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Reverse run or rape games?


Oct 31, 2010
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I'm looking for anything that's like a run or rape game, but where you play as the rapist rather than the rape-e.
These are surprisingly hard to find, so it would be appreciated.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

Solru posted this originally
you made me come out lurking... (>.<)
just remove the spaces, I can't post links yet

www . mediafire . com / ?dvv4m9fw3csmvyv
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

Off the top of my head, I can't think of any I've EVER seen apart from the one posted above.

Reasonably decent game, as well.

If you're not too concerned about the fact that it's not really a run-or-rape type platformer, but more a "monster-rape one chick simulator", you could search up "Poor Sakura Fight 2" on the forums. It's pretty damned great.
And... well ... Fairy Fighting if you're playing as the monsters instead of Tiki, but again, that's a fight-or-rape, not really RUN or rape, and you need to know the button-inputs for the grabs.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

there is that one its a stalk and rape game you run after the girl/s there is a cop you have to hide from under a box. I think its just called rape. its a few pages back.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

there is that one its a stalk and rape game you run after the girl/s there is a cop you have to hide from under a box. I think its just called rape. its a few pages back.

In my opinion, that game is way to hard. There is also Pepe Le Rapiste, made by he who I shall not name.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

In my opinion, that game is way to hard. There is also Pepe Le Rapiste, made by he who I shall not name.

lol I was about to post it myself then I tought... probably I shouldn't name him here.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

What about nightmare sphere? You can rape people in that (though you can be raped too).
-cant post links yet but it should be easy enough to just google or find of this forum.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

Honestly, there are a vast lack of these types of games. There are games like the ones above that have a bit of this but it isn't really the true basis of the gameplay...so I wouldn't even say they are those types.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

The Biko series by Illusion.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

I know theres a (very) few of them, but I can't recall the names.

But yeah, this is a REALLY rare(/niche?) type of game but that doesn't really surprise me. A 'run or rape' type game would have to be pretty gameplay/puzzle heavy or it would become a generic "reach the end of the stage"-platformer H-game.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

I don't know if anyone mentioned, but if you want a really weird rape game there is EroticalNIGHT where you have to save the world by raping the female demon monsters while at the same time resisting their charms, it is a little bizarre.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

When I saw the thread title I thought the OP meant male protagonist vs female rapists. Those are even rarer. The closest to that would be the Nightmare 0 demo (if you play as the dude). But it doesn't seem like that game would be finished ever, which is a damn shame.

There is also Pepe Le Rapiste, made by he who I shall not name.

The One Who Shall Never Be Named (tm) also released Cheetahmen in Action 69. You have to rape fallen enemies (male or female) to restore your health.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

Dragon Bride is by far my favorite "Rape" game. Although it plays more like final fight but with magical attacks and you play as female futa overlord.
Here is the artist's website.

p.s. There is a whole thread dedicated to this game on this forum. A must have in my book.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

The Condom Man remake is pretty damn good for this, honestly.

Violation Beast is another game where you stalk/rape women as you go, although it's not sprite based, still a fun game even without the hentai.

Speaking of Violation Beast, he's made two other games except they're you as a tentacle monster of sorts, good game play in those as well.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

If I recall correctly, Hana no Hime by Teatime is about this this as well.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

Solru posted this originally
you made me come out lurking... (>.<)
just remove the spaces, I can't post links yet

www . mediafire . com / ?dvv4m9fw3csmvyv

do you have some screenshot :D
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

this is better then a screen shot :)


btw hokuto thanks for game :D
Last edited:
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

The Scare Test game series, made by the guy who made the ghost house sweeper game.


This is link is for the 2nd game. The goal of the games is to scare girls, make them faint, and then rape them. Impregnation optional.

I was sure there were other games like this. I don't think its so much that these games are rare as it is that the usual rape (where you play the girl) is TOO common. 95% of non-text rape games are like this and most hentai games are by far rape games. Compare to "reverse rape" (where the girl rapes the guy), this isn't that rare.

If you don't mind text games, there are LOADS of games with rape from the guy's perspective. Most are good looking guys, of course, since you take the player takes the perspective of the guy and the player don't want to be ugly or something. Mostly chikan games though.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

The Scare Test game series, made by the guy who made the ghost house sweeper game.

I tried out that game you linked, and found it impossible to get to the H content.
I spent about half an hour trying to get one girl's bar to 100, and the closest I could get was 90. 40 on the first turn, 30 on the second, and 20 on the third. And yes, I did try all items on all turns.
Apparently there are 15 items total and one of those may be the key to getting her bar to 100, but I can't be arsed playing the game long enough to find that item/combination required.
Re: Reverse run or rape games?

I could propose my main game, King of Porn City (lastest update on mysexgames.com), but :

- it has no real gameplay as it is (button masher), at least for the time being.
- people will probably flame me for simply mentionning it.
- outside my fan base, everyone just seems to hate this game and think it's the most crappiest and boring stuff ever made.

But outside those 3 warnings, I'm sorry, it's all about playing the rapist, so...

Try "condom man rendition", also. (not sure about the orthograph, but it's a very nice remake version of condom man)

StudioS games, also (lot of torture and rape stuff, not for the light hearted, beware)