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RPG [Shadowstar] Grrl Power!


Demon Girl
Jul 1, 2010
Reputation score
For those not already stalking this project it was released today and is a rpg maker game. Still plenty of bugs and things to implement but it looks awesome so far and I have been waiting for it since the creator first mentioned his idea to make it.

Torrent on first page and for those that like filehosting there are a couple of links on the later pages as well.

It occurs to me that newcomers to this patreon may not actually know what Grrl Power is. So here it is...

"The kind of fun adventures innocent young girls imagine in their dreams, with the kind of endings perverted old men imagine in their dreams."

Grrl Power is a huge, open world sandbox RPG. Create a girl, customize her in lots of different ways, and then take her into a world much like our own, in the near future. Civilian space travel has entered a golden age, thanks to incredible technology made possible by a strange crystal which was brought to Earth by a meteor, while across the world certain individuals have begun to manifest super powers, and new factions, nefarious and otherwise, have begun to vie against each other in a grand bid for power... Choose from several starting scenarios and seek success for yourself as an independent young lady just starting her adult life. Explore dungeons, manipulate the internet, and explore space! But beware, for although this world of tomorrow has a bright and shiny surface, beneath lies a cruel and perverse heart, full of danger, adventure, and evil.

The game is constantly growing. I once heard it described as "The Dwarf Fortress of Hentai Games". That could be a bit misleading, Grrl Power doesn't have any kind of fortress mode (well not yet anyway), but it does kinda try to include anything and everything I can think of. It has become a sandbox, both for players as well as for me, the developer. Any crazy idea I have can be fit into the game somewhere, and if it doesn't work out, I'll remove it and save it for one of my other projects. But lots of stuff gets in and stays in and so, hopefully, the content will keep growing and there will always be new things to explore and do.

It is a hentai game (or adult game, whichever you prefer), there is definitely sexy content in it, but it's not the main focus of the game. Grrl Power was probably the first venture I made into the realm of "Game with sex" as opposed to "Sex Game". The sexy stuff in GP can be raunchy and kinky, or offensive and disturbing, as it can be non-consensual, but it's optional (ironic, really). You can disable the sex content, though you'll still have to deal with some potentially offensive dialogue as I have a penchant for including male villains who are perverted, nasty, misogynistic, creepy, or just plain weird in my worlds. They will taunt you from time to time when they are near. Fortunately you can beat those guys up. Sex in GP isn't the main focus of the game. It's there, but mostly used to spice up the adventuring rather than become the reason for it. There's also alot of tease in the game, as your character's clothes can get damaged during combat. There's a bunch of clothes in the game, so you have lots of fashion options and can get fairly creative, though clothes tend to be somewhat temporary if you get hit alot in combat.

Currently, Grrl Power is in its second iteration. The first ran into technical issues during development which required a complete rebuild of most of the main code. Some fragments of that old code were carried over but most of it had to be completely rewritten. Grrl Power 2 fixed nearly all of the major issues that I had with GP1 and allowed me to carry the game forward in the way I had always wanted to. It has come much farther than the first game in some ways, but still has yet to achieve all the things that the first did in other ways. But it will get there eventually, and in the meantime it is growing in some interesting ways.
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Re: The Grrl Power!

Well, i dunno if the game is good, but i'm having a bug with it. The game keep acting like if i had up arrow pressed, so it's fucking impossible to play... :/
Re: The Grrl Power!

Oh! I've had that glitch before. It had to be repaired by reinstalling the RPG Maker.

My problem is that i'm not sure which RPG maker this game runs on. when I try and run it it tells me RGSS202E.dll is missing. >_<
Re: The Grrl Power!

I'll upload it to the mothership soon.

Do you guys want it in one part or 8?


PW: Mist
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Re: The Grrl Power!

Can anyone tell me how I can start the quests??
Re: The Grrl Power!

I dicked around with this a lot last night. There's bugs, but it's extremely promising, and the guy making it hopes to have a patch out within a week.

It doesn't have traditional quests - it's a free form game-over-rape game, with the exception that the game doesn't end when you lose. The most fleshed-out encounter at the moment seems to be the rapist hideout. Go west at the four-way intersection in the starting location to go to the neighborhood. Check out the back alley, then keep following your attacker. There's multiple ways to get through this place, but I would recommend losing the fight at least once.
Re: The Grrl Power!

whenever i lose a fight in the hideout it just goes to a game over screen. am i suppose to lose to a specific enemy? btw just incase you didn't know you can call the cops on them. not sure if this does anything.
Re: The Grrl Power!

Calling the cops lets you meet a police officer once you escape.

And there is no game over screen. Are you sure you're using the latest version of this?
Re: The Grrl Power!

theres only one version isn't there. the game just came out yesterday i think. i downloaded the torrent so if thats the old version can someone tell me.
Re: The Grrl Power!

Choose the Spacer trait, or cheat for enough cash to buy a space ship and go into space. That's where a lot of good stuffs lie. Or so I heard.
Can anyone list all the possible H events?
There're still a lot of bugs and unfinished content, but I'm not going to complain when someone can make something of this level.
Re: The Grrl Power!

Disregard this I suck-NO
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Re: The Grrl Power!

theres only one version isn't there. the game just came out yesterday i think. i downloaded the torrent so if thats the old version can someone tell me.

Apparently, if you get a critical hit as the last hit to your character in the rape dungeon, a gameover screen will trigger. I haven't encountered this myself, so I wasn't aware.
Re: The Grrl Power!

The game lags for me like crazy... Only seems to work alright when I'm in the girl's room. I tried going into the training area and I get stuck standing there, facing a girl in red armor... I taunted for a while and three or four more appeared and started hitting me, but the glitched one stayed there in front of me, I couldn't open my inventory or access the escape menu or anything...

Gonna try messing with some settings and then reinstalling RPG maker XP.

EDIT: Tinkered with a few things on my computer, no effect. Gonna install Game Booster 2 and try reinstalling RPG maker
EDIT2: No effect. The incredible lag I get on any large map is driving me bonkers, and of course getting stuck in places too.
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Re: The Grrl Power!

The screenshots look awesome. Mass Effect with more sex? Amazing.

But how are the sex scenes? This is a hentai game after all. And oh, did I spot cloth damage in one of the cutscene?
Re: The Grrl Power!

sex scenes are kind of like VH, where the screen is overlayed with a gif. And yeah clothing damage, every few hits you take from an enemy your clothes get damaged, eventually so damaged they are destroyed and they move on to the next layer of clothing. Once there are no clothes left they start to kick you in the crotch and bruise your boobs.
Re: The Grrl Power!

The game looks pretty fun, but I can't figure out what is wrong with my computer. Q.Q
Re: The Grrl Power!

Oh! I've had that glitch before. It had to be repaired by reinstalling the RPG Maker.

My problem is that i'm not sure which RPG maker this game runs on. when I try and run it it tells me RGSS202E.dll is missing. >_<

Same problem. Which RPG maker does this use?
Re: The Grrl Power!

Okay, I grabbed VX, installed it, but it only has RGSS200E.dll

I grabbed the one off the RPG Maker thread. Is there a different one I need?
Re: The Grrl Power!

Okay, I grabbed VX, installed it, but it only has RGSS200E.dll

I grabbed the one off the RPG Maker thread. Is there a different one I need?

Grab this and slap it in the same folder as the game.exe.

Problem solved, enjoy.

Btw, this game would be awesome if it didn't keep looping stuff forcing me to restart it...