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Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)


Jungle Girl
Sep 5, 2013
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Night friends, could i trouble you to share some guidance/knowledge about how-to hook wolfrpg games with ITHVNR?

I failed miserably when tried, and google search not giving satisfying result.

Send help to me friends. :eek:


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Night friends, could i trouble you to share some guidance/knowledge about how-to hook wolfrpg games with ITHVNR?

I failed miserably when tried, and google search not giving satisfying result.

Send help to me friends. :eek:
Don't know about VNR so can't help.
There an old thread on AS with info about how to make ITHTA work, with extra info for wolf rpg. It might help ?
( )


Jungle Girl
Sep 5, 2013
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Don't know about VNR so can't help.
There an old thread on AS with info about how to make ITHTA work, with extra info for wolf rpg. It might help ?
( )
Sadly, i have been on that guide too before. That guide suggest to use VNR, which i tried, but still failing. No text hooked and VNR stopped responding instead.

That's why i tried different thing, with ITHVNR, but not giving any result. The texts still not hooked and i don't know the code whatever for the game...


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 13, 2013
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

^ Maybe giving the title of the game you are having trouble with can help?

Or is it WolfRPG games in general? All I can say is that my VNR hooks and translates them just fine - well, as far as machine TL goes ofc, that is.
True, though, that (iirc) v2.20+ WolfRPG games won't work automatically and would need a custom hook (and good luck with that lol), but I don't think that many games use that engine - well yet, anyway.

Also, just tried one (Dungeon Repeater) with ITHVNR, and it worked.


Jungle Girl
Sep 5, 2013
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

^ Maybe giving the title of the game you are having trouble with can help?

Or is it WolfRPG games in general? All I can say is that my VNR hooks and translates them just fine - well, as far as machine TL goes ofc, that is.
True, though, that (iirc) v2.20+ WolfRPG games won't work automatically and would need a custom hook (and good luck with that lol), but I don't think that many games use that engine - well yet, anyway.

Also, just tried one (Dungeon Repeater) with ITHVNR, and it worked.
You just shed a light of hope in me friend. Could you tell how's your process hooking dungeon repeater with ITHVNR? is there any particular step? setting? code? or any magic?


Tentacle God
Jul 29, 2010
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Trying to use Chiitrans Lite but it only translates the first couple of lines, then skips everything else.

Every line of dialogue just returns as [skip]
There seems to be no way to undo this, or to tell it to not.

I can't even copy stuff to the clipboard in an attempt to have it translate manually.

VNR is an obnoxious lump too. It hangs for a good minute and a half when you first load it, changes your mouse-cursor, tosses up floating UI elements all over the goddamn screen (most of them do nothing, too)

The game-UI has a tendency to literally just vanish and refuse to come back, and i've pored through the menus but for the life of me I can't find where to select which hooked thread you want it to show you.
It'll either toss every bit of gibberish at you, or it'll claim it can't hook anything.
Maybe i'm not being fair. I haven't updated VNR in months.

I managed to dig up an old download of Chiitrans 2 though, which is fortunately still functional. (With atlas, not with online translations) So I'm using that for now.

I'd like to get Chii-lite working though, so if anyone knows how to give it a smack and tell it to stop skipping shit, you'd be much appreciated.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 13, 2013
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

You just shed a light of hope in me friend. Could you tell how's your process hooking dungeon repeater with ITHVNR? is there any particular step? setting? code? or any magic?
If you haven't already, first thing should be to look around for info on these programs - there may be even threads here too (but definitely on anime-sharing and hongfire).

At any rate I just start the game (in this case Dungeon Repeater v1.21), afterwards I start ITHVNR, choose Game.exe from the process list after clicking the 'Process' tab in ITHVNR. Start a new game in the title menu. As soon as new text is displayed ingame, ITHVNR will find threads with text, and -for me- thread 05 is the one with the ingame dialogue.
[...]changes your mouse-cursor, tosses up floating UI elements all over the goddamn screen (most of them do nothing, too)
Can't really help with VNR being the obnoxious lump it really is, but these can be remedied at least: after it finally loads itself and VNR becomes right-clickable in the notification area of the tray -> right-click and choose 'Preferences' -> 'UI' -> uncheck Customize mouse cursor and Display notification... checkboxes.
can't find where to select which hooked thread you want it to show you.
It'll either toss every bit of gibberish at you, or it'll claim it can't hook anything.
I was gonna try answering myself, but figured linking would be much more straightforward and easy. Read it through, and I think it will help you with most of your questions (and not just about the threads). I hope.


Jungle Girl
Sep 5, 2013
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Thanks friend, i tried using VNR before, but when i hooked the wolf game with VNR it resulted in not responding and then freeze my whole system, i have no choice but to do a force shutdown.

That's why i'm trying using ITHVNR, but of course i'm afraid same thing happen again, seeing you succeeded then i'm gonna give a try here. :)


I did it, I did it. I succeed hooking an old wolfrpg game from OneOne1, woohoooo. And my system not freeze like when i use Vnr.

Thanks for advice friend. Now i'm gonna download some more wolf games and try hooking them.
Last edited:


Jungle Girl
Aug 14, 2016
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Ok, I wanted to try RyonaRPG, but it's not letting me apply the English translation patch.
It's not reading the .exe as a game file.

edit:Nevermind, I'm an idiot


Nov 22, 2008
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I've run a search and I can't seem to find my question or it's answer anywhere.

My question is this.
Is there a method to text hook a dlsite copy protected/user authentication game? I can't seem to get ithvnr or agth to hook the game process, mainly because I can't find the process and I imagine the reason why I can't is the same reason I apparently can't even try to screen cap games running under user authentication, as per the faq for the authentication system.


Jungle Girl
Aug 14, 2016
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Ok this is annoying me.

Is there any program that can efficiently translate a Wolf RPG game?

Programs Translate, but they only display the translation once, it ignores the text If I try to look at it again.


Jungle Girl
Sep 25, 2011
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

in a bind here. need some help.

Trying out the new BF Game Succubus Dreamer....

and i tried to open the game and FAILED TO LOAD IMG ERROR pops up as soon as i try to open it.....

my tried solutions....

Open as Admin....failed
Ran Compatability test....failed.
Switched Language To Japanese....failed.

AND i have all the RPG RTP downloads installed....im frustrated, any help guys?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

in a bind here. need some help.

Trying out the new BF Game Succubus Dreamer....

and i tried to open the game and FAILED TO LOAD IMG ERROR pops up as soon as i try to open it.....

my tried solutions....

Open as Admin....failed
Ran Compatability test....failed.
Switched Language To Japanese....failed.

AND i have all the RPG RTP downloads installed....im frustrated, any help guys?
Try downloading and unpacking the game in japanese.
Then run it in japanese setting.
usually it's a custom background picture with a japanese name that got corrupted when unpacking in not japanese setting.
Or yo can copy the text from the error pop up and rename the correct file.


Demon Girl Pro
May 12, 2013
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Curious about those DRM games. I read that you can actually copy paste the folder out into another directory after the game starts up.
But how does one run the "extracted" game? I've tried downloading multiple DRM-ed titles but the exe never seem to do anything, not even a pop up. :confused:


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Curious about those DRM games. I read that you can actually copy paste the folder out into another directory after the game starts up.
But how does one run the "extracted" game? I've tried downloading multiple DRM-ed titles but the exe never seem to do anything, not even a pop up. :confused:
If I understand correctly, that type of DRM make you log in and the exe download the missing but vital files, and delete them when you stop the game.

But it's apparently more complex, else there would already be version of these game not requiring log in running about...


Demon Girl Pro
May 12, 2013
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

If I understand correctly, that type of DRM make you log in and the exe download the missing but vital files, and delete them when you stop the game.

But it's apparently more complex, else there would already be version of these game not requiring log in running about...
intersting, what about those files that I see people uploaded, are those suppose to work at all since I don't see any other folders other than just 1 exe file? If they do I simply can't figure out how do get them work, even those that I purchased suddenly fail to start up.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

If there is just an exe in the drm protected game you purchased, than you need to connect to the dl site to play them.

Go check the dl site faq about it :

for the old version of DRM :

and another faq for game not starting in a general manner :

hope it help


Jungle Girl
May 4, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I have exactly the same problem since one week...any idea guys ?

EDIT : Many people have the same problem, even with ITH. Sounds like a W10 update error problem...well can't play any japanese game until a fix :(
I too am having the same issue. Chiitrans Lite doesn't appear to hook any of the text contexts.


Jungle Girl
May 5, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hello, for the past month or so, every rpg game besides MV (xp, vx, vx ace and even wolf) starts up slow and freezes the rest of the computer for a few seconds (on windows 7). This didn't happen initially.
Has this happened to anyone else?

I have a pretty beefy pc, so it shouldn't be a hardware issue, and I'm pretty sure there's no malware slowing it down. This lag only happens on rpg maker games.


Demon Girl
Jul 10, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Recently I noticed that Chiitrans Lite stopped working in Windows 10.

Does anyone have a suggestion for an alternative that can translate text from RPG Maker XP-VX Ace games and VagrantsX's chosen system for their games.

I have been relying on my lackluster translation and Japanese language skills up to this point since Chiitrans Lite stopped working but I have found for some games (especially the Bloodwitch VagrantsX game) my skills are not good enough at all.

Hello, for the past month or so, every rpg game besides MV (xp, vx, vx ace and even wolf) starts up slow and freezes the rest of the computer for a few seconds (on windows 7). This didn't happen initially.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I do not know that you are going to get much help for this. Most people have switched to Windows 10 at this point (has new technology and is as bulletproof as Windows 7 or XP).