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ACT 171 - The Tentacle Monster Chasing Game


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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171 is a game where you play as a tentacle monster and chase girls, stripping them of clothes until finally you get them naked and rape them. It's a pretty cool game, because as the screen scrolls, you can try to alter the girl's running route so you have more time to chase after her. It gets pretty hard in the end levels, but nothing hair-pulling.

Not much else I can think of to say. Arrow keys(?) to move and jump. I think you actually need to press the space bar when you're touching the girl to strip an article of clothing off.
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Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Somehow, this concept sounds familiar.

Is this a repost?

Jump over animals and shit, gotta hit the markers to make her change her path on the way home? All that jazz
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

I cant get it to run :(
It worked the first time but when i xed out of it and tried to bring it up again i get an error message.
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Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

You are correct in your guess Toxic. I'm not sure if it was posted here before, but it was on the old forums
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

I didn't actually start downloading games from you guys until ulmf.
It's hidden around somewhere
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

It is a repost. Just that someone asked for it on the Game List thread, and I realized we never bothered putting it back up. Also, lolispelledtentaclewrong.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

It is a repost. Just that someone asked for it on the Game List thread, and I realized we never bothered putting it back up. Also, lolispelledtentaclewrong.

Eh, you just spelled it with an accent.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Alright, it seems like it'd be fun, but I can't figure out how to strip the girl, and after exiting, I keep getting an error in moonspeak when I try to play it again.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

For the girl: you can temporarily catch up while the girl is jumping over things. However, I would recommend against moving as far as you can to the left as once the screen focuses that way and the girl is against the leftward most edge, you can't seem to touch her.

As for the error: I found by hitting ctrl+alt+del and checking the processes that the game doesn't shut down when you quit, but instead keeps running. You're going to need to shut down the 171 process each time you end the game.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

is it good?
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

It's difficult, I'll give it that. I don't find the picture they provide after capture to be of any real value to be honest. Just your standard CGI pic.

Oh, yeah, then there's that exit bug, as mentioned above. Kinda irritating considering the message is in moon speak.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Now that I have figured out what to do... it's not so fun. Sure, the first couple of times it's kinda fun, but the difficulty gets ridiculous considering the 'reward' you get. It also seems kinda random. On the 7th level, it took me 4-5 tries to get the girl, whereas the 8th level I only had to try twice. I also don't get what capturing the girl while in the 'special area' of your health does.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Now that I have figured out what to do... it's not so fun. Sure, the first couple of times it's kinda fun, but the difficulty gets ridiculous considering the 'reward' you get. It also seems kinda random. On the 7th level, it took me 4-5 tries to get the girl, whereas the 8th level I only had to try twice. I also don't get what capturing the girl while in the 'special area' of your health does.

You know, you can just press the cg button and view everything without having to complete the game.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Pah. I play it simply because it's fun to get frustrated at this.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

You know, you can just press the cg button and view everything without having to complete the game.

I know. That defeats the purpose of having a game, though. Which is another reason I don't really like this - you don't have to actually play, you just have to hit the CG button. They might as well have not bothered with the game at all and simply made a CG gallery.

if you enjoy frustration, i think i can get some more games for you.

I would simply recommend playing Army of Two on Professional with the bot if ya want frustrating, Dark. Or do you mean frustrating yet able to be beaten? :p
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

I didn't play this for the CGs, I played it because I found it relatively challenging and relatively fun, and I enjoyed the idea of slowly stripping a girl of her clothes as she ran for home.

I actually quite liked the gameplay, so if the H-content had been better I would have rated this highly.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Alright, it seems like it'd be fun, but I can't figure out how to strip the girl, and after exiting, I keep getting an error in moonspeak when I try to play it again.

If I recall right, you can't just close the window. You have to actually go to the exit option in the game....lemme dl this real quick and make sure..

[EDIT] Hm...then again...maybe it's a new version or something.....could've sworn there was a way to exit the game without having to go afterwards and end the process...
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