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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell's face stretched as Liezelotte pulled on it, her happy grin warped and shaped differently as her mistress toyed with her face. It was no use though, no matter how hard Liezelotte toyed with Isabell. In fact, her attentions only seemed to make Isabell more happy to sleep where she was, drifting into an even deeper, happier sleep.

And then, a sudden racket sounded through the room. After said racket, Isabell rose from the bed, outraged as she drew her sword, looking furious even as tears streamed from her eyes, "THIS IS THE HAPPIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE DAMN IT!" Isabell cried out in fury.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"WAAAAAH!" Porcelain was hastily thunked onto wood, and that was immediately followed by a pair of feet quickly scurrying away from that sudden yell.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Despite her facial yankery, it appeared that there was no getting Isabell up from her slumber. "Such a stubborn woman... I might need to shock her again if this doesn't work." Lieze pondered among all the silly faces being made. The sudden sounds of an accident happening briefly turned her attention away, the need for inspection coming over the lady. Before she could get too much into it, there was a sudden burst of activity from Isabell, a rather loud and violent one at that. Ignoring the outburst of her guard for now, Lieze made way onto the hall to see what or who was causing the hassle.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Resting?

By the time Lieze managed to work herself out of bed, walk to her door, and open it to inspect the hall the scurrying of feet had already started to fade. A quick inspection of the hall revealed no warm bodies, though someone's hurried steps could still be heard escaping into the lower levels of the manor. All that remained to mark the mystery woman's presence was the memory that lived in everyone's hearts...and one rather exquisite looking vase that was now sitting upside down as the centerpiece to a small table. Such sloppy work...

But with Isabell yelling her defiance at being denied her happy time just a few seconds earlier the butler rounded the corner and strode into view with a rather curious look on his face. "Is there anything troubling you, Lady Bachsmien? We all heard your bodyguard screaming..." His gaze had shifted to the demon as he spoke, and in doing so he soon found the oddly placed vase. This garnered another curious look, but that soon gave as the man simply reached out and righted the thing until it was properly displayed once more.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Sorry, I didn't realize you were waiting for me.
Having for the second time found a comfortable spot on the bed, Anael was busy drifting off to sleep when the humming sounded in the hall. It wasn't loud, and the accompanying sounds of an accident interrupted by a lucky catch only caused a light sigh from the resting angel. She was determined to get some rest. It wasn't to be, unfortunately, at least not yet. Isabell demanded attention, and like all succubi, seemed to become quite agitated when denied.

The weary angel pushed herself upright from her bed at Isabell's frustrated yell, then hung her head in annoyed resignation at the clunking sound and frightened retreat. Obviously, she would need to make herself available in the event Lady Bachsmien was disturbed by the racket. Stepping quickly over to the door, she flung it open and stepped into the hall, not bothering to throw the skimpy dress on again. "What manner of incompetence is going on out here?" she demanded as she stepped outside, expecting to find the perpetrator of the noise, instead surprised to be standing before Lieze and the butler. Standing taller and straighter, despite her nudity and show of anger, the angel turned to the Lady, and apologized. "Forgive my rudeness, my Lady," she said, calmly dropping back into her measured demeanor. "I was merely surprised by the commotion."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

At the hallway, there seemed to be little of importance, not to mention the possible perpetrator of the previous noises that had managed to stir Isabell from her sleep. Instead, there was simply the butler and a vase that had been set down in a rather silly manner on the side table, the former of the pair asking Lieze about what was happening when she came out from the room. "No, there is nothing troubling me, Isabell is just being silly like she is prone to do. There was a small ruckus just now, and I was mildly interested as to who was causing it. It did not appear to be Mina and if my ears aren't playing tricks on me, they retreated downstairs." she told the butler, handwaving any worries that Anael might have towards her appearance away. It was a natural thing to be curious. Unless there was some sort of objection or revelation as to who the passerby was, Lieze would go after them to see who exactly it was.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Coming out, Isabell would appear to all as both infuriated and crying at the same time. "Whoever it was, they must receive capital punishment! Give me the order to catch this slippery snake, my lady!" she begged Liezelotte, holding her sword drawn and her shield tight, shaking with anger. She seemed to recover a lot of her energy from the little sleep she obtained, hence her energetic appearance.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = VENGEANCE!
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Exhibitionist

With Anael suddenly bursting onto the scene Gerald was suddenly quite distracted. He pointedly tried to ignore openly staring at the fallen angel, and he failed spectacularly. "O-Oh! Look! The vase!" His hand rose and shifted it over to the side. "It's not properly centered! Who would leave art so improperly displayed, ha..." And then his attention suddenly focused on righting such a mistake and pointedly ignored the goddess on display.

Of course such distractions weren't quite up to par, not when an armored demon bursts from a room with sword drawn demanding satisfaction. This seemed to catch the butler by surprise somewhat, and after hearing said demon speak he seemed to recall the conversation at hand. "Yes, well... I believe I know who your culprit is..." He really didn't look like he wanted to volunteer that information, not with an angry soul waiting to exact her revenge, but duty called. "Do you wish me to retrieve her?" The look in his eye told Lieze that he hoped his intercession would lead to less bloodshed. It would probably seem more noble if his eyes didn't occasionally dart back to Anael.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Not missing the occurring angel ogling by any chance, Lieze looked at the scene for a bit before having to giggle at it for a bit. Another random moment, and someone had been bothered, even though it was not herself who had done the deed. But Gerald seemed to be a good enough sort to keep himself collected, and was back to himself in no time. Still, it seemed like he was fighting hard to not stare at the Lady's quite naked servant. "You may get them here, I'm curious to see more people around here."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Seeing that Liezelotte didn't immediately share her thoughts on the noise maker previously, Isabell forced herself to remain at her station, and remain quiet as well. But one thing she was absolutely sure to do was to not give the lewd sight of the angel more than a glance. The black winged woman would only seek to use her appeal against Liezelotte in the future.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

With Lieze waving off her concerns but not dismissing her, Anael simply stood and watched as Gerald struggled not to ogle her while speaking to the Lady. His overt stares were impossible to miss, and though the angel's face took on a stony expression of disapproval, she made no move to cover herself. If anything her sudden change of stance, shifting her weight to one leg and crossing her arms beneath her large chest, seemed designed to display her body even more. Her tail swished in lazy figure eights behind her, as she stared back at the nervous butler, a smirk spreading across her face despite her cold gaze as he fumbled with the vase. "Do make sure it's properly placed, Gerald," she said smugly, "We wouldn't want you out here all night fooling with that."

It didn't take long for Isabell, the attention craving succubus, to burst onto the scene and interrupt the butler's humorous fumblings. Sword drawn and quivering in anger, Isabell's antics quickly had Anael's smirk widening. She stifled a laugh when she noticed the succubus pointedly ignoring her in contrast to the butler. Still, it was Lieze's order to retrieve the vase knocking bandit that caught Anael by surprise. 'The Lady must have something planned for whoever caused this ruckus,' she thought, intrigued. 'This might be fun.'


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Amused
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Calm...ish...
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Proud Exhibitionist

Given leave to retrieve the vase antagonist Gerald stiffens up a bit and excuses himself while keeping his back turned toward certain lewd displays. This leads the trio alone for a few seconds, the sound of the butlers steps coming to a sudden stop while he speaks with someone. A somewhat frantic whine answers him, and after a little more back and forth he can be heard returning with someone in tow.

From a distance it looked like their culprit was a rather girlish maid in a bright orange dress. She was short, not an inch over five feet, and the frills and ribbons hanging of her uniform, especially the large one on her back, gave her a small bounce to her step that matched the oddly silver hair on her head. A pair of glasses covered her eyes, and as she approached she started falling closer and closer to her escort until she was all but hidden while clinging to his clothes. This brought an exasperated sigh from the man (or maybe it was because he was having a hard time keeping his eyes focused on Lieze), and once he approached the group he reached behind him and kept the girl in place as he stepped aside. "May I present Rin...Uzumaki..."

Up close the girl turned out to be a rather cute woman, even if her form was hidden by her dress, and as she looked around with a somewhat frantic gaze she instantly focused on the sword that was still free of its sheath. She looked ready to cry, but somehow she kept herself in place and managed a nervous curtsy. "P-P-P-Pleased to meet you, Mistress..." And that was definitely the voice of the person that so rudely interrupted Isabell's happiness.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

After pulling himself together, Gerard went ahead and did his job like a good butler should. After a few minutes, he brought out the culprit, who turned out to be a mostly plain if really girly maid. Still, there was something out of the ordinary in her, Lieze could sense it. Still, it was quite a sight to see her all fretty and such, no doubt because of the still unsheathed blade that Isabell held in her hand. And as the bodyguard was quite annoyed, it was easy to understand her nervousness. Still, what she would get was most likely a surprise. "Hmm, yes, yes. But I have to say, you did manage to do me a service. The vase did not break, and even if it was upside-down when we got here, that whole thing did manage to wake up my silly bodyguard over here. She was not apparently willing to get up when I tell her to do it, in my roundabout way. Good job." the lady told her newest servant, even patting her on the shoulders.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Restraining herself from attacking the maid outright due to Liezelotte not indulging her thirst for blood, Isabell hung back, cringing up with displeasure. "My lady pulling on my cheeks... Ruined such a truly wonderful moment..." she sobbed, glaring at the maid with a thousand curses running through her mind. Her sob story also revealed to Liezelotte, if she cared, that Isabell was indeed awake, but was faking sleep because she was enjoying the treatment she was getting.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael didn't move as the butler hurried to retrieve the unlucky recipient of the Lady's attention, only turning her head to watch him. When he returned with the nervous maid in tow, she shook her head, a frustrated sigh escaping her lips. "It seems this mansion has no shortage of inept maids," she said softly, but perhaps louder than she meant to. 'A proper servant would approach their master calmly and serenely, even if they knew what fate awaited them.'

Once the maid was before the Lady and had been introduced, Anael smiled maliciously down at the quivering servant, sure that Lieze would visit some calamity down upon her. Instead, the noble demoness praised the cowering girl. So amazed by the Lady's reaction was she that Anael even ignored Isabell's whine. Her mouth fell open and she took an unconscious step forward, gasping in shocked disbelief. "B-but...," she stuttered for a moment before remembering her place. She immediately shut her mouth and returned to her normal posture, standing tall and straight with her hands clasped low before her. Forcing herself to breath deeply, Anael calmed herself and regained her calm and servile demeanor, praying softly that Liezolette would not mind her momentary loss of composure.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While she was giving out the impression that this was only a congratulatory meething, much to the chagrin of the other two servants that were higher in rank than this Rin was, Lieze was not totally sure if the new maid was fit to leave without some punishment. But, that would be corrected then and there. Still, she didn't want to go into outright brutalities, as there was something likeable in her. Instead, humiliation had to do. With a quick and mostly unnoticeable spiritual focus, the lady called forth her favorite destructive power, the mind cutter. With such fine and accurate cutting action, she would be able to avoid hurting the maid. No, instead of cutting the glasses maid's body in any way, she instead placed a few mental cuts into key positions in the maid's uniform. That way, it would suddenly drop away like nothing had touched it. "While I do appriciate your action somewhat, there is still the whole part of it being a distraction. I might have been sleeping, and that would not have been a good thing, oh no. Less clumsiness." she told the girl, now most likely in her underwear.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Tease
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Grump
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Nudist

Just as it had everyone else the sudden compliment caught Rin off guard as well, and as Isabell started to settle down a bit, or as much as she could, the small maid turned her gaze fully toward the Lady. "Th-Thank y-"

All it took was a moment for the dress to fall, and in that moment Rin went through a number of faces. First was blank surprise, then embarrassment dawned, followed quickly by shame, and then complete and utter panic. "WAH!" When her uniform finally landed it revealed quite the surprising body, one that could make a couple demons jealous at its naturally developed...assets. The black lace bra and panty set she wore beneath it only added to her allure, and if she hadn't suddenly bent down and scrambled for something on her now useless dress she would have made quite the exciting sight.

But that was not to be. Her hands quickly found a pair of objects hidden by the enormous bow, and a moment later two huge folding fans that looked nearly as large as she was completely opened and hid her unmentionables from view. In fact all that could be seen by anyone in Lieze's entourage was a brightly colored floral pattern on a pure white background, one that complemented the now ruined dress and would have made her look even cuter if she wasn't stuck in her private wear. Of course Isabell would probably be more interested in the sudden appearance of a number of blades acting as the fans' skeleton, but the fact that Rin was simply cowering behind her cover meant they were not as dangerous as they could be.

A few moments later one of the fans she hid behind folded back enough for the maid's eyes to appear from the gap that was made, and after being admonished for causing a distraction she nodded furiously to say that she understood. Completely. No more clumsiness.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Seeing the woman's clothes fall, and the attractive body of the maid revealed afterwards, Isabell gave a raised brow to her appearance, but nothing along the lines of sexual excitement. When the fans came into view however, Isabell went on immediate defense. Liezelotte would find a shield suddenly between herself and the girl, Isabell not missing a beat as she came to the immediate defense of her mistress. Even though the girl nodded, Isabell stood firmly in front of Liezelotte, watching the girl carefully.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

The end result of her stealthy move was as good as expected, and did not dissappoint. There was a brief moment where Lieze felt something like jealousy as she saw the new maid in her exposed form. She was not big herself in any real way, and had privately bemoaned the fact a few times. But that sudden thought was banished in a hurry as there was more of a development in the panicking Rin, who quickly picked up something that had previously been hidden beneath the ridiculously big bow. The sight of the weaponized fans was something of a surprise to the lady, as she had not seen similar things before. She might even use one for herself, but a fan of that size was unsuited for her style. That part would have to wait, as Isabell had already interjected herself between them. Still, the nod from behind the fans had not gone unnoticed. "Hmm, good. We can understand each other."

Having said that, Lieze stepped past Isabell from the side, still having something in her mind. "Those things are something I have never seen before this. Can you actually fight with them, Rin? And if that is the case, how good are you?" she asked a little further stuff, having had her curiousity tickled by the unconventional weapons of the maid.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"My lady!" Isabell cried out. She stepped out of Isabell's protection to approach the maid and her weapons. Endangering herself as she did made Isabell want to twist and writhe with worry. If Liezelotte got so much as a scratch on her beautiful flesh, Isabell would be keen on turning the cause of such a small injury into pieces before taking Liezelotte for emergency healing. Forced to stand aside, Isabell stood tall, rigid with nervousness.