to get them all in one go(let me know if any are missing)

Zone Flash Archive 21-8-12
Re: Zone

I can't get the "After final click pussy" easter egg.

Just click around the general area, the point you need to click is pretty small.

I think my favorite quote from the announcer was "I can't tell if she's being fucked or pumped full of air!"
Re: Zone

Argh, I don't know why but for the last week or so I can't open swf files in/with firefox, it just makes me save another version of whatever swf I try to open. Looking for solutions now... The only thing I can think of that changed recently was AdBlocker but I'm not seeing any options to fix whatever it may have broken.

It works fine with IE sadly.
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