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A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans


Demon Girl
Feb 12, 2012
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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm going blindly assume that the majority of GOR fans are male. Now, although I personally don't like it, I can understand the appeal of ryona because of the whole sadism fetish, but don't you guys feel uncomfortable playing these types of games especially ones where the MC is a female?

1. You're playing as a female character getting raped by male characters/tentacle penises and you're a male gamer. Doesn't that make you feel kind of awkward/uncomfortable?

2. A lot of the appeal in these types of games is losing to see the sex scenes and I'm pretty sure a lot of you intentionally lose/die to see them. Isn't it discouraging/cruel to just let your character sit there as she gets beaten up and eventually raped? The thought of intentionally losing should be a major turn-off. In fact, I play these games just to win so I can see the poor, rape-susceptible female character get a happy ending, which makes me warm inside.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone but I thought that this would be the best forum to bring it up on since the GOR community is strong here.


Demon Girl Pro
Aug 15, 2011
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

if you want my opinion on it, it is because consensual is ....boring, Ryona is a lot like BDSM, you can think me masochistic for enjoying it if you'd like, but it's not like I enjoy it because I'm some sort of sadist creep, sometimes I wanna watch it, sometimes I don't, I get bored of the usual porn.

I also have standards, soon as there's blood (enough of it anyway) I'm done.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

At the risk of sounding like a horrible human being, I believe GOR is an outlet for a man's desire to control. Part of the appeal of GOR is that the girl can do nothing about it and that it was the player's fault (and possibly purpose) to have her fail. The combination of the sexual attraction of the character and the ability to have complete control of her satisfies some of the latent desires people have.

I've read once that rapists aren't mentally sick, but rather had their moral guidelines, at least in the case of rape, whittle away due to the influences around them. Real life rapists exhibit perfectly normal human behavior, but when it comes to what sex, they've been exposed to an environment which has led them to believe that rape was acceptable in some cases.

In this sense, you could argue that almost everybody has that subconscious desire to take complete control of their partner. Now, I'm not saying that people who play GOR games are rapists, but it does help to explain why we enjoy them. Since our moral fibers haven't diminished to the point that we believe real life rape is alright, but are perverse enough to enjoy pornography enough to join an entire forum about it, you can imagine that we're comfortable enough with our understanding of what's right and wrong that we can look at GOR and say, "Wow, the fact that the girl is being used against her will is playing along with my desire to control. But at the same time, I'm mature enough to realize that this would be morally abhorrent should this occur in real life."

Of course, in your case, you derive pleasure not from the desire to control the character, but rather to see them happy. This is, I think, a different means to the same end. People enjoy GOR for the feeling of power. However, those who enjoy seeing the character win are probably empathizing for her. Where we want the carnal pleasure of rape, those who are empathizing with the character wants the loser to become a winner. And that's the beauty of GOR: You win if you win, and you win if you lose.

So essentially, and I'm not making fun of you in any way. We, or at least I, enjoy GOR because I don't go into these games looking to connect with the storyline or anything. Rather, I start them up with the intention of getting pleasure from the suffering of the character, knowing full well that it's perfectly okay, and perhaps even healthy, to do so.

Or I'm just a sick fuck trying to justify himself. Whichever comes first!


Jungle Girl
Feb 24, 2010
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

I'm not a fan of gore, but for the ryona part, i see it that way:

If the main character is female that i like, i know that in 100% of the scenes at least one of the character involved will be to my liking.

I also like the fact that since the main is the female/victim you have a better understanding of the character instead of just being girl #12932 getting raped.

I would compare it to watching an horror movie. If you where to follow the bad guy instead of the good guys, there would be very little suspense and you wouldn't feel anything when someone would get killed outside of maybe being happy that the plan of the killer worked.

The last thing i would think of that makes me like female/victim point of view is the very fact that i am a male. I watch/play hentai to see something different than my everyday life. A guy fucking a woman from the guy point of view is just what i did yesterday in my bedroom. It's exiting yes, but it's fun to see different things sometimes.


Demon Girl Pro
Aug 21, 2011
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

1) No, its fictional, but I do avoid Ryona & Guro.

2) I actually try to win first, then fuck around (hurrhurr) on my second run.

Sometimes winning just gets you CGI mode or whatever too.


Demon Girl
Oct 30, 2011
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Whether you win to rape or lose intentionally to see the rape it's still... rape. I don't see why people who like GOR should feel uncomfortable about it while people who like victory rape should not be.


The user formerly known as MoT
Nov 16, 2008
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

The strongest point of it all is;

It's fictional. It's a fantasy. It's not real, but it feels like something of desirable.
A tabuu that you want, but you cannot have it in real life, so you have to simulate it.

You know its wrong, but thats okay! You're not doing it in reality, you're doing it in fiction. You could strectch this argument to anywhere from killing and stealing in games aswell, I'm sure you wouldn't do this in real life but in games its all ok! Double edged sword of morale.

Human mind is weird, there are many desires, ideals, that lurk beneath. Yet one of the big ones are; If it's not actually real, its ok! if nobody knows its ok!

Also in a female stand of point, atleast in tentacle side, there are suprisingly many females that enjoy tentacle rape in ideal, maybe its the idea of bondage, multible penetration in the same time? Maybe it's the fantasy? You never know either. But you should know that even females have fantasies in this area of view, you could be suprised how many females might want to roleplay in bed.


Dec 2, 2008
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

It's a game so I do with it as I please. I don't feel anything but a boner as I watch the scenes.

Sometimes I do think "Oh my gosh, this red head naked woman (jungle girl) is trying to get somewhere but these tentacles pop out. What would you do if one of those crawled up into your vagina and came inside you. Sure she's upset, but the thought is just super kinky.

Fuck yeah.


Mystic Girl
May 5, 2011
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

I play for story and challenge. These games can have much more to their story like with Sengoku Rance than things that dont delve into these themes. If a sex scene comes up and the character is enjoying it (consentual '^') then I may play for pleasure. If not than I read the situation. If it's a game over than I restart and refight the enemy and kick the crap out of it. If its something I have to bear through and get revenge for later than I make sure the revenge happens. I can't bear seeing characters in pain despite it not being real. I have empathy for the character regardless. Like when Fairy crushers came out for Fairy fighting I was horrified at the consequences of losing and tried that much harder to win.
For me, these games provide scenarios that you don get to experience in real life with consequences that make it meaningful to win besides just winning.
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Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2012
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

I would have to agree alot with Darkfire's post, although myself Im a fan of GoR. Im more into Corruption and eventual Mind break and acceptance(If you cant tell by my Da Hootch avatar from SlaveWurm2). But from a pychological perspective, I believe Dark is correct.
+Rep to Dark for a well thought out response to this topic, and cause he admits to using logic to justify being a sick fuck, so WIN WIN.
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Feb 27, 2009
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Depends on the game.

There are some where I'd only get minimal amount of loses for the H-scenes then complete it otherwise rape-less. But there are also some where I make the girl into the biggest slut on earth (SlaveMaker for one)

For the most parts I don't really care if the lead is male or female, but the lead being female means there's more partners she can run into, a male lead just means different girls with little characters and sometimes that's just boring.

And on occasions, there's scenes that really change my feeling, examples include (and not limited to GOR)
The ending of Fallen Wife by Lilith where you see the red head girl get boxed and sent away, being a person who understand what went on there, that was just boner-killingly sad (basically she agreed to do whatever sex act to save her sister, only to have her sister shows up at the end and tell her to fuck off and never return since she's enjoying her new life as a sex slave...poor girl ; ;)
A game over scene in Solty Rei (a magical girl game) with the minotaur. At first it starts out as a typical rape, with him beating her a bit so she'd stop struggling. After a bit she starts to feel pleasure and the minotaur starts to talk about how she's the first woman to take his massive cock and not break, and ask her to be his girl. The girl agrees and it pretty much a fairly happy ending from there (y'know that "I was born to be this person's wife" sort of ending, without the usual raped-until-insane part)


Mystic Girl
Feb 15, 2011
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Actually in GOR games I do in fact try to win and avoid getting raped. The scene you get for losing is more worth it when you tried your best to avoid it imo.

Does playing a female character make me feel uncomfortable? No, as a matter of fact I prefer playing as a female character.

So while I do my best to actually win the game, I certainly don't mind losing. It sure beats a classic "gameover" screen.


Demon Girl
Jun 1, 2011
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

I really don't prefer guro at all. (Infact I can't stand it) I don't mind if it's mild though. It's a bit awkward for sure, but it's pretty erotic infusion seeing a hot ass chick get nearly raped. Don't mind ryona, though.

Though I don't usually play games where the main character is female.


Demon Girl
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

1. Not at all, I usually don't even play the games for the game overs, I usually try to avoid the scenes, to me they are just a non standard game over.
2. I also like the happy endings, the only reason I'll intentionally lose is out of curiosity at what the maker of the game put into the game, this is also one of the reasons I like games where they don't have game overs, usually the author does something different with it, and reloading the saves gets annoying.

Incidentally, that doesn't mean people will play anything, for example, I draw the line at torture.


Sex Demon
Aug 27, 2011
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

The fact that the main character is female certainly doesn't disturb me, even in the slightest.

The fact that it often ends in game-over does mean that trying to get all the scenes is more of a bother than a pleasure, but that's not due to it being a turn-off, or it being discouraging. It's just a boring grind to have to do stuff over and over, and for that reason I'm many many times more of a fan of Rape On Loss, as opposed to Game OVER rape, per se. Not to mention, GoR means that you NEED to avoid the rapes in order to progress to the next section of the game, and that's not something I'm generally pleased with doing.

Granted, of course, the atmosphere of "Gradual correction of inhibitions" in a ROL is also somewhat more to my liking than that in a strict GOR, but eh.

The way I see it, if you're going to resist, then it's only right and good that you be straightened out.

Letting the character sit there and get beaten down is a satisfying part of the straightening out.

The only reason I'd generally not play a GoR with a MALE character and female enemies is that the idea of a male character resisting in the first place, especially if you can't actually set him straight and continue with the gameplay, burns me up so much that I hardly enjoy the game at all - Reference "Monster Girl Quest."
As far as I can tell, the reason for that ESPECIAL annoyance is that I start off empathising with the MC more, due to shared sex/gender, and then his actions make him into a completely unacceptable surrogate.
Shit won't do at all.

Basically, RoL is more fun because of the "training" aspect that you'll find in much of the genre and the lack of boring repetition, but GoR is more inconvenient than a turn-off, USUALLY.
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Oct 9, 2009
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm going blindly assume that the majority of GOR fans are male. Now, although I personally don't like it, I can understand the appeal of ryona because of the whole sadism fetish, but don't you guys feel uncomfortable playing these types of games especially ones where the MC is a female?

1. You're playing as a female character getting raped by male characters/tentacle penises and you're a male gamer. Doesn't that make you feel kind of awkward/uncomfortable?

2. A lot of the appeal in these types of games is losing to see the sex scenes and I'm pretty sure a lot of you intentionally lose/die to see them. Isn't it discouraging/cruel to just let your character sit there as she gets beaten up and eventually raped? The thought of intentionally losing should be a major turn-off. In fact, I play these games just to win so I can see the poor, rape-susceptible female character get a happy ending, which makes me warm inside.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone but I thought that this would be the best forum to bring it up on since the GOR community is strong here.
1. It's a fantasy. Why do so many RPG gamers play as female characters and romance male NPCs? That's because fantasy is a way to let you do things that you normally cannot do in real life (e.g. magic). Also, eroge games with male characters is actually closer to rape than GOR games with female characters. First you intentionally beat up a female NPC, then you proceed to have sex with her. I am pretty sure that's a textbook definition of rape. Thus I am more comfortable with being raped (since that's not something that can actually happen in real life) than actually raping someone. Does that make sense? I guess I am just not comfortable with the idea of going out to hurt someone, hence the alternative is somewhat better.

2. Well, to be fair in most GOR games there are no such thing as a happy ending. I have played one or two games that do somewhat reward you for remaining a virgin till the very end, but most games usually don't make this a distinction. In fact most games reward you for having more sex, whether consensual or not. There is also a more practical reason of course - it's just easier to get sex scenes with a female character. Losing is easy (unless if you have leveled up so much that you have before practically immortal, but most games have mechanism that can lower your stats), but winning not so much. Sometimes I just want to watch a few quick sex scenes without having to defeat an entire army first. As for the emotional consequences of seeing my character being beaten up... well, I will admit it is a little depressing, but only in retrospect. Seeing your character getting raped is like eating meat - it feels good during the act, but afterwards you might feel a little guilty. So either you cope with it or you become a vegetarian.

Btw, you should bring this over to the GOR thread in Hong Fire too. There's a noticeable lack of activity over there lately.

Edit: Forgot to mention that a lot of Eroge games with male character end up with the main character becoming a raping monster. That's usually extremely off-turning. Except Rance. That dude's awesome.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

For me, the turn on has always been the bondage aspect, my tastes in tentacle hentai has always been distinct, the thought of a beautiful woman having her clothes ripped off and being fucked against her will has appealed me to since i saw the beginning scene from Urotsukidoji. i literally get shivers down my spine thinking of such a situation and the possibilities of it.

Further appealing is the thought that the woman is somehow necessary to the survival of their species, because of this, they take great care of her as they rape her relentlessly for the foreseeable future, i do not enjoy seeing the woman suffer terrible physical pain or death, it is preferable that she have unimaginable pleasure forced onto her (or into her as it were).


Sex Demon
Dec 14, 2010
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

I feel weird compared to the rest of you after reading this.

I'm female and to be perfectly frank I don't actually like GOR I prefer ROR or other forms where the rape does not actually end the game. I like allowing it t continue despite the momentary capture.

Anyways my reasoning for liking being raped in videogames as a female character is that I actually really get into games. Like to the point I tend to get a bit of whatever the character feels (I don't like guro much for this reason) And I have a fetish for being dominated and rape play (Obviously being raped for real would not be enjoyable) so it's a fun way of getting that experience without actually having to get myself attacked by a crazy psychosexual deviant.

Addendum: I just realized this is probably why I initially designed the T-tan character after myself. I bet a psycho analyst would have a field day with that revelation.
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Demon Girl Pro
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

GOR means a lot content of Game Over Rape, but I do prefer only soft content for sure :D (such as non-hardcore ryona, no guro, little SM is fine, etc.)
(Yay! I forgot about RoR(run or rape), that my favorite too!)

for IMO of your question (I think its not really that offend xD) :

1. For me even its not pure female (futanari or trap or female gender a like, bla bla bla) still fine, only I plays for entertainment and satisfy.
for now I also perfer cutie boy over female too, cuz it getting a bit boring for me.(and my sex is male, kinda weird huh :eek:)

Not really think that deep how I feel awkward or uncomfortable or something like that. If its not boring games I still play it, games are for entertainment anyways ;)

2. Its only part of game plays even its a main title or highlight of game itself, still the game like this don't really need just to lose/die all the times.

For me I usually playthrough the whole game with out thinking that much.
If I like some porn, I'll have with it. If I like some game play, I play it through.
It only a kind of game that has pornography content btw. :p
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Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Some of those who are in total control of their lives, sometimes would like it robbed from them, and live vicariously through such. Tack that on with exhibitionism and a kink for competition, you'll have what appeals to me. And the idea that the urge to have sex with them is greater than their need to kill them is a pleasant deviation from the normal video game "death" and is erotic. Though guro and even moderate Ryona I can't quite stomach.