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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

A brief pondering left Adelle with another idea to carry on with her plans towards the bout and her opponent. Just as she was about to go into executing the first part of it, Cutie launched a sudden and strong counter-attack, breaking free from the somewhat uncertain one-handed grip with a fierce tug. Quickly grabbing the shirt that was about to be pulled over her, the small girl turned the situation on Adelle, pulling the shirt over her face instead and leaving her partially blinded and exposed. Quickly scampering around, Kanai worked herself on Adelle in a groundwork maneuver, slipping her legs around the bigger girl and trapping her arms against her sides with them before pushing her upper body down. Having secured herself a seat on the busty girl's belly, Cutie knew where to strike next as both of her hands clamped on one of the huge melons presented to her. "You ain't the only fighter here." she called Adelle's earlier taunts, squeezing hard with both hands before switching to the other knocker and doing the same, leaving her opponent in a sudden sticky situation.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle yelped as Cutey broke free of her one handed hold on her wrists and grabbed her shirt, pushing it up over Adelle's face and making her huge breasts bounce out for the crowd to see. She had expected a counter attack, but hoped she'd be able to get into a better position before it happened and a better grip on the smaller girl. Oh well though, Adelle thought to herself as Cutey maneuvered around and pushed Adelle down, pinning her arms against her sides in the process. Adelle had her shirt in front of her eyes and couldn't see as well, but Cutey was sitting right on her waist, so even though her arms were pinned down she still had plenty of methods to get the smaller girl off of her, she just had to manage to get them to work properly.

When she felt her opponent grab her breasts and begin squeezing and kneading them, Adelle couldn't help but let out a gasp and a little half moan, as her opponent squeezed down rather hard, causing milk to bead on her nipples and dribbled down her breasts. Hopefully though Cutey here wouldn't pick up on the fact that Adelle's breasts were so sensitive to pleasure and would move on to something else, but Adelle wouldn't hold her breath waiting for it. "Ahh... good, I wanted a good fun match. Win or lose I don't care as long as we can have fun while doing it," Adelle said, sighing softly as Cutey squeezed her breasts, just laying there for a couple of seconds to catch her breath, giving a push with her arms to try and break them free of the leg hold on them. Her attempt here wasn't to try and break free really, but if she managed to then it was good all the same, but she was trying to pull Cutey's attention off of her own legs, which she planned on using after catching her breath and wriggling around a bit to draw her opponent's attention towards her top half. "I'm having tons of fun here Cutey... I... ugh.. hope you are too, because I'd... ugh... feel bad if you weren't," Adelle said as she wriggled around, grunting as she tried to get free, and talking to try and distract her opponent, and because she genuinely wanted to know if her opponent was having fun as well.

Adelle would keep futilely struggling for ten seconds, allowing Cutey to grope and squeeze her breasts and make her milk dribble out little by little in the meantime, squirting out a bit instead if she squeezed any harder than she already was. After counting to ten in her head, Adelle would swing her legs up and attempt to wrap them around Cutey's body somewhere, locking them there as tightly as she could before pushing with all the strength she could muster to throw the smaller girl off of her, or roll her over so she was on top, whichever turned out to be the easier of the two. Should she manage to turn the tables again on Cutey and get on top of her, Adelle would simply tug her own shirt off the rest of the way and toss it across the ring rather than taking the extra crucial time she'd waste in pulling it back down, thinking to herself that since everyone had already seen her breasts bared now there was no reason to keep them hidden any longer and she'd waste too much time in righting her clothes in the process. Once she was topless, Adelle would quickly attempt to get a grapple on Cutey, grabbing the smaller girl's legs as she sat on Cutey's waist now, using her own legs to try and hold Cutey's arms down as she held the smaller girl's legs up and began tickling her feet, trying to win through submission of tickling.

If however she could only get free from Cutey and was unable to get her grapple going, then Adelle would simply roll away and spring back to her feet with a little feat of acrobatics as she planted her hands on the ring and did a sort of half cartwheel out of the roll, her legs spreading wide in the process to balance herself and to give the crowd a nice view and something to smile and cheer about.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Who knows, maybe I am..." Cutie replied as she relentlessly mauled both of the massive mounds at her hands. The moisture that she saw from the treatment seemed to serve as further encouragement to the previously reserved girl, making her more daring in approach. "Looks like I got something right..." she mumbled, going back to squeezing on Adelle's tits with both hands on one at a time, this time doing it as hard as she could and sending small sprays of milk bursting out. "The audience might be interested in seeing that..." the small girl commented as the sprays continued coming in turns, leaving both girls with some drops of white on them, more of it on Adelle and less on Cutie.

With her plan, Adelle was forced to endure some of the treatment, but she would try to make a counter-attack. Swinging her legs up, she attempted hook Cutie and pull her back. It looked like she would succeed, but the small girl bent her upper body down at the last second, only causing Adelle to swipe her legs across her back in a meaningless move that did nothing. She would have probably managed to hook Cutie's arms and push her down if it had succeeded, but the small girl had ducked herself against Adelle's body. Even worse, the act prompted her opponent to take further action, a bite landing on a nipple when the failed attack had passed."No, not having any of that. This will be my match. Be a good loser and give up." she said, now appearing a lot more confident as she saw her situation looking quite bright at the moment. Adelle was in trouble though, aroused a bit from being milked and still quite pinned and blinded.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle lay there with Cutey groping and just mauling her breasts with her small hands, she couldn't help but begin to flush with arousal at the treatment she was getting. She let out a little choked moan when Cutey switched to holding both breasts at the same time and squeezing them like that, causing her milk to squirt forth a little bit and some to fall back down on her. When Cutey mumbled as she switched back to both hands on one breast at a time, Adelle's entire body shuddered slightly as her milk squirted out more than before, her eyes rolling up a bit though Cutey couldn't see them of course. "I... I'll bet they would. B-But then that's what we're here for... to entertain them. Right?" Adelle replied to Cutey's just before swinging her legs up to flip the positions around in her favor, the whole time she waited to try and catch her opponent off guard her cheeks grew more and more flushed as she herself grew more aroused at the attention her sensitive breasts were getting.

When her legs came up, Adelle was so sure that they would latch around Cutey, but when they didn't she let out a miserable groan as they flopped back down to the ring, spread apart a bit for anyone looking from the crowd in that direction to get a pretty good view. Before she could even think about trying again, she felt Cutey bite down on one of her nipples, which forced her to let out a louder moan that most of the crowd in at least the closest seats would likely hear, as well as causing her nipples to harden the rest of the way, the one in Cutey's mouth that was being nibbled on squirting out some of her milk into the smaller girl's mouth. After Cutey nibbled on her nipple and Adelle caught her breath again after letting out her moan, she let out a playful giggle at the girl on top of her as she blushed. "I... I would Cutey, but... I don't like to give up just cause I'm losing. I wanna win, cause I need that money," Adelle said back to Cutey with a half smile on her face as she began wriggling around again, her body beginning to flush with arousal as she did so. Adelle could feel herself starting to get a little wet from the arousal in her body and she could feel a little damp spot forming on her thong, but thankfully she still had her shorts on or else everyone in the crowd would see her... or at least she still had them on at the moment anyway. "Y-You really seem to... like my tits an awful lot don't you," Adelle panted slightly as she wriggled around, causing droplets of her milk to fall off her and onto the ring.

Adelle knew she'd have to wait for the right moment, hoping and praying that Cutey's confidence would be her downfall and leave Adelle an opening with which to roll her off from on top of her. Adelle would wait for a few seconds more until she could feel a good enough moment to attempt to roll Cutey off from on top of her, rolling to whichever side had more of Cutey's weight on it with all her might to gain the top position. She knew that even if Cutey maintained her leg hold on her arms and kept them pinned to her sides, at the very least she would be on top in that case and she could free her arms afterwards. Getting on top was the key here, Adelle thought to herself, as she had the weight advantage on Cutey and if she managed to get on top she might very well smush her breasts into the smaller girl's face and force her to let go with her legs even if Cutey continued biting her nipples and milking her tits with her hands.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Perhaps Adelle's hopes were answered by some higher power, for she only had to endure a little more of the humiliating milking before there was something she could use as a means of escape. A slight moment of adjusting her position and letting her leg scissors a bit easier was what the busty girl received, and she could slip an arm out and push Cutie aside in a brief burst of strength. While the smaller girl tried to quickly get back in control and prevent Adelle from getting her shirt properly again, there was little she could do against the heavier girl, who used her momentum to land back on her like before. Adelle had managed to gain the upper hand again and even get her breast smother going once more, a show of fate being fickle sometimes.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle lay there doing her best to endure the milking from Cutey, which wasn't really humiliating to Adelle so much as it was just so damn arousing to her, which was bad for her, she managed to pull an arm free from Cutey's leg hold on her arms. Adelle quickly pushed Cutey off of her after freeing her arm, rolling over with her as Cutey scrambled to regain control of the situation, failing at that as Adelle followed the smaller girl with her momentum as she pulled her own shirt off the rest of the way with her other hand as she went, slinging it across the ring as she fell on top of Cutey once more, gaining the top position once more on Cutey as her breasts smushed into Cutey's face in her lewd smothering hold again. As she put Cutey into her smothering hold once more, Adelle idly wondered what Cutey was thinking, and what she planned to do now, preparing to counter anything she tried to do to get back on top of the situation.

"I told you, I'm not going to go down easy Cutey. I'm having a helluva lot of fun though, so even if you do manage to beat me in the end, I don't even care anymore," Adelle said with a playful giggle as she landed on top of Cutey, not truly caring anymore at this point about modesty or even about winning or losing, she was simply intent on having fun and making Cutey here work for any victory she wanted, and if Adelle ended up winning in the end, then that was even better for her.

Her heart was pounding in her chest as the droplets of milk remaining on her body slowly dribbled down and onto Cutey as well as the ring, getting both girl's skin a bit sticky in the process. As she lay there on top of Cutey now once more, Adelle leaned her body in as close as she could to keep Cutey from getting her own obviously limber legs in and pushing her off as she used one hand to hold Cutey's arms down against the ring over her head as best she could, only holding one down if that was all she could grab, while she started trying to tug Cutey's panties off with her other hand, intent on at the very least stripping her opponent completely before the match was over one way or the other. Assuming she was able to tug Cutey's panties off, Adelle would then use the hand which pulled her opponent's panties off and reach in towards Cutey's chest, groping the smaller girl's breasts a bit to try and get a moan from the smaller girl like Cutey had gotten from her a few moments before.

[Also I thought of an ring costume for Adelle, a belly dancer's costume. You think that'd be a good one considering her ring name she chose and all? I'm thinking something like , , or . Or at least something to that degree anyway.]
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she was initially succesful in getting back to control, Adelle soon found out that there just was no keeping Cutie down for long. The smaller girl used a rather silly strategy to get herself free, motorboating the jugs that were being used to smother her and using the following ticklefit to shove Adelle to the side. There were chances of getting her upon her getting back up, but Kanai was fast and slipped away to secure her footing again, leaving the two in a standing face-off once more. It was pretty much just like before, though they were both now topless and a bit milky.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Managing to regain the top, Adelle began reaching down to tug the smaller girl's panties off of her, but Cutey grabbed Adelle's breasts again and started massaging them again as she smothered her with them, tickling Adelle quite a bit and leaving her in a fit of giggles as a bit of her milk splashed out again right into Cutey's face. Cutey then managed to shove her off from on top of her. Adelle tried desperately to grab hold of Cutey again as she scrambled out from under her, but was just unable to get herself a good hold on her to pull her back down again. As soon as Cutey was out from under her, Adelle scrambled back to her feet again, where they were both facing off once more just like at the beginning of the match, both of them drenched in Adelle's milk and neither one had their top remaining on any longer.

"Well, back to square one now I believe eh Cutey, time for me to try a little harder I think. Because if I don't then I think you're going to beat me here, but I've gotta say thanks, you made my breasts a little lighter with that milking earlier, and it felt great to say the least," Adelle commented with a half smile on her face about the two of them going back to their face off from the start of the match. She quickly dropped the smile and adopted a slightly naughty look, bringing a finger up to her mouth that she gently bit down on, a drop or two of her milk dripping from her F-cup bordering on G-cup breasts as she wiggled her sweet ass back and forth for the crowd to see, which in turn made her large and amazingly quite perky mammeries sway dangerously back and forth as well, her nipples all perked up for the crowd to see as a bead of milk welled up on the nipple that Cutey had bitten.

As soon as Adelle spoke, and after Cutey made a reply of some sort if she wished, Adelle would rush at Cutey as quickly as she could and going just past her as she feinted and made Cutey believe she was coming straight at her, jumping over the smaller girl's legs if she tried to duck and trip her along the way, where she would then bounce off of the opposite ropes back at Cutey, slamming into the smaller girl tit first to cushion the blow so as not to hurt her too much. If she managed to knock Cutey down with her superior weight, Adelle would again try to grab Cutey's legs as she scrambled around to sit at her opponent's feet, using her own legs to hold Cutey's arms down, and once there she would again attempt to yank Cutey's bottoms off and expose her flower before going in for a tickling move to make Cutey give up, holding the smaller girl's legs with one of her arms wrapped around both as her fingers on her other hand tickled her feet and sides. If Cutey didn't give in assuming Adelle managed to get a hold of her in this way, Adelle would go a bit further and reach down between Cutey's legs, brushing her fingers across the smaller girl's flower to see her reaction before slowly slipping a finger inside her and rubbing it around in there. If Cutey gave in there she would pull her finger out and give it a lick, telling Cutey she tasted good, but if the smaller girl didn't give in to that she would slip a second finger in and begin finger fucking Cutey into submission, assuming the ref didn't stop her from doing so that is at that point.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Only a slight increase of facial tension was offered to Adelle in reply, so the two of them went back to the match. As she had predicted, Adelle saw Cutie attempting a quick sweep at her legs, a maneuver that was jumped past pretty easy. However, the rebound was less succesful as the smaller opponent had almost no recovery time from her sweep and was ready for the follow-up. Initially it looked like she was going to sidestep the straightforward rush, but instead dropped down in a hurry as she backed away a bit as well, pulling out a leg scissor trip and sending Adelle tumbling onto the middle rope. And there was not going to be rest, for Kanai got up as her opponent still bounced in the ropes, doing a rebound of her own as she ran across the ring and then came back with a kind of sitdown move on the busty girl's back. Having slightly stunned Adelle, Cutie remained firmly behind her as she grabbed Adelle by the hair and pulled her up between the ropes, setting her up so that her arms were hooked around the upper rope and the upper body was basically on the outside of the ring, facing the crowd. There were various kinds of cheers sounding across the room by then. "Looks like they did want to see better." Cutie said as she reached around and grabbed the hugeness that was Adelle's chest again, giving the nearby spectators a spray of milk while also pulling back to keep Adelle pinned against the top rope.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle rushed at Cutey she saw her dropping to give her a leg sweep just as she figured she would do and so jumped over it. But as she was about to bound back Cutey managed to trip her up with a scissor trip, making Adelle fall into the ropes. As she was trying to raise herself out or at the very least push off of the ropes to fall onto the ring floor, Adelle felt the ring shake a bit as Cutey bounced off of the opposite ropes and ran at her, jumping and landing square on her back in a sitting position, knocking the breathe out of Adelle in the process. Too stunned to react for the moment, Adelle felt Cutey pulling her hair as she wrapped her up in the ropes, all but tying her down in them and preventing her from breaking loose easily.

Adelle began wriggling and struggling to break free as Cutey finished binding her up in the ropes of the ring, listening to the cheers echoing around the room as Cutey spoke again and reached around, where she grabbed Adelle's huge tits again and gave them both a squeeze, causing her milk to well up in her breasts as it squirted out and onto some of the people in the closest seats to the ring on that side.

"N-No d-dammit... o-ow my hair," Adelle whimpered as Cutey began milking her again where the crowd could now see in full view much better than the last time, shaking her head as if to deny the pleasure it was bringing her and the simple fact she'd been tied up like this. "Oh damn... you're... hitting all the right spots you little devil you and that feels great. B-But... I w-won't g-give up that easily. I'm not going to go down without at least taking those panties off and showing the crowd that cute sweet little ass of yours, and of course they wanted to see more, the crowd always wants to see better," Adelle added to Cutey, shaking her head back and forth a bit and unable to keep from letting out a few little moans while her breasts were groped and milked. She only hoped that what she'd said there about stripping Cutey's panties off and showing the crowd her cute little ass didn't give Cutey the idea of doing the same thing to Adelle, because if she did then Adelle's cheeks would flush red in a mixed feeling of embarrassment and shame, though the former more so than the other, because of the fact she was so wet with arousal herself from the previous milking her breasts took, and this one was only serving to make her more and more aroused as it went on.

Adelle's body shuddered as Cutey continued to squeeze and milk her breasts, her nipples as hard as diamonds, and her body glistening with both her sweat and her milk, a strand of her hair plastered to her cheek from both. Her legs had gone a bit weak when Cutey first started doing it again, as she was still a bit stunned from the smaller girl slamming her little rump down on her back in a sitting position, and she was currently on her knees with her entire upper body from just below her breasts up hanging out of the ring. Adelle tried to recover though and started getting back to her feet, bracing her legs while grabbing a hold of the ropes with her hands, squeezing the ropes and gritting her teeth as she tried to endure the pleasurable milking she was getting. She had to wait for a few moments at least to catch her breath before she tried to break free though, which would probably give Cutey a little time to milk her a good bit or switch to something else if she wished, and she knew that the match was winding down now, so if she didn't get free this time or at least come close to doing so then she may very well lose the match... and she so wanted to win to get the better cash purse from it. But... Adelle's huge boobies felt amazing as Cutey squeezed them though and she couldn't deny that it felt good in every sense of the word as her body began turning pink with arousal for all to see that were in there, so everyone that could see her face in there would see a sexy slightly lust filled look there that could easily be read to tell people that what Cutey was doing to her felt extremely good and pleasurable. She was very near the point of not caring if she won or lost as long as Cutey kept doing what she was doing and made her feel good, but she pushed those lewd and naughty thoughts out of her mind for now, knowing that she had to at least try and break free to give a good show and entertain everyone there... and so she wouldn't be seen as a slutty girl that was only there for the pleasure one could get in there.

As she was lying there in the ropes getting her breasts groped and milked, Adelle couldn't suppress a few cute moans of pleasure as she desperately tried to struggle and free her arms with which to push Cutey off of her. But if that didn't work, then as soon as she'd caught her breath, which would likely take a few seconds more than the last time, Adelle braced her legs better than she'd already tried to get them and she tried to kick them up over her shoulders quickly, trying to wrap them around Cutey and pull her off, or at the very least bump her with them and knock the smaller girl off of her to give her the chance to pull free from the ropes. If she couldn't get her legs up high enough to grab or knock Cutey off of her though, then Adelle would kick her legs up off the ring slightly, where she would swing them forward in between the middle and bottom ropes, using where she was caught on them to hold on as she swung them back up and in from the outside and knocked Cutey off of her that way with a kick that she would do her best to aim at Cutey's body, or if possible wrap her legs around Cutey and either throw her off of her that way or she'd simply wrap her legs around her to squeeze, to maybe squeeze the breath out of her a bit and force her to release her so she would have the chance to break loose from the ropes.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she did get molested for a bit as the enjoyment made things harder for her, Adelle's resistance was good and she soon managed to loosen Cutey's hold on herself with some jerking around in the ropes. While the smaller girl did try to re-estabilish her control, the follow-up bump performed with her butt gave the busty girl freedom as the smaller opponent saw herself losing the battle and decided to let go on her own accord, ending up in the middle of the ring. It was enough to allow Adelle enough time to get herself out from the ropes, and she was soon ready to try a different approach again. She was still near the ropes, while Cutey remained near the middle.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle lay there in the ropes, Cutey continued groping and squeezing her huge tits, her milk squirting out and into the crowd outside the ring, she managed to resist giving in just yet and after a bit of working around she even managed to loosen the smaller girl's grip on her. When Cutey tried to get a grip back on her, Adelle bumped her ass back into the smaller girl and bumped her back enough to make her let go and managed to get herself freed from the ropes and her opponent's hold both.

Shuddering a bit as she got herself out of the ropes, Adelle got into a fighting stance and formulated a quick little plan as Cutey moved back to the middle of the ring to come up with another plan of her own. "Well now Cutey... I'm not through just quite yet. So come on," Adelle said, trying to entice Cutey into rushing at her as she stood there, her nipples erect and her breasts dripping milk.

If she could get the smaller girl to rush her, then Adelle would wait for her to come close before sliding to the side or ducking under Cutey to make her bounce against the ropes, where Adelle would then swing around and catch the smaller girl as she bounced off of them, smothering her face in her tits again and wrapping her arms around Cutey, locking her there where she wouldn't let go easily. Assuming she caught her, Adelle would wrestle her down to the floor of the ring again and wrestle her panties off with one hand while holding the smaller girl down with the other, moving around to sit her butt right down on Cutey's face unless the ref told her not to, in which case she would do as Cutey had done to her before and sit on her stomach and tug the smaller girl's panties off then.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

At the prompt that Adelle gave her, Cutey moved again. This time, she did not come straight forward, but dashed to the side and took a leap from the middle rope in hopes of body slamming her bigger opponent down. The girl's judgement of distance was off some though, and she didn't really manage to do much besides land straight into the busty girl's arms. It appeared that she was not willing to spend all that much more time in the boob canyon, trying to break away and managing it even for a quick moment as she slid down and broke free. Before she could get too far, Adelle already got her again as she tried to retreat, managing a standing hold from behind on the smaller girl. It looked like the idea of what she was being subjected to had already made itself clear, and Cutey was now extremely wary of her opponent's tactics.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle watched Cutey coming at her again, though not straight at her like she'd wanted, but as Cutey bounced off of the ropes, she went right into Adelle's arms thankfully. Adelle struggled to maintain her hold on the smaller girl, not really able to do much in the way of forcing a submission hold, and Cutey even manage to struggle free from her for a few tense moments as she slipped away. But Adelle was able to yank her back to her as she wrapped her arms around Cutey from behind, pinning the smaller girl's arms to her sides before she could get away.

"G-Gotcha now Cutey... now let's show everyone your cute little ass hmm," Adelle said with a little grunt as she held Cutey from behind, crossing her arms so that the smaller girl couldn't break free. Adelle gave Cutey's smaller breasts a few gropes as she held here there before leaning around and kissing her on the cheek. "No matter what happens no hard feelings Cutey, but I don't plan on losing to you that easily, and I'm not letting go now that I've got you again," Adelle added to the smaller girl.

Adelle then kicked Cutey's legs out from under her and wrestled her to the ring floor, with Adelle on bottom where she pulled Cutey's arms back behind her and squeezed her against her body, effectively pinning Cutey's arms between the two girls where she pulled one of her own arms back out whilst the other held Cutey's there between them. With her free hand, Adelle then reached down and started pulling Cutey's bottoms off a bit while her own legs wrapped around Cutey's to hold them still to give her the time to manage this maneuver. Adelle wouldn't even bother to pull Cutey's panties all the way off and would settle for simply getting them down halfway or even just a little bit before using the same hand to start rubbing Cutey's lower lips and get her to submit sexually to her for the victory here.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Cutey put up her best resistance that could be mustered at that particular situation, but it was not a good match against Adelle's weight advantage. Since she had no real chance of sliding out either, the fight went down to the mat after the busty girl performed her trip. While it took some doing to achieve what she was aiming for, it looked like Adelle's strategy carried bigger effect that she was initially expecting. Cutey was not apparently willing to show her most private areas too much, and forfeited the match to her opponent almost immediately after the pants went down. While it seemed to be a bit of a fluke, Adelle had indeed won her first-ever girl wrestling match.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle seemed to have a quite good hold on Cutey as she tripped her down to the ring, though Cutey did attempt to break free during that time, she simply wasn't able to do so as Adelle was heavier than she was. When they hit the mat, Adelle wrestled around with Cutey for a while as she tried to maneuver her into position to put her plan into action. Eventually though, Adelle was able to pin Cutey's hands behind her enough to reach her hand down where she began tugging the smaller girl's bottoms off of her.

"Ha gotcha now Cutey, and... um... okay," Adelle began saying, looking a little amazed and dumbfounded when the smaller girl forfeited the match and tapped out. "I uh... I guess I win then?" Adelle then asked, looking up at the ref as she moved out from under Cutey and moved around to hover over Cutey to cover her a little bit, to let her retain at least a little modesty as she righted her panties.

Once Cutey had righted her panties, Adelle stood up and then grabbed the smaller girl's hand after offering her some help in standing up, trying to be friendly to her despite the match. "Hey, that was a really good and very fun match. No hard feelings Cutey? I really hope you don't have any at least, and I really hope we can have another match sometime in the future, because you're really good at this. I just got lucky this time around," Adelle said to the smaller girl after they both got back to their feet, holding out her hand in friendship to the smaller opponent, wanting to be friends with her.

If Cutey accepted her offer of friendship, Adelle would look around at the crowd, raising Cutey's hand into the air in a show of good sportsmanship, letting everyone there know that she wouldn't have cared had she lost. After everything was done in the ring, Adelle would go over and grab her's and Cutey's tops, handing the smaller girl's clothing to her as they exited the ring. On the way out, Adelle would wrap an arm around Cutey's shoulders and wave to the crowd as they left, smiling all the while and not overly embarrassed about being topless since everyone had already seen her breasts quite well earlier. Once they got to the exit to the locker room, Adelle turned around, not making Cutey do so if she didn't wish to, where she then took a bow to everyone out in the crowd to her right, then she sprang back up and repeated to the left, springing back up and bouncing on the balls of her feet, the whole thing making her breasts sway and jiggle back and forth deliciously in the process as she cheerfully waved to the crowd a time or two as she turned and made her exit.

When they got back to the locker rooms, assuming there wasn't anything in particular either of them needed to do before leaving the ring or ringside, Adelle would sit down on one of the benches in there and heave a sigh of relief now that the match was over, giving Cutey a little half hug before doing so unless the girl was mad at her and didn't want to or something of the sort. "Whew... now that was really fun out there. How did I do? Good I hope," Adelle said after sitting down, asking either or both of the women that helped get her set up with the match if she did alright. She looked quite hopeful like at them as she sat there, still panting slightly from the exertion in the ring earlier, but she genuinely looked like she'd had a lot of fun despite the molesting she had to endure from Cutey, and she also held no hard feelings, regardless of whether Cutey did or not.

[I honestly expected the dice to turn around on her and give her shit rolls to make her lose.]
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Things end up different sometimes. everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg and all that stuff.)

The ref was soon there to get Adelle standing as the victor, raising her hand and all that stuff that usually happened after the bouts had ended in combat sports. It really didn't give her too much of an opportunity to get chatty with Cutey, for the ref was pretty insistent with her behavior. And once she did get into seeing the smaller girl again, the opponent had already slinked away unseen. With the exception of that certain part of the crowd where the small Cutey fanclub was, there was cheering going on. Adelle had apparently left a decently good first impression on them. Only once she had reached the locker room again did the busty girl manage to reach the other wrestler again. While she looked a bit mopey, Cutey did not appear begrudging, only somewhat dissappointed at herself. "Still need to find a way to not freak out like that... it's the reason I keep losing..." the smaller girl confessed, simultaneously revealing why she had lost her earlier two matches.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After a short while when she had finally made her way back to the lover rooms, with the ref kind of preventing her from heading out with Cutey like she'd wanted to do but it didn't prevent her from doing her bows and such, Adelle saw Cutey inside of the locker room moping a bit about losing, though Adelle could understand why since that was her... third loss if she remembered correctly. Hearing Cutey's confession of why she'd lost her two previous matches, Adelle couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. "Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. I honestly didn't expect to win really. I went into that match against you expecting to lose, and I really thought you had me there when you had me pinned down with my shirt up over my head, and again when I was stuck in the ropes. I just managed to get lucky I guess," Adelle replied to Cutey, patting her on the shoulder and trying to cheer her up a bit by letting her know that she had almost won. "If you'd like though Cutey, we could spar and train with each other so that we'll both get better. I'm Adelle by the way, just so you know," Adelle added, reintroducing herself to Cutey, though using her real name now instead of her ring name as she offered her hand to the smaller girl in friendship.

If Cutey took her hand, Adelle would gently pull her to her feet and smile at her, giving her a friendly hug before looking down at herself and realizing that she still hadn't put her top back on just yet, blushing a little as she came to this realization. "Heh... whoops, forgot to put my shirt back on. But I need to wash off after all that in the ring before, because you gave me quite the milking and... well it kind of made me feel like nothing more than a cow to be honest and embarrassed the hell out of me, but I was able to soldier through it somehow," Adelle said to Cutey after standing her up and giving her a little hug, feeling a little embarrassed about her top being off still, but figuring that since it was all girls back here pretty much and the only guys that would be back here in the locker room area would be there for their protection, then there was no reason to be all that shy about being topless or even more naked... especially considering she'd already been seen without her top on and all. "Do you know if there are any showers or bathtubs around here to get cleaned up in? Because I think we could really use one after all that," Adelle added curiously, hoping she wouldn't have to go all the way back across town with her body a bit drenched in her own breast milk, because that was a bit embarrassing to her, though for some reason everyone around here in the ring seeing her like that didn't bother her.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It could have gone both ways, for sure..." was the smaller girl's initial reply. She did not seem to be too afraid of any interraction. "Kanai is my name, the other bit is just for the ring. But I keep hearing it is appropriate. Aaaand maybe it is."

Having recovered her missing upper body attire from Adelle, Cutey pointed her towards a swinging door pair on the other side. Even without her directions, it would have been easy to know that the showers were there for the windows on the doors were steamed over. "The showers are over there. Not sure if they've heated the sauna, didn't get to see it yet." the smaller girl informed Adelle as to what she could find over there.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I really had a lot of fun though regardless, I hope every match I have is as fun as ours was. And I also hope we get a chance to have another match later on," Adelle said, then when the smaller girl said that her name was Kanai and that maybe it was appropriate, Adelle wondered what she meant by it at first, but when she thought about it for a moment when Kanai pointed her to the showers and after they both had their tops back, she realized what she was getting at, thinking to herself that the girl was pretty cute.

Adelle felt a little silly when she looked over at the showers and saw that she could have probably quite easily found them herself and rolled her eyes at her own silliness. "Well you are cute, so it is a bit appropriate I think," Adelle said with a smile at the smaller girl. "Come on, let's get cleaned up, you wash my back and I'll wash yours. And maybe afterwards the sauna will be open and we can relax for a while before we head out," Adelle added, gesturing over towards the showers so they could get cleaned up of the sweat and milk from the match and not bothering to put her top back on just yet as she stopped to take her clothes off and put them somewhere to either get cleaned while she bathed or at least in a place where she wouldn't lose them.

If Kanai came on with her into the showers, Adelle would chat with her while they got cleaned up, gently scrubbing the smaller girl's body first before handing her the loofah to wash her in return. "So how did you end up here doing wrestling matches? Any specific reasons as to why that you'd like to talk about? I mean, I'm doing it for the extra money so that I can earn enough to move my family into a nice big house either here or a bigger house back home. I mean we weren't exactly very poor or anything, but times did get kind of tough every now and then, so I want to do something to help repay them for everything they gave me over the years while growing up you know," Adelle would say while they washed up, telling a little about herself, though she wouldn't fault Kanai if she didn't wish to do the same herself.

Once the shower was done, Adelle would get out and wrap herself in a towel, handing Cutey one as well before going to check and see if the sauna was ready to be used, and if it was she would head inside to sit down and relax with whoever else was inside, laying her head back against the wall and closing her eyes after taking her towel off, not really caring who else was inside the sauna, whether a man or a woman made no difference to her because now was relaxation time after a tough match. If at any time she saw the two that had helped get her set up earlier when she first arrived, Adelle would ask them if they needed another match out of her later that day sometime, or the next day at some point as she had another job to check on tomorrow and all and needed to be sure of the timing for the match so she could be sure to get back in time for it.