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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Perception check)

Another check around revealed nothing suspicious

The slime grew anxious, and threw it's tube into Azure's pussy.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


" Ugghhh..." Iris awoke to find herself on her backside in her inn room. Her memorys and wits came back to her, she remembered everything that had happened to her. Iris wondered how River and Lin were doing at the moment. Iris wasn't a social person but after what she had gone through with the two girls the day before she felt a little... A little closer to them. Iris saw her clothing was still intact, she felt greatful she wouldn't have to but another pair of clothing. Nearby her sword and 9mm were close by. Iris hadnt lost anything in the mission, other then her virginity to that damn egg thing.

Iris got up and stretched a bit, then left her room.

* Iris leaves her inn room. *
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Sera sighs in her black, tight comfortable armor, her swords sheathed upside down on her back to draw them easily. She'd used simple black bandana to tie around her hot pink hair, her glasses still on. She sat and drank from a bottle of water, considering going out to fight.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin noticed the new lady and approuches her.
"Are you going out to fight?" Lin asked.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera grins a bit in her ninja suit. "Yeah. Maybe. I dunno."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin smiled at the woman and extends her hand.
"I am Lin, if you are going out mind if I come along with you?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera shrugs, "I'm not gonna stop you, hehe. My name's Sera." she shook the woman's hand. "What do you fight with?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris had continued to sit around in the lobby. SHe had tried to go on a mission before but missed the sign up deadline and ended up not going. Iris wanted to go hunting, she felt the urge to get stronger after being raped the day before, and after getting ready she had gone to the lobby. Iris didn't know what she was doing, just waiting around. She should of left half an hour ago but just continued to sit around in the lobby. Had Iris become afraid of going out?

Iris looked around the lobby, she saw more namless, faceless, people however she saw someone she knew. she saw Lin. Lin was talking with some pink haired woman about something. Iris stood up from the bench she was sitting on. She felt the need to go and see how Lin was doing, after yesterday she felt like Lin was... Well not a stranger any more. Iris walked over to where Lin was standing, with a quick tap on the shoulder to get her attention Iris said to Lin-

" Hey uh, Lin. How are you doing today?"

Iris felt a little awkward just walking over to the girl and casually speaking with her. it felt weird talking with her after what had happened the day before.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera raises an eyebrow as she looks to Iris, crossing her arms over her ninja suit and sighing softly, figuring she'd introduce herself. "I'm Seraph." she nods to the woman.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin smiled at Iris, glad to see her.
"I am better now with that stuff outta my head." Lin answered and after Sera had introduced herself with Iris Lin told Iris what she and Sera was planning to do...
"We're about to go out and hunt, you want to come?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris was glad to hear Lin was doing better after what she had been through the day before. She must of been embarrised after trying to rape River the day before. Iris was glad she was able to keep Lin safe from what had happened to her, instead of being pumped with eggs Iris had gotten the egg monster to focus its attention on her and let Lin free.

Now Lin was going to go hunting with this Seraph lady. Iris didn't want to refuse Lins offer to tag along. Besides, Iris wouldn't feel good watching Lin run off to hunt. Iris then said to Lin-
"Sure, ill come with you."

Moving her attention to Seraph Iris said "Nice to make your acquaintance Seraph."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Having left the basement, Azure started to think about that doctor that they had rescued. She started to ask around where to find the woman, eager to try to talk to her now. She had questions and hopefully the doctor had some answers.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Sera sighs and gets up, having dozed off. With a sigh she looked around, figuring she'd hang out and meet some of the other girls.
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Azure approached the doctor with a pleasant smile, getting the woman's attention as she approached.


"Excuse me? Doctor? You might not remember, you were kinda out of it at the time and... well to be blunt a lot of stuff happened since then. But I was part of the group that rescued you from the hospital... Do you have a few minutes to talk with me?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Yes, but please make it quick, I'd like to get back to reading this book a kind red headed lady gave me so I can give it back to her."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Yes yes, of course. I don't mean to take up too much of your time... But you see I'm a reporter and I'm trying to get some information on how we're doing here. It'll be a quick interview, but for the sake of everyone, I'd really like to get your opinion and input on some things."

She reached into her bag and went low tech, getting a small pencil and notepad, starting to jot down notes. She asked each question in turn and got an answer afterwards, breezing through the interview quickly as she could, for 'courtesy' sake, though honestly just wanting the answers for herself.


"I know from... first hand experience... That many of the women here are being raped and impregnated by strange... things... What exactly are we doing about it when women show up pregnant? And can you tell me how often it seems to be happening from your experience so far?"

She made a few quick jots on her notepad again about the questions she still wanted to know.


"What do you think about the director? Her plans for everyone? And did you know the previous doctor who seems to have run off? Any speculation about why she ran away?"

She flipped another page, preparing her next question as she took answers.


"Last line of questions... What kinds of research is the director running on the different creatures out there? And is there anything you've learned about them as a whole? I'm sure our readers are going to be very eager to get any information they can."

(Consider each string of questions as its own post for if any interruptions occur. But this is her entire string of questions. She's trying to string the questions along quickly to get the answers she needs, then she's going to consider heading out to explore some.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

What exactly are we doing about it when women show up pregnant? And can you tell me how often it seems to be happening from your experience so far?


"We don't have a lot of equipment at our disposal, so we have no choice but to let the monster be birthed, then we exterminate the horrible thing. Cases occur randomly, as far as I can tell."

"What do you think about the director? Her plans for everyone? And did you know the previous doctor who seems to have run off? Any speculation about why she ran away?"


"I have no idea about her, I was told about how I can help by the girl in the maid's dress, and as I've said before to the girl with blue hair, I don't know who this run away doctor was."

What kinds of research is the director running on the different creatures out there? And is there anything you've learned about them as a whole?


"As for research, none that I know of. But I do often see that girl with the scar going in and out of her office quite often."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Thanks for your time. You've helped me quite a bit actually. At least now I can put something in my report. The director's been hiding everything she does and trying to keep as many people out of the loop as possible. If you come up with any new information, please come see me."

She bowed politely and folded over her pad, then rushed off to find the only person in the building she trusted worth a damn, her contact. She wanted a full update from him about any missions he's been on and what the director has been asking him to do, and anything else he's uncovered.

(Totally forgot about my contact for a while there. Guess that happens when you suddenly have to deal with a group of bitches trying to play dictator.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(And a horny as hell slime copy of you)