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Games Discussion Thread


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Meat promoters? I'm not sure those exist, but if they do then their existence is wholly unnessecary.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't know why those exist, but I certainly can't dispute the logic used within.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nunu had some friends invade and played artemis last yesterday.

I have to say we all had a massive amount of fun. It only lasted a few hours though because as well all enjoyed the concept and the social aspect, the game just would not stop getting in the way. Also apparently even though its versyion 1.6 or something its still in beta... the guy making it doesn't understand what the version numbers means.

Okay so what artemis is, for those who haven't heard about it, is a space ship bridge simulator. Each person designates their roles on the ship, helms, weapons, engineering, science, communications or captains viewscreen.

okay the good:

1. Having 6 people arranged in the star trek bridge positions feels really fun and this is the only game that allows you to do that
2. multiple ship types and FTL drive types allow for you to actualy have your own ship with your own crew (your friends hopefully).
3. creating a situation where you need six peoples worth of work to do means that you go into great depths for each role in a simulative fashion. So while not automaticaly loading torpedo tubes sounds bad it actualy aids the fun of the game.
5. if all the roles are full you can have a fleet of up to six ships.
6. people are capable of assigning themselves more than one role, although there may only be one helm, weapons and engineering per ship. at the end of the day though most of the best parts of this point are just mitigating some bad points in an inefficient way.


1. needs tutorial, although the learning process is fun to as everyone yells at each other every tiny little discovery.
2. every station except science has no concept of what is going on in anything other than the imediate surroundings of the ship or their station (whichever is smaller), this isn't good if you are say... attempting to drive or fire weapons.
3. the entire role of captain is like outsourcing your management to another country. science needs to tell the captain everything thats happening just so he can tell other people what to do.
4. the missions thus far are just fighting random fleets of mooks around space stations that you repair at. This results in low replayability and squanders the potential of the game.
5. because of point 4 the communications officer isn't in for a riveting time. although they still had fun what with all the yelling.
6. the overall aesthetic is a bit dry.
7. game would be more interesting if 3d.
8. game would work better if it moved a little slower so you had time to make decisions instead of just rampant screaming that cuts the captain out and makes people wonder what the hells going on.
9. overall lack of depth and redundancy in roles. the following roles are redundant: everyone except helm and weapons. everyone needs to have access to the science screen to see whats happening.
10. more intuetive controls needed.
11. no way to communicate between players except yelling. the captain should be able to a: see things and b: set waypoints and such that appear on other peoples screens to cut down on guesswork.
12. i've heard the developer actively refuses any help in developing the game so its just one guy fapping himself in game development. it shows in overall clunkyness and such.
13. games aren't designed to last long enough which results in squandering more potential goodness. longer games would increase RP elements and decrease action elements.
14. doesn't work outside of lan situations.

Overall it was better than i was expecting, not as good as i was hoping and nothing compared to what it could be. If you've got a half dozen friends round with computers give it a god and you'll all have fun. then you'll get bored and do something else.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I got into the Planetside 2 beta last night.

-Damned impressive.
-Somewhat overwhelming.
-Lots of fun.
-Battles and scenes like no other game.

I start out, walking into the main deployment room of the faction I chose to try out. Anywhere between 50 to a 100 players all around me. To one side I watch a small column of 6 or so tanks and IFVs heading out to parts unknown. Moving on ahead, taking a few glances at the vehicle spawn panels but not taking any, a pair of "Galaxy" troop transport aircraft land up ahead of me, and a guy broadcasts over voice chat for reinforcements needed at an on going assault. So me and about 23 other players pile into the two aircraft and are whisked off to some far away location. During the flight we come under attack by enemy air units, but our gunners and an escort manage to shoo them off. Forced to land early by flak near the enemy installation that we're sieging, we make our way on foot to the battlefield. And it's crazy. Must have been in the area of 200 players between the two factions involved, and as the medic class I have my hands full dashing about trying to keep all our guys alive and prevent them from having to catch another scenic ride over. The battle seems to swing in our favour, and the last enemy resistance dries up, leaving most of us momentarily lost for what we're meant to be doing now. One twit gets bored and starts team killing, and gets his weapons locked. I revive his victims. But we haven't captured the territory yet, and a lot of people are asking how, or why we haven't. There's also constant gunfire still heard all around, but I can't find the fight. Then I discover the way up into the actual facility itself, and realise that there's been a furious room to room struggle going on in the structure up above us the entire time.

At a latter moment, I suddenly realise that night has fallen, and whilst training myself on the light gunship, get to witness an enormous column of 50 or so friendly tanks and armoured vehicles heading across the desert toward enemy lines. Enemy gunships are strafing them, and scores of infantry fire rockets down at them from a nearby cliff side. The amount of tracer fire and flak flying up into the dark sky and at the cliff side is amazing to watch, and reminds me of the common FPS set piece where you can look into the sky and see jets and anti-air fire fly in all directions. Only here, it was all "real". Every shot going up was fired by a player, at a player, and when an aircraft arced down in flames, I could watch the pilot bail out and run for the hills.

Latter still, I'm shooting at rocks and chatting. Because I felt like a break from the hectic fighting. The fight goes on without me of course, but I was safe to just hang back at base, far enough away from the enemy to be able to take the time to test the bullet drop on the rifles. It's a refreshingly unique way to play.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I got into the Planetside 2 beta last night.

-Damned impressive.
-Somewhat overwhelming.
-Lots of fun.
-Battles and scenes like no other game.

I start out, walking into the main deployment room of the faction I chose to try out. Anywhere between 50 to a 100 players all around me. To one side I watch a small column of 6 or so tanks and IFVs heading out to parts unknown. Moving on ahead, taking a few glances at the vehicle spawn panels but not taking any, a pair of "Galaxy" troop transport aircraft land up ahead of me, and a guy broadcasts over voice chat for reinforcements needed at an on going assault. So me and about 23 other players pile into the two aircraft and are whisked off to some far away location. During the flight we come under attack by enemy air units, but our gunners and an escort manage to shoo them off. Forced to land early by flak near the enemy installation that we're sieging, we make our way on foot to the battlefield. And it's crazy. Must have been in the area of 200 players between the two factions involved, and as the medic class I have my hands full dashing about trying to keep all our guys alive and prevent them from having to catch another scenic ride over. The battle seems to swing in our favour, and the last enemy resistance dries up, leaving most of us momentarily lost for what we're meant to be doing now. One twit gets bored and starts team killing, and gets his weapons locked. I revive his victims. But we haven't captured the territory yet, and a lot of people are asking how, or why we haven't. There's also constant gunfire still heard all around, but I can't find the fight. Then I discover the way up into the actual facility itself, and realise that there's been a furious room to room struggle going on in the structure up above us the entire time.

At a latter moment, I suddenly realise that night has fallen, and whilst training myself on the light gunship, get to witness an enormous column of 50 or so friendly tanks and armoured vehicles heading across the desert toward enemy lines. Enemy gunships are strafing them, and scores of infantry fire rockets down at them from a nearby cliff side. The amount of tracer fire and flak flying up into the dark sky and at the cliff side is amazing to watch, and reminds me of the common FPS set piece where you can look into the sky and see jets and anti-air fire fly in all directions. Only here, it was all "real". Every shot going up was fired by a player, at a player, and when an aircraft arced down in flames, I could watch the pilot bail out and run for the hills.

Latter still, I'm shooting at rocks and chatting. Because I felt like a break from the hectic fighting. The fight goes on without me of course, but I was safe to just hang back at base, far enough away from the enemy to be able to take the time to test the bullet drop on the rifles. It's a refreshingly unique way to play.
From a modern day shooter, that sounds amazing. Though with 200+ players a match, I'm surprised there's no latency issues.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm surprised it runs as smoothly as it does too. I rarely notice any lag or latency issues at all, no matter how many physical projectiles people seem to be spamming into the air. You notice the odd individual that will be skipping about erratically, but it's always an isolated player, not the game as a whole.

Also, you misunderstood. There are no matches. It has large Elder Scrolls style free roaming maps (currently two of them, with a third in the pipeline), with three factions fighting to control persistent territories and structures. When you capture a territory it remains yours until the enemy push you out. And the estimated 200 players I mentioned was the amount taking part in one particular non scripted battle, in one part of the map. The actual population limit for each map is apparently 2000.

For anyone that's played Battlefield 3, here's a size comparison image I just found using Caspian Border for scale.

No loading screens or barriers between regions. The only out of bounds areas are the outside edges of the map. I really haven't a clue what they did to break the expected norm/technical limitations for map size and player count, but they've done it well.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Welp, my pants just unzipped themselves. Please tell me it's freeplay, or at least if the beta is no purchase necessary D:


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Planetside 2 is completely free to play. It's an MMOFPS with no NPCs whatsoever. Just you, other players, and a shit ton of bases to capture. Currently in beta.

Also, TR 4 LIFE.

ALSO also, right now it feels like someone got Battlefield in my Planetside. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn't feel enough like Planetside right now IMO.

I would say play the first Planetside, but be warned it's still subscription-based, so you'll have to throw down some cash to play it, unless they still have a free trial somewhere. I think they brought back trial accounts, but they kept going back and forth on that last time I played, so IDK anymore.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

What Kusanagi said. I would offer you my beta buddy key if I hadn't already given it to my sister.

And which part did you mean felt different Kusa? I never played Planetside 1, so I wouldn't know.
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Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, for one thing there were no 'head shots' in PS1. Also, there weren't 'classes', you just certed up and played however the fuck you wanted.
Best part about Planetside 1: YOU COULD GET ANY WEAPON ON ANY EMPIRE. Well, there were empire-specific weapons, but if you killed someone, you could go into their backpack and TAKE THEIR GUN. And if that was all you wanted, that's all you had to take.
Oh, and no spawn beacons. Just a mobile spawn point ground vehicle (Advanced Mobile Spawn), towers, and the base.
And a shit-ton more indoor fighting.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

What Kusanagi said. I would offer you my beta buddy key if I hadn't already given it to my sister.

And which part did you mean felt different Kusa? I never played Planetside 1, so I wouldn't know.
Tis k. Betas gonna beta, I got a few things to figit on anyway as I wait :p


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just finished Dishonored. I enjoyed some of it, found the story and characters quite endearing, especially the talking heart.

Few things bugged me about it, the stealth system is'nt as fleshed out as it should be, when you throw something enemies immediately look at you instead of the place where the bottle broke. Additionaly for an assasination game it's awfully bright, half the missions are in broad daylight.

It's another one of those games where you're retardedly punished for killing, even though they've gone to all the trouble of making a bunch of fun weapons, and assanation animations, if you want the "good" ending you're going to mostly make use of a sleeper hold and tranq darts. And guess what? Even though you can upgrade your ammo capacity for pretty much every other fucking ammo type, you're stuck with a max of 10 tranq darts. The magic's kind of fun, but once again you're going to use a very limited selection of it if you're going for the "good" ending.

I'll give this game a 5/10 if you go the nonlethal route, and a 7/10 if you don't give a shit and have fun killing everything.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just finished Dishonored. I enjoyed some of it, found the story and characters quite endearing, especially the talking heart.

Few things bugged me about it, the stealth system is'nt as fleshed out as it should be, when you throw something enemies immediately look at you instead of the place where the bottle broke. Additionaly for an assasination game it's awfully bright, half the missions are in broad daylight.

It's another one of those games where you're retardedly punished for killing, even though they've gone to all the trouble of making a bunch of fun weapons, and assanation animations, if you want the "good" ending you're going to mostly make use of a sleeper hold and tranq darts. And guess what? Even though you can upgrade your ammo capacity for pretty much every other fucking ammo type, you're stuck with a max of 10 tranq darts. The magic's kind of fun, but once again you're going to use a very limited selection of it if you're going for the "good" ending.

I'll give this game a 5/10 if you go the nonlethal route, and a 7/10 if you don't give a shit and have fun killing everything.

Just before the ending I decided to start a new game, to "set things right". Just as you said, the game makes a point of feeling the player bad for killing people. Which is okay - you are even warned about the consequences right from the start. However after slaughtering the whole tutorial level staff I thought "What the hell, I'm just gonna stick with it and see how things play out".

However the game never really allows you to redeem yourself. After the first two or so missions I always chose the nonlethal route - and yet I was treated the serial killer treatment. Right until the end nothing changed. So there doesn't really seem to be a "grey" way of playing this, just black and white - which is sad really because the way the game reacts to the morality choices showed much promise.

Oh well, let's just kill'em all...

EDIT: Also, what I hate in any stealth centered game, is Guards etc. reacting suspiciously to footsteps. Every game gets that wrong. These guys are surrounded by 300lb. apes in chainmail armor walking in a way that suggests that they can't get out of said armor to take a crap - them walking makes noice, too. So why do I have to be silent if they shouldn't be able to know that these are my footsteps!
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The Walking Dead Ep. 4 Happened, and I played it. If you're the sort that has a load of feelings all the time, it's gonna be a bit rough. If not, you're still probably going to get got near the beginning and the end. Shit's heartbreaking, yo.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread



Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

If your wallet feels roughly $20 or 17€ too heavy this close to Halloween go ahead and pick up while it's still on a 15% off sale and help a friend's roommate to stay alive on the indie dev market and make more games.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, boy. This one's gonna be a doozeh.

For those who've played/shown interest Killing Floor, the 2012 Halloween event has kicked off, meaning a new map, event-flavored zeds and achievements, with the option of getting a free skin if you're dedicated enough to do the achievements.

That's not the biggy however. KF also released not only four new, in-house made weapons included in the patch, but also the first-ever weapon DLC, created by the guys responsable for the IJC weaponpack. They're getting full proceeds to the weaponpack's sales instead of Tripwire even, if anything it should be encouraging people to make more high-quality mods for that golden chance.

Instead, there's thread after thread after THREAD in the Steam discussions about the severe heresy of selling such a weapon pack, that they're just in it for the money now and how many of them are uninstalling the game. For selling four add-on items for the first time in three years of free content updates and scraping along on skinpack sales, among which a good 60% of the game's arsenal was released for free. Which, again, they're not getting a cent out of (if I read it correctly, and even still, a small cut of 8 or so bucks minus sales, what steam gets, and the lion's share to IJC, isn't much if they do get anything out of it.)

If there was a way to punch people through the internet my arm would be worn out by now -,-;


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

On the one hand, I understand their argument. The weapons are technically a game-changing mechanic, allowing those with spare money to buy the weapons to have an unfair advantage over those without the money. It's a valid concern.


However, this is a team-based, co-op vs AI shooter in which there have been many, MANY free updates. Your teammate having a gun isn't going to let them overpower you in a fight. Because you two aren't going to fight each other. Because you're on the same team. And there's no duel option.

Like I said, I can see their side of the argument, but given Tripwire's history, and the fact that most, if not all, of the money from the weapon pack is going to the modders, I don't see the reason for people to feel 'betrayed'. They do, however, seem like a bunch of entitled little assholes. Who are going to continue to play the game. Yet bitch at any chance they get.

TLDR; seriously, people. 3 years of free updates and cheap skins, ALL MADE BY TRIPWIRE (with the exception of the IJC weapon pack), and this is what breaks it for you? A weapon DLC in which the money is going to the modders? Bunch of entitled, butthurt nooksuckers.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Technically I heard a lot of similar QQ happened when the IJC pack was made offiicial (cough, M90 Rifle, cough) due to how overpowered the weapons were pre-official. And it's not the first time Tripwire technically didn't get full proceeds to a project. Remember Ash? Trippy actually didn't make her, so technically they only get part shares of her from Killing Floor Gold Editions and the Ash DLC.

I think the biggest issue is everyone's screaming because they're not getting some new toys to play with for the lack of money unlike per usual. Personally, I see that if they're gonna give modders like this a chance, it's an excuse to go overdrive in the mod scene for a chance like this.

This entire update is filled with weapons (and changes) that stir up the game in whole new ways, really. Riccochete weapons (Vlad the Impaler, Buzzkill), a weapon that actually has some bite for the Firebug (Trenchgun), grenades you DON'T have to worry about in FF servers (Medinades), the nerfing of the M99, cleaving melee (Claymore and Scythe)... This entire patch has been a nice breath of fresh air, and all people can see of it is a price tag on the side for some of it :/

In short, [v, 5, 2]
[Gratuitous Lurking] : Insult Players
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