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ACT [Toonpimp] Pepe Le Rapiste 2


Sep 29, 2009
Reputation score
Okay, so now we have a sequel.

More of the same, though with a few changes.

1. Items randomly pop up near the bottom of the screen instead of randomly appearing after a rape. EDIT: nvm, they just randomly pop up anywhere

2. Fifi will occasionally run across the screen (preceeded by a "WARNING"). If she comes into contact with Pepe, she will proceed to rape him.

Other than that...

Controls are WASD or Arrow keys for movement, Z or Space to grab, then a/d or left/right repeatedly to rape/escape from FiFi.

- sonicsucks - ???? (might be a red herring. was listed at the site though)
- fuckulmf - disables timer/fifi
- konami code - victims won't run away or are guaranteed to be stunned

One problem I've found though is that movement is rather iffy. Sometimes you'll move correctly, and sometimes you might get stuck at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds.

Also: to download.

Yes I missnamed the rar. I'm wierd like that.
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Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

This is version 2, not a second game.

This site loads slow with a lot of ads, and you can both play and download this from toonpimp's actual site.

Oh and P.S.: all of the cheat codes from version 1 still work.

edited with apologies to OP who seems to have merely posted without knowledge of recent ongoings in other threads.
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Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

Now now no need to jump all over someone for posting what he may have thought was a new game. That's how flame wars start and we don't need more of those. Technically theres no need to really download them at all as you can play them at TP's site. So try to keep it to discussing the game please.

As stated it's a new version rather than a new game. Not too many changes, other than new characters. I thought Princess Peach was pretty funny myself. Anyways it was good for a playthrough and personally I think his work is getting better the more that comes out.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

First of all: fail. This is version 2, not a second game.

Secondly: fail again. Why send us to a site it loads slowly on and runs crappily, when you can both play it smoother and download it directly from Toonpimp's site?

And preemptively... If you're one of those trolls that's a toonpimp hater.
Sending us to other locations for his stuff as an attempt to "protest" toonpimp, I'd need to call this triple fail + fail at life to boot.

Oh and P.S.: all of the cheat codes from version 1 still work, which makes this even more pointless to post since all the cheats are already listed for the game in other threads.

Now here is where your argument would fall apart.
1. Loading really is the same.
2. He provided a download link, same thing.
3. He's not a hater, i think your a lil paranoid on that.
4. He probably just originally found it there and had no idea.
5. He said one of the codes is "fuckulmf" really.....

And most of all, HAVE YOU SEEN HIS SITE? its god awful in design and it looks like an old virus cache.

Meh, i found the game ok, nothing too much improved. The art was a lil better and it was a lil more entertaining.

Its like newbie gfx, it gets better as more work comes out.
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Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

I'm gonna say bad timing on my part. Too soon after that last debacle. Also, the site I linked is where I ultimately learn of any games he puts out, so yes, I was unaware it was just a revision/update.

Sorry for any trouble I may have caused.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

don't worry about it, i had already played it, but i found the thread worthwhile, gj.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

Actually that's the same site I learn about games, I play, from as well. No problem with the thread as it is right now at all. As long as your contributing something at least half way worth while it's always okay in my book.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

Get this shit the fuck out of here.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

eh, sorry, probably my bad. This really was too close to that last huge string of stupidity and I jumped the gun. But as you can see, there's already other posts that are aiming to revive that garbage again.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

I dont got anything against tp but I'd rather click an agent 69 clip then play pepe le rapiste tbh ...
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

Played it briefly last night. Got bored very quickly. Was reminded that toonpimp's main menu is so full of advertising it looks hideous; I knew there was a reason I didn't like him. It just plain looks bad, tasteful advertising I can deal with, but damn...
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

also the text is like that "word art" option in word. Bleh.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

One thing about this game that still pisses me off: the hit boxes. Maybe I'm too picky, but when you lunge for a victim, Pepe has to be almost ontop of them, which makes it hard if you aren't playing with cheats. That, plus the items are random, not based on need. Getting a bunch of of plus ten seconds is helpful, but not if your stank covers the whole screen.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

One thing about this game that still pisses me off: the hit boxes. Maybe I'm too picky, but when you lunge for a victim, Pepe has to be almost ontop of them, which makes it hard if you aren't playing with cheats. That, plus the items are random, not based on need. Getting a bunch of of plus ten seconds is helpful, but not if your stank covers the whole screen.

well.......the game's total gameplay for me was like 5 minutes lol.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

*shrug* most of us already know that TP is a bad designer. Move along.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

I'm just laughing at the fact that his cheat codes still include us. Perhaps one day, he'll learn to grow up.

It does make me wonder why he holds a grudge against us.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

I'm just laughing at the fact that his cheat codes still include us. Perhaps one day, he'll learn to grow up.

It does make me wonder why he holds a grudge against us.

Actually, bad press is still press. I find it kinda like a tribute, or a ragecry, either one lulz.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

nah, i don't think toon pimp cares its just a joke to him. and for the most part i don't think his forumites care either. a few on them have a chip on their shoulder though so to speak and a couple of us try to set them strait on our actual opinion which will never work on these individuals.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste 2

Didn't Alugere shut down another thread discussing this very same topic? It seems bad form to continue the discussion in a different thread.

Maybe I'm a little biased because I wasn't around when he started this beef ULMF and him have got going, but I get a pretty angry, contemptuous vibe from you guys. That it's an interest enough to be discussed every time it's brought up doesn't really leave a good taste with me, either.

I'm pretty sure there was another point I was gonna make, but I've forgotten what it was.