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[Text based adventure game] Trap Quest (Release 3 - 04 Sep 2012)


El Presidente
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Nov 9, 2008
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I don't know if you guys will be interested in this, but I'm working on a text based game in a language called Inform. It is a roguelike game which means you die a lot and start again with a new randomly generated level. But at the moment you don't actually die a lot because the game isn't very complete at all.

Still I've put a lot of work into it so far (~25000 lines of code) so if you want to give any feedback that'd be cool.

I was going to wait until I had a bit more of the main body of the game completed, but having learned a lot in my new job about project life-cycles, I've realised that it's important to get feedback at this stage so that I can have a clearer idea of what is working and what isn't. So far the dungeon is complete (or at least it is pretending to be, there's lots of expansions I have planned) and the woods has very few areas and no traps except the vines. If you want to go up the stairs into the woods, please be aware the whole place is in construction.

You may notice that the starting player character has no clear gender. For now this is on purpose, you can decide for yourself if you are a man or just an uptight (and possibly lesbian) woman!

The Premise of the Game

You are in a virtual reality game made by a sinister corporation, where everything could be booby trapped and if it is, it will probably either transform you towards a curvy cum-craving bimbo, or take advantage of your poor unsuspecting orifices. If you faint, you will leave the game but your mental capacity and sluttiness will be permanently stuck in whatever state it was in when you fainted. Enjoy your new life!


At the moment, most of the game involves wandering around investigating the game's many randomly generated containers searching for key items or other useful things. Eventually there will be monsters that roam the world as well, needing a convenient fucktoy to unload their seed into.

Fetishes currently include:

  • Bimboification
  • Breast Expansion
  • Belly Expansion
  • Large amounts of cum
  • Anal

What feedback I want from you right now:


What verbs / abbreviated versions of objects did you try that didn't get understood by the game?
What situations did you find it difficult to work out what commands you were supposed to use? What did you try instead?


Was there any way you found to abuse a game mechanic e.g. a way to increase your "good" stats or decrease your "bad" stats a lot without substantial risk?
Suggestions for improving a current mechanic?
What were you sitting there thinking you'd like to be able to do, but wasn't an available action in the game?
What was annoying more than entertaining e.g. not being able to see your exact stats? (NB I chose this one because this isn't likely to change even if you don't like it sorry!)
Did you find a glitch? Explain what happened.


What about the descriptions did you like and want to see more of, and what did you dislike and not want to see more of?
What sentences were difficult to read or understand? Feel free to point out spelling and grammar errors you find.

Some hints:

Some things you can only use once, but might do different things in different playthroughs. Try interacting with it again next game!

There are only two ways to lose at the moment, one is in the toilets and one is with vines. Both only have a chance of happening. That's all I'm going to say for now.

If you don't know what to do examine everything repeatedly. All the information you need on what to do should be there if you look hard enough.

And finally, the game:

Remember, this is just the first alpha release. Most of the game isn't even there yet. There is loads more to come!

The download includes the setup for the latest version of Win Glulxe, a Windows Interpreter.

Happy adventuring!
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

game said:
That's not a verb I recognise.


locations should be listed on a seperate line from the description of the room so you always know where you can go.

all objects in rooms should be examinable so that you dont get the strange feeling that they are just painted on the walls.
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

Yeah, help got me too.

Is there commands to check your status? I got inventory, but I could never tell why I was tired or couldn't stand up for long periods.

*Edit* Any complaints to me posting a would be map? I'm stuck anyway, so it's not finished.
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Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest


So, the dildo chest trap fixed me pretty good, no matter what words I used the game thought I was trying to take the dildo out of it's trap mounting, instead of removing it from my ass!

Edit: I got it, JUMP, I'm going to skip the sarcastic response to this solution and just say that I wouldn't have known I could even jump without examining the dildo several times.
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Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

Yeah, that caught me too, cuz I tried to jump like 5 times in a row and it wasn't escaping, so I just stopped.

I'm curious about kneeling. You can be caught on a trap and yet still kneel. And for some reason, it talks about how my legs feel when I'm kneeling, even if there wasn't a problem before. And smoke traps? You can't open things when kneeling, so what can those do?
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

Not sure, game overed due to fatigue (while I was on my way to the royal chambers to sleep!).

This game is a good start, but it's not very user friendly at the moment, a help function would mitigate that. A description of the rules would also help a great deal, like how the hell to I get cum off me?
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

I found a 'shower.' I believe that should help. I think I'm gonna post the map

Also, found a typo. "To the south there are some thick buses that you could possibly clamber through."
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Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

Cool, I had found a pool, but much to my dismay it was empty.
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe I found a trap that didn't do anything. It just says "Uh-oh, you've triggered a trap..."
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

All y'all up to the forest?

also the undo command works well for testing purposes.

Also i would recomend that look search and examine, if not doing something more specific on an object default to the same command. It seems strange that something can be examined but not looked at or looked at but not examined or searched.
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

Looks nice so far. I have a suggestion. Since the character tires out and has to kneel to regain strength, how about allowing the player to use the rest command while kneeling to simply skip turns until either the character gets their strength back or something else happens (whenever you put that in). It would just make it a little simpler than typing in wait a dozen times until you see the "Your legs feel less tired" message.

Maybe I'm just a derp but it took me a while to figure out I had to 'pull' the vines to escape from them. I was trying verbs like 'escape', 'struggle', and 'fight.'
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

I thought fight worked. I kept saying punch vines, and it translated well to pull. But yeah, I was stuck with "rest" not being an option and "wait" never even popped into my mind.

I still have yet to trigger the vine game over.
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

You're right, I must have misspelled fight. /facepalms self
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

Thanks for all the feedback guys, it's definitely helping me work out what needs improvement. The vines have 4 different things they can do to you, and will only give you a game over with one of those four if your soreness is high enough, so that might be why you haven't found the game over. Anyway, the ending are based not on how you lose but your bimbo and intelligence stats at the moment of losing consciousness.

"Escape", "struggle" and "help" are all commands I'll put in - as for search examine and look they all do different things - look is to look at the room around you, examine is for all objects, and search is for detecting traps. At least, right now. I'm working on it.

You can find out more responses I've given to feedback in the main thread on tfgamessite .
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

we... we aren't your main thread...

Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

So there isn't a way to see the stats, right?

Cuz I've put myself into situations where i don't have enough stats to go into the bathroom without getting a gameover, but undoing that and going to the vines doesnt get it
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Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

With max soreness, there's a 1 in 4 chance.
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

Is there anything to do in the statue room atm (specifically talking about the male statue with the largest member you notice when you 'examine statues'), or is it just a teaser for something in the works?
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

Just a teaser I'm afraid!
Re: [Text based adventure game] Trap Quest

This game is very good designed but the lack of differences between the Male and Female version is a big problem, in my honest opinion.