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Ai (KakkaHousu)



RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai charges down the steps, taking a leap after the final few and thrusting her spear forward. It gives a short glow before impaling through the table and the man underneath. It certainly looks like he's out for good now. The last thug flinches for a moment during his attack because of the ferocity Ai displays. His attack on Spinalis goes wide as the rope demon twists itself into a strange shape, landing a heavy smash on the man as it practically dances its way around behind him, flanking the man with Ai. The last thug certainly isn't in good shape, but he doesn't look like he's about to give up.

Battle Block
Ai 2/6 FP 0/10 AP
Spinalis 3/7 HP

Thug (Defeated)
Thug (Defeated)
Thug 1/?? HP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Haha, now we deal with you." Ai said out loud as she stepped off the table, joining forces with her companion once more in a combined effort to take out this final harasser. She wasn't big on getting sold off or something right as she had entered into this new game.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The last thug seemed almost too easy for Ai. With the flank from Spinalis, it was more than easy to land her attack. A thrust caught the man in the shoulder, leaving him open for an attack from Spinalis. He seemed in bad shape and panicked. He rushed towards Ai, hefting his sword high. If he knocked her out the summon should cease, he thought. It didn't work out quite that way as Ai found it more than easy to deflect the blow, jabbing the half of her weapon into him as the momentum carried him forward. He crumbled to the ground, finished.

Ai was well aware the battle was over as a small popup appeared in front of her.

[FONT="Courier New"]
You have earned enough experience to rank up with your weapon.
Your rank with polearms is now at '2'. 
You have unlocked 'Skills'.
Each Skill you possess may be used once each combat.
You must rest before using skills again

Please Select a Skill
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Leg Sweep[/COLOR]
You perform a low sweep at the enemies legs.
Success in using this skill will trip one or two enemies,
lowering their defense for a short time. 
It deals normal damage.

[COLOR="SandyBrown"]Haft Thrust[/COLOR]
Utilize an unexpected haft thrusting attack with an enemy.
It will stun an enemy if it connects, leaving them open and
causing them to miss an attack.
It deals normal damage.
Stat Block
Ai 2/6 FP 0/10 AP
Spinalis 3/7 HP
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Now having to deal with two opponents seemed to be getting into the remaining enemy, who was no by himself against two targets able to cause hurt against him. With a little bit of attacking and fending of an attack, Ai was able to finally rid herself of this threat to her freedom. As the man fell down, she let out a sigh of relief. ""Well, that was quite a workout. Let's hope there's not too many of his friends around." she thought out aloud, soon facing a pop-up thingie for some kind of skill selection. It didn't take her long to decide, since one skill was usable against multiples, and that is what she picked as her choice.



RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

As Ai finally had a few moments to relax she noticed that Spinalis had kept himself at attention and alert for new threads. She noticed now that the men had dropped small bags, perhaps her spoils of victory? It didn't take long for Ai to go through them, and she saw that inside all of the pouches were three small coins. A small popup explained that they were 'Klerfs', money of the world. Kf for short. Taking a few moments to examine they were about the size of a nickel and were made from a red metal. She slipped the coins into her own money pouch.

She discovered in one of the mans purses was an iron key. It looked fairly simple, as if it went to a cage or something. Ai heard now a small thumping sound from upstairs. Apparently there was someone or something still up there. Spinalis also turned its head to stare up the stairs, Ai could tell it was curious what was up there.

Stat Block
Ai 2/6 FP 0/10 AP
Spinalis 3/7 HP

Iron Key
Money: 59 Kfs

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The quick skill selection occupied only a brief moment of her time, but still Ai had been watched over by her attentive companion. Giving a quick but proper hug to Spinalis, she eventually switched attention towards the unconsious men. There appeared to be things on them, and she wouldn't miss out on investigating them. There appeared to be money, which she was quick to pocket. "Should have not attacked me, I'll take these in compensation." the busty girl said, even as she knew her attackers wouldn't likely hear any of it. Another item too revealed itself, a simple key. With the further poke at her curiousity sounding from upstairs, it was clear what would be the next move. "Alright, let's move." Ai said as she started making way upstairs, possibly to use the key if something came up.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai found upstairs it was pretty empty. She head the noise again from a side room with no door. Carefully making her way into the room she spotted the source of the noise. At first she would have called it a fairly large iron cage, but then she noticed it was closer to a jail cell, a locked door and a set of metal bars. Inside the cell sat a girl on the ground. She was naked except for rope which had tied her. She made mmffs and slight moans into a gag. It looked as though something was stuffed into her mouth, a cleave gag holding it in place. She had very long dark green hair, Ai might say it went down to the back of her knees. There was a pile of clothes on the ground next to her. She was bound tightly, arms tied behind her and ropes forming a harness on her chest, outlining her small breasts. She had a tight rope that was knotted tied across her crotch, holding what looked like a vibrator. Ai could hear the buzzing now, it was turned on. There was a control box on the floor next to her. The girls legs were left untied.

The last thing Ai noticed is that she had the innate feeling that this was another player, not just an NPC like those thugs. Thinking back to the key, Ai thought it would probably fit to the cage, she took it out, but before she could try it, a menu opened on the cage.

Cell Options
Matching Key Found
>>Open Cell<<
Claim Ownership of contents
Cancel Menu
Stat Block
Ai 2/6 FP 0/10 AP
>>Skills: Leg Sweep
Spinalis 3/7 HP

Iron Key
Money: 59 Kfs
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

It only took a small amount of searching to find the source of the sounds, located on a side room on the upper floor. Having already seen these scenarios earlier, the caged girl did not really surprise Ai. "Huh, so that's what they had been doing. Somehow, I'm not surprised." she thought, not wasting any time on getting the captive free from their predicament.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai set about quickly to free the girl. As she was confirming the selection to open the cell, Ai noticed as the girl spasmed a bit, apparently her captors had been cruel enough to leave the vibrator on high, and she'd been brought to orgasm. The girl shivered and spasmed as her toes curled, Ai just barely getting to her side, able to turn the vibe off for now. Next came off the gag, and Ai would discover the girl had been gagged with a pair of panties, probably her own. As Ai got started untying her the girl gave a soft smile, catching her breath.

"T-thanks.." There was a light blush on her face, understandable considering what had just happened. After Ai finally got her untied, she sat up, starting to get dressed. Ai was right in that the girl's hair had gone down to her knees, it was very pretty.

"My name is Lisa, thank you for helping me." She talked quietly as she got dressed. "I really didn't want to be sold off again on the market so quickly, I just got away from all that a few days go." She shook her head a bit, shrugging. Her outfit was a long purple dress that went down to her ankles, it covered her chest fairly well, though it showed off a slight bit of skin right under her neck and on her shoulders. The arms extended to her wrists, having a wide opening so that some of the fabric would hand. She gave her attention to Ai after getting dressed, if she had wanted to say something.
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Hmm, looks like they still have the eye for these little touches..." Ai thought as she saw the pantygag, a thing that had happened to herself already and some others too during her adventures. Eventually the girl was free, and she began to get back into her clothes after thanking Ai, her clothes still there at the side of the cage. "Sure, always happy to be of help. I am Ai." the busty girl replied to the released captive as they talked a bit about their predicament and having been freed from it. Eventually, Lisa was finished with dressing up, but apparently not talking as it seemed she was still housing some need to come out with something. Yet, she did not. "Hmm, what is it? Looks like you have something to say, you can tell me."


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Lisa tilted her head a bit as Ai asked what it was she wanted to say. "Ah...? I don't think I did..." She pauses to consider. "Well, just that I think I can consider myself lucky, that's all. It would have kind of sucked if you hadn't come along...but thankfully you did, so it's very much my pleasure to meet you, Ai."

The girl finished getting dressed as she looked around, frowning a bit. "Guess I'll have to stop by the shop to pick up a new weapon, you didn't see where they stored their victims belongings, did you? After I was stripped I was thrown in here, they carted my bag and sword off somewhere."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Hmm, alright. I have been to somewhat similar situations myself earlier, so I can relate with not liking this kind of predicament and stealing of freedom." Ai told the girl, eventually getting another dilemma as the other pondered their weapon and rest of the equipment. "No, not really. I've only been here for a short while, and only seen the main hall pretty much."


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Lisa nodded a bit. "Ah...well it's not like I mind that much...it's just I'd like to play the game a little sometimes, you know? I spent the last two days trapped in a public use stock..." She blushed a bit, her thoughts apparently drifting back to that. "So...anyways yeah, let's check out the other rooms."

It didn't take too long for the two girls to check the other rooms in the house, and they found Lisa's missing gear before too long. She smiled in relief, glad she wouldn't have to go purchase new gear. "I think I'm going to head out of town to adventure for a while, thanks again for your help." She paused and Ai saw the girl eye Spinalis. "Though, I guess I'm curious. I haven't heard of a summoner before, are you new to the online version?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Oh, that probably sucked in a major way..." Ai commented as she heard what her new companion had been doing the past two days. She made no further comment about it after that, instead going along with Lisa to find the other girl's missing equipment pack and weapon. A few investigated rooms later, it was there for her to pick up. And right then, it appeared there were further things that the rescued girl wanted to ask. "Well yes, I pretty much am. Just got here a little while ago."


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"It really did suck. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't had to." Lisa gave a small smirk at her joke. It was clear the girl hadn't minded the experience too much. but she had probably had enough of it for now. She finished checking her equipment, smiling. "Well good luck then, let me know if you ever need a hand, you can send messages from trading posts. If you need something to do, you could probably check the bounty board."

With that, Lisa offered her hand to shake, and made her way from the building. Ai felt tired, and knew she might need to rest at an Inn, or at least stop at a store. She had a fair number of coins, and she could probably make good use of them at a store or a smith. At this point it was really up to her what she wanted to do. She could probably stop Lisa and ask to adventure with her if she really wanted. She might accept, but it looked like the girl was a bit of a solo player.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Alright, I'll try to keep that in mind. Hope you get a bit more success in the next adventure." Ai told her possible friend in some future endeavor. But for now, she wouldn't go asking Lisa for tag action, instead letting the other enjoy her own adventures a bit more as she went out to town by herself. It did appear that there was a little more things to take care of in this advanced game mode, so she would head out and visit the stores and blacksmith to get the different stuff in order. She would also need to rest, but that would be after the stores.

(Visit smith, update weapon. Go to store, buy two armor repairs, two whetstones, two rest kits and a ration pack. Then inn.)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Lisa smiled as she left, giving a small nod and a final 'Thank you' to Ai. Ai herself was a busy girl as she headed back into town. As she left the building Spinalis gave a short bow, dismissing himself. Apparently summons weren't allowed in town. She had a lot to do now. As she made her way to an inn, she noticed a smithy. Stopping inside she learned from the kindly NPC shopkeeper that she could upgrade her weapon here. Considering she had the money for it, she decided it was a good expenditure. She'd have to come back in a little while, but she could fine plenty of things to do. Like shopping in the item shop across the street. She saw a few things she thought would be useful, should she head out to adventure. Her final stop was at the Inn. Since she didn't exactly feel tired, she opted for the quicker bath rest option. Heading to one of the private rooms, she enjoyed a nice relaxing bath as she felt herself feel a lot more energized.

She probably spent a bit longer than she expected before she blinked open her eyes. Having felt she was rested enough, she collected her things, heading back to the smithy. Her weapon was finished and she collected it with a smile. She could feel the balance had greatly improved, and the blade on it was just sparkling, honed to perfection.

Leaving the Smithy she was back on the streets of the town. She could wander through the streets, waiting for new adventure, or perhaps she could go to the bounty board and see what was there. She also could probably just leave town, wandering the roads and looking for adventure that way.
Stat Block
Ai 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
>>Skills: Leg Sweep
>>Upgrades: Weapon [Maintained]

Money: 4 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(2) Whetstone
(2) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Having determined her plan of action, Ai began her shopping trips after waving goodbyes to Spinalis. The rope demon was probably not allowed into town, so he would have to wait until she summoned her again, which most likely would be as soon as there was a sign of trouble. With the two others now departed, she went ahead and headed into the city.

After a whole lot of dealings with various merchants and the smith, the busty girl managed to get herself back into a rested and fine condition, even sporting a better blade with herself now. The smith had done good work, and her naginata was now a whole lot better in her hands. A quick look at the bounty board did not seem to raise any interests in her mind, the spontaneous adventure being more of her thing. Waving a dismissing hand at the board, she opted to make it for the roads and random adventures.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai finishes up her time in town. Since the bounty board seems to be bereft of anything interesting, she makes her way out of town. Looking around Ai finds that the field is pretty empty. In the game it's still early morning, it's fairly dark out and the sun is just poking it's head up over the horizon. Regardless of that Ai continues on. She passes one or two groups of people who look like they're just doing hunting, running off the paths and looking for monsters to slay. For them it probably wasn't that bad, enjoy a good fight and get some spoils, or enjoy a good fight and be some spoils. It probably worked for a lot of the players either way.

But Ai had the feeling if she looked hard enough she might be able to find something more, a story quest line, or maybe just some place really interesting. Her journey eventually took her to a crossroads. The signs were unmarked but she could tell by looking down the paths where they went. She saw one path headed down a steep path. It lead into a valley, at the bottom of the valley was a thick forest. From here she could tell eventually the valley ended, coming up on the other side and leading off somewhere else. A town, a dungeon, who knew. Another path headed upwards, into the mountains. She could see a dark fortress up there, far away. The path seemed to head towards it. Maybe it was abandoned, maybe it was inhabited, regardless it looked like the type of place that could be explored. And the last path, forward, seemed to lead to a small trading post town. She could see people moving between buildings and stuff, probably resupplying before heading back out into the field. After that the road probably continued, but she couldn't tell where it went.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Along the sides of the nearby roads, other adventurers could be found doing their thing, the end result being one or the other. Maybe some of them didn't care, Ai thought as she passed these people on her way. She was looking for something a bit more different herself.

Eventually, there were choices for her. Three of them, in fact. One of the options was almost immidiately crossed out, for a dark fortress of sorts had already been in her past exploits. While the trading post seemed a fun option, ultimately the busty girl decided for the forest and the unknown places beyond it's borders and roads.