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ACT [ EL mar] Fighting Yuna / Fighting YUNA<ファイティングユナ> RE093483 RJ093483

Games Dude

Aug 17, 2009
Reputation score
Hey guys, just posting this here because nobody else has.


This is a sidescrolling fight or rape game, with simple controls and very nice, cumulative rape scenes.

First the controls:

Left Arrow -> move left
Right Arrow -> move right
Z button -> flash enemies (charms all human enemies in front of you, charmed enemies die in one hit.)
X button -> kick (basic attack, does damage)
EDIT: And you can press Down Arrow -> duck (good for avoiding whips)

Every time you use the flash ability, you build up a little SP. Getting raped fills up sp, and when the SP bar fills out, whatever is currently raping you cums, dealing massive amounts of damage.

You cannot get raped until you lose all of your clothing, however this only takes 3 hits so be careful.

When being raped just mash the left and right arrow keys to escape.

When being raped by an enemy, others may join in. There is a variety of combinations, all based on what raped you first and what wandered by while you were occupied.

Each enemy has an attack pattern, and beyond that it's trial and error to figure it out, then practice to pull it off.

To try it, go to the DLSite link and get the demo. Please note this game was just announced today so th full version won't likely be available for a while.

EDIT: A big thank you to Potato for buying and reuploading the game for us!

[broken] <-part 1
[broken] <-part2

100% save here, for the lazies. http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=336257&postcount=33

Go +rep him. Now.

EDIT2: Mediafire's trying pretty hard to wipe the links, here's the newest version from Fatmancory.

Part 1
part 2
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Re: Fighting Yuna (NOT OUT YET)

Actually it's been out for roughly 10 hours. it just hasn't appeared on the internet yet.
Re: Fighting Yuna (NOT OUT YET)

Actually it's been out for roughly 10 hours. it just hasn't appeared on the internet yet.

I thought the green button meant "preorder?" But then again it has 231 downloads already..

EDIT: Apparently it IS out, google just turned up a fiberupload link.

EDIT2: Link removed for forcing you to pay and then being corrupted anyway.
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Wow this game looks GOOD! Cumulative rape is a HUGE bonus for me.. :3

I just wish they didn't make the guys look so fucked up, lol... It's not exactly hot if the guy raping her's face looks like a red mushroom.
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

^ My penis just smiled.
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Currently downlaoding full version from that FIBER thing I shall edit when
I will upload it on mediafire

I will continue watching this thread, so when you upload it I will edit the link into the first post and +rep the shit out of you.
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Looks interesting :)
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Consider my interest peaked. I hope to get a PM when it's possible. If it isn't I'll try a demo..... :(
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Wow, looking great....

tried that DL link, but it needed premium or usenet or something for me, so couldnt download it, wil try and find it, or if someone can upload it here, that would be awesome...

(might edit my post with links if I do find some...)
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Alright guys sorry far making you wait but that fiber thing
didn't work (file corrupted after 2 downlaod :eek:)so now I went trough
that japanese dlsite and stuff and official version is coming
as we speak...

So it might take another hour or two
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Had a feeling that Fiber thing wouldn't work.
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Awesome Potato.... ^^
(was trying to get that usenet thing to work, but apparently I cant get that to work, nor can I get a DLsite payment to work for me...)

Wil see the link when I get back online later on I guess...
(its late here, need some sleep... xD)
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Waiting patiently. Thank you very much. :)
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)

Alright guys sorry far making you wait but that fiber thing
didn't work (file corrupted after 2 downlaod :eek:)so now I went trough
that japanese dlsite and stuff and official version is coming
as we speak...

So it might take another hour or two

Potatoes are my new favorite food XD
Re: Fighting Yuna (Out but no link)


The long awaited First part of that game

Part 2 :
OMG it took 16 minutes.... instead of 15... I'm such a liar....

I shall request removal of that fiber thing link
since the file is corrupted and you have to pay
4 euro to access this file...
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

The animations aren't bad, but boy is the gameplay horrible!

The controls are terrible, for one. Also, the design basically requires you to get hit a lot and/or use damaging special attacks to defeat some enemies.

Not a bad entry, but difficulty should be based on genuine challenge, not grappling with horrible controls.