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ADV [ T-ENTA-P ] ティー・エンタ・ぴー School Girl Courage Test -The Other School Inspection- 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- RE096310 RJ096310

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Tentacle God
Feb 13, 2012
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I need help with this game. I mean, sometimes I can get it done, but only through trial and error. Is there some other way to get the sex scenes?
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Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

well im just like you stuck on this game.
any tip?
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

' 3' For people who can't read Japanese, trial and error really.

Those who can, the profile page when selecting the girls should hint at what they're weak at.

And no, I can't read THAT well.
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

Yeah, that's the best advice so far.

From what little I understood I -think- they have specific areas in which to best scare them, as I've only gotten two girls to 200+ BPM, which resulted in full out sex, 190~199 makes them faint and ends up with you masterbating on them, if that helps.
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

It's like his previous game, it's simply trial and error if you can't read the profiles, and it's harder this time as you can't save before every choice
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

interesting thing is that the first 2 choices doesn't matter but only the last does. So just find the place with most bpm and use it as the third place and try everything. and If I remember correctly then some girls needs specific items that you got from completing other girls first so complete other girl if the thing I said over there fails. hope it works ;P
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

There are 3 variations for each girls, depending on how fast you get her heart beating:

More than 210
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

Yeah out of the 4 rooms there's usually one which makes their heart beat the highest. If you combined that with the item that increases their heart rate the most then you'll probably get it over 200

That being said I can't do it for the eye patch girl
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

okay, so everyone seems to have the same issues as I am having then.....

oh and only the 3rd room matters, wel thanks....

would like to know, what is the difference for over 210 and the other over 200??

I got 2 choices for beating the blond girl, not sure if I went over 210, but it might have gone over it.... got around that number at least I believe...

'blonde girl for first teacher' (most left) = last option in the toilet (that is all I know...)
Wel that got the sex or masturbation options (not sure if the 3rd is a different one, not had a 3rd option yet)
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

I wish there was a kind soul willing to translate the profiles of each girl :D

soulles, the first rank, you cum on them. On the second, you have sex with them. On the third, you basically break them.
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Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

They all seem to have an area, and scare attacks that effect them more and some areas have different effects on the scare attack used.

Look at their heart rate when they first enter areas and compare them to figure out which area scares them the most (They'll always start out with the same default heart rates in certain areas so it's easy to know which ones to pick), then it's just trial and error with attacks. If they only have one heart beat change, it's a weak scare for them and you shouldn't try it again. If they have two changes but both of them happen immediately (80, flashes to 128, flashes to 150+), it's a decent scare for them but it probably won't get 200+. If they have 2 heart beat changes but the 1st change flashes twice, like starting at 80, flashes to 128, the screen then flashes the 128 again, then goes to a much higher number like 180+, it's a good scare for them and you probably just need to do that in a better area to get them to 200+

I've noticed that using different scares in the same room combinations doesn't seem to improve the heart rate like if you always go in order of: Bathroom, Science Room, Classroom and use different scares in the 1st and 2nd rooms but always use the same one in the last, the last room will always have the same final heart rate. However changing around the room combination does change the numbers very slightly, like by 2 points. Example being using the last scare option of the piano room on a girl as her 1st and 2nd room on different playthroughs will change the final heart rate for that room from 177 to 175. So it seems like the room order matters more than the order you use scares on them. Though interestingly enough the 3rd room using the same scare still got the same score anyways...

TLDR: The two first rooms seem pointless, though you can knock a girl out in them using her best scare/room before the 3rd room, it seems you'll get a lower score if you don't wait till the 3rd room to use it though. Basic strategy seems to be just save the highest starting heart rate for the 3rd room, do whatever in the first two rooms and find the best scare for the 3rd room. Apparently the order you scare the girls in matters too, but I haven't seen a difference yet. There's still some unknown factors I don't know about though because I haven't gotten over 208 with any girl.

Options after you beat the girls:

If you get 190-199 bpm makes you finish on their face, 2nd option makes you finish on their panties.

200+ bpm the 1st immediate option is sex, 2nd immediate option lets you do the 190-199 options if you want, though choosing it ends the girls animation without getting to do the sex part. During the actual sex the two options are 1st to cum inside and 2nd to come outside.

Edit: I just got a girl to 210 and she wet herself, though the actions available didn't seem any different. Afterwards I can get all her clothes off but her bra for whatever reason. I also don't have any "Blonde" girls. Do they appear later or what? I have 7 shown from the character menu.
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Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

Yeah out of the 4 rooms there's usually one which makes their heart beat the highest. If you combined that with the item that increases their heart rate the most then you'll probably get it over 200

That being said I can't do it for the eye patch girl

eye patch girl hits 212 if you go to the washroom last and use the white lady/ghost girl

Almost all the options have different scores for all rooms on all the stage numbers. I haven't figured out how to get the last teacher over 200 though.

Edit: to get the other girls, clear the teacher and student in a pair to unlock the new student of each group. Clear all 9 to make that last teacher to accept.
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

And is 210 the highest scenes you can reach? I keep hitting exactly 210 and the girls wet themselves, then I can put a suppository in, but they don't have any special scenes so far. I also can't remove all their clothing from the normal menu.

I don't want to move onto more girls if I didn't get the best solutions.
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Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

And is 210 the highest scenes you can reach? I keep hitting exactly 210 and the girls wet themselves, then I can put a suppository in, but they don't have any special scenes so far.

My highest score is 238 and nothing special happened. Using the suppository unlocks scat scenes when you finish the day. I think that's about all the scenes there.

This might be a glitch but when you finish everyone, and try to talk to the last teacher (misumi?) the finish button screws up and you can't complete the day. It screws up this way too if you try to do her last.

Note: The eye patch and glasses may or may not have an effect on the scores. Get the clear first for the eye patch girl and take her patch off and try again if you still can't get it.

Edit: I'm not sure about the eye patch girl, but I just confirmed that you need to get Misumi's glasses before you can get a score over 200.
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Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

My highest score is 238 and nothing special happened. Using the suppository unlocks scat scenes when you finish the day. I think that's about all the scenes there.

This might be a glitch but when you finish everyone, and try to talk to the last teacher (misumi?) the finish button screws up and you can't complete the day. It screws up this way too if you try to do her last.

Note: The eye patch and glasses may or may not have an effect on the scores. Get the clear first for the eye patch girl and take her patch off and try again if you still can't get it.

I didn't even know that there were multiple days, I've just be restarting to test out all the scares/rooms and all the girls :p Guess I should advance.
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

I didn't even know that there were multiple days, I've just be restarting to test out all the scares/rooms and all the girls :p Guess I should advance.

Well, no, there aren't several days, but when you clear the game and restart, everything stays unlocked. There's no need to be careful of who you need to clear first in a day/game so you can have the right item to clear something else. Just get whatever you can, finish it, and restart.

And I have no idea which girl unlocks what item. Just keep going until you get it.
Re: 女子校生肝だめし-他校視察編- (RJ096310)

Well, no, there aren't several days, but when you clear the game and restart, everything stays unlocked. There's no need to be careful of who you need to clear first in a day/game so you can have the right item to clear something else. Just get whatever you can, finish it, and restart.

Ah wish I knew that a while ago. Well I'll get on doing that now.
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